Source is capable of rendering maps with this much detail, Source supports these effects, etc.Good point.
It's a metaphore for complete pointlessness.NO IT ISN'T.
Not one of you has mentioned the fact that this still is a great site...... I have, frequently.
Source ships with three Defusion maps; Office, Italy and Havana, and six Defusion maps; Aztec, Cobble, Chateau, Dust, Dust2, and Piranesi.I think this proves I'm the only person who's actually read it so far, yourself included Rabid
The Source engine is indeed impressive in it?s graphics abilities and will be able to power games like CS:S for years to come.Should, for once, not have an opostrophe.
Error: Could not open wad file documents and settingsnew computerdesktopkami-platinum.wadRead the logs, that's what they're for.
Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist