Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-08-08 10:43:28 UTC
in Worst way to die Post #49020
Any way to die that involves the balls or organs has to be the worst. Just imagine some guy who kicks you in the balls every day for an hour. Then as you wake up from a mini-coma he does it again.

The worst way to live would be living with no arms or legs.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-08 00:20:20 UTC
in Opposing Force CRAPPY ERROR! Post #48889
It says Opposing Force cannot be installed to the root directory of any drive. Don't install it to the root directory of the drive. It means You have to put Opposing Force in a folder. Ex. C:Half-Life not C:
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 19:53:50 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48836
Floater619 I believe you. But keep in mind that a "mod" is a team of people who get together and make the maps, models, code all by themselves. It is possible to make a mod by yourself, but that is just if you make everything. I have yet to see a mod that used models that freelance modelers created. It's ok to use the models, but it's just frowned upon.

Did you ask the creators for their permission? Or are you just crediting them?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 16:31:22 UTC
in this is the one Post #48804
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 16:05:33 UTC
in Help With Architecture..... Post #48798
In a less confusing explanation. (Sorry, Terrel)

Whenever you make any type of object that isn't an entity, (func_train, func_wall, light_environment) it splits anything up that it touches. Unless you make the object that the light fixture is touching an entity or the light fixture itself an entity, it will split up the walls of your map.

Make a room and add a small box that touches the floor. In OpenGL mode, type in the console "gl_wireframe 1" you'll see that the little box is breaking up the floor. Now go back to Hammer or Worldcraft and make that little box an entity. Run the map and type the same thing in the console. Whala, no more break-up-age.

You must be in OpenGL mode for gl_wireframe to work. It's where the resolution settings are.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 14:24:10 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48761
I like that name.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-06 21:12:50 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48605
Hey wait a minute floater I got this one off HIT forums am I right in assuming that this is the one you are using?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-06 21:02:16 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48603
Hey floater just email it to me :) I believe my email is up here.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-06 20:27:01 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48595
OMG floater619 I HAVE to have that hatchet can you link me to it or upload it somewhere?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-06 20:01:24 UTC
in Worst way to die Post #48584
Floater that idea has already been said....

I still think that being crushed by something very very heavy travelling very very slow would be the worst way to die...
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-06 01:13:06 UTC
in Problem during the loading screen Post #48295
Post the compile log I'll see what I can do.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-05 12:58:19 UTC
in Bohemian Grove: Why YOU should know Post #48126
I say let them do what they want to do. If they want to kill eachother off one by one then we won't have to deal with them after 50 or so years.

Although you have to admit it is strange.....But we don't get on Wiccans and APers for what they do.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-05 01:28:05 UTC
in Worst way to die Post #48023
Ok it's late and I had margaritas, so forgive me later. What is the worst way to die?

Make a forcefield around someone who just gassed out and watch them gag and beg to get out.

Straining too hard in the "Throne Room" and giving yourself a stroke.

Shooting a gun in a range, only to have the bullet hit a screw in the wall and ricochet to your head.

Hooking up your new super-moniter and getting shocked to death.

Falling asleep in winter only to be snowed on and suffocating.

You give CPR to a little kid with braces only to have them locked to your face and you suffocate on their cheek.

Tripping over a rope which then ties around your foot and as your fall into a lake the other end locks onto a nearby boulder and pulls it in.

Being born with all your organs in your hands and when your are 25 you accidentally get your hands cought in the door.

Mistaking a rotton orange for a plum.

Go ahead and post your own. :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-30 20:53:10 UTC
in Stubborn error when testing level. Post #46902
Give us a copy of your full compile log, we might be able to help with that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-30 16:16:53 UTC
in Steam Post #46836
I hate steam. It sucks. Valve sucks for using it and disabling WON. You know why? I got it and installed it, only to hear my CD key is already in use. So I go to the help page. They tell me if I want to reset the CD key I have to mail (POSTAL MAIL!) the fricking jewel case. Then they say they won't be able to return the jewel case back to me! That is bullsh*t if I ever saw it. I played on steam before, but I have made so many attempts in the past to get it working I have, like, 5 accounts. When I did play on it I had pings of 5000 or more! Now that is major suckage. I'm sticking to Gamespy Arcade. Valve just lost another customer.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-30 14:08:30 UTC
in Textures outside map Post #46766
If you don't have Null or Bevel then making the textures have a scale of 10.00 to 15.00 will make your patches go way down, speeding up compile time. Do this for anything the player won't see.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-29 18:27:55 UTC
in Games and violence Post #46466
I think anyone who blames the game maker for their kids killing spree is a ****ing moron. If you don't want kids to be able to play the game, don't buy it for them what a concept lol.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 19:10:35 UTC
in Windows 3.1 and Hammer? Post #46105
Were sorry that we can't help you, we could if you didn't have 3.1. My suggestion is to try Valve Hammer Editor. There is a link on this site I believe. Click on the links tab to the left.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 19:00:14 UTC
in Windows 3.1 and Hammer? Post #46093
I suggest you get Windows XP or at least Windows 98. OR linux. Windows 3.1? lol
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 18:56:31 UTC
in Windows 3.1 and Hammer? Post #46087
Um, are you running in DOS?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 13:32:46 UTC
in This is very funny, haha Post #45909
Valve Anti Cheating Sytem doesn't prevent cheats, it just gives everyone who is playing a nice loud warning and kicks the violator off in a minute. Ex.

Cheat Detected on [myg0t]Loser!!!
Wallhack, Aimbot, God Mode Detected on [myg0t]Loser!!!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 12:40:38 UTC
in what are YOU? Post #45899
I can make a good HLSP or HLDM map, but CS and anything other than that sux. I am also good at making 3rd person prespective Quest maps.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 12:20:13 UTC
in ToDo Post #45896
I would like to be a Map Vault Moderator. I have been here for a loooong time and know a good map grom a bad map if I see one. I guess I'll have to say please as well....Please?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 17:42:49 UTC
in a work-in-progress map Post #45613
Hey Floater619 if you want your walls to be vertical but still look real, use Reno's tutorials on the Snarkpit but don't use the shearing and make them very tall.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 11:30:10 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #45021
Well after a couple days I see the impact I had with my "Goodbye Thread" and now I believe members of TWHL are trying to fix things. So I guess I'll come back and try to help.

Ieatmonkeychow your map vault idea wont work because some people who have been here a VERY short while may have 500+ logins. It should be how long you have been here. A map vault for anyone and a map vault for 1+ year at TWHL. Same thing for forums. But I believe erasing ALL maps in the vault and starting over is good. Do this maybe every 2 years?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-24 11:50:06 UTC
in Say goodbye Post #44349
Say goodbye everybody for I am leaving TWHL. I do not know for how long, but it will be for a while I can tell you. Why am I leaving? The quality of this site has almost been destroyed. When I came here, there were about 18 active members who actually had an interest in mapping. A few newbies came and went when the learned what they needed to know.

I am not ant-newbie or anything, but it seemed back then that everyone acted like adults. Even if your were young you still acted like you were older to win respect from Atom, Andy, Seventh and SlayerA. Now all I see is childish kids looking to make everyone laugh and are just ruining everything that The Founders had created.

The map vault I never even go to anymore. Nothing but crap maps that have 5 minutes of work put into them. Or a new person will join and post 12 maps. Who the hell would want to play a map with a block and a rock? Who the hell would want to endlessly fight monster after monster with no story, no purpose, no thought? Nobody! Now I understand why Atom doesn't come here anymore.

Well, I hope all these stupid problems are fixed when I come back, because if they aren't, and TWHL has sunken even lower, I will leave forever.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-24 11:38:55 UTC
in Very Good Comp.idea! ! ! Post #44344
A good compo would be to make a horror map. Scariest map wins!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 11:54:29 UTC
in Need Recruits!! Post #44000
I went to the website and I have to say, who in the right mind would want to do anything with a website that pops ups ads and downloads things on your computer?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 12:21:48 UTC
in qbsp2 encountered error... Post #41942
There is a leak in your map. Read the leak message.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 12:19:38 UTC
in doesnt apply texture! Post #41939
How big is the brush? If it is really small you have to zoom out to apply it. Also if you are too close to ANY brush you have to zoom out to aplly a texture.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-10 17:00:09 UTC
in wierd walls Post #40274
OMG I hate it when people say you can't carve because it is just fine! The only thing you are supposed to carve is with boxes. If you built up a shape that you would normally carve with 2 boxes it would be just the same as if you carved it!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-05 16:27:17 UTC
in ARGH I'm annoyed Post #39030
Howdo I get my icons to be transparent with a custom desktop pic?
If you don't know what I am saying, here is a pic.

