Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-11-28 19:11:12 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #259157
Strider, there aren't going to be any big suggestions, because honestly petty problems are all we have left with this site.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-27 19:00:38 UTC
in Who will be the next superpower? Post #259127
Unbreakable that's like 2.70 a gallon... The highest price anywhere in the US is 2.15 a gallon... and that's just the absolute peak price, like around where I am in California.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-25 21:15:42 UTC
in Who will be the next superpower? Post #259068
I can't see China being the next superpower, because I don't think there really are superpowers anymore.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-25 06:44:07 UTC
in Removing Directional effects in Half-lif Post #259031
You can copy the music files from the CD and have them play from your HD though, so it should work. And the first time I saw this done was with WON.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 07:21:03 UTC
in Removing Directional effects in Half-lif Post #258963
You don't need to work around it if you're using a mod directory, all you have to do is rename your music file to be the same as one of the game's originals, then put it in the required directory (I think It's Media or something, not sure.) That'll make it play just like original music, so you just have to select the track number you want to play.

If this isn't single player though, this won't help.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 02:23:00 UTC
in Building a New Rig Post #258946
Tito I wasn't planning on sending you any sort of card for Christmas, let alone a graphics card. :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 02:08:16 UTC
in Building a New Rig Post #258942
Tito that's a workstation graphics card, that's a pretty average price for a good one. Drop one in a gaming rig though and it'll seem like you're playing on three year old equipment. They're built for the high-end 3D modeling in movies and such, they're not built to the same specs as the average consumer card.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 02:03:31 UTC
in Running Hammer with steam Post #258940
Well, needless to say you can compile with both and get the exact same results, the difference is on the mapper's end.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 01:51:38 UTC
in Running Hammer with steam Post #258936
A screenshot of your Build Programs and Game Configurations menues would be a lot more helpful than reading through a frickin' compile log like that.

I personally prefer Hammer's internal compiler to any external ones, for some bizarre reason. I've used both, front ends just never caught on for me.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 01:15:44 UTC
in Building a New Rig Post #258931
It's the Nvidia 8600 GT Bro Edition

Why on earth would people not use graphics cards?
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 01:02:24 UTC
in Terminal Gmail Post #258929
Yeah, that should be a TWHL theme. Whatever happened to TWHL themes?
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-21 23:38:39 UTC
in We're Not Wasting Time at TWHL Post #258881
One thing that I do find very positive in all this internet socialization nonsense is the increased cross-cultural interaction it provides, which results in greater awareness of the world. I'd never have had the experience of talking to a bunch of holier-than-thou Australians on IRC had it not been for TWHL. However, in that sense I find this community very unique. Most people using Myspace, Facebook, etc. never even reach outside their close social group anyway.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-21 23:21:25 UTC
in We're Not Wasting Time at TWHL Post #258879
Being constantly outdoors or indoors, in my opinion, is honestly not good.
Yeah, but I think you could live outside your whole life and be fine. Can't say the same for living inside your whole life.

This thread is now "Srry's Wasting Your Time at TWHL"
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-21 08:29:17 UTC
in We're Not Wasting Time at TWHL Post #258839
This might seem odd considering I'm a teenager growing up surrounded by computers and all our modern technology... but every time I read one of these articles about how social networking sites and video games are highly beneficial to growing up, I sort of cringe. After all, kids have been growing up and turning out fine without Myspace since the dawn of time. I don't see why it should be considered a necessity to social development all of sudden.

As sad as it is, the majority of kids I see on a day to day basis are the "mindless assholes that scream at their television all night." Studies like this are hardly an accurate way to gauge the effects of our new form of communication, and I think outside a controlled environment it really starts to set in that the results we're seeing are less than spectacular. For me it's hard to look around and think "oh boy, good thing we all have computers and broadband connections, or we'd all be illiterate criminals."
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-19 21:44:17 UTC
in Happy Tenth Birthday, Half-Life! Post #258775
Edit: Delete this thread, I win at reading headlines. (actually, I was going to post this last night before it was officially announced.)
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-19 02:41:24 UTC
in Vac Bands Post #258734
I thought this was going to be about some kind of weird in-game music thing related to Valve Anti-Cheat. Disappointment has set in.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-17 23:14:12 UTC
in The new Star Trek trailer leaked! Post #258678
I can appreciate the original three Star Wars movies because those were very unique and imaginative. And I've seen plenty of modern sci-fi stuff I've liked, but all these generic galaxy-hopping human/alien creature dramas just get on my nerves like nothing else. Blah.

But I will admit to actually having seen Star Trek stuff a select few times. There was some ancient movie my dad rented me when I was really young. I thought that sucked. Then I saw some random episodes on TV a couple times, some old some new. They were just as corny.

I did just see Forbidden Planet a couple days ago. That was the awesomest science fiction movie I've ever seen. MONSTERS FROM THE ID!!!
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-17 22:14:58 UTC
in The new Star Trek trailer leaked! Post #258672
lol Star Trek sucks.

I hope this is a miserable disaster so the whole franchise's reputation can be ruined even more, but I don't know if that's possible considering all the Star Trek branded shit we've seen thus far.

Seriously, I don't think anybody cares except... dorks.

And yeah, I did watch it. Looks like a typical sci-fi trailer, nothing unique. :\
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-07 06:31:48 UTC
in You Laugh You Lose - Revisited Post #258236
The game:

Whoever loses, nobody wins.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-01 22:12:35 UTC
in Competition 26 Post #258007
lol no more extensions my ass.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-01 18:22:20 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257998
Yup, done.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-01 16:31:45 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257994
I'm thinking of you as an advanced mapper , and I see a 90* pipe corner in your last screen
Uh... yeah about that, I never had a problem with 90 degree pipe corners personally. I guess a lot of people don't like them for some reason, but I don't really find them that unrealistic. In fact, I hardly ever see pipes in real life that have a nice smooth curve to them around a corner.

Also, I haven't mapped anything substantial in at least ten months I believe. Any conceptions of me as a highly advanced mapper should probably be diffused for now. :P

But hey, mapping is like riding a bike, you can never truly forget how to do it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-29 04:18:17 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257852
Nah, it's for a single player map pack I'm working on. But we know how those go. :roll:

Since I've got so many other things begging for my attention right now, I'm hoping that will allow me to pace myself instead of rushing in and getting burnt out after mapping for three weeks straight. I've actually found that when I'm not constantly thinking about it, ideas start popping into my head... I don't have to force myself.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-29 02:28:15 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257848
Well since this is still a screenshots thread, here's some updated screens of that map I was working on.
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
That last one's way way way too bright.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-28 22:36:23 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257846
Well I have slightly more respect for those because they're actually original work... and it does take vertex manipulation.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-28 20:39:42 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257840
Of course there are, people put them on their servers for unexplainable reasons, and then they get automatically downloaded. Same reason people have these "fy" and "surf" maps.

But anyway, regarding Muzzleflash's map, there's still not enough contrast. There need to be areas that are dark and unlit. You can't just put lights everywhere like that, it's really boring. You need to have dark spots, and I'm not just talking about slight variation in light intensity. Pick a medium length hallway and kill most of the lights in it. Compile it, and see what an amazing difference it makes when you can't see anything in that spot. Maybe try some different colors, too.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-28 20:15:57 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257838
I don't want to pick on a mapper for mapping what they want, but honestly redesigned CS maps have to be the lamest kind out there. Seriously, Get some inspiration, nobody even plays all these low quality clone maps.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-25 21:52:47 UTC
in Dam Virus!! Post #257653
Wow, you never backed up any of your stuff?
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-25 20:32:35 UTC
in Cartoon Post #257647
Wait, since when did you have a second kid? Or are those two even yours?
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-25 16:30:54 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257636
Yeah, really you'll find overhead lights pretty much anywhere in real life because they do such a good job of lighting up large areas. Unfortunately for us mappers that's usually what we don't want. I've personally found that a sort of spotty, inconsistent lighting pattern is almost always preferable to all-around brightness. The more dark unlit areas the better, unless you're going for a warm and welcoming look. For this lab you might want to try some lights down near the floor, either mounted in the ground facing upwards, or on the walls pointing inwards. That lends itself to a more mysterious atmosphere that might be suitable for a lab like this. You could also try some downward facing lights along the mid-point of the wall where that metal trim is, which would help darken the ceiling up a bit (it's lit up too much IMO).
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-25 16:04:27 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257634
Muzz those maps of yours look great, but if I'm to be absolutely honest I'd have to say that you need a little variation in lighting. Right now everything is sort of flat, and a little too bright. Maybe don't rely so much on overhead sources?

I probably shouldn't be so critical of WIP. :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-22 01:26:52 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257481
Right here's some shit that's way WIP...
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Just started it the other day. I'm trying to focus more on lighting techniques than architecture here, because when I look back at what Valve did I noticed their mapping technically was shit, but their lighting saved it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-17 19:57:29 UTC
in can you mod with hl eng with only steam? Post #257285
Hunter, he doesn't even have WON Half-Life... so GCFScape is in fact necessary for him to extract all the necessary files and such.

But yeah, the files are essentially all the same, so if you have that option it'll work fine too.
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-17 19:51:39 UTC
in can you mod with hl eng with only steam? Post #257283
Yeah, you can mod fine with only Steam. I was doing it for quite a while myself. Works the same way as it used to with WON, just that all the files and folders are stored in the GCF.

What Raver means is, you open the GCF file with GCFScape, but he couldn't remember the name or something...
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-15 20:05:12 UTC
in Games to look forward to... Post #257154
Star Wars Monopoly 3
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-29 12:19:04 UTC
in Splinter Prize Fight Post #256321
Satchmo, fortunately, holds a TWHL Gold membership and is thus excused from warnings.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 15:14:52 UTC
in Splinter Prize Fight Post #256275
potatis_invalid is gay. And so's everything else in this thread.

kidding, don't ban me.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 06:27:13 UTC
in Weapon Sounds? Post #256257
They're in there. Actually, you inadvertently answered your own question. If you read the title of this thread backwards, with a slash between words, that's the path they're under. ;)
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 02:25:06 UTC
in The Wii, Xbox 360 & PS3 so far...... Post #256254
I was gonna edit this in there, but... whatever.
The wii is a stupid little thing that proves my theory that Nintendo is lazy bastards who rather just make a new controller then a entierly new system, it's just a pimped-out gamecube.
And the Gamecube was just a pimped out N64. THINK ABOUT IT!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 02:20:59 UTC
in The Wii, Xbox 360 & PS3 so far...... Post #256252
Take for example the upcoming Wii game called "The Conduit". This is a sci-fi FPS game slated to come out 1st. quarter of next year. The word on this game is, it will push the Wii's graphical limits to the max...
My god, if that's the Wii's maximum graphical limit, Nintendo should be embarrassed. That honestly looks like a mid-range to high level Half-Life mod with high res textures or really subpar Source material. It's comprised entirely of blocks.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 02:36:03 UTC
in FireBalls Post #256211
Yeah, so Skals am I wrongfully assuming you want the fireball to be a sprite? Otherwise it'd look kinda... shit... to be honest.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 00:42:00 UTC
in Cant make big maps Post #256205
I have no idea. It could easily be checked, I just find it funny I never had any problems with that happening to me.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 00:40:10 UTC
in Cant make big maps Post #256203
That's funny you mention that, because while I don't remember my bullet holes ever being scaled up, I seem to remember blood splatter and stuff like that being affected. Maybe that was fixed in an update?
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 00:34:13 UTC
in FireBalls Post #256201
Wait, how exactly are you expecting to make a a sprite follow a path in the Half-Life engine without any coding? Because I believe they needed a whole new entity in Opposing Force for this to work.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-26 01:42:31 UTC
in Mapping for Far Cry 2 Post #256154
I'm not sure I agree entirely. While this editor seems to be extremely dumbed-down, I still think you should consider the amount of effort it would take to make large environments like this if you were given a program like Hammer. It'd be so time consuming most people would just give up, and it wouldn't be efficient at all. Instead, individual models are created outside the editor, and the map editor's only function is the placement of these objects. Map editing programs seem to have moved beyond the point where they're needed for the creation of the actual content in the map. Since the use of models are so prevalent in today's games, the level designer's job looks like it's shifted more from an artistic endeavor to a strategic one, merely planning out the layout and putting the pieces all together.

Yeah, it hurts to see our favorite form of artistic expression overshadowed by the use of pre-designed content used in great redundancy, but there's few other ways to achieve the kind of graphics we're seeing today. You just can't expect to reach a realistic level working with geometric blocks. The only other viable option is to design the entire map within a modeling program, like they did with Halo.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 02:05:28 UTC
in Cant make big maps Post #256068
There's nothing wrong with scaling textures up, it's just not the kind of thing I would do for a really detailed interior or something like that. A very noticeable side effect is that it'll absolutely ruin your lighting on those surfaces that have been upscaled, and you'll often get these noticeable lines where brushes have been segmented. It's not a problem for most rough outdoor settings though.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-24 20:07:30 UTC
in Half-Life: Decay for PC Post #256056
Well, usually you wait until an NPC finishes his script/sentence before E'ing him. But you didn't.
That's dumb though, you shouldn't have to do that. I guess the developers were either ignorant of this or didn't know there was a little flag that solves this problem. I hate it when scripts get entirely ruined because they expect the player to sit back like they're watching a movie and not play with anything.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-24 03:44:08 UTC
in Half-Life: Decay for PC Post #256006
Judging from the pics, I'm not getting my hopes up on the architecture being too great... or even on par with Half-Life's... but I'll play it anyway if I get the chance. I had been waiting for this for a while, but totally forgot about it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-19 20:24:42 UTC
in Ati Driver .....ONNA ..... Post #255725
I mean if you're planning on going with the flow of technology and you still want to map for Goldsource, you'll have to eventually either do this, dual boot to XP, or something else.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-19 20:18:45 UTC
in Ati Driver .....ONNA ..... Post #255723
Buy an old computer specifically for HL1 mapping. No joke, it will make your life infinitely easier.