
Tycell17 years ago2006-12-10 12:01:27 UTC 0 comments


The planning for CSS snowy bomb map is comming together. Snowy is not the name, just a place holder for now. Not going to start work on it until Semi-Sphere AKA Silo is done.
kc8kjp17 years ago2006-12-09 11:49:21 UTC 0 comments
I am now in the third level of my second mod silent-running. I think that right now it is coming along much better than split second did. I plan on revising split second but there is alot to do. :furious: :P ;) :| :( :x :lol: :confused: :o
hlife_hotdog17 years ago2006-12-08 17:04:55 UTC 0 comments
A Christmas special is coming up for all those who hate Santa. Santa's Revenge should be released, hopefully by Christmas 2006, otherwise shortly afterwards. It will be a mini-mod using Spirit but you will only need the latest version of Half-Life to run it. Hopefully it will squish into a install file zipped up less than 2mb but if it's too big I will post it in two parts.
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2006-12-07 20:12:24 UTC 0 comments
I have uploaded my first Example map, it might be helpfull in some maps cause it shows how to put Turrets on walls, and I'm hopeing it does help, so check it out.
Snpbond17 years ago2006-12-07 18:06:03 UTC 0 comments
Yay, domain name for me!

Just bought , lookin good :biggrin:

Oh and Hello Snpbond! This is your 2222nd login. :)
kiLLjoy17 years ago2006-12-07 17:53:21 UTC 0 comments
Hey guys, i just joined this place a few minutes ago :) so a little bit about me:

I have just started mapping for counter strike and have nearly completed my first map smile :) . I do a bit of mapping for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy but not very often. I hope to become atleast a competent counter strike mapper :) and any help will be appreciated.
  • taken off my biography. heh im lazy :P
Rimrook17 years ago2006-12-07 13:31:21 UTC 0 comments
MODELS FOR EVERYONE!!! I'm so happy I got an awsome score on my portfolio reviews. However, they want to see more thumbnails, concept sketches, and game development stuff. As well as figure drawing but thats easy.

The next semester for me is gonna be awfully good since I have 4 classes. 3 General Education Classes and 1 Class in Model rigging and animation, which will probably involve HL models.

Like i said... MODELS FOR EVERYONEz!!!1!
hlife_hotdog17 years ago2006-12-05 21:42:50 UTC 2 comments
This is just to let everyone know that I actually don't have an internet connetion at home so I cannot check up on my stuff much at all so don't be bothered if I don't reply much to any messages!

Thanx. Hotdog
Habboi17 years ago2006-12-05 14:39:04 UTC 0 comments

My friend made a video trailer for his Media Coursework and I'm in it...Guess who says the corny line :P

My other friend made one too but I am not in it...


monster_urby17 years ago2006-12-05 06:18:43 UTC 0 comments
Day off. Fiancee has been at work since 07.30. Its now 14.30 and still no development happening on KinetiX. I've got a serious case of mappers block! :tired:
Strider17 years ago2006-12-05 04:34:24 UTC 0 comments
I accidently fucked up Venetia! Don't tell Ant... oops.

Wooo! - Ant

AJ17 years ago2006-12-05 04:18:12 UTC 0 comments
So Venetia's in Strideh's capable hands at the moment so he can apply some much needed hinting to it (I'm terrible at hinting). So in the meantime, I decided to dig up my old maps to see what would be decent enough to chuck on my website, considering it's rather bare at the moment.

Trainstation was one of the maps I found, a map that I was rather fond of. So I loaded it up into Hammer to see what it looked like: boy, what a mess. Horribly mapped, and rather boring. So I decided to start tweaking it. One thing led to another, which led to a total redesign and I'm quite liking the results so far.

Here's what trainstation looked like in its original form:

And here's what it currently looks like:
Rimrook17 years ago2006-12-04 04:43:13 UTC 0 comments
My Weekend Project. Take a look at it!

Don't worry, 6D had some dev too. :glad: :heart:
scrama17 years ago2006-12-04 03:05:35 UTC 0 comments
My 5th login... What I can write? Nothing... I need to work on Xash project. When I will finish my single map?
Dave93293217 years ago2006-12-03 19:09:26 UTC 0 comments
*%&!@#% invalid solid error! I tried to spice up the completely flat rocks walls into something remotely believable and I now have 14 errors.