
satchmo19 years ago2004-11-12 19:26:07 UTC 0 comments
Seems like there might be a mass exodus of veteran members here. That would be most unfortunate, since TWHL absolutely needs quality members with lots of mapping experience to survive.

Everything goes in cycles (the economy, war/peace, ice age, menstration, etc), so I expect that the rampant spread of immaturity would end too.

Be patient, and give it time. If all the good members leave, what do we have left? Do you really want to see this community that you once cherished perish?

Stick around, and perhaps we can make a difference. If the Middle East is willing to negotiate their differences, so can we.
AJ19 years ago2004-11-12 17:53:55 UTC 0 comments
Oh such is the beauty of life...

Half-Life 2 officially arrives on Wednesday 17th November and that is when it shall be gracing my vision as well. I have preordered the standard retail version (and got a discount)! Such happy days...

On an annoying note, my compo map is looking like it'll be totally screwed. More news later.
Dred_furst19 years ago2004-11-11 11:26:28 UTC 0 comments
Yay! Bday today :D:D:D i got a 4gb mp3 player (creative muvo 2) and a book of optical illusions! Yay!
satchmo19 years ago2004-11-09 18:22:57 UTC 0 comments
"The Incredibles" is simply astonishing. If you ever were impressed by the graphics for a game, such as "FarCry" or "Unreal", the animation/graphics in the movie blow those games out of the water.

In comparison, they look worse than a horse's anus. Go see the movie yourself. In addition, I got to watch the trailer for "Episode III" on the big screen. It was a wicked afternoon.
Tetsu019 years ago2004-11-09 12:37:49 UTC 0 comments
ARGH!! im so frustrated.. Im seeking help as it is but i cant seem to fix the problem!... Stupid hammer.. cant wait til i get the source mapmaker :-). Anyway.. my window in de_space is giving you the ability to look through walls.... not cool and i have no idea how to fix it. People have told me but i still dont get it.. : Am i missing something here?
=Besides that, i started making bomb site b on de_space.=
satchmo19 years ago2004-11-09 07:31:46 UTC 0 comments
"Revenge of the Sith" trailer is out. Star Wars might actually end up with a hit? We'll find out.
satchmo19 years ago2004-11-09 07:20:45 UTC 0 comments
I am considering to re-make "Escape to Black Mesa" once HL2 comes out. I'll have better architecture this time, and it'll be a deathmatch map instead of SP.

It should make a fun DM map, with all the windows and doors.
Squirll19 years ago2004-11-08 14:11:12 UTC 0 comments
looks like i may end mapping. ben like a year since i last came here.
ive gone into java programming and smithing.ive just played my first cs game in months.
satchmo19 years ago2004-11-08 07:39:32 UTC 0 comments
Hey MuzzleFlash,

I did check out Alizee's website, and she's really cute.

You Dutch guys have great taste. Forget J.Lo or any of the other trashy American gals.

P.S. I am American.
ministeve19 years ago2004-11-06 16:18:44 UTC 0 comments
one fish, two fish, three fish, four fish, five fish, six fish, full bowl!


one fish, two fish, three fish, four fish...
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2004-11-06 10:04:10 UTC 0 comments
Got my Radeon at long last!

Mmm, shaders.
davideo5919 years ago2004-11-05 20:06:09 UTC 0 comments
OK, so everyone has been talking about TWHL going downhill, and now is the verticle slope. IRC has been so polluted that now we have a whole nother channel for spam. The forums are spammed, messy, and dirty, and nothing is being done about it.

I have actually devoted some time to thinking about what can be done about all of this.

There is nothing that we can do against the IRC issues unless we have punishments for spamming members. In my opion the best way to deal with this is to make an intra-site chat room so that it can be moderated using peoples accounts. Their accounts will have IP tracking to prevent multiple accounts. Punishments need to be set up for members who dissobey. Turning this site into a "do one thing wrong and your banned", though, is not where I want this to go to. Using punishments from taking away posting rights for a day to the severeness of being banned from the site for a week is where it should go. People will not stop if it continues like this, you can say whatever and do whatever you want and nothing will happen. EX) MoP / Jardaarsi hack into and screw with THWL's host cariad, so what if their posts and maps got deleted, nothing happened.

For the forums, if people don't like bad language, get word filters for the forums, or at least have a setting for each user to have word filtering on or off. We need a no flamming policy that is not to strict, but is enforced in bad situations (Anon / Palo). People get in a fight which ends up in spam which ends up with people not being happy. Having anonymous posting is a bad thing, because people cannot be punished in the ways that I have described.

Newbs are always going to come, go on their 5 map a day spree, and after about a month get better. It happens. Flamming them, doing bad things to them, it does not get rid of them most of the time, and it does not teach them anything. We should have an official page on this site that explains problems with newbs in the past and what you should NOT act like on this site. That way when there is a newb that is annoying the hell out of all of us, we can redirect them to that page and ask them to please stop.

Having good moderators, using the idea's that I have listed should make this site new and improved. Hopefully this will make sense to people who read this, and I would actually like it if someone commented on it in an email, explain if you think this is the right way or not.
satchmo19 years ago2004-11-05 19:11:19 UTC 0 comments
Less than two weeks left before HL2!

The mapping community probably slows down in this waiting period. Everyone wants to design their next map using the Source engine.

I, however, can't wait. So I released a map today. It's very small and simple, but it gives me something to do between twirling my thumbs.
Tetsu019 years ago2004-11-04 15:18:19 UTC 0 comments
I can't beleive how far de_space is coming in just 2 days i already have the bomb sites done and the lighting is phat. I have only been mapping (total time) for about 60 hours. Give or take, and i think im beginning to get better. a lot better, in fact. :badass: (<-- the shiz)
Im going to use texture lighting, not now, but later. Just because im in a groove now and i dont feel like hinting for the file i need to edit. :P
And a special thanks to ZombieLoffe, for giving me the ideas from the "Detailing textures" map. Kudos go out to thee, my friend.
Tetsu019 years ago2004-11-03 19:07:18 UTC 0 comments
Yup. I knew it. I think i'm going to have to scrap cs_skool. My first time consuming failure. Ill give it another week or so.. see if anyone can really give it the boost it needs. As soon as i think its ready, my friend has a server and ill send it to her. I will let all you know what the IP is. Get some publicity (can i do that?) for her server as well. Yea. The Unreal tournament level is on hold for now as of the giant brainstorm i recieved due to my current meditations. (I beleive strongly in the Psychic ultimate knowledge.) and de_space is the resuly of that.
As for de_time.. well.. maybe later since someone already has it out. I havent checked it out yet, but im sure its not worth the time if someone already made it. :D So, out with the old, in with the new. Pe@ce out time, Hello space.. w00t the 2 frontiers we humans are not even close to fully exploring. Yes. i WILL shutup now. :badass: