Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-04 05:22:37 UTC
in Unreal Editor Post #263726
GtkRadiant has nothing todo with UnrealEd, it's for Q1/Q2/Q3/D3 based games (you could use it for HL if you wanted). They aren't related at all, GtkRadiant was a GTK port of Q3Radiant which is based on QE4 (official Quake II editor). It's actually not too different from Hammer, some of the UI methods differ, but they both export identical MAP files.

UnrealEd is a TOTALLY different beast with different roots and for an engine that's different right down to the fundamentals. I've only tried using it a handful of times and I didn't really like it much, so I can't really offer any advice, I just like correcting people.

I've just started playing UT99 again recently though, and I feel compelled to try UnrealEd again so we'll both be learning if anyone has any hints D:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 22:28:50 UTC
in TWHL isgetting hacked! Help! Post #263484
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-27 13:45:07 UTC
in OMG ! c++ problem Post #263405
Well, until now I just used system functions , sleep and playsound ( altough I already downloaded fmod, and I'm trying to learn how to use it in my program)
I'm still very far away from knowing how to make a window ...
I don't know how I can make this any clearer.. learn C++ before learning Windows API. Forget spawning windows and using audio. Learn C++. If you don't understand the syntax of for-loops, then you've got a bit of a way to go. Get some grasp on OOP, learn all the ins and outs of the syntax and the standard library so you can make the most of it. Don't even bother including Windows headers.

It might be fun to make silly test programs that play sounds or spawn windows that don't do anything but you won't learn C++ that way. Pick a simple project that wouldn't possibly need to use anything outside the standard library, like a primality tester. That's what I used to teach myself C.

Start your projects out small and simple then build on them gradually, fixing problems yourself with the help of a reference manual (I'd recommend you get a copy of The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup, I wouldn't recommend trying to read it cover to cover though). Refrain from reading tutorials and reading other peoples code. The only use for tutorials is to give you a basic idea of concepts like types, pointers, variables, loops and the general syntax, you shouldn't follow them to the word, I find learning from tutorials/dummies guides to be detrimental once you have a grasp of the syntax and understand what all of the important features can do.

Edit: If you're too impatient to teach yourself, pay for a proper course. It's the most effective way to learn, if a little expensive. You'll get exercises, have things explained to you clearly and get help when you don't understand something. It's better than taking the half-assed "LOL WINDOWS API SHORTCUTS" route or following badly written tutorials that don't really explain things clearly, and second only to teaching yourself with a reference manual (but that takes a bit of patience and time).
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-27 08:47:12 UTC
in OMG ! c++ problem Post #263395
What Elof said. Also, by cross-platform programming I mean making full use of the capabilities of the C++ standard library. That IS the solid base of C++ knowledge. Really, don't bother learning the Windows API until you're comfortable with the language. It will teach you bad, lazy practices and it'll turn you into a sloppy programmer who can't work with anything that doesn't use Windows' API.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-27 08:37:50 UTC
in Desktops of March Post #263394
Still this.
User posted image

Gentoo + Openbox + PyPanel + this wallpaper.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-25 21:34:52 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #263291
Spock's Beard - The Light
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-25 20:50:31 UTC
in Desktops of February Post #263288
User posted image
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-24 23:24:13 UTC
in OMG ! c++ problem Post #263231
It's not entirely neccessary for main to return int, it's just good practice. There are some cases where you may want to return something else and in programs such as your one, it's perfectly valid to use void however it's not good practice. If you for example, if you want to create a wrapper for your program or make a script that chains several programs you'll probably want to be making use of exit codes to track errors or halt the script when one occurs. Even if YOU don't want to create a wrapper or make a script like the example I gave, someone else might want to use your program in one.

Also, don't get bother getting comfortable with the Windows API unless you absolutely need to use it. You should make as much use of the standard library as possible and not resort to using platform specific functions/APIs/features unless it's imperative. It might not matter with little test apps, but if you actually release something useful that people will want to download, cross-platform compatibility is a very good thing. There'll be significantly less hassle porting something that isn't riddled with platform-specific code.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-22 01:04:51 UTC
in MS Paint Faces Post #263106
Not strictly a fucked up face but sort of fucked up.
User posted image
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-20 21:47:19 UTC
in My setup Post #263055
Who needs flashy keyboards anyway? I'd still be using my IBM Model M if I hadn't gotten a G15 for my birthday a couple of years ago. You should definitely invest in a good mousepad though for gaming, instead of that desk. QPad CT or fUnc 1030 (first if you like cloth pads, second if you like hard pads) would be my choices, it'll make a world of difference.

I'd personally use a headset and a CRT (Sony GDM-FW900 anyone? 24" of widescreen Trinitron goodness) over speakers and a TFT too, but hey those are personal tastes. Sounds like you got a good deal on speakers/monitor.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-28 20:12:44 UTC
in Offline Gmail Post #262094
Couldn't you use POP with Gmail before? I definitely remember being able to access Gmail with POP before. If that's still true, this new feature seems pretty pointless when you can just download everything in a mail client and view it offline.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-28 20:05:59 UTC
in I'm Back. Post #262093
Chemotherapy sucks (depends what drugs they use though), be prepared to either vomit uncontrollably or at least feel like you're going to. You'll be wishing you had been put back on radiotherapy after going through chemo, but if you've gotta go through it, just make sure they give you some anti-nausea pills (if you can keep them down).

Good to hear you're ok though! Good luck with your treatment, but you'll think differently about chemo after you've been through it yourself, it's not very pleasant :[
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-22 17:21:01 UTC
in Ad-Aware Scam Post #261858
Ad-Aware is perfectly legit, it's not particularily useful seeing as most of the things it detects are easily removable and detected manually but it's still legit.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-15 09:57:20 UTC
in RIP: Ricardo Montalban Post #261526
Christopher Lee was the guy from The Man With the Golden Gun, not Ricardo Montalban D:

But he was great in The Wrath of Khan :3
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 20:41:43 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261488
XP was called Whistler during development as well, fyi. Personally I think Windows 7 is a bit of a silly name. It's not the 7th version of Windows, and it's not even the 7th revision of Windows NT (it's the 8th if you count 3.51). It's the 7th if you only include "home user" oriented releases (including Win2k Professional) starting at Win95 I guess.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 16:13:50 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261477
The Win7 kernel is an improved version of what Vista uses, and is on par or better than that of WinXP depending on your hardware. Win7's kernel is to Vista's as WinXP's (NT 5.1) is to Win2k's (NT 5.0). Saying it has the same kernel is a bit simplistic, it uses the same base, but it's not identical.
Intel Pentium D 3.20 ghz, 2 Gb of corsair twin memory 800 mhz in dual channel , 160 gb hdd , ati radeon hd 4850 and gigabyte s-series p965 rev 3.3 .

rev 3.3 which is why I want to buy a CO rev of E8400 and stay with it at 3.6-3,8 ghz
That will run Vista just fine, CPU is lacking a bit but it's far from inadequate, though personally I'd stick with XP until Win7, which your computer is more than adequate for, is released.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 14:02:08 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261471
Vista is trash. They had absolutely no sense of direction when they were developing it. They came up with all these brilliant, ingenius features, bolted them onto WinNT 5.1 (WinXP), decided they didn't know where they were going with it, scrapped it then decided to abandon all the things that made it promising. Then they decided to just build some bloat and DRM on top of WinNT 5.2 (Server 2k3), screwed up the audio subsystem, TCP/IP stack and account/filesystem permissions and relabel it as WinNT 6. The only good thing about Vista is the memory management and the window manager (compositing <3).

I like to think of Win7 as what Vista should've been. While it still contains much of the bloat that made Vista bad and still uses the terribad audio subsystem (which is actually ok in some ways, I like the per-application volume control, but I hate the fact it draws significantly more CPU time) and networking from Vista (though both have been improved, they're still bad), it fixes many of the issues with Vista, including performance.
I don't know ... I can't upgrade to vista .... even though I have 2 GB of ram. I have to buy a new hdd and a new processor ...
What CPU/HDD do you have? If you bought/built your system around the time 2GB became mainstream, I see no reason why Vista wouldn't run just fine, though Win7 would run better, but if you don't want to use beta software and be exposed to the risks associated with it, you should probably just stick to XP until Win7 hits release.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 12:55:29 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261469
The kernel has changed quite a bit (not completely obviously as Vista drivers usually work, but whether that's through a layer of backwards compatibility or just because certain parts of it haven't been changed I don't know). It's just a better Vista FOR NOW, and only on the surface.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 00:18:38 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261449
It's not intentional and it's got nothing todo with DRM. WMP tries to automaticly fill in missing tags/metadata with information from the internet but makes the header too long and as a result damages the first few seconds of the data itself. You can disable it, but it's enabled by default.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 00:01:23 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261447
It feels smoother (both in performance and functionality) and boots faster, at least. It also fixes many of the minor issues that Vista has. It's still got an endless appetite for memory (500MB+ on a fresh installation with all unneccessary services disabled and all the useless features off compared with my current 6 month old bloated XP installation's sub-100MB), but high memory usage doesn't neccessarily have an impact on performance when the memory management is done properly and you have adequate memory.

At the moment it literally is just a faster, better version of Vista, it's not drasticly different, I guess further down the line it'll get some more changes though. I'd personally say it's faster than XP on a machine that had enough memory and is powerful enough to use it to it's full potential, much like Vista is ON-PAR with XP on a decent machine.

Just don't open any MP3s in WMP unless you've installed the patch (Google for "Windows 7 MP3 corruption" and you'll find a link to it somewhere) or it'll corrupt their headers and take a few seconds off the beginning of them. Also, if you're planning on running Steam, install all of your games and fully update them BEFORE installing Windows 7, or keep them updated on a seperate XP/Vista installation, then copy it over.

Your mileage may vary with stability, I know someone who is having BSODs left right and center and having apps freeze up at random, while I've had no crashes or errors of any kind other than ones caused by the permissions bug. Just make sure you report any problems/bugs/errors with the feedback tool, it's there for a reason.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 20:34:48 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261441
I'm running it, it's nothing SPECTACULAR but it's fairly good. It's like a better Vista. There's a few bugs with permissions that can cause problems with certain apps (it's not possible to install or update Steam, though it works if you copy over an existing installation). Driver support is a non-issue, Vista drivers run just fine. The only real bug I've encountered is the aforementioned permissions bug, which in turn causes other problems, but it's suitable for daily use I'd say.

Edit: To clarify on the permissions bug, occasionally you'll find that files become "locked" and totally unaccessible, you can see them and that's about it. You can't open them, modify them or delete them, or even view their metadata, you can just see that they're there. Rebooting fixes it. It's nothing terrible, but it causes problems with quite a few apps.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-07 13:26:30 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #261242
Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band - Electricity
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-31 14:10:29 UTC
in New Year Hour Post #260864
7 hours to go here.

Also, fireworks are stupid. Anyone who is actually impressed by a tiny, boring, unspectacular bang that makes an annoying noise must be pretty simple/amused easily.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-29 09:43:02 UTC
in Comp From scratch: Motherboard Post #260710
Vista.. I'd just stick with XP32 or XP64 if I were you. Also, what is there to deal with? Turn on PAE or "buy" XP64. There's very little reason to bother with Vista. With a ridiculously powerful machine and EVERYTHING disabled it edges out XP (while using double the memory, which might not be an issue if you've got loads anyway but it's still sad that it uses double the memory of a full bloat default XP installation despite having everything disabled).

64-bit isn't exactly a huge performance gain for 99% of things you'll end up running, most programs/games you'll be running won't have 64-bit binaries, and the difference in OS performance isn't exactly staggering. Your bet if you really insist on running a 64-bit OS is XP64, and if you understand why it's not as big of a performance gain as some people might lead you to believe or you just have compatibility issues with XP64, you should just stick with XP32 and turn on PAE.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-28 22:51:57 UTC
in Comp From scratch: Motherboard Post #260702
(Even though windows XP thinks it's only 3.18 gig) (also applies to WinXP)

..or just get WinXP64 which is basicly just Windows Server 2k3 (which will be supported long after WinXP32 support is discontinued) with the server components removed. You might have problems finding drivers for obscure hardware but otherwise it's fine.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-28 11:20:16 UTC
in Christmas Present Post #260681
My 24" LCD looks better than any CRT I've used. Well, that and it's 24" and a CRT that size would be a nightmare.
You've not used many good CRTs then I take it. A properly calibrated, decent CRT at a proper resolution and refresh rate will always produce better colors, contrast and response times than an LCD in the same price range. No input lag, perfect contrast, refresh rates that dwarf the mediocre 60Hz (or 120Hz, depending) of LCDs, as well as superior color reproduction.

I suppose with LCDs you don't really notice the awful refresh rate so much seeing as each TFT refreshes independently unlike with a CRT where the whole image refreshes at once, which is why they flicker at low refresh rates. I guess some people just prefer the in-your-face over-saturated-inaccurate-colors look of LCDs than the flat, correctly saturated tame look of CRTs. Personally I actually prefer a good LCD to an average CRT, but only with proper calibration and I'm a bit of a snob so it's IPS or MVA for me, not a big fan of TN panels with their overly-vibrant colors.

I hate shopping for LCDs, as I can never find one that combines low input lag with proper color reproduction within a reasonable price range, but I've found a few that come close to my high standards.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-26 08:22:59 UTC
in Christmas Present Post #260614
Intel i7 totally facerapes anything AMD has to offer right now ridiculously hard D: The prices look decent on the surface as well, but the catch is that all of the good suitable motherboards cost more than the chip itself (unless you buy a 965..). Core 2 is old hat, the highest end model is slower than the cheapest i7, and when you take into account that 920's aren't very sensitive to temperature, clock really well on air and scale really well with clockspeeds, nothing really compares to them.

Anyway, I got some DVD's and clothes and that's about it, but I'm buying a new monitor as a late present to myself anyway.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 22:47:53 UTC
in Long time, no see Post #259857

Not really an edit: holy crap is that Andy I see online?
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-09-10 06:15:14 UTC
in LHC Post #255114
I don't think stories like this should be featured in mainstream media until they've already happened. All it takes is a handful of uneducated twats misquoting "black hole" and suddenly everybody seems to think it's the end of the world. I'd rather trust thousands upon thousands of the worlds most highly decorated physicists than a few people who are totally out of their field incorrectly estimating the danger of something going wrong and filing lawsuits.

Personally, I'm really excited about the whole project and I can't wait until they're ready to start producing collisions. Even if the skeptics and paranoid lunatics are correct and the world does get eaten up by a black hole, on the plus side, at least we'll all die, and as the majority of the earth's population is a waste of flesh, it'll be good for the universe in the long term.

What some of these doomsday-obsessed idiots who seem to think the world is going to end today forget is that not only are they not even producing any collisions today, they're not even firing a single beam at FULL POWER. All they did today was power up a single beam at low power and try firing it around the whole circuit. I've heard they're going to test the other beam too, not at full power and not colliding with the other one, but merely to make sure it's aligned correctly.

But besides that, even if they were producing collisions today and a OMG LOL SCARY BLACK HOLE LOL did form, become stable and find matter to sustain itself with (the chances of that happening are probably as low as those of a black hole forming to begin with), it wouldn't instantly gobble the whole planet up within a day.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-17 12:34:27 UTC
in Serenity Now bombs a World of Warcraft f Post #253973
Did I mention you the 3 times in week on punctaul time or you get booted from the raid thing?
CASUAL! Try 6 times! :>

To be honest though, if you find repetitive gameplay boring, stay the fuck away from MMO's. Some people enjoy that type of gameplay, others don't. You clearly didn't.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-16 23:36:45 UTC
in Serenity Now bombs a World of Warcraft f Post #253957
If you asked me my opinion on any MMO a couple of years ago I would've said that they're totally shit, but having actually given WoW a chance for a couple of years, I can say in all honesty it's actually a pretty good game. It's not without it's flaws and it's not perfect, but it's far better than the majority of the shit that's out there at the moment. Obviously some people are gonna take it too far and do nothing but play it day in day out, but it's easier for people to get into that habit with WoW not only because it's grindtastic but because of the social aspect.

I've cleared every raid instance in the game and have near best-in-slot gear on my lock and I'm still far from "completing" it. Until you've experienced every raid instance as every class, gotten Gladiator title as every class, have all random drop mounts, got Exalted with every faction and have every legendary usable by your class, you haven't completed the game.

It might sound like a waste of money to you, but it lasts longer than the multiple singleplayer games you'd get for that price and while it's not without it's flaws, it's far better than most other games out at the moment. Most of the retards who bash WoW clearly haven't experienced end-game content or high-end PvP, or simply haven't played it at all.

Before I tried it, I was convinced it was the shittiest game ever and I still thought it was pretty mediocre until I started doing the real content, just ashame they have to nerf it all for the dumber players 3 months after it's released -.-

[/wall of text]

m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-27 17:33:10 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #251899
Have you got any scientific evidence to back up that claim? D:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-27 17:29:18 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #251897
Everyone knows Opera is better :<

hides behind a bush and waits for the browser wars to commence
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 13:00:01 UTC
in TF2 Update [IMPORTANT] Post #251397
TF2 is gonna turn into BF2, not cool. Unlockable weapons aren't a good thing. I prefer to be able to just go on any server and have an equal advantage to everybody else. I like TF2, it's well balanced and well designed, but this is one of those things that'll make the game even less viable as a competitive game than it already is and most likely ruin the balance. I hope there's at least a serverside option to disable all of this new unlockable bullshit.

They might as well rename it Battlefield Fortress 2 amirite
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 18:57:04 UTC
in Borders searching ipods for illegal cont Post #250826
100% agreed, ZL. One of the main reasons to download music as opposed to purchasing CDs is because CDs are a dead medium. I only use them once, and that's to rip them, then I usually put them away and never use them again. As most people listen to music on computer nowadays, having to rip CDs and encode the result is an annoying, timeconsuming (if you encode it properly and at a decent quality) extra step that most people would rather avoid.

The convenience of pirated music is the reason it's so big, and the crappy quality and ridiculous cost of legal downloading is it's big downfall. I for one would be happy to pay to download music legally IF the quality wasn't totally shit and it wasn't in some obscure, shitty proprietary DRM format, provided the profit went straight to the artist.

What scares me is how they'd detirmine if the music they find is ripped from your own CDs or illegal. There's really no way to distinguish the two. Would they go to the effort of finding out whether you've actually purchased the music you're in possession of, or would they just assume it's all downloaded and arrest you? Pretty scary shit.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 09:42:35 UTC
in Borders searching ipods for illegal cont Post #250740
The artists usualy gain money from piracy, more people discover their music = more people buy CD's and attend their concerts.

I rarely download whole albums (my connection is too slow and too fail to do so comfortably most of the time), but I can guarantee if it weren't for the odd few songs I've downloaded, I wouldn't own half the cd's in my collection. Stupid law is stupid.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-29 13:48:56 UTC
in My dog's 9 puppies! Pictures & Video Post #249387

Spots on face are different to your first picture, and the EXIF data for your 2nd one says it's been saved with photoshop.

Obvious lie is obvious.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-28 10:25:06 UTC
in My dog's 9 puppies! Pictures & Video Post #249311
If nobody can know you have it, what are you doing telling everyone on the interwebs? v&!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-26 11:38:30 UTC
in My dog's 9 puppies! Pictures & Video Post #249189
I like both cats and dogs, but cats are still better, it's just the truth. Depends on the breed of dog/cat though ;o
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-29 14:54:55 UTC
in *Ahem* Post #246879
Happy excuse-to-eat-cake.. I mean birthday!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-25 13:33:16 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #246588
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-01 00:04:37 UTC
in Irretatin experiences? Post #244721
What I find irritating is insignificant scrubs who think their opinion actually matters.

Fake edit: this annoys me too D:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-30 12:32:38 UTC
in Irretatin experiences? Post #244618
WTB Massive Truck of Fail!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-26 16:54:49 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #244343
I thanketh. &lt;3
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-26 12:44:16 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #244339
Gief that wallpaper, Strideh D:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-26 00:24:37 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #244319
User posted image

Been the same for well over a year.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-10 21:11:59 UTC
in Help! Microsoft has handicapped me! Post #243166
Norton is poop, use NOD32.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-10 20:08:25 UTC
in Help! Microsoft has handicapped me! Post #243157
And you're still getting viruses? Then you're clearly doing something wrong.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-10 10:56:25 UTC
in Help! Microsoft has handicapped me! Post #243124
An example of an image exploit; remember the WMF (Window Metafile) vulnerability? That was a pretty famous one. There's lots of exploits that affect JPEG too, involving EXIF data, and that affect a wide range of platforms including Win32 and most systems using libexif.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-10 01:20:29 UTC
in Help! Microsoft has handicapped me! Post #243100
you absolutely cannot get a virus without running it. a virus cannot activate itself.
This is absolutely NOT true. Many viruses propagate themselves over networks (aka worms), in addition, many viruses are obtained through drive-by-downloads (essentially pages with exploitive JavaScript, VBScript or even malformed images, one of the common forms being a malformed GIF being used as a cursor).

While many cases of drive-by-downloads can be curbed by using a browser that doesn't have so many vulnerabilities (like the most excellent Opera), it's not possible to prevent all of them. And of course, a large number of potential worms can be prevented simply by blocking the ports they ("they" being common, well-known worms that are known to be in the "wild") propagate with (if they don't use ports that you absolutely need open that is).

But still, your statement is false. It's ENTIRELY possible to get viruses without actually executing them yourself. If you're stupid enough to be using MSIE however, you deserve to be overrun with all manner of viruses for being so absolutely fucking asinine to begin with.
m0p m0pIllogical.