
RotatorSplint18 years ago2006-09-03 15:00:24 UTC 0 comments
I'm currently in the process of making a race map for GMOD. This will be the first in a series of circuit-style race maps, but I also plan to add a few drag-strips on the one I'm currently making. Here's a pic of what i have so far. I know its not much, but i started it 20 minutes ago. :D

They're really not maps that I plan to make largely public - just a bit of racing with my friends and anybody else here who wishes to join us.
Saribous18 years ago2006-09-03 10:29:43 UTC 0 comments
Cryptopsy and Vesania concert tonight! 0wnage :heart:
EDEdDNEdDYFaN18 years ago2006-09-03 07:53:44 UTC 0 comments
Dead Meat18 years ago2006-09-03 04:26:07 UTC 0 comments
YAAAY!!!! episode 2 is gonna rule, those mini strider things.. and big open maps, that I didn't think the source engine could do.... any way I'm looking forwards to it very much.... so now I guess what I should do is complete episode 1 ;)
Orpheus18 years ago2006-09-02 18:00:42 UTC 0 comments
I didn't think it possible but my connection is now even worse than before.
Dave93293218 years ago2006-09-02 10:32:34 UTC 1 comment
I decided to go ZHLT lightflag crazy and set it to opaque on every single object in my first map. Bad idea. The compile took 7 hours and when i destroyed a crate, its shadow was still underneath it. And with all that func_wall(ing), I think I ruined a vis blocker as my polygon count never dips below 400.
flyingduck18 years ago2006-09-02 09:37:44 UTC 0 comments
Radio Bemerton is broadcasting its last day tommorrow, it will return :)

Hello flyingduck! This is your 100th login. Nice!
Habboi18 years ago2006-09-01 14:05:45 UTC 0 comments

Yes folks...YES! I did buy myself a website...YAY :o

Anyway as you'll notice it's the same as my freewebs site with a few updates of course...The reason is I don't have a new website drawn out and I'm hoping this guy will do it for free...hoping...

I spent the day figuring out how to edit my site :) Thanks Hunter for the help. Still you owe me for:

1. Hammer help
2. High graphic pictures
3. Gmod Server
4. Sex

Anyway some great news!

My mod has made slight progress...My modeller has actually got his first piece done - The sword and my concept artist has finished designing the main character.

I can't thank them both enough...They have worked so hard...Oh I shant forget my other artist...He started this after all...Thanks Jimmy! (Not our spammer friend before you ask, another Jimmy)

Now we have a player drawn out, he'll be modelled along with the rest of the concepts and then from there I can create a media piece and hopefully hire more talent.

Wish me luck with a thousand passions!
blood_valve18 years ago2006-08-31 23:22:05 UTC 0 comments
Check out my new Gmod comic :biggrin:
User posted image
rowleybob18 years ago2006-08-31 10:12:47 UTC 1 comment
I backuped my entire computer today!!!1

I win, Srry :P
Daubster18 years ago2006-08-31 09:04:37 UTC 0 comments
:nuke:The Mesa Times - Issue 4 is out :nuke:

Clicky! :)
38_9818 years ago2006-08-31 04:34:07 UTC 0 comments
I finally got myself a new avatar. Nuke the whales!1!!!11!
TawnosPrime18 years ago2006-08-30 13:46:26 UTC 0 comments
Hello TawnosPrime! This is your 686th login.

Fuck. I wasn't paying attention and missed 666. :cry:
38_9818 years ago2006-08-30 04:29:34 UTC 0 comments

Not a bad game, certainly worth the try.
Ansith18 years ago2006-08-30 02:56:38 UTC 0 comments
Hello Ansith! This is your 2000th login. Incredible!
