
toonton19 years ago2004-10-24 19:31:31 UTC 0 comments
Ok, I'm back, but I'm only here until I get back in school (2 weeks) w00t!
Dred_furst19 years ago2004-10-24 07:08:45 UTC 0 comments
Got dual monitor working! got a 15m bit of coaxal and successfully soldered two phono plugs onto it so i can use the tv out of my geforce 4! yaaay!
paulkennedy19 years ago2004-10-23 12:53:21 UTC 0 comments
I have updated my website so that now there is a frame on the left-hand side containing the links. There are still images however, unlike the original version with the links frame. Have a look.
Wrangler24919 years ago2004-10-23 05:44:25 UTC 0 comments
Oops...I seem to have wiped my ass with a Lemming...
AJ19 years ago2004-10-23 03:14:28 UTC 0 comments
Been a while since I last posted. Ironically enough, nothing has happened since my last post.

Oh well.
Peace and LOve19 years ago2004-10-22 16:04:43 UTC 0 comments
My bad Andy, sorry. Last time.
satchmo19 years ago2004-10-22 07:08:59 UTC 0 comments
"Museum Lockdown" is finally released. Once again, thanks to Captain P!

I'll be away for a few days. In the mean time, keep out of trouble but have fun.
Peace and LOve19 years ago2004-10-22 05:59:13 UTC 0 comments
An interesting development, one I previously overlooked in my gathering of evidence for the case.

I would like to refer to a statement released to teh press by Dr J Jehff MD PhD BSC, in which he clarifies some concerns expressed by the media of late:
there was no attempt to falsify intelligence in the Lucan/Anonymous connection dossier of October 2004, but rather that it was indeed an accurate summary of that intelligence
All evidence was gathered using the proper (and legitimate) methods, MI6 was involved, but was only used for surveillance, and at no time did they attempt to capture Anonymous, as there wasn't enough evidence to make a psychological evaluation at the time and it was unclear just how mentally unstable Anonymous/Lucan was.

I submit a report detailing the various stages of mental collapse suffered by Lord Lucan/Anonymous.

[note: all information herein we believed to be correct at the time of printing, the government of TWHL hold no responsibility on the matter if any or all evidence is found to be false, which it isn't]

Psychologial Evaluation: Case Study - Lord Lucan/Anonymous


January 18, 1967

Lucan is spotted boarding a plane at Klimante Airport, in the South American island of Puerto Los Salvadores. TWHL agents make a call to MI5 HQ requesting furtehr agents to be deployed in the South Americas in order to track any movements made by Lucan.

February 12, 1967

MI5 agents arrive and accompany Dr S Mephs PA PhD SSC, a psychological analyst unrivalled in his field, to the safe house in Rio de Janeiro.
He sets up shop and begins to analyze the data gathered by the agents.

October 3, 1960

Over a year later and the evaluation has almost concluded, thousands of items have been obtained as evidence and scientifically analysed by Dr J Jehff (who, at the time, was operating from a small mobile home in Kentucky).
Dr Mephs is rumoured to have received a phone call from an unknown source at 5:13pm and left the safe house at 5:16pm to meet with the source (who called himself "tontoon") at a pre-designated location.

Upon arrival Dr Mephs found himself in an abandoned dockyard, he navigated his way to the meeting point and waited.
Several minutes later a gang of fifty (50) street hoodlums appeared.
After dispatching forty nine (49) of said villians using a mystical Martial Art known only as Fu-Jit Yung, Dr Mephs apprehended teh ring leader and brought him in for interrogation by the TWHL agents.
Upon returning to the safe house, he finds it to have been ransacked, and all evidence and accumulated items have been destroyed or stolen.

Intensive questioning (and acts of horrific violence) persuaded the ring leader (name now known to be: "Santigo Meleuos") to divulge the name of the person(s) responsible for organizing the ambush.

The name he reveals is a shocking revelation; Lord Lucan.

TWHL Agencies now have to work in an even more covert manner as Anonymous is now aware of their presence in Rio.

May 13, 1974

Years later, and the investigation has only just reached the point at which they were at in Rio de Janeiro. Evidence has been re-accumulated and analysed by Dr Mephs.

There are several astonishing revelations revealed:

* Lucan has a genetic relation to the Tapier family, where and how this happened are still under investigation.

* Lucan suffers from several mental deficiencies, leading to random outbursts of gross mis-information.

