Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2016-09-26 02:08:40 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331764
Are you saying this because you can't see any fake reflection, or are you simply implying to add specular and normal maps to HL? :|

You can't really see the full effect since you'd need to move around the model when the "chrome" effect is applied to it. Those bright parts on the tiles is the fake specular effect, by the way.

EDIT: This should explain better.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-25 22:46:09 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331761
Testing some reflective floor using a combination of brushes and a model with its texture set to "Chrome" and "Additive".
User posted image
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-17 21:12:44 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331710
!WARNING! Ridiculously big resolution screenshots incoming !WARNING!
User posted image
User posted image
A little update on the HLDM map I'm working on. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-10 06:49:47 UTC
in High ammount of Low poly NPCs vs Low amm Post #331622
Why do they like to modify with models and sprites? Thanks for nice explanations!
This trick has been first introduced by Turtle Rock Studios to make Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (and Deleted Scenes) maps by adding models with the cycler_sprite entity with the sole purpose of having models in the map without any sort of clipping, so that the level designer could create its own collisions on the models with brushes.
The cycler entity has bounding boxes, and if it would be hit with a weapon it would "bleed". Now think about adding a car model as a cycler entity and then the car starts bleeding everytime it takes damage. Not very realistic right? :P

Env_model is an entity that has more options, but the base has been taken by the cycler_sprite entity.
I don´t know nor how to modify fgd files neither I did so in my life
You can simply open an FGD file with any text editor program.
I don´t know if the 2004 version of Quark has the cycler_sprite with the possibility of using models added
It's not the editor that determines what entities you can use, but the FGD itself.
I could create an entity called func_b00bs that works exactly as (for instance) a func_door_rotating. I'd just need to copy the func_door_rotating flags in the FGD file and change its name to func_b00bs, and it will work perfectly.
That's why the new VHLT entities like func_detail or func_group works even without coding the engine, because it uses flags that already exist or that they can be used/mixed because the engine already support them.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-10 06:24:30 UTC
in func_water "WATER brushes not allow Post #331621
It works!

I've fired up Smart Edit in the func_water entity and both of those values was set to "1".

The main thing is why is this happened? I've always made func_water entities with no issues before. I've never had to set anything to make them work, nor I did edit those values before.

Thanks a lot for the help Solokiller! Much appreciated. :) :hammer:

Now I've made that by default adding these two values in the func_water entity in the FGD:
zhlt_detaillevel(integer) : "Detail level" : 0
zhlt_clipnodedetaillevel(integer) : "Detail level of cliphulls" : 0
So that I can edit the values without entering Smart Edit.

Thank you again! :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-09 09:26:28 UTC
in High ammount of Low poly NPCs vs Low amm Post #331606
Hammer crashes with cycler_sprite just because the default halflife.fgd's cycler_sprite entity is set to render sprites only (hence why cycler_SPRITE).

To be able to load models with the cycler_sprite entity you need to edit the cycler_sprite line on the FGD as follows:

[quote]@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) Studio() = cycler_sprite : "Sprite Cycler"
model(studio) : "Model / Sprite" : ""
sequence(integer) : "Animation # sequence (Models only)"
framerate(string) : "Framerate (Sprites only)" : 10[/quote]
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-09 05:52:34 UTC
in func_water "WATER brushes not allow Post #331602
Hey folks, it's me again.

I'm having a weird issue with Hammer 3 lately.
I'm trying to make a simple water brush using the func_water entity, but the compiler just stops telling me:

Error: Entity 22, Brush 0: WATER brushes not allowed in detail

Now, I've always made func_water brush entities with no issues.
I've tried texturing the top texture with a "!" (liquid) texture type, and leave all the others as Bevel, Null or the "!" texture as well, but it gives me this error no matter what.
Then if I try to change the other faces as Skip, it compiles fine with no errors but the map in game has no water (can't see the texture nor swim in it), maybe because the Skip texture just gets stripped in game creating no water content, but it's currently the only way I have to compile the map.
But, if I change the top texture to a normal one with no lables, it compiles fine but I don't have the wave effect because there's no "!" texture type on the top face.
This sh*t is driving me nuts.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-05 21:43:53 UTC
in New Nvidia drivers weird texture filteri Post #331589
Thanks for testing Qwertyus.
Apparently the problem is on newer drivers, I suppose.

I've also found out that the game resolution changes things; if I play at 2K resolution with Nvidia DSR I have like half of the effect.

I'll try to report this to Nvidia when I have some more info.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-05 08:55:21 UTC
in New Nvidia drivers weird texture filteri Post #331578
Hey guys.

Anyone that installed the new Nvidia Game Ready drivers (372.70) experienced some weird filtering on brush's textures on Goldsource games?
It's really weird. Take a look:
User posted image
It acts like anisotropic filtering, but in the wrong way.
I've tried Cry of Fear and this happens too, but it doesn't happen on other similar/engine derivates OpenGL titles like Quake 1 and Quake 3 Arena.

Now, I have forced anisotropic filtering 16x and 8x Transparency SSAA from the Nvidia Control Panel and SSAA 4x from Nvidia Inspector. But that worked flawlessly before updating my drivers. I've used that configuration for more than a year and nothing strange happened (even after many driver updates).

For those who's wondering, I had to update them otherwise I couldn't play the Battlefield 1 open beta (it's a requirement).

I'll try to turn off my custom AA and AF settings to see if it works, even though it would piss me off a bit because I hate jagged egdes.
But I'm posting this firstly because I wanted to know if it's a driver problem and happened to somebody or if it's just me.
Anyone got this?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: It also happens in the 3D viewport of Hammer. :\

EDIT 2: Found the problem. It's the Transparency Antialiasing. I've turned it off and everything went ok. If you have the new Game Ready drivers, could you please try to force Transparency Antialiasing to 8x and see if this happens to you too?
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-01 15:28:02 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331498
Very WIP, but I'm pleased with how this is turning out. Needs a HLFIX compile, for sure.
Archie, do you need custom prop models for that scene? I can make some if you want. That would fix some floating point error post-compile (if using HLFIX still don't fix it).

Now tell me how much would you love to have a func_instance entity on Goldsource? :D
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-29 17:10:59 UTC
in How to create hills or terain using 3rd Post #331470
I was going to tell him the same thing but since he wanted something easier I suggested Twister. :P
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-29 16:53:40 UTC
in How to create hills or terain using 3rd Post #331468
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-16 10:33:56 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #331268
Thanks mate.

And about other type of models to render with it, you could try with Quake models (md2 and md3 extension). Those ones works similar to Goldsource ones.

Just my two cents eh.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-16 03:40:51 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #331264
I've just installed it 2 days ago, and I must say that it's amazing!
Finally, no more crashes, hlmv.exe not closing after exiting and less CPU usage.
I've been waiting for something like this for years! :D

Wouldn't you mind if I feature this on
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-07 11:00:40 UTC
in Custom sound in my map Post #330367
You'd also get the directional issue where the player would only hear it in the left or right speaker depending on their position in the map.
Partially true.
To get rid of this I place multiple ambient_generics on the respective angles and sides of the map to achieve some sort of surround sound, or just creating hollowed NULL/BEVEL brushes with an ambient_generic inside them, put them outside the map in a correct distance between them creating a square form around the map. Though the volume must be lowered a bit otherwise it gets "mixed" (somehow), and everything should be played everywhere (no short, medium or long distance checkboxes whatsoever).

Works pretty good. Still better than having just one of them.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-07 10:47:03 UTC
in Displacements in Jackhammer? Post #330366
Jackhammer doesn't support Source engine mapping, but only Goldsource and idTech mapping.
You will find the "Displacements" tab in VHE 4 only, hence in the various Source SDKs or Counter-Strike Global Offensive SDK in the "Tools" tab on Steam. But keep in mind that displacements aren't supported by any Goldsource engine based game, so you wouldn't be able to compile a map (or open it) with Jackhammer or VHE 3 once you've added displacements on your map with VHE 4.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-02 10:52:03 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330314
There are mods for it compensate the detail level. You can download "HD" player models and weapons.
It also depends on how good you are at mapping; if you can optimize your map for good, then you can add more detail so it will not look bland at all.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-02 06:55:26 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330311

It's not the textures resolution that matters, but how much you scale them.

If you use 512x512px textures and leave them at 1.00 scaling, the compile times would be approximately the same as using 128x128px textures at 1.00 scaling. But if you scale them at 0.50 instead, your compile times would be two times slower.
The real purpose of using high resolution textures is that you can cover bigger areas using smaller scales and avoid to show the texture's seams, but at the same time achieving more detail.
In my case, I use 0.50 scaling on all textures, and sometimes 0.25 to push some details in the map (don't mess too much with 0.25 scaling, definitely not recommended).

It doesn't matter how powerful your computer is, because the engine is old and can be unperformant easly if misused.
The good thing is that you don't need more than 100 fps to play any Goldsrc based game, as more fps would just create a mess with the entities (especially NPCs) making them turn really slow depending on how many frames you're getting (the more the slower). Also bunnyhopping would be harder for the same reason, being unable to maintain speed.

And yes, you could use more than 8 of those textures, it's just about HOW you'll use them. ;)


Yes. Pure vanilla Goldsource. :)


I didn't know that. :o I thought it was 512px max for both sides.
Thanks for the info Urbeh. :hammer:


Thanks bro. ;)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-31 18:40:05 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330269

The maximum Goldsrc texture size is 512x512.
Look at how my map looks with that size for textures (not all of them):
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-04 01:33:29 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #327659
I forgot to say that it isn't finished. And the top texture is just a placeholder.

Since I'm not a texture artist the textures might look a bit crappy but oh well... shit happens I guess. :o
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-03 10:11:44 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #327646
Blender. lel
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-03 09:56:31 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #327644
That is smexy, Strider. :3

The render is from Mudbox too? I didn't know Autodesk made it. :o

I made a thing too though:
User posted image
Open it in a new window, the image is big. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-28 21:43:23 UTC
in Your Fallout Settlements Post #327586
No need to use VSync to lock framerates as long as the configuration files lets you set the limit you prefer without using VSync.

I've done the same thing with UT99, removed VSync with SwapInterval=0 and raised fps limit to 130. Still optimal game speed.

Tho I have to agree with JeffMOD, tieing gameplay to framerate is just dumb. This means that benchmarking with Fallout 4 isn't possible.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-28 18:38:13 UTC
in Problem with .bsp to .map Post #327583
I personally recommend WinBSPc instead of bsp2map: it creates less issues.

But still, Penguinboy's suggestions must be taken into account anyway even with WinBSPc. I just recommend it because it's less tedious to clean up the map once decompiled.
Just don't select "Bevel brushes" for god's sake. D:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-27 19:31:06 UTC
in Your Fallout Settlements Post #327570
Well, it's great at THAT resolution mate!
I don't personally like vsync as I always encounter input lag even if my monitor supports up to 80Hz (currently set at 75Hz because I have strange issues with 80).

I guess that what you'd need is upgrade your video card to a GTX 900 series (standard 980 went down on price quite a lot lately). That would solve any potential drop on such game.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-27 10:18:55 UTC
in Your Fallout Settlements Post #327564

How about performance, Archie? Average fps?
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-26 03:32:49 UTC
in Models crash Hammer - help? Post #327549
Of course that there wasn't anything wrong in the FGD itself, but I guess you got what I meant.

Also, CS:CZ and CS:CZ-DS uses cycler_sprites for in-game models. So basically the "fix" started from them at first.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-25 21:51:41 UTC
in Models crash Hammer - help? Post #327546
There's nothing wrong with his FGD, Alberto.
Yes, there was.

Hammer crashes if you try to render a model without the entity having the "model(studio)" field.
Obviously, a cycler_sprite entity is meant for sprites, but its name is only relative: if I create an entity called holy_shit (lol) I can do whatever I want with it, no matter what its name is as long as the render fields have what I need to have to make it work as I want.

Hope it's clear enough.
Thanks for the help guys, I got it sorted. Alberto's fix works
Glad it has worked mate. :)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-24 20:19:40 UTC
in Models crash Hammer - help? Post #327530
If your Hammer crashes when using models it means that there's something wrong in the FGD you're using.
I have no issues with model rendering in Hammer. I'll post my cycler, cycler_sprite and env_model strings from my FGDs, it might help:


[quote]@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio() = cycler : "Monster Cycler"
model(studio) : "Model"
renderfx(choices) :"Render FX" : 0 =
	0: "Normal"
	1: "Slow Pulse"
	2: "Fast Pulse"
	3: "Slow Wide Pulse"
	4: "Fast Wide Pulse"
	9: "Slow Strobe"
	10: "Fast Strobe"
	11: "Faster Strobe"
	12: "Slow Flicker"
	13: "Fast Flicker"
	5: "Slow Fade Away"
	6: "Fast Fade Away"
	7: "Slow Become Solid"
	8: "Fast Become Solid"
	14: "Constant Glow"
	15: "Distort"
	16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)"
rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 0 =
	0: "Normal"
	1: "Color"
	2: "Texture"
	3: "Glow"
	4: "Solid"
	5: "Additive"
renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (1 - 255)"
rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0"


[quote]@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) sprite() = cycler_sprite : "Sprite Cycler"
model(sprite) : "Sprite"
framerate(integer) : "Frames per second" : 10
renderfx(choices) :"Render FX" : 0 =
	0: "Normal"
	1: "Slow Pulse"
	2: "Fast Pulse"
	3: "Slow Wide Pulse"
	4: "Fast Wide Pulse"
	9: "Slow Strobe"
	10: "Fast Strobe"
	11: "Faster Strobe"
	12: "Slow Flicker"
	13: "Fast Flicker"
	5: "Slow Fade Away"
	6: "Fast Fade Away"
	7: "Slow Become Solid"
	8: "Fast Become Solid"
	14: "Constant Glow"
	15: "Distort"
	16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)"
rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 0 =
	0: "Normal"
	1: "Color"
	2: "Texture"
	3: "Glow"
	4: "Solid"
	5: "Additive"
renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (1 - 255)"
rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0"


[quote]@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) studio() = env_model : "New alternative to cyclers"
model(studio) : "Model name"
skin(integer) : "Skin" : 0
body(integer) : "Body" : 0
// NEW 1.0
scale(string) : "Scale (1.0 = normal size)"
m_iszSequence_On(string) : "Sequence when on"
m_iAction_On(choices) : "Behaviour when on" : 0 =
	0: "Freeze when sequence ends"
	1: "Loop"
	2: "Change state when sequence ends"
m_iszSequence_Off(string) : "Sequence when off"
m_iAction_Off(choices) : "Behaviour when off" : 0 =
	0: "Freeze when sequence ends"
	1: "Loop"
	2: "Change state when sequence ends"
spawnflags(flags) =
	1: "Initially Off" : 0
	2: "Drop to Floor" : 0
	4: "Solid" : 0

Copy and paste these strings in your FGDs replacing the old ones and it should work fine. :)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-30 12:29:43 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327364
That would be good if Goldsrc could do that aswell. :\
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-27 19:54:40 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327350
Since I haven't been able to make any headway using the ambient_generics constantly playing, will try triggers instead
Ah, that could work. :3
Just out of curiosity, would something like this be doable in Source?
I'm not sufficiently acknowledged in Source, so I don't really know. We should ask Tetsu0.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-25 13:54:56 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327341
Aw well.

No worries man, take your time. :) Tho the effect doesn't work right imho; I don't want it to screw up as soon as I go out of the sound's radius. It completely ruins the effect. :(
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-23 12:52:15 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327308
Bumpy bump.

Still nothing? Any news? :o
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-19 12:42:46 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327298
Haha! Thanks bro. :P

The sound I've chosen comes from Vampire Slayers HL mod, one of the first HL mods ever made in 1999 (and one of my favourites one, not for the mapping tho lol).

Feel free to increase the sounds volume if you feel too; I personally use GoldWave as it's easy to use and enough for such things.

I want to achieve that effect because it's nice as you can see. :P
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-16 12:31:20 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327285
There you go:

Clicky :3

  • Most of the stuff is VisGrouped;
  • Compiled BSP included to see what actually happens when you go out of the sound's radius and to understand what I want to achieve;
  • The two sounds are included;
  • No wad file included (used more than one). Just replace the textures with the ones of your choice;
  • The final product will NOT have that amnbient_generic's positions and there might be more of them with the same sound (muffled) in surrounding areas to maintain the same effect on distant zones of the map;
  • I've identified the ambient_generic's positions with green sprites in the compiled BSP, so you can see where the entities are placed exactly;
  • Both of the sounds are now set on "Medium radius", but feel free to change those parameters for testing purposes (of course);
  • The RMF must be compiled with VHLT v34 and the provided BSP must be played on CS 1.6 or CS:CZ (the player size is different and played with HL would make you feel a giant).
Thanks a lot in advance. :crowbar:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-15 06:43:32 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327276

What about a combination with logic_auto and multi_manager then?
Would you like to have an example map and try something out yourself?

I always hated entity work... :hammer:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-14 05:36:21 UTC
in ambient_generic playing constantly no ma Post #327266

I know the Goldsrc engine pretty good, but there's still something I'd need to know if someone will be able to tell me.

I'm trying to play with ambient_generic in Hammer and CS 1.6. I've made two different sounds: one is a music, the other one is the same music but it's edited because I've muffled it with GoldWave to give the illusion of it being behind walls (like the music you hear when you're out of the disco and then you open the door and the sound is clearer).
And... Yay! I made it! But this damn engine, for some reason, when I'm far enough from one of the sounds (respectively: large radius and medium radius), it stops, and when I go back to the sound radius it starts playing again but from the same position it has stopped before. This basically means that the two sounds aren't synchronyzed anymore, messing up the whole thang.

So, the one million dollars question:

Is there a way to make a sound to play constantly even if the client isn't in the sound's radius (and, of course, without setting it to "Play everywhere")?

Thanks in advance.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 21:06:43 UTC
in Custom Models terrifyingly bugging aroun Post #327047
I second that. ^
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-12 14:43:51 UTC
in $flags 256? Post #326690
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-12 01:15:12 UTC
in $flags 256? Post #326681
Took a look at it but I don't really know what that means. Maybe Penguinboy can help you out.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-11 03:11:35 UTC
in $flags 256? Post #326667
You should give us more info.
Where did you have found that exactly? In the qc or in the smd?

The full file on Pastebin would help.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-09 22:24:59 UTC
in Windows 10 Desktops Post #326662

Point taken, Archie. Thanks.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-09 15:58:41 UTC
in Entities/Brushes Vanishing at Certain Po Post #326659
I agree with Kachito. It worked for me many times, especially on big models using the cycler_sprite entity.

But, I can see that the fire sprites in your map are located behind a stair/step, or anyway a piece of brush. That could contribute to make them disappear because it has created an addition VIS leaf on the other side of the glass windows.
To check if that's the problem, tie that stair/step brush as a func_detail entity, and set its detail level to "2" in the object properties. Then tell me if it has worked.

Good luck. :)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-09 15:48:31 UTC
in Windows 10 Desktops Post #326658
This is the equivalent of 'upgrading' from XP to Vista after Windows 7 came out.
Seriously? I thought that Win8 was more performant than Win7. :o
Or maybe I misunderstood something? What do you mean exactly?
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti