Serious sam Muzz .
(Harsh Russian-like voice)What do you want?
Hint: 3D RTS game
I can only assume there's a nuclear holocaust back there.Wasnt me
You're a dickwad too. It almost seems like people have no respect for the dead anymore. Some people are extremely passionate about what they do, and Irwin was one of them. It doesn't mean he wants to fuck them. Arsehole.Omgishosh someone died!!one11e!!!
Aimed at pepper, but it still counts for you too. Joking about such a thing is in extremely bad taste, I seriously can't stand it. It's disrespectful and not funny at ALL.We over exegerated death, talking about humans here. to me, life isnt worth a dime. You live or die, you all got to go once, better go when doing something you like.