Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-17 10:53:01 UTC
in Monsters don't follow path_corner Post #241331
If the camera has a path, is triggered, but still doesnt move, it would have to do with your entity settings for either. Make sure that the camera correctly targets the first point in the path, and that all other settings are correct. Make sure speed settings are set correctly on all the points, and make sure each correctly points to the next point in the path. And finally, make sure the trigger corectly targets the camera, and is indeed triggering correctly. This sounds like an obscure problem, it may help to upload the problem map.
:ninja: --> :pwned:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-17 00:19:46 UTC
in Monsters don't follow path_corner Post #241284
gah, triple post!
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-11 09:04:00 UTC
in Blue/Green textures not visible Post #240618
That could be an effect that happens, when you select it. So you can see it in hammer, can you see them in game?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-11 00:21:59 UTC
in Selecting something in 3D view Post #240557
It could also be done with a multisource, if you want the door to remain locked, or unable to open until you get the HEV, and then once you have it, you go back and open the door.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-11 00:05:07 UTC
in OpenGL and Direct3D problems Post #240551
MS paint for textures? You deserve a firing squad
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-10 23:31:38 UTC
in Millenium Falcon map Post #240546
yeah, custom textures is a must. Expect a lot of work to be needed for this map
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-10 23:08:12 UTC
in OpenGL and Direct3D problems Post #240543
Resizing? in MS paint? That looks terrible. Dont do that. :rly:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-10 23:05:35 UTC
in Blue/Green textures not visible Post #240542
Files in textures? What?

No seriously, we need a compile log
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-10 22:27:12 UTC
in camera examble map Post #240538
For this part, we will try and make a camera that follows a path..........................................................................................Well that wasn't too hard was it? By now you should have a camera running on a track.
That quote was directly from the tutorial, and the text in between the two excerpts i used clearly shows how to make a camera follow a path.

It makes perfect sense, so stop asking for someone to make the map for you, and do it yourself
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-10 18:34:03 UTC
in camera examble map Post #240522
It made me think for 2 minutes before i gave up all hope of possibly understanding it
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-10 09:01:12 UTC
in some questions Post #240470
Dont tie the ground to an entity, youll get some bad leaks depending on the layout of your map. Make a small box right above the ground, make it invisible, and tie that to a button. Dont make the button too elevated that your character moves up on a seemingly invisible solid!
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-09 02:07:04 UTC
in MotM: November Post #240317
Do you have to have some type of special status to vote?

If not, my vote is for "the citizen"
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-09 01:50:04 UTC
in Millenium Falcon map Post #240313
Plans for the levels? Do you mean the level that the "millenum falcon" will be in, or do you mean levels of the millenium falcon? FYI, the millenium falcon only has one level.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-09 01:46:33 UTC
in camera examble map Post #240311
The tutorial is pretty thorough, just read and create a small example map yourself. It details all the entity set up needed.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-07 00:56:25 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #240108
Replayed it a few times since my last post

Found several more easter eggs, i bet not all of them though

Found all three crowbars, :crowbar: :crowbar: :crowbar: and got past the first level, without killing any cops. Second replay, i jumped on the cop instead of throwing th tv at him. :pwned:

tried noclipping to see what you did to prevent noclippers.....i lol'd

I was kind of disapointed with the ending though. :
Classic HL2 style ending ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-07 00:32:49 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #240107
Kasperg, the thought process behind your mapping is phenomenal, its like you map on some higher plane of existence ;)

I wish i could do the same kind of thinking with my mapping, i guess it would come with experience
just start with a box and then add more and more things
i prefer to plan out, draw, and think about what i want to do before i map it. I mapped from boxes when i first started, and the maps were terrible, end result.... boring rectangular rooms, buildings turning out to be huge squares...need i go on?

Therefore, my only tip for mapping, would be to plan what you are going to do, make sure everything has a purpose. Of course, this only applies to realism maps, which is my style.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-07 00:19:39 UTC
in OpenGL and Direct3D problems Post #240106
OK, thanks to everyone for their responses, this problem has been haunting my maps since i started my singleplayer mod. I appreciate you all helping me eliminate it once and for all :combines: :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-07 00:14:55 UTC
in My monster never repeatable Post #240105
Turn smartedit off for the multi_manager
this might help a bit

For the scripted, use smartedit.
this will be usefull too

Ill see what i can do about making a map to demonstrate this.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-06 18:24:59 UTC
in OpenGL and Direct3D problems Post #240068
Ok, i understand what your saying, but is there a way to apply 4 different textures to the surface of a solid? The only way ive done that so far was to have 4 solids, and the surface of each textured differently. Is there a more effecient way of doing it? Kind of like a texture face split?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-06 18:02:19 UTC
in Need some ideas and inspiration Post #240067
holes that lead up to the day?
with the nice fading texture effect. Also, make a light inside the cave that makes it so its not pitch dark, but hard to see, but make sure its not too bright that it looks like its coming from a source.

Something that makes me look around and explore is small caves, and crevices that the player can crawl through, or explore. out of reach ledges, or in reach ledges for that matter, make great details.

The bridge type thing in the screenshot is too perfect, as are some of the other edges. They are natural rock formations, so they're going to be a bit jaggedy.
rocks. like the ones that hang from the ceiling? big, spiky rocks. all over the place.
You mean stalagmites and stalacites? Good idea, but be careful with that, dont use reversed spike primitives, itll look terrible.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-06 17:46:40 UTC
in My monster never repeatable Post #240066
The action animation is only played when called on to do so, IE: a multi manager triggering the script.

To get your flashlight animation to repeat, you need to have a looping multi manager to trigger it every second or so.

for example, lets say your multi manager is called script_mm, and your script is called script1

multi_manager (script_mm) flags: multithreaded
key: script1
value: 1

key script_mm
value: 1.5

there is your looping multimanager, every time it triggers the script, the entity will perform the flashlight animation, effectivley repeating it.

note that i came up the times in the example mm above off the top of my head, experiment with the timing to see which makes the animation look best.

Hope it helps.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-05 00:12:27 UTC
in OpenGL and Direct3D problems Post #239922

well, that kinda says my problem right there, these textures are huge :

I got these textures by taking a screenshot of them out of a game, and the texture winds up 1024x768. How do i get these textures to be that small a size?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-04 17:44:34 UTC
in OpenGL and Direct3D problems Post #239886
It was the textures. I replaced all my custom ones from my map, and removed the .wad

So, problem solved? not really :

I really need these textures, not using them is not an option, What is the wrong with them? Im sure there could be quite a few problems, im new at custom texturing, and in getting these, i was a bit, sloppy.

Ill try figuring out the problem, but if anyone wants to examine the .wad and see if you can find anything, send a PM my way. Thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-30 17:28:59 UTC
in NOD file!!! Post #239493
either Dra has never played command and conquer, or he was just playing along to give you guys laughs. Nice answer penguinboy :lol:
use the kane tools
still laughing...
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-29 23:32:57 UTC
in OpenGL and Direct3D problems Post #239457
When trying to play my two uploaded maps in OpenGL, or Direct3D, Half life will crash. This happens on all of my computers, and the computers of all the people who tried these maps, so i know its not a computer issue on my end. Ive linked to both of the maps, can someone try and figure out the problem? Because it really has me stuck. Help is as always, appreciated.

I have reason to believe it may be a problem with the textures.

Map intro

Level one
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-23 02:12:59 UTC
in pre disaster mods Post #239046
mmmm pizza. An interesting idea, but that could get old though, what kind of enemies do you face in a pizza world?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-23 02:10:25 UTC
in WTF Crazy Errors Thread Post #239045
Not related to hammer, but a weird error nontheless. Ive been having trouble with my mouse lately, it just shuts off, then i get an error message saying
an error has occured with your USB device. Click here to find solutions
Funny, how do i "click here" when my mouse is dead?

dont ya just love windows? :sarcastic:
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-23 02:04:12 UTC
in Airport lights Post #239044
I thought the trigger auto would have been common sense, i think thats why hunter and I neglected to say that, sorry.

And yes, i shouldve commented on that you need to toggle off the light to get the effect on the pic, sorry about that too.

You can do all kinds of things with lights, dont limit yourself to what you see other people do, experiment, and then youll have people looking at your map and thinking, "nice effect"
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-23 01:59:14 UTC
in Easy way to find grid numbers? Post #239042
are you sure there isnt a find coordinate tool? if not, there really should be, whats your problem valve?

muzzleflash, just because you said that, im tempted to change my av to a half destroyed nod symbol :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-23 01:55:48 UTC
in pre disaster mods Post #239041
just throwing out an idea....

The teleportation experiment goes right, and there is no resonance cascade, so your promoted, and are assigned to the xen survey/exploration team.

a little more interesting than boring old facility job.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-22 12:55:19 UTC
in Airport lights Post #239002
I sometimes have problems reseting a multimanger within the same multimanger, for example, instead of

Key: lights_multi
Value: 4

i always do

Key: lights_multi_reset
value 4

and then on the lights_multi_reset,

key: lights_multi
value: 0

a simple fix ive found, because for some reason i always get buggy reseting multimangers using the other method. Its probably my own fault though.

That light effect is nice, and the thread name gave me an idea, make an entire airport runway with lights! :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-20 21:34:12 UTC
in CoD4 Post #238905
ill probably just wait until the price comes down to get it. CoD 4 doesnt sound worth the money right now.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-20 20:54:01 UTC
in CoD4 Post #238902
then why havnt they stopped all the terrorism in Iraq then?
why do heaps of their troops get killed by friendly fire?
wars these days are really messed up, during world war 2 was when soldiers were heros. Today, U.S. soldiers are all bashed and discouraged by their country. Whether thats the soldier's fault, or the countries fault, i guess its up to debate. :

Anyway, i was going to buy Call of duty 4, until i found out it uses PB, i refuse to use that useless piece of crap. :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-18 16:15:53 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238761
i added those files, but it didnt fix it. I got a black screen again.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-18 02:02:44 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238734
Well, my origninal graphics card (ATI X800 XL) blew out, so i just stuck this old thing in.
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200
and im running DirectX 9.0c
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-18 01:29:50 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238732
The citizen problem occured after i loaded. When i loaded the autosave at the beginning of the level, and played through without loading, i was able to get past, and yes, i did hear the breathing after the loading and during the problem. While we are on the subject of the disguise, the elite one didnt work for me, the screen went black, so i had to use ent_fire elitemask stopoverlays. The cop overlay worked fine however.
From there you can look down through the dodraw roof and into the hallway you just came up
i discovered something simaler just after the part in the airboat sequence where you have to open the gate using the lost wheel. There was an open window, and i parked the airboat there and climbed up into there, expecting an easter egg, but i got a face full of nodraw ;)

i replayed the mod again today, and took a long look at some of the gameplay choices, mapping, and just the entire thing in general, and i must say, even with some small bugs, you guys should be proud of this mod.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-17 23:43:12 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238725
bug report: after jumping into the large conference room, and backtracking, after killing the traitor, i open the glass door to the overlook, and all the citizens open fire on me. why is that?

edit: it only seems to happen if you quicksave after you kill the traitor, and then reload before you go back to the group of citizens
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-17 21:48:33 UTC
in City Map!!!! Post #238722
no kidding :
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-16 19:51:16 UTC
in City Map!!!! Post #238651
really, just seeing a name like PoopSex!!!! , discourages me from helping you. i will anyway though. (but im not good at making textures so youll need to find someone to do that)

Posted 17 years ago2007-11-16 19:35:50 UTC
in City Map!!!! Post #238647
What exactly am i supposed to think when i read it :
it doesnt give me a nice mental picture :|

edit: simultaneos post lol!
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-16 19:19:02 UTC
in City Map!!!! Post #238643
maybe not to you :
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-16 19:08:03 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238641
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-16 18:43:42 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238635
its just my driving style, i prefer big enviorments to drive in. But i guess when your in a half destroyed, partly flooded, combine infested city, you cant always get what you want ;)
He is a pretty weird guy
:lol: then the voice acting fit the role well
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-16 18:11:12 UTC
in The Citizen: HL2 sp Post #238630
when reading the previous posts in this thread, i was a little worried about how the mod would be. I played it, and i really enjoyed it.

The mapping was good, very hl2 like.

The gameplay was great. Im not sure why everyones complaining about the crowbar placement. When the combine began shooting at me, i naturally ran towards the closest door, and the crowbar was there! i thought that was pretty neat. I played it on normal, and some parts were really challenging, nothing too hard, nothing too easy. The manhack button, i was expecting to be a lot worse than it was criticized here. It made sense, like a cop emergency button for reinforcements or something. For all those who hate "do not press" buttons, quick save, then press. Its that simple :/

i loved the voice acting, everything sounded good, except i could complain about the guy with the really heavy accent, he was still understandable though. Another guy, in the grocery store that gets attacked, that guy just sounded weird :|

Another thing i didnt get, people have been saying this mod was too dark, however, i thought it was at the perfect brightness.
after progressing to the buttons which the only way to get past is to press randomly until you stumble upon the correct sequence
i saw the combination right next to the door, i thought it was pretty obivous

The airboat sequence was too tight, that was the only thing in the mod i didnt like.

Overall, great mod, i enjoyed playing, and i cant wait for a sequel :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-13 22:58:49 UTC
in HL2 SDK not loading Post #238414
nice, it works now, thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-13 17:36:13 UTC
in HL2 SDK not loading Post #238375
yes, i do have the latest update
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-10 00:52:50 UTC
in HL2 SDK not loading Post #238040
Ok, Ant's post helped me get the SDK running, but i get a fatal error when i bring up the model browser, for props and such.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-08 22:16:32 UTC
in HL2 SDK not loading Post #237992
After that HL2 SDK update, or whatever it was, i encountered a problem...
cant load filesystemOpenDialog.dll
Whats with this? Its preventing me from making any source maps, as hammer crashes terribly after a few seconds after getting this error
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-04 19:17:53 UTC
in How to set up hammer for source Post #237662
thanks, it worked perfectly :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-04 17:08:16 UTC
in How to set up hammer for source Post #237627
How do i set up hammer for source and half-life 2? do you even use hammer for source? Help me out here, i know absolutley nothing :