
Penguinboy17 years ago2006-12-20 02:20:17 UTC 0 comments
With so much happening this month, I haven't had any time to map at all! But I do have an idea for another Zelda-type puzzle, if I can get around to it. One of the earlier temples in Ocarina of Time, where you go through a twisted passage and the entire dungeon twists as you run through it. Then, when you shoot a button, the hallway straitens out. If you've played OoT you know what I'm on about :P

As for the things happening this month, it was my birthday on the 2nd, got my Wii on the 7th, I just got my Exit Statement from the Government, (OP2 for any Queenslanders out there), my mum's just had surgery, I've had to buy Christmas presents for everyone, and of course play my new Wii, show everyone in my family how it works, read quite a few books, lots of fun CS:S nights with the IRC fellas, finish playing OoT (I finished a day before I got my Wii with Twilight Princess :D ), and a whole ton of other things.

Watch this space, afterwards i will post a 'month in review' with lots of pics, lol.
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2006-12-19 16:07:18 UTC 0 comments
This is how my models looked on Valve Hammer Editor for today.
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kc8kjp17 years ago2006-12-19 15:12:22 UTC 0 comments
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Azoth7217 years ago2006-12-19 14:31:11 UTC 0 comments
I have no life, all I do is the following (in order of what is done the most):
  • Sleep
  • School (including homework)
  • Computers
  • Video Games (on platforms, not the computer)
  • Eat
  • Television
  • Chess
  • D & D
Perhaps this list will be updated once summer vacation comes along.
pepper17 years ago2006-12-19 13:33:50 UTC 0 comments
One good piece of animation:
38_9817 years ago2006-12-19 08:09:23 UTC 1 comment
May as well update, something i haven't done in for a while.

Anyway, what have i been doing...

Hogsfather movie (if you've read any of Terry's books you probably know what im talking about)

Other leisure activities...

That just about covers it.
Athlete17 years ago2006-12-19 05:31:43 UTC 0 comments
Whew, back from an all-nighter lan. It was awsome, especialy since there was TONS of pizza, drink and sweets. And lots of gaming (28 hour non stop), with tons of real-life 1337 speak. ;) "OMFG Jimmi you noob haxor! That was so un-1337". They also dont know my real name, so call me Jimmi. Also tons of leeching off the network, ah, 48 gigs of Japanese anime for me! :biggrin:
The_6th_Monkey17 years ago2006-12-19 04:21:20 UTC 0 comments
3rd Place

I now Need a 1st place to complete my collection :D
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2006-12-18 00:02:10 UTC 1 comment
Man before I tried logging on ages ago, it always seemed to fail. I finally realized (well actually I didn't my bro told me) that I had to enable cookies!! :furious:
kc8kjp17 years ago2006-12-17 14:19:53 UTC 0 comments
I am starting to work on half life 2 maps, I think that I understand half life 2 pretty well, but I know the original half life almost top to bottom. :nuke:
dragons17 years ago2006-12-16 20:45:46 UTC 0 comments
I was bored today and I've always wanted a .vmf to .map I wrote a program to do it for me.

You can get it here.

There is no error checking to see if the user put in something stupid :P so make sure you input existing .vmf files into the program.
Livewire17 years ago2006-12-16 14:03:06 UTC 0 comments
Finally! Valve is back up and I can continue with my map, I've been working on it for some time now, a few week's I belive, so I decided to post some screenshot's below, enjoy.

If you havent noticed already, It's not done yet :P
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I'm really proud of how this turned out, but ofcourse, it would not look half as good if it wasn't for Hunter's textures! Thank's man!

So, I'm going to keep on working on it for a few more weeks, the map is a rat map, where you're really really small, so you might be able to run around inside my PC if i get around to it.

That's all for now, cya! :D
Athlete17 years ago2006-12-16 11:45:06 UTC 0 comments
Ive found I much prefer to make THINGS (Like models/prefabs) than actual maps. It is just more my thing. Im currently making a VERY well made and realistic A10 Tankbuster. This can be used as a Prefab, or just to look at.

Here is what the real thing looks like.

Im having alot of fun, soon it will be finished - with all custom textures and whatnot. Im very proud of my current model of it I'm making (Actually made in Hammer), it is nearly IDENTICAL to the real thing.

Next up will proberly be a tank or maybe a chopper.
BJ17 years ago2006-12-16 10:32:37 UTC 0 comments
Uploaded an HL2 example map for constructing a combine gate, the blue shield gate used in Nova Prospekt and elsewhere.
Habboi17 years ago2006-12-16 07:45:35 UTC 0 comments
Like I promised I said I would get pictures...Well I only got two :)

I'm still working on it and I will be using custom textures for the curtains.
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