
SpaG19 years ago2005-03-01 06:18:06 UTC 0 comments
Logins (per day): 125 (1) :cool:
Dred_furst19 years ago2005-03-01 06:13:35 UTC 0 comments
new PC on thursday! yay! amd 3000+ 64bit and 512 ram, and a gigabyte k8vt800 pro mobo XD yaaay

and im gonna mod my first case! yaaaay! green cathodes for the win!
gussmuss19 years ago2005-03-01 01:50:01 UTC 0 comments
Hello and welcome to my journal.
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-02-28 20:05:12 UTC 0 comments
Logins (per day): 218 (5.891...)
Forum posts: 109 (2.945...)
Shouts: 7 (0.189...)
Maps: 1 (0.027...)
MV comments: 26 (0.702...)
Journal entries: 17 (0.459...)

The ... means go on and on.
Yes, I'm insane and actually calculate it, but I'm not that insane and did it on a calculator :P .
There's not much to write about in this journal...unless I spam :nuts: .
raiseyourfist19 years ago2005-02-28 15:56:24 UTC 0 comments
still drooling... but starting to map again.
satchmo19 years ago2005-02-28 14:18:34 UTC 0 comments
Habboi19 years ago2005-02-28 10:34:50 UTC 0 comments
Wheres snarkpit gone?
AJ19 years ago2005-02-27 19:29:53 UTC 0 comments
Garry's Mod does indeed rock. I'll always remember that memorable match Rabid and I had. We invented G-Manual Labour!
Vertigo19 years ago2005-02-27 18:39:18 UTC 0 comments
yay first journal entry, bitches :cool:
Saribous19 years ago2005-02-27 09:36:32 UTC 0 comments
lol chow, that was sooo fake. doesn't even look good :P
Saribous19 years ago2005-02-27 07:16:04 UTC 0 comments
Pwned Jahzel ;)
rowleybob19 years ago2005-02-26 19:58:41 UTC 0 comments
Hello rowleybob! This is your 423rd login.
doodle19 years ago2005-02-26 19:13:33 UTC 0 comments
woot we broke steam gw trapt and rabideh! now to make another map good enough to break it again! :D :P ;) :nuts: :badass:
LittleTortilla19 years ago2005-02-26 03:02:30 UTC 0 comments
quit working on canyon oasis for awhile and started on a remake (yes another one) of bespin mining station. Got the main trap room done and a small corridor leading to an elevator. So far it looks fucking awesome and the trap is gruesome as shit. I really like the brush work I did in this one. Its simple complex architecture. Kinda contradicts itself, so I guess you could call it "advanced noob architecture". Looks awesome in my book and the cubemaps make me drool. SHINY!! Lighting is going pretty good. The main thing I did different is im not rushing to get all the architecture done and make the whole thing look pretty at the end, Im taking it one room at a time and not moving on till that room is 100% done. Works alot better this way and it shows, and Im actually testing the map too heh, didnt do that in CO till I had the whole level done and I found out the scale was all messed up. But it still came out alright, luckily. Just got a lil bored with that map since I couldnt figure out how to fix the terrain by the pool of water to make it look believable. Its all f'ed up! I'll post pics up of bespin when I get more of it done. Right now I can only show you 2 rooms, which look awesome, but I'll hold off. IM SO EXCITED THIS MAP IS GONNA KICK ASS!!!