I've read most posts in this discussion and insted of answering anything I'll just give you my view on faith.
Im a christian, Im not raised to be a christan. Well, my father is also a beliver but he NEVER tried to force his faith upon me, he left that entierly up to me. Why did I become a christian then? some things happend, change my life and I saw "the light" if you know what I mean. I think my faith became this strong when I decided to give up drugs and fight for my health and wellbeing, so religion has helped me a hell of a lot.
And I have kind of my own version of christianity, I didn't base my belif on what some priest said or what the school/friends told me, I read the bible and listened to the words of Jesus. And basicly he tells us that if we are good to others we will be in heaven after our body dies. I still have a lot of sex, I don't see how that would possibly be a sin. God created us this way, we enjoy surtain things, and he wouldn't have created us this way if we wheren't supposed to enjoy those things. I can only find one thing in life that I can call sin and that is if you are being an ass. If you do something to hurt someone, that is the only sin I know. Or hurt yourself, like I did with drugs. But Im over that now, I live a perfectly normal and good life, thanks to faith.
And I don't really care if the bible isn't true, or if there is no God or Jesus. It's the faith that matters, the faith in something good that tells us to be good. So I reallt don't give damn about if it's true or if it's not because Jesus and God is more of a symbol to me that keeps remining me to be a good person.
And that is my view on faith.
And also, politics and religion doesn't match. Im a communist so I shouldn't really belive in God, but I don't think that politics and religion is supposed to be mixed at all. Religion is something you keep for yourself or between friends. And I HATE when people call religoins wrong, or when people say that athism (don't mid the spelling) is wrong. Because we really don't know and I really don't care, most of my friends are either satanists, athiest or chrisians and we all get along just fine.
I think I'll call my version of christianity "Oskar's faith".