Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-30 23:58:42 UTC
in Null texture insanity! Post #150006
Actually, "Null" was my default texture in Hammer in my last HL editing days: I?d always do all the architecture and geometry with null textures and then just walk around in the 3d view window texturing all visible stuff. Then play, note down any mistakes in a piece of paper and get to Hammer again.

Toose, to have the "Null", "Hint" or "Skip" textures, get the ZHLT pack. These are the tools designed for HL when it comes to compiling (Hammer comes with Quake?s ones, I think) and the pack includes a ZHLT.WAD file with these textures.

Did you know that WAD stood for "Where?s all the data?" in good old Doom days?.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-30 23:48:38 UTC
in Titles Post #150005
Hey, I got an award and this... "Content contributor"... It?s been a while since I?m not around here anyway but thanks to whoever awarded me ;).
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-30 23:46:55 UTC
in Dream Post #150004
My biggest dream... I don?t know, reach a status of complete happyness. Even better, make the world a better place.

Goes back to smoking and drinking.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-17 14:28:20 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #121623
Erotomania - Dream Theater. Wow!. New smilies!!. :aggrieved:
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-14 15:01:54 UTC
in Married Post #120830
Congratulations on your wedding... You know, we all have to do it, sooner or later :P.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-11 13:38:56 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #120309
a very good song
Of course it is XD!. These guys are really good in their style.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-10 21:46:58 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #120202
Moonspell - Ruin and Misery.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-10 21:45:44 UTC
in Really SLOW Compile Post #120201
Try also to look for light issues... If leaks shown, you would tell us, but maybe you?re putting some complex light system there or whatever. Try to compile another map you know it?s rendering time and compare it to see if it?s bigger. If remains the same, must be a problem with your map.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-06 16:06:23 UTC
in People You Like Here On TWHL [closed] Post #119180
[QUOTE]Malboromental - for being a real ol' timer[/QUOTE]
Not that old, but it has been some time :).
[QUOTE]Marlborometal - for his great taste in music[/QUOTE]
Indeed ;).
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-02 19:06:29 UTC
in WAre you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Post #118276
Hi there 7th!!!.

Yeah, Kol was around when I arrived... And his avatar had the same concept.
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-30 20:21:57 UTC
in WAre you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Post #117965
Thanks to you, for referring at me :).
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-30 15:52:53 UTC
in WAre you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Post #117935
Am I a classic :P?. My join date is 20th September 2003, though I was around before, just asking questions and taking advantage of everything this site has to offer... But somewhat you feel like you have to give something in return, so I registered and tried to help as much as I could.

The old days were inmensely gratifying, since there was a lot of people who were new to these and we would help each other and stab ourselves in the back :P.

Anyhow, I?m here, not exacly active since I?m mapping for good old Doom2, but still available asking questions people forward me to my mail and with hopes to come back to regular HL or even learning this Spirit thing... You know, I have unfinished business with HL :).
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-30 15:44:39 UTC
in People You Like Here On TWHL [closed] Post #117934
Vassy... He?s still around :P.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-25 09:41:27 UTC
in People You Like Here On TWHL [closed] Post #117039
Andy. He?s a very nice person. Well, and the rest I talk to.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-25 09:39:50 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #117037
Myself - Con la frente marchita.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-11 21:46:22 UTC
in SAS (Sing a Song) Post #113825
Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 08:55:08 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #113550
Morbid Angel... Something, I don?t have the cover around right now.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 17:39:00 UTC
in Can Barney have your faces? Post #113001
You look like a friend of mine Saribous... Only he?s blonde and seems to have longer hair :P.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 17:37:21 UTC
in your Language Post #113000
I don?t get a thing XD!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-02 06:10:53 UTC
in your Language Post #112214
Hmmm... I can?t teel since I lost their track. Not that I?m interested in following, but...
Though I was born in Andaluc?a, half of my family is from the middle of Spain and some roots seem to go to Germany... But, anyhow, when I said "My ancestors" I didn?t want to mean my direct ones, but you know, the people who inhabited this soil before. Still, this is an old topic, you may meet people whose surname is "Pizarro" and they actually have nothing to do with this guy. Bloodlines is something fun, one of my teachers was a niece of a great writer XD!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 17:50:45 UTC
in your Language Post #112165
Sniff... Don?t remind me of our Invincible Armada now... It makes me sooo sad...
Serious now, it?s quite (and I mean, QUITE) sad what spanish people did in the past. Is not good to kill, boot and pillage everything around just because you think you actually found it. Those were other times, other minds and other people, but the memory of all genocides lives on. I can only hope a better world for the future, without the atrocities that were done in the past by many, among them, my ancestors.
And now a little translation of this:

"Spanish conquerers thought the owned the world".

"Los conquistadores espa?oles pensaron que el mundo era suyo".
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 09:30:25 UTC
in your Language Post #112110
Ahhh... South-American spanish :). Believe it or not but it?s quite different from the spanish we speak in Spain (:nuts: arghhh XD!!!). For example, zingo could be what you said, as well as chinga, but in Spain it has no meaning. You would have to use another words like... Errr... Better keep my mouth shout in this one XD!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 19:24:37 UTC
in 12 Yearold Guitarshredder Post #112040
You hit it right Pepper... I think that music and playing an instrument is about to feel good and transmit things when you play... Certainly that speed is fun but, trust me, it?s only as hard to get as it is to learn to speak or type fast. The one and only really important thing is what to say and how (that?s why Hendrix will always reign supreme :P)... I hope this kid knows about that since he obviously has a talent with technique that should not be wasted.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 19:21:43 UTC
in your Language Post #112039
Surely it has something to do with "noob"... Wow... 1337 english slang is so international!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 08:37:45 UTC
in 12 Yearold Guitarshredder Post #111916
Hehe. He reminds me of me when I was into that kind of shredding stuff :P.

Also... I?d swear he?s Michael Romeo?s son XD!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 08:31:47 UTC
in your Language Post #111915
LOL XDD!!!!.

Yes, descomunal is huge but there are many words revolving around bug sized things... Gigante (giant), gigantesco (gigantic), enorme (enormous), descomunal (literally "Non common"), colosal (from colossus), grande (big)...
As well as we have for small things like peque?o (small), enano (hmmm... dwarvish XD), minusculo (the most small), miscrosc?pico (you know, microsc?pical)...
Of course there are lots of phrases with no sense that refers to size like "Es un nada" (literally, it?s a nothing) that could mean something is really small.

You can always count on me logging to speak about languages :).

Zombie and Saribous, no, I?m not going to name sexual organs so you can play with these words XD!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 05:57:24 UTC
in Making a small LED type light. Post #111883
Wasn?t also possible to make a func_wall brush that was always lit and you could see in the dark?. Sort of the func_water thing... I need to map a little for HL again. Doom limits are making me think simpler XD!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 05:55:44 UTC
in your Language Post #111882
Well, "careto" comes from "cara" (face) so it?s a somewhat funny or despective way of saying "face". I was referring to the big smiley.

And... I can?t believe. Is Jester!!!. And has a John Myung bass on his avatar... Arhhggg!!!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-30 12:39:16 UTC
in your Language Post #111741
What?s that?.
Wow!!. That smiley is almost as big as my screen!!!!

?Qu? es eso?.
???Guau!!!. ???Ese careto es casi m?s grande que mi pantalla!!!.

Notice we use a pair of "?!" and "??" for exclamations and interrogative sentences. Isn?t it cute :)?.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 18:59:41 UTC
in your Language Post #111605

Hi to all: Hola a todos.
I?d like to kill you all: Me gustar?a mataros a todos.
It?s been a long time since I don?t post: Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que no posteo nada...
And a long time will past until I post again: Y pasar? mucho tiempo hasta que vuelva a postear.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 11:05:11 UTC
in important-spread the word Post #110103
Fast Food is just what it?s name means. Food to eat when you?re in a hurry. Eating too much fast food is as bad as living in a constant stress so you can guess how bad it is to do both things... Seriously, I see nothing bad in eating some fast food from here to there (though I never do) but, being a sane feeding the thing that moves us during the day we should eat good stuff... Yeah, spanish Jam?n Serrano XD!.

And well, it?s not about being stupid. It?s just that media has a great influence in people... Such a great influence so Jarred, want to write an essay :)?.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 10:59:24 UTC
in How to fight it... Post #110100
Yeah, that?s good. This way you can keep my memory if I?m drunk or something ;).
What happened to Jobabob?. I suppose he doesn?t pop up often... Hey Pepper!!. That?s a surprise!. Maybe I said this before, but I thought you?ve left here!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 19:04:31 UTC
in How to fight it... Post #109924
Yes, I am.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 19:50:35 UTC
in Translation request Post #107159
Good spanish there Kasperg :).
I?m so proud of my own language.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 00:08:41 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #98069
Ohhhh... Damn, you could close this one!!!. TWHL is evolving into some different thing so??.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 20:05:53 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97607
Hmmm... Sweden and Norway aren?t the third world...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 20:02:46 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #97602
I think this was the first one :P.
Nah, serious, I remember when I joined... There were hardly 3 or 4 pages of HL questions and one of stuff LOL!!!!. I don?t know in wich point stuff and maps and mods forum where added but I like to think that at least one was my idea :P.
The first post... I suppose it was about "Hi, I am ATOM and rule in here Muahahahahaahaaaaaaa!". Nah, no clue. Where?s atom, by the way?.
Check Japanese band Anthem!!!.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 19:10:04 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #97180
What did 7th mean???.
Hey, Zombie has improved his skills :), maybe it?s the texture pack he?s using but his project looks a whole lot better than the first things he did.

Allegro in Italian, is, in fact, the direct translation for "Alegre", meaning "Happy". So, when you say "Me alegro" you really mean "I?m getting happier" or something like that ;).

Bigger is better, everywhere :P.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-14 20:30:25 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #96902
Let?s seeee... Add more music to my personal list and let?s go slow:

"The frogs are the tools of satan" for Saribo(ri)us
"Las ranas son los instrumentos de Sat?n". Tool is "instrumento", "herramienta", something to be used by someone and, more specifically, things that help you repairing stuff :P.

7th, good, nice that you understand so "Me alegro" ;). "Lo" is... something complex, when you say "Now I understand" you understand something, being that something the direct object, the thing that recieves the action ("Understand" in this case). Well, "Lo" plays the role of the direct object substituting whatever you understand. For example:
"?Entiendes esto?" "Si, lo entiendo" -> "Lo" plays like "Esto". Once you get used to it is easy. By the way, "Lo" is for male and "La" for female so... Whenever you see "Lo" or "La" it?s taking the place of something that appeared before.
For a little fun, try to translate this:
"Zombieloffe ha mejorado haciendo mapas!!!".

This thread is... evolving LOL!!!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-11 21:21:25 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #96432
Comprend?... The stress is damn right (not all people get it) but it should be "Comprend?" as you?re stating that you understood. Comprend? has no meaning... Well, if you?re andalusian like me you could even say "Comprend?" as a deformation to "Comprendes" but "Comprend?" is the word.
Anyhow, "Comprend?" is not used that much since it tends to sound mighty posh or even robotical :P. You could use "Ahora lo comprendo" (Now I understand) or "Ya me he enterado" (I get the hang of it).
Ask me what you want to know about spanish :P.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-10 22:29:23 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #96285
Got a big work with you to speak perfect spanish!!!!.
By the way, add Jimi Hendrix and some French pretty music to my list.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-10 11:08:35 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #96134
Hey, I?ve got a new computer, who knows if I?ll be able to get back???. At least, light renderings would take less time for me but since I?m used to Doom Legacy scripts I found hard to make storytelling in Half-Life... What the hell, maybe I?ll get back some day :).
My god!!!. Now I realize is SariBous!!!!!. I always read Sariborious LOL!!!!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-10 11:06:33 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #96133
Kasperg, the thing is that Globo does not only mean balloon but also "World" or "Planet" :).
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-10 02:04:48 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #96104
LOL at the transparent computer XD!!!!.
Spanish is always so fun!. Now here comes lesson one :P. "La m?sica rock es lo mejor del globo" :D.
Lament, that?s so great!, I mean, up to 300 bucks... Crazy!. Here, as always, is getting harder and harder. Strict noise politics, concert halls being closed here and there... It?s such a shame since there is some sort of local activity going on. You know, bands meet, rehearsal together, have a few drinks and such but it?s actually quite hard to play live :(.
Hey DieH@ard!!!. I didn?t remember your names and always called you "The cool accordion guy" :P. I didn?t listen to that album since their second one was a bit of a dissapoinment for me. I mean, Legendary Tales was a great album, almost legendary (you can feel Sascha Paeth and Miro?s touch in it ;)) but the second one lacked the crazy soloing and fast double bass drum stuff. I found such a satisfaction, however, in the Italian Power-Metal band Labyrinth. It?s nice stuff although the production makes it sound like crap :P.
7th, you always talk about people I don?t know LOL!!!. I guess sometime this year may be time to open my mind a little bit :P. And if I knew Zombie liked Dream Theater maybe I hadn?t flamed he that much :P. Just kidding, guy :).
And talking about Dream Theater... Best Progressive Metal album ever: "Images and words" :).
Well, gotta go now. See ya next time I pop around!. Just remember, this thread will NEVER die!!!!!.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-10 01:53:45 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #96102
Trust me, SlayerA is really genious... I remember playing that Minimicus and thinking about how much I could learn from it. Overall, it was a quite original work!.

Hi there BrattyLord. Was a real pleasure to help you with keys, I mean, that tutorial was done precisely to share knowledge and help people out... It always pays to be nice ;).

It?s not like I?m back anyhow (Hi there Sariborious and 7th!!!), I just pop in from here to there, you know, to see how things are going around. Simply, I can?t forget.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-07 22:37:44 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #95775
Now, I?m so proud of the number of replies in such an old post.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-07 22:26:41 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95772
SlayerA is some sort of Map God here... He is also so nice (or was, when I was around here) when it comes to answer questions and, if I remember correctly, he has an adequate sense of what a community and respect should be.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-02 22:21:49 UTC
in Respect the mappers Post #94685
That?s fun, I mean, in the band I play we?ve got a song called "The Hunter" :P.
Hey Sariborius, I ask, is that you on your avatar?.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 20:23:10 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #89564
Hi guys!. Interesting questions... Very... Interesting.
Hi there Sariborius, Monkey, Kol (I thought you left as I did :P) and people :).
Sariborius, is that you the guy in your avatar??.