
Trapt18 years ago2006-08-14 23:19:26 UTC 0 comments
Hello Trapt! This is your 2000th login. Incredible!

Boxtop1718 years ago2006-08-14 22:09:30 UTC 0 comments
Well, I've decided to take up mapping again, and now more than ever I realize how much of a bitch mapping is. Origionally I wanted to do a nice cave with a little tram and a big tree in the middle, but creating the cliff walls was frusteratin, so now I'm going to finish that remake of Mappy I planned on doing but never got around to.

I'm starting from scratch this time, since the origional layout was boring and it didn't flow as well as I hoped it would.

Mappy 2 is going to take shape whether I like it or not, no matter how hard it gets. Eat my vertex manipulation, bitches!
Daubster18 years ago2006-08-13 23:42:24 UTC 0 comments
Hello Daubster! This is your 2000th login. Incredible!
:nuke: :nuke: :nuke:
srry18 years ago2006-08-13 22:56:09 UTC 0 comments
Got a new website up. It pretty much sucks more than the Freewebs one I had, so you probably shouldn't go there. :)
Blitzkrieg18 years ago2006-08-13 19:11:50 UTC 2 comments
Hello [GtB]Blitzkrieg! This is your 100th login. Nice!

lolz sweet.
Ag3nt-X18 years ago2006-08-13 14:33:07 UTC 0 comments
New Invasion 105 UPDATE v2.0
flyingduck18 years ago2006-08-13 10:43:54 UTC 0 comments
Okies my mappack concept:

Setting: Wrecked ship
Theme: Horror
Maps: 3/4

I'm thinking of having an interior airboat chace sequnce, inside the said wrecked ship I.E tox-crabs and super-zombies flying from xyz trying to feast on the players innards whils the player is trying to zoom through the ship in his/her little airboat

flyingduck18 years ago2006-08-12 09:44:47 UTC 0 comments

I've got HL2 (finally) with the Source SDK that goes with it, so expect some HL2 maps from my direction (and mehbe some CS:S as well).
Luke18 years ago2006-08-10 10:16:10 UTC 0 comments
Hello Luke! This is your 5400th login.
Habboi18 years ago2006-08-10 04:12:27 UTC 0 comments
Yay! Why am I happy you ask? I had a driving lesson earlier this morning and it was awesome. No mistakes and I cruised like a pro...We even talked to each other (The Driver Instructor and me) for once...We had a good laugh and talked about this UK British incident...He's going away for a week which is why he brought the subject up.

In other news...My mod is well slow like I've repeated a hundred times. I'm saying this cause I get people on MSN asking how progress is well you don't have to ask...Just read my journal:

Anyway my erm modeller has made the bird...However I'm not sure whether he has finished it...It looks similar in aspects but it needs work. Who knows but he's busy on MSN a lot so we'll see as time goes on.

As you know me and The Hunter are working together for once as business partners making 5 maps with the theme of horror. I'm trying my best not to do cheap scares but it's fun to make them...Plus they require complex entity set-ups and I'm too proud to remove them.

Hunter hates Hammer 4 with a passion and now Valve have fu*cked it up...He's trying...Bless him.

What you saw in the trailer is current as of today and the corny body bit? In-game...Yes I have bodies that float like the enemies in SH4.

I was inspired by the game itself and watched the trailer again...Listen to the sounds and watch the floating bodies because you'll be hearing and seeing this a lot:

Amazing trailer...Just so disturbing...I wish I could re-create that moan around 25 seconds...It's evil in a way that it sounds like he is really dying and not acting. I do own the game and I think it is far better than 1-3...Why? In 1-3 you are chucked in a huge city and forced to explore...I hate that but SH4 is linear in a sense...The puzzles are slightly tricky and I admit I get this shiver down my spine when I see a ghost creature climb out of a wall and attacks you...The sounds they make and the erie noise in the background just kills me...

So progress so far:

Map Intro: By Me - 60%
Second Map: By The Hunter - Not sure :P
Third - 0%
Fourth - 0%
Finale - We're working on this together but I have a few ideas I want to start off with.

So working together helps...We can produce twice the amount of gameplay now. Hunter has gotten really good at making architecture...I'm proud to say he is most likely better than me...He just needs to picture his scenes...Sure being good at architecture is great but you gotta make it look real...I had this corridor with nasty pillars and too many looked horrible so I made it believable...You just mess with entities until it looks right then you move on to the next room...I have to admit my intro map is the cleanest map I've made... Skybox properly made, gridlines set to a nice big number etc.

Be scared cause this map set is not your average map set.

The maps are for Gmod because it has all game materials and allows co-op.
I don't like Syrenity as much as Gmod so Gmod is the way to go.

Thanks for reading.
Gunter18 years ago2006-08-09 20:43:51 UTC 0 comments
Well, haven't updated in while have I? Making a new map set in a small town that is attacked by combnie. If the first map truns out well i'm going to try make it into a small single player game. Heres to this not turning out like Airship.
Elon Yariv18 years ago2006-08-09 20:08:16 UTC 0 comments
I am really happy now with my mapping skills. I am now making the most complicated and nice corridor I ever made. But instead of it boasting up the r_speeds to something like ~1500 wpolies, I predict it will stay around 800 wpolies without any big damage to the looks.
It will have two floors. In one floor there is a lowered part. The other is only around the edges of the corridor. In one side a platform in the other a smaller corridor that the wall that heads into the big corridor is made of glass. The ceiling is made entirely of glass with only a few support beams to support that glass.

The maps I'm working about show my recent progress and improvments. The first room has ~1500 yet it's the ugliest and is almost symmetrical, but still it's good. The corridor that connects the second room and the first is nice, I think it's very good for a single floor corridor. The only things that keeps it from being entirly simmetrical are a few pipes that I placed later on. The lobby is by far my favorate.(except for the new corridor) It has 800 wpolies and it's still very detailed, got two floors and a reflection.
I also have a small office in that map accecible from the lobby. I like it mostly because of the lighting. The light comes from a big window behind the desk and a desk lamp.

Overall this is my favorate black masa themed map I ever made. :cool:

I could never have made it without the help of the tutorials, entity guide and help of many of the forum members. I like to thank especially Captain P, who gave me very good tips, without them the map would be much uglier, kasperg, through his maps I learned alot about archtitecture and lighting, unbreakable, who helped me with spirit and gave me a few tips on how to make cool effects, and jimmi, one of his maps inspired me to make some parts of the latest corridor like they are, but his tips were more annoying then helpfull and many times wrong. :P

First room:
User posted image
User posted image
First Corridor:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
I'll stop my progress on all my present maps for a short while and return to the func_tracktrain tutorial that I nearly forgot about. :|
Rimrook18 years ago2006-08-09 13:07:45 UTC 0 comments
Not having HL takes the purpose out of TWHL... now its just TW...

so bored.....,.,
38_9818 years ago2006-08-09 09:04:38 UTC 0 comments
Wow, i have some good summer holidays but this one promises to be good.

Ive already been involved in several break-up parties and paintballing (the bruises still havent gone yet) and i even tried to do a bit of surfing down in newquay, cornwall on a small holiday there. Which ended up being almost comically unsucessful.

Also, in this journal post, im going to be posting a few things in response to a certain someones journal post to see if he'll return to the forums. Just a little try.

-People being clever? Hey, not everyones perfect. Its just natural to try and pass points and such and making ourselves look 'clever' tends to help get the message across. SO GET OVER IT!

-Narrowmindedness? Hey, if people choose not to take peoples advice they can do so. They can choose to ignore and such just as you choose to ignore the good side of the forums. But most of this view is probably based on the HL1/HL2 help threads where begginers immediately jump in head-first without taking a look around first. I have to admit thats a bit of a problem but not everyone is like that.

-Rehashing? Thats not surprising really, 1882 topics last time i checked. Thats an amazing amount, i wouldnt be surprised to find if the general discussion forum covered anything interesting. Also remember that there are gunna be some popular topics amoung the forums that give a bigger spark then others. Like religion threads for example. Many clones of those and no wonder, it has many exciting debates inside. Also remember that not everything is going to be covered and that some things are more interesting then others so are recovered more often.

-Lack of spirit!? Whats wrong with people having a little competition between each other? Sometimes it can go too far but hey, it cant always go well can it now? Not every competitive person is so easily restrained.

In short, get over yourself. As my uncle said ''to be a good member of the community you must help it confront its problems''