* Lucan's parents seem to be living on in his head, constantly telling him what to do and how to behave, this leads Lucan to behave in an irrational manner, often perceiving others as a threat to his "mummy-kins". Dr Mephs has concluded this is a case of Oydupus Syndrome, whereby the patient harbours feelings of sexual desire towards their mother/father.

* Lucan decided on the name Anonymous after seeing another person use it as a way to undignify other members of the Global Community; and almost because of his unimaginative nature he assumed control of the name and proceeded to run riot, in an effort to free the demons in his mind, namely his desire to sleep with his mother/father.


It is due to Dr Meph's research that we know have a detailed profile of Lucan/Anonymous, and can begin to try and understand the mind of this fragile individual. Several MI6 units have been working closely with TWHL agents to locate Anonymous, however, his whereabouts have yet to be discovered.

Fear not, humble member, he shall be found.. and executed, after a trial of course.
satchmo19 years ago2004-10-21 18:51:47 UTC 0 comments
The "Museum Lockdown" map is near completion. Much gratitude to Captain P for contributing helpful ideas and playtesting (He even made an example map for me!).

You can check it out at the "Unfinished" section of the map vault.
davideo5919 years ago2004-10-20 17:19:51 UTC 0 comments

Anti-Anonymous Anonymous! Join today!
Rory19 years ago2004-10-20 16:38:37 UTC 0 comments
Christmas mod coming out from yours truely
rawr_solid19 years ago2004-10-20 15:56:17 UTC 0 comments
I am still confused about player_weaponstrip and how to place or link it in the map to make weapons go away ? i cant get it to work and in the tourtal it says about a list of guns and knife only in Player_Equip ? but all i see is nothing. there is no list ?
Peace and LOve19 years ago2004-10-20 10:36:23 UTC 0 comments
The Anonymous Conspiricies: Further Evidence

I have gathered further evidence in the Lord Lucan/Anonymous scandal.

I submit it here for your perusal.

Item Aa

The plane used to locate the Pacific island from the air

Item Ab

The boat used by Lucan to travel to the island

It is reported that this picture was taken by a government official who was in charge of the operation to track and return Lord Lucan to the United Kingdom for trial.

The official was later found dead in his home, due to unknown causes.

If you look carefully at the picture of Lucan's boat, you may just be able to see him sitting at the rear, disguised as a small Oriental woman.

Item B

An artists impression of what Lord Lucan looks like now

Notice the shabby clothes, an indication that he has squandered his fortunes on sundries such as this religious puppy and this diamond monkey.

Evidence suggests the monkey was a symbol of Lucan's struggle to take full control of TWHL, and showed his deep feelings of jealousy towards the one known only as Seventh-Monkey

Item C

Psychological evaluation has suggested his feelings of "noob love" have all stemmed from this incident, featuring his boyfriend at the time.
The comment "You're a noob" has been super-imposed.

Upon further investigation, we have compiled this chart to show a rational look at how noobs and newbies can be defined.


The inner ring shows how the main bulk of the term "noob" is populated, a moderate if not over-powering amount are simply lazy (or ignorant) noobs, while a far smaller amount are truly newbies.

A normal person's brain can quite clearly see that this is the case. However Lucan's brain is clearly deformed and obviously angry, look closely and you can make out a very angry face within the brain itself.

Item D

This shows Lucan after a particularly heavy night drinking on the island, he appears to have been raped by a gremlin, explaining the mental disposition of Lucan at this time.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2004-10-20 09:55:06 UTC 0 comments
Hurray, admin powers!

Getting a digital piano soon. Very expensive and very good. Not gunna have any money for a new graphics card though, might end up running HL? on this MX440 :
Peace and LOve19 years ago2004-10-20 06:12:26 UTC 0 comments
A good map is a good map, and given teh amount of tutorials and links to mapping sites there are at TWHL, it's amazing to see teh types of mistakes and errors taht people can get into their maps, I think to myself, jesus, did the yeven know there was a tutorials section here?!

So to close, I'd liek to say one thign to anyone that disagrees with how I do things:

Fuck you. Take it like a man, and give it back if you can; but don't try and defend your fuckign ignorance with personally deflamatory remarks that incite ill-feeling, I insult a map, not like I'm sayign the map fell out of your mama's arse while she fucked her twat with a dog chew, so get over it.

The End.