
Saribous19 years ago2005-03-04 15:16:08 UTC 0 comments
Actually, It felt alot better than I had expected it to feel.
Hard to explain, but.. I kinda expected to feel SOMETHING at least.

i guess i'm over her
AJ19 years ago2005-03-04 15:09:15 UTC 0 comments
Poor Saribous... :(
Saribous19 years ago2005-03-04 14:57:19 UTC 0 comments
My ex called about an hour ago. so i met with her to talk, dunno why she wanted to see me.

Anyways, it felt very..Empty.

J?vla Helvete.

Time for CSS!
pepper19 years ago2005-03-04 13:38:33 UTC 0 comments
GRRRRM, i just had to restart windows 3 times, it seems like this damn program cant handle idiling in the login screen :x
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-03-04 13:05:25 UTC 0 comments
buys illicit drugs with Pyroclasm's card

1160 downloads of my maps in the 'Vault. That's an average of 1.69/day. Nice to know I've probably helped that many people :).
Pyroclasm19 years ago2005-03-04 12:28:06 UTC 0 comments
I don't think that anyone actually reads these, therefore I'm going to post my credit card number here -

Pyroclasm19 years ago2005-03-04 12:26:57 UTC 0 comments
DM_hydrophobia died... because I'm lazy. But with spring break coming up, I might get to finish DM_arctic_complex.
SpaG19 years ago2005-03-04 12:02:41 UTC 0 comments
Hello SpaG! This is your 200th login. Whoa!
Younis19 years ago2005-03-03 19:15:03 UTC 0 comments
LittleTortilla19 years ago2005-03-03 18:50:56 UTC 0 comments
K, im not nice anymore... eat my shit bitch
M_gargantua19 years ago2005-03-03 16:36:59 UTC 0 comments
i really need to get some maps into the vault. I just realized I don't have a single normal map in it
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-03-03 13:10:40 UTC 0 comments
Looks like I'm gettin' a 2048kbps DSL upgrade for free.
blackravent19 years ago2005-03-03 11:29:37 UTC 0 comments
101st log in!!! :P
AJ19 years ago2005-03-03 00:54:51 UTC 0 comments
Nice, Rabid.
LittleTortilla19 years ago2005-03-02 10:30:10 UTC 0 comments

New screens of new map im working on, so far so good. Some are a bit dark but in that main circular room I want it to be that dark. The other areas I might need to tweak the light and color maybe, not sure if I like it the lighting that much, might need to go with a bright blue kinda feel instead of that yellowish color in some areas.