Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 21:23:13 UTC
in Water? How? Post #193939
Are there ways to control, for instance, color or sediment in the water? or is that done using fog?


EDIT: oh, and do I use the silver-looking water textures, or the blue-looking water textures?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 19:44:19 UTC
in Water? How? Post #193935
I can't find any water tutorials in the Source section of the tuts. Can somebody please explain to me how to go about making water? :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 14:33:05 UTC
in Fractals Post #193921
Thats so cool! I made one of 'em my background. I think I'll give it a shot.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 13:59:10 UTC
in Cubemapping issue? Post #193918
Not for me : But I dont mind: at least I got 'em to work :P .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 13:38:30 UTC
in Cubemapping issue? Post #193915
Is it supposed to be reflecting the sky, or the brushes around it...? :|

But yeah, sky_day01_01 is the sky that I have - none of it is outside though.


Oh silly me! :o I didnt know that I hade to restart Deathmatch, I thought I just had to reopen the map. Thanks though :lol: .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 12:48:14 UTC
in Cubemapping issue? Post #193910
Well this map was just a test: This is my 1st experiemnt with cubemaps.

Ok, so I raised it to head level and compiled and ran the map. I then used buildcubemaps, exited the level, reentered (without recompiling) and the cubemapping remained the default sky_day01_01. In case it's of any relevance, I'm using the Combine Metal texture.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 12:17:50 UTC
in Cubemapping issue? Post #193904
I did restart the map after building the cubemaps. What would be considered "head" level? 60 units?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 00:35:55 UTC
in Map ideas Post #193857
Hmm... well I dont know about what sort of things you can pull off in HL1; Perhaps you have some guy getting ready to go into some crazy battle, and then he... dun dun daaaa, enters the battle and kicks some ass, and then at the end have him get wounded and die and then the music will get all sad because it's such an original plot.

Whoops, I got carried away :|

Thats all I can think of now; I'll sleep on it and hopefuly have a "Eureka!" moment.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 00:29:33 UTC
in Jesus Christ Supercop Post #193856
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 23:09:07 UTC
in WTF??? whats up with my HD space?? Post #193853
Defraging certaintly made my system faster :P :heart: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops:

@Rowlybob 12GB for system restore!?!?!

I hope that's a type-o :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 20:51:39 UTC
in Cubemapping issue? Post #193848
I did both attached and unattached. The room is made from a hollowed cube (This is simply a test map), so I know there is no leak.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 20:49:11 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #193846
Well, yeah, it's not a problem, it's just anoying
starting straight from hammer is pretty pointless if you ask me
Um... why?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 20:48:01 UTC
in Cubemapping issue? Post #193845
But... the brick room that encompases the metal table that has the cubemap on it isn't being reflected, the sky "skybox/sky_day01_01" is.

It looks the same as it did before I used buildcibemaps.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 19:55:19 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #193842
I just got a nice new problem: upon the end of a compile, when HL2DM is supposed to autostart, DM "encounters an error and needs to close."

I can still access my map by manualy starting DM though.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 19:53:08 UTC
in Cubemapping issue? Post #193841
I was experimenting with cubemaps for the first time earlier, and after I built the cubemaps and reload the level (as the tut on interlopers instructed), the default cubemap remained, not the new one. When I looked in the console, I had this:

"] buildcubemaps
bounce: 1/1 sample: 1/1
Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox sky_day01_01..."

The words "bounce: 1/1 sample: 1/1" were in red.

What'm I doin' wrong? :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 13:04:43 UTC
in dm_metro Post #193812
I like the clean brushwork, and the train looks fabulous, though, I feel it may be too much of the same color. Unless, of course, that's what you were aiming for; there could be a bit more variation in the stone color. It just seems to me that the subway stations I've seen are a bit more bright-industrial... but that's just me :D .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-17 23:21:06 UTC
in Jesus Christ Supercop Post #193784
How is looking at a video impose the views on you? See that little red "X" in the upper right corner of the screen? Press that if you ever begin to feel light-headed, and all of your worries will be washed away :)

Much like how you can't demolish the First Church of Satin, you can't remove that video from the web, however if you accidentally stumble into that church, the door surely won't close behind you, and that little red "X" won't go grey.

Walk out.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-17 17:04:15 UTC
in making an unseen brush face null Post #193766
Sorry to interupt your HL1 thread ;) but does that apply to Source too? or only HL1 (the null'ing/no-draw'ing of the texture if it's facing the void... that is)?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-17 16:34:49 UTC
in Vertex-Manipulation Question Post #193763
Damn : .

Well, thanks for clearing that up :D .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-17 15:47:02 UTC
in Vertex-Manipulation Question Post #193759
Is it possible to extrude a selection of vertices in Hammer? And by that, I mean, is it possible to copy the vertices selected, and move them to a new location with faces filling in the area between the old and new vertices (Alot like in blender)? It would make my life infinitely easier when creating things like piping and/or rounded buttons.

Also, is it possible to add vertices to a brush without the clipping tool?

Posted 17 years ago2006-08-17 09:28:28 UTC
in Big List of Mapping Crimes Post #193732
First off, I've got to say that this thread is actually not a bad idea (I don't know if it's been done in the past, so please dont castrate me for saying that.), and it would be a great reference thread.

I agree with just about all of them, save for the Helicopter. The HL2 Helicopter was designed for the airboat battle. The airboat's gun shoots bullets that inflict somthing like 10 dammage (not sure?), and then multiply that by 100 bullets. I understand where you're comming from, but you really can't critique somthing for what it was designed to do. I think you may, however, be able to look in the HL2 directory, copy the helicopter's model files, alter them, and re-save them as a new monster.

On the note of things to hate... I can't stand levels that don't pace themselves. You can't make one giant blood-bath level after level after level; take a break and give, perhaps, and exploration part that the player must go through. Perhaps provide a puzzle to occupy the player, and once it's solved, flood him with enemies. Pacing is of extreme importance when producing maps.

Happy Mapping.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-17 00:30:54 UTC
in Shadows Through Floor Post #193693
Yeah... I'v seen that before... certaintly is anoying, isnt it? :P

Try cutting the wall brush into two pieces and extending the floor brush through the gap you just created.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-16 23:22:06 UTC
in new JACKASS mod need more people Post #193691
1st of all, don't double-post ;) the "edit" button is below your avatar and if you are the last person to post, you can use it.

2nd of all, I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by
my friend,you may know him,rotatorsplint,may help me if i can get this partly going for mapping
because I AM a mapper and nothing else : . We need to discuss this more sometime later through Steam Chat.

3rd of all, your forum posts are difficult to read because they consist of a single paragraph and have no spacing after puncuation.

Finally, and to be quite honest, I think we need to scrap this, and start wayyyyy smaller... perhaps simply start by attempting a custom weapon or new monster. Why do you think that there are 9 versions of GMOD thus far? To better understand what I mean, open up the GMOD directory and open some of the files using notepad. Does any bit of it make sense?

And, if you think about it, it's not so much a new mod, as it is a paint-change for GMOD. Why recode everything to make somthing that's identical to GMOD save for the Jackass characters?

It's not like I wouldn't like to make an awesome mod with you, it's just that, from what I have seen, you probably are not ready to undertake somthing of this magnitude.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-16 15:02:34 UTC
in The TWHL map game! Post #193658
Everybody maps for HL1 >.< get with the Source mapping here people!
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-16 14:47:41 UTC
in HL2TV.... Post #193654
Fraps can show your frame rate in games! Fraps performs video capture, screen capture and can benchmark your fps! Supports both DirectX capture and OpenGL ...
Doesn't sound bad to me :D but, of course, thats just me. :nuts:

EDIT: I decided to DL the freeware version, but is there a way to record longer than 30 seconds? Thats just terrible :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-16 14:45:19 UTC
in The TWHL map game! Post #193653
Sounds like a lot of fun :D ... 2 questions:

Is this for Source or HL1?

What determines the "winner"?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-16 13:13:33 UTC
in HL2TV.... Post #193632
Did you even look at the first link that Google gave? :P

The first link brings you to the official site, have a look around there.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-16 13:00:54 UTC
in WTF??? whats up with my HD space?? Post #193628
Sorry it took me so long to reply, I was gone for a couple of days..

Anyway, Penguin, when I go to Start > Program Files > SpaceMonger > SpaceMonger, it says that "my copy of SpaceMonger has expired and is therefore not usable, and that I must download a new copy or buy a full copy".

Did I accidentally DL a timed version, not the full freeware version? :|

@Everybody else: I have a measley 40 GB hard drive. Yes, it's sad. I got this trusty little Dell about 2 years ago, and its time is almost up. But Christmass is comming and my parents are chippin' in 1/3rd of the cost for the new one... just so you all know.

I would also be interested in learning how to "Split my DH into sepparate chunks" :) Or did you mean 3 physical drives? :

Thanks for the replies every1

EDIT: I found the no-time-limit version, problem solved :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-15 03:47:56 UTC
in WTF??? whats up with my HD space?? Post #193491
GASP :aghast: :aghast: :aghast: Not like I mind :nuts:

Seriously tho, seeing so little space really surprised me.

Penguin: That little program is awesomely awesome. That's right.

Awesomely awesome.

In fact, I'm going to burn the installer to a CD so I can keep it FOR EVER AND EVER AND EVER.

Holy shnizzle!!! 1.1 GB is taken up in google videos - I only have 4 of them :aghast: !
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-15 02:58:21 UTC
in Ban Everyone Post #193489
VOX, were gonna need more than ONE bag of candy. :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-15 01:58:18 UTC
in WTF??? whats up with my HD space?? Post #193487
Mmm, all very good points; especially the Steam updates: I imagine that updates and ad-ons like the SDK Base take much space.

I've actually already begun storing video and rarely-used files and folders to CDs. I was planning on gettin a new comp, so it's about time that I did this anyway. It's true though, 1.5 GB is definitely not much, but its a good amount of space for virtual memory... especially with games like BF2 being played on a 2-year-old Dell.

Thanks for all your help, didnt know if my comp was going to explode or somthing :nuts:

EDIT: there :biggrin: 1.35 GB free! ty y'all :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-15 00:38:06 UTC
in WTF??? whats up with my HD space?? Post #193483
Earlier today, I got a warning in my task bar saying that I had an extremely low amount of disk space on my HD. When I looked, i had 109 MB (mind you, its a 40 GB HD). The last time I checked (some time about a month ago) i had over 1.5 GB open. I have no recolection of installing anything since then or DLing large files.

So my question is... (And yes i know it sounds paranoid, but what can you say about current day internet?) is it possible that a hacker is taking my computer's HD space? And if so, for what? I have a cable router with an integrated firewall, just so you know. And if it is impossible for that to be true, and it IS just me and my imagination, then thank you for pointing that out.

Still, losing that kind of space randomly is a little disconcerting, so if anybody has any clue about this, please share your thoughts!

Thank you :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-14 22:53:01 UTC
in Half Life 2: Episode 1 Critique Post #193481
It was amazingly well planned out and narrated, especially for a simple fan, not a company or big internet site. They were all very good thoughts and it's almost amazing how people equate certain things with life and how much thought people will put into somthing as simple as a game. I especially like the part where he talks about the Yahoo Search :lol: made me laugh. I also like the choice and use of the HL2 audio tracks that applied to what he was talking about. For instance, the track played for Black Mesa was played when he spoke of Dr. Kliener. Amazingly well constructed!

5 stars for sure!
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-14 22:30:22 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #193479
Yes... yes I do :| .

These failures, from what I have seen, were in large part due to the time limit. More time means better turn-out. Because there would be a week for this one, you, Rowly, may have a bit more time to work; and, judging from what I have seen you produce, you have a good chance of placing 1st :) . C'mon people, lets build stuff! Don't chicken out ;) !!
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-14 13:04:41 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #193408
So are we going to do somthing then? I have a good idea: Build, out of brushes, an airplane. It doesnt have to fly, make it explorable - By plane, I mean a passenger plane, or somthing of the sort, and give lots of detail. Custom content allowed, 1 week time limit.

Because I can't judge, if this idea is selected, we will have a vote on the judge; same protocol: make it clear that you want to be a judge, make it clear who you're voting for, you CAN'T vote for your self. If you're entering the compo, you can't judge (duh :) ).

This thread was an ingenious idea on RB's part, and I dont want to see it go down the drain like this. LETS MAKE SOME BRUSHES! YEAH.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-14 12:50:19 UTC
in Some excellent source related tutorials Post #193407
: I dont have PhotoShop, just PaintShop, so the 2nd tutorial is a bit difficult to follow, ruling out the fact that my version crashes at the same spot every time and the patch I got won't fix it, but I'll manage :D .

Great tutorials Xy; if you've got more, keep em commin :nuts: .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-13 12:24:06 UTC
in Lighting problems -_- Post #193276
A "skybox" is a brush that encompases the map area covered in the "skybox" texture. This texture becomes invisible in-game, and from it, you see the sky. When using a light_enviornment, the light settings from that entity are emitted from the skybox, giving the play area within the skybox the look like night or day.

I'm not sure if there's a skybox tutorial somwhere in this site... I'll have a look around.

EDIT: no tuts for a plain, old Skybox :

Well, simply put: to make a skybox, make your map, then make a brush that covers the entire map. Hollow it out, and make all of the brushes' faces the "skybox" texture (type in "skybox" into the filter setting in the texture browser, it will be close to the bottom.). Compile and look at your pretty new sky. Just make sure that you have a light_enviornment, or no light will be emmitted from the skybox. If you dont like the sky texture, the enter the texture browser, type in "skybox" or "sky" and look for the textures that have names like "skybox/sky_day01_03rt". Find the one that you like, and write down its name. go to map > map properties... > skybox texture name and put the skybox name without the "skybox/" and "rt" or "sv" or what ever 2 letters are at the end of its name. it will look like "sky_day01_03"

Hope that helps yeh :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-13 12:07:21 UTC
in Lighting problems -_- Post #193272
Well be a bit more specific, are you using a light_enviornment? Those emit light from the skybox. If you are, then the brightness is too low; a brightness of around 20 will do nicely for a night setting.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-13 01:55:49 UTC
in BUMP! Post #193251
By the way, this will probably get closed before it reaches 3 pages or so.
Apparently not :sarcastic:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-12 23:00:10 UTC
in Transparency Problems Post #193245
Hmm.... I'm not sure then... I guess the only thing I can suggest is running the map in DX level 8. :
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-12 22:42:36 UTC
in Transparency Problems Post #193243
Are these problems that occured only the 1st time you played CS in the new system? I mean, have you started playing CS, exited-out, rebooted, then tried again? I know that some games use the first run as a sort of calibration... perhaps CS is that way.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-12 18:11:41 UTC
in Na_Snipe Post #193226
Hmm.. desert.. I suppose that you might encounter clifs or mountains in the desert. Try googling pictures of Arizona to get an idea of what I mean. And of course things like that water tower help incorporate vertical gameplay too :) .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-12 14:11:41 UTC
in Na_Snipe Post #193211
I actually really like the way you've lit the night-time screenie; I think it looks realistic. At first, I thought it was Source.

The level its lookin' great. I suppose the only thing I really have to say is: Are you going to try incorporating a little more vertical-gameplay into the map? Judging by its name, I'm guessing it's a sniper match, and vertical game play would make it a heck of a lot of fun to play.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-11 23:04:42 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #193171
We still have to wait for the Compo results to come in and a new HL Compo to begin; why not entertain ourself during that period?

On the note of time limit, I think we really can't get worked up over that. This is the 1st MiniCompo Thread that, to my knowlege, TWHL has ever had, and as such, there are going to be mistakes and failures. Lets not let it ruin the thread?

Apparently, time limits are too short; simply lengthen them; and we really need to put our heads together and think of some really awesome ideas. We could map a short cutscene or somthing like that with lots of explosions and such. Dont let thinking in only terms of bare-bone 'brushes' hinder your creative ideas! :P

Perhaps we will start a new thread that utilizes the use of terrain or astounding lighting. It's all up to you guys, so lets keep this awesome idea going.

/patton's speach
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-10 19:30:22 UTC
in RAID, is it worth it? Post #193069
Taken from
It is also a popular choice for gaming systems where performance is desired, data integrity is not very important, but cost is a consideration to most users
Its pretty convincing comming from ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-10 19:25:48 UTC
in Bloom starts on? Post #193068
I dont know about the triggers, but I know that if you sepparate the commands by a ; and a space in the console, it treats them as sepparate commands triggered at the same time. If there's and area that you put the console command into when you make the trigger (I havent any experience with them, so i dont know :) ) then try sepparating them like that. It would look somthing like:

"mat_forcebloom 1; mat_bloomscale 20"

You may also want to make 2 entirely sepparate triggers that both cover the entire level, so the player always hits both of them.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-09 22:22:50 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #192968
Pfft, I wouldn't disown you. In fact, I would agree with you. Lately, I havent been doing much else except playing BF2 (I'm sure some of you can understand ;) ), but from what I've seen, this release totaly sucks. How COULD all of these bugs and issues get by their testing? Did they test it on only one computer!?!?!

This isn't a first either; earlier this year, the patch being released for the HL2DM Tournament that was supposed to remove some exploits, such as the grav-gun jump, screwed up royaly. What has valvE come to??? :nuke:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-09 16:00:15 UTC
in Angled Sunlight? Post #192939
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-09 14:57:44 UTC
in 3D/Camera View Quit Post #192934
er... what?

EDIT: oh wait, I got it :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 23:09:11 UTC
in u know your obsesed with HL when... Post #192725
You know you're obsessed with HL when you have almost an entire notepad willed with console commands for HL.