
simehong200020 years ago2004-06-15 01:28:20 UTC 1 comment
I was send some quesion but I my quesion lost in this forum! What the... :(
Captain P20 years ago2004-06-14 11:55:38 UTC 0 comments
Yes, the light beams tutorial is finally ready! Thank you for your patience... :)

You'll find the way... I hope it's comprehendable, since it's not proofreaded yet. So please give me comments on it so I can tweak the tutorial a bit. Succes with it!
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-14 04:49:18 UTC 0 comments
hey. again.... ok im now suffering from a hang over.... :S and its all beckhams fuilt, anyway im not really upto much at the momment still trying to get malevolence finnshed but hey it will be released in good time.

anyways i have a date tonight and i mean "HOTDATE" so wish me luck :P
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-13 14:50:49 UTC 0 comments
i dont normally watch football (soccer to the rest of the world) but i always watch the major games when england are playing.. and i cant believe we just lost to the french that totally sucks ass, i hate this country. :( im going to go and get more drunk now....
hazardous!20 years ago2004-06-12 11:57:11 UTC 0 comments
Wheeeeeeee! :) :) :)
Finally I got an Internet connection at home.
From now on, I can get on your nerves all the time. :D
me <-- is soo happy!
zeeba-G20 years ago2004-06-12 04:01:25 UTC 0 comments
hey does anyone know where i can find some lists of the scripted sequences for some monsters. wow there are so many i guess you could probably guess some like poke for tentacle and hunt and kill for the head crab hehe jk. but if anyone does know just type it in your journal but ima be gone all day today so wate a while. by the way i alwready got the scientists hehe lol aww you know that part where the alien grunt bangs on the glass? man ima make him banging on some drums add a scientist hanging from a rope(looks like hes dancing)some music and bam ... a cheesy music mod.
SiI_3nC320 years ago2004-06-12 02:02:22 UTC 0 comments
Finished my tutorial on spiral staircases! :P
zeeba-G20 years ago2004-06-11 13:09:32 UTC 0 comments
WOW.I found out how to make any weapon in hl shoot missles. First you need console in half life so in run type in hl.exe -dev -toconsole than while playing half life get out your rpg and waste all of its ammo. bind a button to impulse 101. when your rpg is out of ammo scroll down to another weapon of your choice and than push q to get back to the rpg. push the button you binded to impulse 101 and shoot. lol weird. oh yea and if you use the grenade or lasertrip it looks like he throws the missle :o
BrattyLord20 years ago2004-06-11 10:30:59 UTC 0 comments
Hello BrattyLord! This is your 500th login. A true TWHLer!
cyber-drugs20 years ago2004-06-11 05:36:46 UTC 0 comments
My map is nearly completed, I've learned quite alot in the process of making it, and I graduate soon, so soon enough I'll be able to make loads of maps without any worries about uni :)

Cyber-Drugs :cool:
SiI_3nC320 years ago2004-06-11 03:59:52 UTC 1 comment
New map in the map vault.
Its crappy, yes, but it only took me 20mins. ;)
zeeba-G20 years ago2004-06-10 13:41:35 UTC 0 comments
Thanks a lot lazermaniac lol man i would of never thaught of that. i tried making the velocity higher but i didnt think about the gravity :lol:
Meatwad2k20 years ago2004-06-10 12:52:34 UTC 0 comments
McDonalds forgot to put the CHEESE on my CHEESEburger today... how low is that.
Howdy20 years ago2004-06-10 11:54:08 UTC 0 comments
back to making DOD maps...
hmm... is there dod for steam?
Crusader_bin20 years ago2004-06-10 10:59:39 UTC 0 comments
Journal? And What is that for? :nuts: