
krang2k19 years ago2004-11-03 05:36:23 UTC 0 comments
Dear Journal...
Im getting better and better to VHE..
but I can feel my magic power has began to vanish..
I will hurry train and train to VHE 4 come out so im master and rdy to make maps to HL2!

Tetsu019 years ago2004-11-02 18:08:38 UTC 0 comments
Heh, another map in progress i just got some inspiration for, Facing worlds, an Unreal Tournament CTF level. Only mine is for CS (the only game i map for) and it's going to be an aim map. For everyone who is familiar with the level, here are my ideas:
#1 Same spawn points. (behind and to the left/right of the tower)
#2 Shortened middle passage with 1, not 2 walkways.
#3 Place an AWP where the Redeemer was
#4 Low Gravity
#5 Free Kevlar where damage amplifiers were (above the main entrance corridor on the fence-like platform) for both sides.
#6 You cant fall off. (reduce EVERYTHING[such as r_speed, and wpoly counts])
#7 It's Going to be a scout aim map.
Its going to be challenging because i need to re-install UT to get the textures and the scale right. -=In other words: A hell of a lot of Print Screens, pasting, and well.. should be time consuming.
EDEdDNEdDYFaN19 years ago2004-11-02 13:15:39 UTC 0 comments

Working on a nice lil map pack'll pwn.

Basic story : You are Gordon Freeman and you declined to Gman's offer. Instead of being sent to xen, the gman takes you to an underground lambda facility, where you are placed in jail. A string of events occurs, mostly in your favor eg: A container falls on the one grunt guarding the outside facility, faulty jail bars that took a poke to fall, and a security system that doesn't really..well isn't secure. Basically thats all I have done so far :P. The intro will be view of the grunt getting crushed.

Happily, nothing custom in this mod, everything wad included incase I accidentally use something not half-life.
doodle19 years ago2004-11-01 22:39:14 UTC 0 comments
Dear Journal
I am writing in you for the first time cause i'm bored.
ATM making a map for the real world compo...
Gona be the whitehouse. Mapping is progressing nicely and this compo has already shown me knew things to do to make maps unique... :)

Bye bye journal (see you in hell)
/me pulls out a shotgun and blows the journal to pieces...
Tetsu019 years ago2004-11-01 18:48:45 UTC 2 comments
Map in progress(CS): de_time Temple of time from Legend of zelda ocarina of time. Basically, terrorists have to bomb the door seperating the master sword from the main hallway/room. This is going to be fun i basically have freedom on the outside. :cool: er. i have func_illusionary light beams and everything.. ahhahah.. its truley gonna suck because i suck. oh well.
Anonymous19 years ago2004-11-01 09:48:10 UTC 0 comments
sigh... how many more times are you going to claim this is over, then talk trash about me again? as i've said 20x before, no one wants to see this crap here... get over it and drop it once and for all. anyone can clearly see who the trolls are... but you guys will not get me to participate in dragging the site down with you any more.

and incase anyone has any furthur doubts about who is trying to keep this thing going, read this, then click the link he gave in his last shout at the bottom and read the posts that were made after both of us agreed that we would end this rediculous flaming.
01 Nov 04 04:34
Anonymous: if anyone can show me a forum thread where I made the first remark, or any other proof showing that I drug this out here, i'll admit i was wrong and go away

01 Nov 04 04:35
Peace and LOve: what is this shit?

01 Nov 04 04:36
Anonymous: if not, i'll keep defending myself against the false accusations that I'M the one instigating and trolling...

01 Nov 04 04:37
Hugh: Ah, PaLO, good timing. To the both of you: Drop this crap, the only people who cares about whether who's right or wrong is you two, while this whole thing effects/pisses off most everybody else.

01 Nov 04 04:37
Anonymous: i agree

01 Nov 04 04:38
Anonymous: i'll stop if you do

01 Nov 04 04:38
Hugh: Anyway, I'm going to bed, being a pseudo-mediator for this sucks. I'm going to say be civil to each other but naturally that couldn't happen, now could it... anyway, yeah.

01 Nov 04 04:40
Peace and LOve: Omg, I go away for TWO days, and all Hell breaks outm, this is why I am here, to take out trash like you man, please, give it a break

01 Nov 04 04:42
Peace and LOve: I stopped last week, if you notice my journal, my apologies to the mods (which are the only people, apart from the regs, I need to apologise to) - don't start writing shizzle in your journal that ..

01 Nov 04 04:42
Hugh: Argh. Congratulations, PaLO, for extending this bullshit. You both need to give it a break and stop whining about how the other person needs to give it a break explodes and really goes to bed

01 Nov 04 04:43
Anonymous: again... i'll stop if you do

01 Nov 04 04:43
Peace and LOve: just isn't true, because you're pissed off taht your 'war' isn't going how you wanted. I'll never apologise to you, you have done too much damage. I stopped flaming in teh shoutbox, and teh foru

01 Nov 04 04:43
Peace and LOve: Hey hugh, I;m not arguing

01 Nov 04 04:44
Anonymous: again... i'll stop if you do

01 Nov 04 04:44
Peace and LOve: Like I said, I stopped last week, bit of a shock to coem back and see this is still going..

01 Nov 04 04:44
Peace and LOve: Seeign as I couldn't have instigated anything by not being here..

01 Nov 04 04:44
Peace and LOve: FIN

01 Nov 04 04:45
Anonymous: well if you stopped, i will too

01 Nov 04 04:45
Anonymous: i dont think your maps are so bad... later

01 Nov 04 04:53
trapt: So now you admit to letting you disliking PaLO get in the way of commenting on his maps? As I said all along? Wow.....

01 Nov 04 04:54
Hugh: I don't think bastardizing either side's a really good idea at this point, Trapt.

01 Nov 04 05:01
trapt: That's bastardizing? All I was doing was stating that I was correct all along...

01 Nov 04 05:01
Peace and LOve:
click his link and start reading on page 2 starting with this post (which was clearly made after we both said this was ended:

[quote]"1. why do you keep following me around trolling for a response?"
Because you started a flame war against him in his map threads.. only difference between You and Him, and You and Me, is that I made so much noise about it that people took notice. Look what happened, they're bored of it, tired of listening to this pathetic flaming, when we're not here to flame, or war with one another, but to talk about:

Mapping Help
Site Suggestions
Maps and Mods

The actions of teh last few months have been rather far from those four simple guidelines. I, like I said, will never apologise, and I will never forgive you. But that doesn't mean we can't just ignore each other.

Stop insulting everyone, and maybe TWHL would be a nice place to live again.

My final comment on teh subject: The reason (I think) more people seem to be against you than they are against me, is because I only flamed you, I didn't attack anyone else.

Please let this end. I got bored of it 2 days after it started. I will admit everything you lied, uhm, sorry I mean said about me, I take full responsibility; yes I flame noobs, and I flame fy maps without giving any constructive criticism, sometimes I don't even download the map.
I think my maps are great and I always pick out little things about other people's maps to make my pathetic excuses for mapping seem worthwhile.
I also hate gays, facists, arabs and north american indians (for destroying their heritage through casinos).
I started everything by replying to your first post in Funessen's map and I am the only one to blame for everything.. ever.

You've got alot to quote up tehre to keep your arguement alive, I suggest we leave it at that though.
Posted on 01 Nov 04 05:01
by Peace and LOve [/quote]

just let it go... seriously, no one wants to see this crap here anymore. enough's enough.
Peace and LOve19 years ago2004-11-01 09:14:05 UTC 1 comment
Anonymous, you really are a complete and utter idiot.

You sit there on your throne flaming me and anyone who stands up and speaks out against your shit.
I would love to know how old you are and where you live, not for any malicious (that means 'bad') reasons. I'm just interested to see what kind of person would say the things, and make teh accusations you make and say.

Look at all the posts, flames, threads where we've insulted each other. You always play the big man squashing the insect. I always laugh it off and comment on your masculinity.
I don't know when you'll grasp the fact that this site isn't a place to go on moral crusades. And if there's somethign you dislike, wouldn't it be better to raise it with teh mods, and not start a flame war?

Yet after you start talking shit about it to other ppl in the shoutbox (something you flame me for), I take full responsibility and clear you of any wrong doing, ever.
Yet you still feel teh need to post an incitement to flame in teh same thread.

You're asking for a flame war, you get one, and you whine liek a girl about it.

I must stop typing now because I don't wanna be a sad little cunt like you and type wank in my journal just in the hope that someone will learn to LOve you.

Once more:

I started everything, I flame noobs, I hate arabs and spastics, I rape children and eat their flesh, I even started the Iraq war.

So pelase forgive me, it would mean so much if you could let me off this once! I promise not to be naughty again, I don't want you to spank my bottom :(
AJ19 years ago2004-11-01 02:01:38 UTC 0 comments
Rabid, Trapt...

I don't know what to say.

I too have noticed the continual degradation of the site's status during my stay here. The constant pathetic insults, the stupid questions, the inane comments. It's gone too far.
Andy, I'm suprised you've tolerated it for so long. No matter what some insignificant whelp might say about your leadership qualities, you still stand as an excellent and mature leader to a lot of people here. RabidMonkey and Trapt, you have every right to be pissed off because of the constant help and support you devote to the forums.

So what am I to do? Frankly, I've no idea. I'm disappointed that Rabid and Trapt are indeed leaving as I've enjoyed their company (as well as that debanoir Hugh) on IRC.
When I joined TWHL all those days ago, the atmosphere was...wonderful. I suppose a good thing can't last forever right? Atom's test project in PHP as evolved into a large mapping community. However, I think his tireless efforts are being exploited and misused in a way that I've never seen before. Our regulars are getting tired with answering the same questions over and over again, which I've noticed. I've also noticed the lack of interest in commenting on maps.

This brings me back to the initial issue: the large amount of crap that seems to have infested TWHL. A lot of things have been done to try and tone it down a little, but nothing's worked. In fact, it seems to have intensified. I'm sure that many more will agree with me here: I simply cannot take it anymore. Some of you people act like children who've nothing better to do than take the piss out of someone else. And no, I'm not only refering to the PaLO VS Annonymous war here. What once was a fantastic international community is now a ruined mixture of genuine members and ignorant little fucktards.

When the issue of people leaving came up last time, I was one of the ones who barracked for members to stay. Now I'm just not sure at all. When HL2 is released, my presence will probably, just like Rabid's, be devoted to HL2 mapping sites as I launch into my major project for Extension English 2. I will miss Rabid and Trapt if they do decide to totally abandon TWHL.

I just don't know what to do.

Another Goodbye?

Trapt19 years ago2004-10-31 23:46:52 UTC 0 comments
I have made the decision that if Rabid leaves, so will I. The reason I love this site is because of its fantastic community. But since the community has been ripped to shreds by certain fucking assholes, I might as well spend my time at the SnarkPit.

If things do however calm down before HL2 comes out, then I will consider coming back. But the way things are going now, I don't think Anonymous will be able to develop any kind of maturity over the next fortnight.

So I suppose this is a premature goodbye.

I will, of course, miss those people who do contribute to the community. I will still pop in IRC, only because of the fact that IRC doesn't have fucking tards in it, and it is a nice friendly area for people to catch up.

I'm hoping people will have a long hard thing about what they actually contribute to, here at TWHL. Have a good fucking long think about it, because I think a lot of people need to.

Now I have had enough of this fucking bullshit going on, and I hope that people can support my decision, and make up their own mind about whether they really want to be here any more.

-A REALLY fucking pissed off Trapt.
kol19 years ago2004-10-31 14:20:57 UTC 0 comments
Coil Media Update!

I'm going back to TWHL.. dunno why, i've pined away lately but i'm slowly making a return on the forums - why? dunno... : :zonked:
Trapt19 years ago2004-10-30 05:38:26 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 600th login.


Now for something completely different. Graveyard map is now about to get updated, as soon as I finish writing this journal entry.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2004-10-30 03:27:19 UTC 0 comments
In response to PaLO's suggestion that we ignore questions asked which are covered entirely by tutorials, I entirely agree. I had already decided to delete replies to such questions (with the exceptions of people pointing to the tutorial/tutorial section).
Peace and LOve19 years ago2004-10-30 00:57:27 UTC 0 comments
Interesting points made by Andy, but I think there's a particular reason behind this, the level of admins doesn't match the amount of members, and TWHL is pretty much a free-for-all. This brings in some unsavoury characters at times.

I think maybe it's time, as CP was saying, to stop answering so many questions, we/I (I notice 7th does alot of GMQ's help) seem to be constantly pointing peopel in the direction of tutrials, pehaps 'ignoring' them would be a good move, they'll soon get bored, and either look for themselves, or go away, either way it's a winner.

It sure isn't fair to the real newbies, but all teh information is out there. And not everyone can be a great mapper, or even be a good mapper.
Mephs19 years ago2004-10-29 03:34:07 UTC 0 comments

Honestly, I've hardly even opened hammer or looked at other people's maps lately. Which is pretty pathetic. :(

Hopefully I should have GTA:SA to look forward to later. Which is pretty awesome. :)
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2004-10-28 23:04:48 UTC 0 comments
I didn't even know there was a compo on at RUST, but even if I had, I probably wouldn't've been too bothered. I'm not aiming to make it in a very crowded industry when I'm older, I'm perfectly happy to share my experience with newcomers who just want to make something for fun.

Maybe that's just me. I can't see that there's anything wrong with that.