The area between the text and below it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-05 15:32:05 UTC
in trigger_camera Post #38994
This is for my compo map. I have a multimanager trigger a camera after a certain number of seconds, and when it get s to the camera, it only holds for, like, 3 seconds then goes back. The hold time is set to 500 and the target is an info_target. Any help on making it hold for the alotted time?
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-30 21:36:29 UTC
in Jokes'n stuff! Post #37871
To get to the other side.

Why did the Turtle cross the road?
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-30 17:08:07 UTC
in 3 Questions Post #37785
Type in Spirit Half-Life Download or Spirit Half-Life Info in google.
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-27 11:54:22 UTC
in waum.exe Post #36867
I have this little program running in the background that, when I don't turn it off, it pop ups porn. Everything works fine if I just go into Task manager and shut it down myself, but that gets tedious every time I boot my computer up.
Any ideas on how to go about finding this pesky little bastard and killing it? I have Ad-Aware, Spy-Bot, and Spyware Blaster but none of them find it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 13:01:26 UTC
in flame Post #36632
lol there is like, over 1000 sounds.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 18:37:15 UTC
in ambience_generics Post #36418
Get Half-Life Model Viewer. It's better at that sort of thing than Wally.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 16:13:13 UTC
in Grid settings poll Post #36368
I like to micro-manage. I am kind of like Kol.

Kol: Do you zoom in really far, and then when you want to move, you zoom all the way out and then zoom in again on a different spot with the mouse wheel?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 01:14:43 UTC
in Great middle ages idea Post #36166
I have an idea for a recurve bow crossbow replacement. Instead of holding the mouse down until release, you could make the recurve bow without new coding. This is really hard to explain.

DRAW- The arrow is already almost pulled back, with a little bit of pulling to go. The bow is raised while pulling. The broadhead lines up with the crosshair.
RELEASE- The arrow disappears. A new arrow is notched and pulled all in one animation.
HOLSTER- The arrow is slowly returned to normal state. The bow is lowered.
IDLES- Just normal with no animation.

So basically all you need is new animations, new skeleton, sounds, sprites, model. But no coding is required! If anyone is interested please tell me because I have wanted a bow model since I have started mapping.

I can make anything that doen't directly affect the model, though. (sounds, sprites)

I know this is alot to request, but does anyone have any of these or any links to the following.

Greek Fire (grenade) Anything that looks like a vial or bottle.
Any snark replacements that aren't comical.

Whew, please don't say I am selfish... I have looked on google and the weapons workshop but found nothing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 00:59:45 UTC
in Grid settings poll Post #36165
I have mine on 4 always, unless I am making something really small.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 21:40:33 UTC
in Machine Compo Post #36150
You should check the Compiling tutorials. Hammer also tells you how to set up the compiling stuff.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 12:25:33 UTC
in Wally Post #35997
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 16:24:53 UTC
in Wally Post #35778
Here is the texture. I didn't make it all, but I had to delete and remake half of it so it would tile properly.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 10:38:13 UTC
in Wally Post #35668
It is a bmp. I tlooks really bright in Wally but when I actually import it into the game it is normal. Weird huh.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 02:24:35 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #35583
In the copywrite at the bottom of the web page you say "Don't download the pictures"

Well when you are looking at them they are downloaded in your Temporary Internet Files folder.

AUGHH I committed a crime!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 02:03:05 UTC
in Giving player a reward in counter strike Post #35581
Um, when the box breaks, make it target a monster_furniture that makes a pile of cash?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 02:01:37 UTC
in Wally Post #35579
I have a kick-ass texture I made that is just awesome. Guess what? I made it in paint. Now I try to import it into Wally so I can make a WAD and when I put it in the WAD it uses a different Palette so all the colors are messed up! How do I make Wally create a new palette according to all the colors you use in a picture? I really love this texture...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 01:58:10 UTC
in textures Post #35576
Fifties stuff is like in the "Office Complex" portion of the game. (Second Portion)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 01:55:35 UTC
in clipping help Post #35573
Hmm well the diagram didn't turn out so good, why don't forums let you use spaces? WHY? WHY? WHY?

Make sure you press enter before you click outside of the box.