Forum posts

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Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 16:24:46 UTC
in Tycell's Dungeon Post #204626
Will there be "bosses"?
This is the final fight. Once you set the Auto Destruct on the Core you will be confronted with Tycell's Peronal Gunship.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 16:07:29 UTC
in Tycell's Dungeon Post #204616
No questions. Just please don't overload the levels with enemies and skip the detail. I don't want another repeat of that 'Day Hard' shite.

Oh and I suggest do not pack the Ant Nest section full of those bloody things. HL2 used wide open spaces and a buggy to cover up how truely annoying those enemies really are.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 15:58:25 UTC
in Banned!? Post #204612
...slap him with a dead mongoose?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 15:54:48 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #204611
@Rim: Did you receive my advertisment?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 15:51:51 UTC
in Texture Creation Post #204609
Tried my hand at re-mastering some of the HL1 textures.

Take a look and tell me what you think.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 15:10:06 UTC
in The TWHL guys fights Post #204599
Can't get onto steam HLDM with my WON version. :(

Apparently my key is already registered.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 13:16:55 UTC
in Banned!? Post #204589
I'm not ranting about getting banned and I'm not enquiring why another member has been banned. In fact I am prying into your personnal lives again. :badass:

Which forums and communities have you been banned from in the past? Give your reasons as well. Or perhaps you never have been banned?

I imagine that this thread could come up with some amusing stories.

I myself have only been banned once and that was about 3 years ago.

Forum: PlanetHalfLife forums.
Ban time: Permanent :P
Reasons: Got a little out of hand with a rant regarding HL2s constant delays and was warned by the admins and given a few days downtime to calm down. Logged in using another IP (College) and got another warning banned for a week with that one, and then another IP (Laptop) which got me a permanent ban and a rather nasty E-mail from the admins. Never bothered going back after I found TWHL.

Link: (All my posts have been deleted) :(
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 13:07:52 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #204586
Urbanebula - A unique word made up of 2 tacked together. It was originally created in order to get a unique e-mail address without adding numbers and stuff on the end.

Then I started signing up to forums and the like and eventually it stuck.


Urban - CityBuilt-upMan-made
Nebula - CloudVapour mass

"City Clouds" = Pollution

BloodBath - Former HLDM and TFC username

BloodBaron - Former HLDM and TFC username

Monkeys_Todger - Former HLDM and TFC username
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 12:46:37 UTC
in First Black Mesa: Source December Media Post #204582
Not leaving BMS

It feels good to breath easily again.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 19:29:58 UTC
in Unfinished Map Ideas Post #204500
Amazing how a simple texture change can make something look so different. I'm loving this!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 18:47:24 UTC
in Online MMO Post #204488

And the half-dead, chiangun-weilding, jetpack-flying, bacon-flavoured rapist camels from outer-space.

Wait, scratch that last one.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 18:40:46 UTC
in Texture Creation Post #204486
So basically get photos of the desired object and add details with PS?

Fair enough.

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 17:53:35 UTC
in Texture Creation Post #204477
I'm bored of the HL wad and I'm getting fed up of using loads of other wads to get a unique looking level so I've decided to start working on my own textures.

What I need to know is what applications are best for this kind of thing. I have PaintShopPro 7 and PhotoShop CS2. Are there any other free apps out there to aid in making decent looking textures and tutorials to use aforementioned apps?

And I don't want any "OMGzorZ G00gLe n00b!" responces because I will be forced to unleash an army of angry kittens on your genitals. I want to know Your recommendations. NOT GOOGLE'S!

Cheers. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 17:44:02 UTC
in Online MMO Post #204476
...and the Zombie Ninja Pirates! :badass:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 16:12:29 UTC
in First Black Mesa: Source December Media Post #204459
I bloody well hope not!

Ahhh, it's back. I love that theme song.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 15:02:25 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #204451
That map is far to sexy for its own good...
I like it. :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-28 18:43:59 UTC
in Online MMO Post #204368
Zombies have brains as a resource earned by lopping folk's heads off and scooping out what's inside.
What a beautiful sentence.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-28 18:38:57 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #204366
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-28 17:47:44 UTC
in GMOD Melonbrew RP? Post #204359
I went on it once with a friend and we barracaded ourselves in the pizza hut because it was so goddamn boring, we then got sent to jail so i proceeded to spawn thousands of matresses in the cell, we then escaped and got the guard locked in
That sounds a lot more fun that it probably was.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-28 17:44:15 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #204358
I weep at the lack of "stuff."

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-28 12:28:51 UTC
in Sprirt Post #204329
I use it for custom models, rain and decent smoke effects. I have'nt explored the darker regions yet. Too...dark...?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-28 12:22:15 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #204328
It's today. We want stuff!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 16:01:21 UTC
in Sprirt Post #204245
All my mods are powered by Spirit.

(Someone please fix the title of this thread. It makes me want to hurt me.)

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 15:58:04 UTC
in Competition 22 Post #204243
Grammatically Pwned
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 15:53:34 UTC
in GMOD Melonbrew RP? Post #204241
Terry Pratchett pwns
Started reading when my net shut off after I moved out. I homed in on Terry Pratchett like a fly to shit.

Brilliant stuff.

I don't understand the concept of Role-Playing in an FPS. Why an RPG? :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 15:30:58 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #204238
Stuff. Tommorrow. Promise.
I just spooged myself.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-24 00:26:10 UTC
in enemy allies Post #203867
Yup :nuts:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-24 00:23:57 UTC
in Question about multisources Post #203866
what u need a soccer ball for?
...Playing...Soccer? (Football, UK) :)

I can think of a few uses. Particularly painful uses in situations involving 3 week old, pointless thread bumpers!

Start your own thread!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-23 15:56:59 UTC
in VIDEO: Police Defend Shooting 92-Yr Old Post #203806
a justified kill

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 16:05:37 UTC
in Unfinished Map Ideas Post #203707
Maybe its just me but I'm always for the Single Player stuff. You integrate the tech lab and the space scenes into a single player mod or multiplayer map.

The mansion? uhm...Maybe a horror themed map with puzzles (Resi Evil style) :biggrin:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:55:26 UTC
in BUSH'S daughter robbed in Argentina Post #203700
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 14:37:28 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #203672
Thats ok. The others seem fairly...bleh. (For lack of a better word)

6 - D is great too of course.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 14:17:08 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203668
I know a lad who simply voiced his opinion about a certain police officer to his face. He received several kicks to the head and a night in a station. The copper got off scott free.

If the next generation of police officers are going to abuse their power like this then its obvious how the general public will react.

Somthing like 'They don't give a toss? Why should I?'
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-20 22:30:11 UTC
in Subject: A. Vance (new comic) Post #203473
Holy Crap.

Forgot all about this since my net downtime. heh.

B it is. I'll get to work soon.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-20 22:14:40 UTC
in Cubemaps? What's that? Post #203471
yeah, there not that important unless you really want them

I thought everything came out looking like shite if you didn't use them. (e.g. Weird effects on weapons and a majorly ugly crossbow scope effect.)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-20 22:12:14 UTC
in Sprirt Post #203470

Its fairly simple. It should set up practically the same as HL.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-19 20:24:48 UTC
in arrange mode Post #203306
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-19 20:21:33 UTC
in Sprirt Post #203305
I am using Spirit for 'KinetiX.'

It opens the door to cool features that would usually need coding to pull off.

Go for it. :biggrin:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-18 13:18:51 UTC
in Daily travel Post #203148
Every day? That can't be healthy.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-18 13:16:50 UTC
in Concerned, The Death Of Gordon Frohman Post #203147

Way to bump a dead thread. thumbs up
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-18 10:00:25 UTC
in GMod Music Vids Post #203124
First one

Wearing a Raincoat
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-18 09:37:45 UTC
in Thoughts on Dynamic Weapon Prices in CSS Post #203121

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer