
kol20 years ago2004-05-30 01:39:40 UTC 0 comments
As the other guy for the Project - i think its about time i confirmed a lot of what Andy said..

So here it is: Yes, its all true.

If you feel used then you shouldn?t be ? all your hard work was, in the end for you. Nobody kept any work submitted so don?t worry about people running off with your maps..

What now?
Andy: [see journal]
SlayerA: [Programming Oracle]
And Me: [Back to work on Coil]

I feel that a good part of the downfall was orchestrated by myself, ? so thank/blame whatever..

Just as a little bit of good news: The Project may be dead, but that doesn?t mean anything yet ;)

If you want more info just clicky here and ask.
AJ20 years ago2004-05-29 19:43:57 UTC 0 comments
Sorry Andy, I think it was bad timing for most people (including me) and some people didn't like the idea. (However I have no idea how to make em talk!! I've never done scripted sentences before otherwise I would have done it!)

Hello Anthony! This is your 600th login.
Captain P20 years ago2004-05-28 12:27:44 UTC 0 comments
Screenshots of my entry for the contest are now available on my portfolio:

Search for the map called 'The Playtest'.

A download is now available both on my portfolio and on the site. Have fun with it!
Captain P20 years ago2004-05-28 09:49:09 UTC 0 comments
How nice... I just found out someone rated my map 'Detention over a hundred times with one star... really funny... NOT!
It was rated about 8 times, 5 stars, and downloaded 146 times.
Now it's rated 114 times, 1 star and downloaded... 147 times.
Something tells me someone tried to be annoying. Well, he succeeded.

Further news: I've send my entry for the compo. Let's hope the best of it!
As for my exams, they're going very well. I've done 6 of the 7, and all of them went pretty good.
LaZermaniac20 years ago2004-05-28 09:16:11 UTC 0 comments
40th logon! woot. my attempts to get into a college summer program have so far failed because the entry test has overflowed with people. I 'm gonna keep trying...
agentorange20 years ago2004-05-27 12:50:29 UTC 0 comments
I uploaded a bunch of my initial practice maps that ive done in the last 2 weeks. Im going to do one more quickie practice CS map and then work on a more serious idea that I've been brewing up.

And I really need to put some effort into getting my site up.
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-27 09:33:19 UTC 0 comments
been having some really major problems with HL malevolence so the project is on hold for a while wilst i carm down from all the stress its coursed me.. lol.. but in the mean time i've been working on a new version of my web site. :)
Dublo20 years ago2004-05-27 02:52:37 UTC 0 comments
w00ty w00tpecker, i just completed my third map. :P
Loque20 years ago2004-05-24 10:09:58 UTC 0 comments
I'm now confused, there is a certain message around here that for some reason is so confusing to me Bleh!.
Howdy20 years ago2004-05-23 12:43:18 UTC 1 comment
Hmm... yes... ok... emm...
i need a compo...
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-05-23 06:14:16 UTC 0 comments
Glad to see you back Loque
Loque20 years ago2004-05-23 05:13:09 UTC 0 comments
Well I'm back after a long visit to the hospital. For those who want to know what happened I had my left arm clipped by a drunk driving a car and the effect was several tendons where snapped and a part of my bicep was cut. So I had to stay in hospital while I was recovering, they only got the guy when he ended up crashing later on. So I'm way behind lots of things. I've decided to postpone my DDDI mod and when HL2 comes out transfer my work into the new format, But my thread is still open.
Terrel20 years ago2004-05-22 08:01:22 UTC 0 comments
i love the hovercraft for HL 2 :nuts:
Tomaatti20 years ago2004-05-22 07:51:42 UTC 0 comments
Plaaaaaaah. :badass:
Captain P20 years ago2004-05-22 05:42:39 UTC 0 comments
My contest entry is nearly finished. Only 50 % of the voice acting and 20 % of the level design to do. Be prepared for some unsuspected kind of action and involvement! :nuts: