Forum posts

Posted 2 months ago2024-12-16 19:34:40 UTC
in Soulless Venture Thread Post #349412
ooooh, i dig pics 5 and 14, cool dystopian vibes
Posted 2 months ago2024-12-06 16:40:34 UTC
in Weird issue with decals Post #349389
You can also use Ctrl-M to scale the brush by less-than-1 factors to make it thinner, if you're using JACK. Or you can use its vertex scaling feature in the vertex manipulation tool.

On top of that, the 1 unit gap is much harder to notice than you think when you're not looking for it, and when people do notice it anyway, it's no big deal.

Now, about the decal thing, I only remember that messing with decals.wad is one way to cause similar problems. It is advised never to modify it or provide your own. But that's all I know.

You can achieve decal effects with sprites too, iirc. The303's website has a lot of info about it.
Posted 2 months ago2024-11-28 06:52:07 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #349367
User posted image
last room before the proper maintenance tunnels chapter intro. Needs some furniture, which is the tough part
Posted 2 months ago2024-11-21 21:55:05 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #349361
Posted 4 months ago2024-09-23 15:11:21 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #349180
Posted 5 months ago2024-09-03 21:40:52 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #349129
Posted 5 months ago2024-09-02 16:28:15 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #349121
made a cool beam today
User posted image
Posted 1 year ago2024-02-18 09:11:59 UTC
in Forum dead? Post #348584
In the past decade phones have practically enslaved us. It is now impossible not to check your phone several times per day. People mindlessly scroll through stories, reels and other forms of short form media shit.
This. I used to laugh it up a long time ago, but at some point I realized I easily end up spending 5-6 hours on average just staring at the phone reading any unread public chat messages, or checking out the memes. Even when everything's been read, I end up re-reading old stuff instead of doing something more interesting.
Posted 1 year ago2024-02-07 10:15:41 UTC
in Transition Doors Post #348566
You can use an env_global. It's an entity that acts as a switch, whose state is shared between level transitions. There's a tutorial, too: Tutorial: Globals.

Using that, a multisource, and the "Master" property on the trigger_multiple, you can disable it after the player activates it by entering the area, and reenable it once the player leaves it and enters the other area.

I'm hazy on the specifics, but after some experimentation with entities you should be able to engineer a solution on your own.

Sounds pretty complicated though: hard to set up and utilizing a lot of entities per one such transition. Use such setups sparingly.
Posted 1 year ago2024-02-04 16:41:23 UTC
in Forum dead? Post #348548
Between the two, it's kind of like the choice between having a bag of candy handed to you or going to the kitchen and cook a healthy dinner.
we're lucky to have both ;)
Posted 3 years ago2021-08-13 22:54:30 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #345878
Here are some ideas:


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Hosted externally on GameBanana (click on the preview)
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Never Ending

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Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6180


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Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6413


Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6363


Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6395
Microsoft is developing a command line parsing library if you're open to using something non-standard:
Oh my fucking god, that's love at first sight.
...or sounds like it at least.
Is trigger_counter even a thing? I've never seen it in the fgd, and even then I doubt it's anything more than just a castrated game_counter variant.

abbadon's picture shows two trigger_counters: one point-, one brush-based. Hasn't HL always had the game_counter point entity instead? trigger_counter is a Quake 1 entity AFAIK.
Posted 3 years ago2021-07-15 12:24:33 UTC
in spanish translation for goldsrc wiki Post #345777
TWHL is an English community
Not really true :D
there's no plans to support other languages officially on the site
That's a shame, because I could also contribute some translations. Would be nice to have a wiki-like system with the possibility of multiple versions of the same page for different languages. Guess that's hard to implement or smth tho, not a webdev myself. And would be hard to control if there are no trusted fluent speakers of a particular language.
Mapping for Goldsource-like engines is far more fun because you don't have to deal with the boring crap, like cubemaps, prop modeling, materials, etc.
So dew it man. Maybe the mod won't even end up dead, who knows

but i'd still make a concept-test map if i were you
then, if it's good, develop it into something huge

and just a prsonal observation: the less you talk about something you're doing, the higher the chances are that it wont die
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-19 19:27:41 UTC
in light_environment not casting light. Post #345256
Texturing all of the sides with the sky texture seems to have fixed it. Thank you!
This also seems to break env_rain in CS 1.6. Better always keep your sky brushes SKY 'ed on all sides.
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-12 10:41:01 UTC
in Need help with broken buttons in mod Post #344396
Is your mod's code really original or is it based on SoHL source code? I think that the ONLYDIRECT define hints that it is. IIRC SoHL 1.2 has certain problems with Toggle on func_rot_buttons, but as for usual func_buttons, I'm not sure.

In what way do buttons and NPCs appear broken?
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-28 13:52:46 UTC
in Need help with player.mdl Post #344315
Can also try using cycler_sprite (yes, it can use models!) to place the model instead, unless you specifically need monster_generic's features.

It's funny but VHLT v34 RAD doesn't like when the whole map is just a box of SKY textures. For me RAD was crashing every time I tried to compile it until I added a normal, non-sky brush. So a hollow box composed solely of SKY brushes shouldn't probably even compile in the first place! When I loaded the map (the version with an extra brush), there was no light coming from the env_sprite whatsoever.

Try placing a normal brush in your SKY room, seems like there must be at least one proper brush somewhere in the map for RAD to work.
Do you have sky in your map? If so, have you got a light_environment or an info_sunlight? Is the map sealed? Are there any texture lights or simple point lights anywhere in the map? Is the surface that NPCs stand on a brush entity, a detail brush or a world brush? If it's the first, then is there anything underneath it?

If anything, there's no reason for env_sprite to behave lile that. Are you sure you've placed an env_sprite and not something else, just in case?
Try placing another entity instead of env_sprite and see how it affects the NPCs. Also please answer those questions so that it's clear what really is going on.
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-20 05:10:34 UTC
in After compile some models cycler_sprite missing Post #343652
I doubt that it's this, but are you sure the lamp isn't outside the 4096^3 unit cube?
If there's no sprite as well as the model (assuming the sprite is a different entity) then it's probably that. You wouldn't be able to stand where the missing lightpost is then, though. So not sure.
Anyway, Half-Life maps must NOT be bigger than 4096 units from the center of coordinates in any of the axes. Make sure it's smaller than that.
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-05 01:42:11 UTC
in Trigger_push underwater Post #343555
Tried increasing push speed? Modifying the pitch of the angle so that it points a bit upwards? Using func_conveyor for pushing? Triggering trigger_push on and off while inside it?
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-30 00:45:17 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343535
oh my fucking god.

First thing I thought is borderlands for some reason, good stuff.

Oh and the second skybox looks better imo
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-28 03:34:49 UTC
in ZHLT info_smoothvalue Post #343510
The value is the maximum angle between the normals of two adjacent faces, beyond which they won't be smoothed.
So if the normals are 50 or more degrees apart, no smoothing will be performed across the corresponding faces.
Try lowering the number. If it doesn't work, try using the global HLRAD parameter -smooth # instead, where # is the value. It'll affect all faces, but at least we'll be able to find out if it works at all.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-21 22:51:17 UTC
in Shoot-Through Railings Post #343501
There's a shortcut to it assuming that you use the latest VHLT: create a clip brush, paint the sides of it you want with the desired texture, tie this brush to func_wall, set Render Mode to Solid, FX Amount to 255. now you don't need an extra clip brush over it, which makes editing much more convenient.
P.S. Keep in mind that certain tool textures can conflict with the CLIP texture, so if you get any errors mentioning the brush then check if it has any tool textures other than CLIP applied anywhere.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-09 20:59:34 UTC
in Hidden gems / Underrated games? Post #343455
If you keep walking in circles having spent a few hours on just looking for the way to the next section then it barely can be called exploration. Not saying the game is bad, but people complaining about getting lost shouldn't necessarily be blamed for being used to radar markers.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-05 02:02:11 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343307
Ok, I think it's ready to be showcased here:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 16:52:23 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343269
I will participate. If it starts in December then I'll have solid chances, but knowing myself, I may just as well drop out at some point. If you're fine with that then write me in.
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-26 13:00:27 UTC
in "Monster_Generic" as Corpse Post #343163
You can use "controller" keyvalue to set them, but you have multiple controllers and only one controller, so theres some weird formula to turn those three values into one value. I can't find how it looks right now, but it should be possible to figure out from the hl sdk
HL is indeed full of secrets
While we're on this topic, why is there never a lot of love for monster_furniture in these situations?
Actually that's a good question
try trigger_push, afaik there's an option that makes it affect only players
it's not the best way but the only one without custom code
also, if your monster is big (garg, bigmomma), you can instead use the CLIPHULL2 tool texture (or something like that, don't remember) included in zhlt.wad, which works like clip but creates clipnodes only for this specific hull (which is used by giant monsters)
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-29 12:10:24 UTC
in Black Mesa Xen Post #342818
It's all great, the environments are of very high quality, but it just doesn't feel alien enough. Valve's Xen was maybe atrocious but I think it had the potential to become something much, much better. But BMS version looks like a very well made yet typical alien planet from a generic science fiction movie or something like that.
Still looking forward to it, hopefully it'll be fun to play.
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-10 21:37:52 UTC
in E3 2019 Post #342722
I really don't like that nuke icon on the C&C:R screenshot.
Hope they're not gonna move superweapons and support powers there, it'd be inconvenient as hell.
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-31 05:48:15 UTC
in npc actions in another room Post #342677
i'm not entirely sure, but I guess monsters fall into some kind of "sleep" state if the vis leaf they're in isn't rendered at the moment. this can be observed in Questionable Ethics when you enter the room with 2 alien grunts and filled with tripmines. If you go into the room above and hide in the left corner next to the window while the human grunts are breaching through the blast door, when they finish, there won't be any fight unless you take a peek at what's below through the window. Probably the visleaf the grunts are in gets hidden when you're in the corner, but I'm not sure about that.

I've had this problem in one of my maps too, where monsters in a monster box outside of the main map refused to react to scripted_sequences meant to teleport them in, unless I put an info_overview_point inside (or whatever that vhlt entity was that allows you render the whole map if you're in the same visleaf as that entity) and set it to reverse, so that the monster box is rendered no matter where you are in the map.

I doubt Valve have used hacks like that in their maps to warp monsters in, so there has to be an explanation. But for now, you should try using the aforementioned entity and reversing it by checking the corresponding spawnflag (don't forget that the entity is only present in the newer compilers), so that the room with the grunts is always seen. You also should get rid of this hack when an actual solution is found.

Tbh because of things like that I've mostly switched to Quake. Wish HL's ents were more reliable.
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-09 17:40:38 UTC
in info_intermission Post #342595
guess it's a leftover from quake
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-16 19:06:26 UTC
in "Top 5s" 3: Top X Post #342478
The sniper rifle was an instant hit, but you had to hit them in the head for a quick kill
If only the head hitboxes in UT weren't so ridiculously big. AFAIK sniper rifle and ASMD are the only viable weapons there in MP.
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-05 03:26:15 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342405
classic indeed, but imo the second screenshot is a bit too detailed for the classic look
but i guess it's too late to make any changes by now
Posted 5 years ago2019-03-27 13:12:38 UTC
in Competition 37: The Whole Warp Life (Mini) Post #342338
in my opinion SP maps are just much harder to make as they require you to keep the player entertained and have to be filled with content.
i'd love to send a SP entry but making such a map would take a lot of time and especially effort.
Posted 5 years ago2019-02-21 05:17:08 UTC
in Firebot problem Post #342065
You could at least explain here how you fixed it in case someone else encounters the same problem :P
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-03 01:37:21 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341536
Well yeah. Another bad thing about interpolation is that it makes seams between different textures even more obvious. It takes a while to get used to the pixelated look of the game, but when you do, you'll want to have interpolation turned off most of the time, trust me.
IMO interpolation doesn't make the game look any better or more real, it just gives it a look of a melted ice cream.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-01 19:56:40 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341532
Thanks <3. More coming soon I hope.
some of the textures are very pixelly
I like the uninterpolated look more, sorry about that :\
Better have texes look crunchy and pixelated that blurred to hell.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-01 06:50:23 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341526
Has been doing some mapping for a couple of months:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Ignore the black pit on some of the screenshots, it's still very unfinished.
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-27 16:28:46 UTC
in Coop Mod Post #340285
HLDM is missing all the entities from HL.
Maybe you should learn more about the topic before recommending anything instead of spreading nonsense?
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-27 14:36:20 UTC
in NPC only button? And "unkillable" NPCs? Post #340284
You could've just used func_door_rotating for the button if it's not supposed to be pressed by the player. Unless I misunderstood something, as always.

You could make the game load the latest autosave if the NPC is killed, there's a separate entity for that. Also you can use aiscripted_sequence which will prevent the monster from dying until it completes the current sequence. It will also prevent the sequence from being interrupted by anything else.
as far as I know it was invented with ZHLT compilers.
VHLT is basically a ZHLT upgrade, so yeah, the compilers valve had been using lacked this feature
If you add the -notexscale 1 parameter to VRAD in your compile settings, texture scale will no longer affect lightmap resolution. This option applies to all brush faces in your map. This also means that the lightmap scale on faces with upscaled textures will be reset to normal as well.
RMF gets automatically exported to MAP during compile, then the MAP file is compiled into a BSP file. Whatever the problem is, it shouldn't be caused by the map source format.
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-17 15:31:48 UTC
in Problem with cycling with multi_managers Post #339932
Tracktrains may be the problem. I've already seen one person complaining that a path_track wouldn't fire its target when passed by a tracktrain. Try replacing tracktrains with usual trains, as well as path_tracks with path_corners.
Also I wonder why my example didn't work. The multisource seems to stay disabled, no matter if it's activated on start with a trigger_auto or with a trigger_once positioned at where the players spawn. I clearly remember that I could set a multisource as a master for a trigger_multiple and it would work.

Still tho, your example is much cleaner than my entity setup. I'll be using it instead in case I need to.

The workaround you've described doesn't seem to work. When activated, game_counter increments 1 to its initial value, 0, but since the limit is also set to 1, the game_counter resets back to 0 so the trigger can be used over and over again.

EDIT: Nevermind, I had the "Reset on fire" flag checked by default. Sorry for the inconvenience.