Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-04 16:07:17 UTC
in 101 Uses for the Salad Spinner Post #188471
64) Fill it with lead weights and drop it off a building
65) Paper (when you run out)
66) Toilet paper for that matter!
67) Cut it up and make the pieces into counterfeit money!
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-04 15:48:52 UTC
in 3d skybox problem Post #188468
When building a 3D sky camera, the sky camera is placed where the sky box should be. The sky camera determines how it will look to the player using 0,0,0 as a reference. place the sky camera in the center of the skybox construction, and it should work
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-04 15:08:20 UTC
in Small trigger question Post #188453
I'm currently in the process of creating a train using func_tracktrains, and i'm setting up trigger brushes to make the train stop. All i need to know is: what settings do i check in the 'flags' area that causes the brush to trip the trigger on it's own, rather than a client. I'm using a "trigger_multiple" if that makes any difference. I also need to make sure this trigger never stops (i.e. i cant use a trigger_once :) )
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-04 13:07:59 UTC
in Spawn Triggers? Post #188422
there are no "armoury_entities" in the entities list... i dont understand what you mean.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-04 13:06:15 UTC
in Moving targets Post #188421
wow... sry about the type-o's in that last post :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-03 19:44:51 UTC
in Simple Elevator Construction Issues Post #188323
Ahh... well, thankyou for your consideration; I'll keep your words in mind.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-03 18:49:04 UTC
in Simple Elevator Construction Issues Post #188320
ok, im all ears, are you going to tell me? :
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-03 18:43:01 UTC
in Simple Elevator Construction Issues Post #188317
lol, i just wanna figure out tracktrains a little more... I'm not actually making a pretty map or anything, i'm just using this as a learning experience :D

edit: oohhh... i see what you mean, like using the door AS the elevator... well... i haven tried that, but i'd still like to learn more about the tracktrain method
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-03 18:41:37 UTC
in Moving targets Post #188316
lol, i just found out no more than 5 minutes ago that i need to TRIDDER the stupid train... But either way... my setup was wrong, so your map was infaluabe to me :D . I especially like the usage of a ballsocket to make it act like paper... that was a nifty trick.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-03 18:34:40 UTC
in Simple Elevator Construction Issues Post #188312
I have been experimenting with func_tracktrains, and i've decided i want to put in a simple, up and down, no fancy doors, elevator. The problem is that after the elevator platform's path is setup and I turn it on (via a button on the elevator itself), it just goes up and down repeatedly, never stopping until the button is pressed again. How do i fix this?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-03 12:04:32 UTC
in Spawn Triggers? Post #188217
In the level I'm makeing currently, i'd like medkits and batteries to spawn on demand, via a button next to its spawn point. The problem is that when setting the button's output, i can't find anything like "spawn" or "toggle" or "create"... and regardless of what i set the button to, the objects spawn at the start of the level anyway. First off, is this possible, and 2nd off, how would i do this?

Thanks in advance
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-03 11:59:11 UTC
in Top 10 Video Game Weapons! Post #188216
lol, i know i'm gonna sound stupid saying this... but the crowbar shoulda been there. CROWBAR FTW!!!!1!!!!

... or maybe the stunstick
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 18:08:11 UTC
in Top 10 Video Game Weapons! Post #188085
Too bad that the Soul Cube from Doom3 wasn't in there either... but it still was a one-hit wonder :biggrin:

That thing was fun to use :lol:
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 17:36:50 UTC
in Moving targets Post #188074
thanks a bunch... just 1 issue... what mod is this for? i tried loading it in DM and i got an error :o

EDIT: lol, i just now realized that it had no info_player_deathmatch, it works fine :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 16:48:58 UTC
in Sliding door question Post #188051
"Motion"? there is no motion function anywhere on the buttons properties. However i do have "Don't Move" activated on the button, otherwise the button it self moves :

FIXED: In the 1st text box of the newly added output (My output named), i thought i was supposed to put the name of the button, but i was infact supposed to select what action causes the effect, such as pressing the button or walking into it. When choosing what action happens, open keeps the door open, but toggle lets me close and open it
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 15:48:38 UTC
in Sliding door question Post #188038
My Button's outputs are as follows:
Name: Door_button_1
Target Entity: Slide_Door_1 (the name of the door I'm trying to open)
Via this Input: i have tried both "open" and "toggle" with the same results
Delay: 0.00

Flags checked (things not listed are unchecked):
Don't move, Toggle, Use Activates

Nothing happens when i press the button :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 15:20:54 UTC
in Sliding door question Post #188030
ahh, thankyou. I'll just use a frame and shorten it's side: before, the brushes were flush with eachother, so the textures were blending with eachother, but no more :biggrin: .

But now i'm having issues getting buttons to work:
I have the button entity placed, the door named and all attributes set. the issue is that i cant find the 'Target' option in the button's properties in order to tell it which door to open. atom's tut is for the original HL engine, so it must be somewhere else or named somthing different, but i dont know what :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 13:48:35 UTC
in favorite computer/gaming food? Post #188009
Oh yeah... I forgot pringles!! yum!
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 13:38:51 UTC
in Sliding door question Post #188005
I read the Door tutorial by atom and with a little fidgiting, got it to work for Source. My question: When using a sliding door, how do I control how far the door moves?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-02 13:31:51 UTC
in Moving targets Post #188003
I would greatly appreciate it, I'm not too experienced with func_trains and things of the sort, so this would be a big help :D

Just let me know what the title is when you post it and i'll check it out!
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-01 20:06:26 UTC
in Friendly Music Debate Post #187859
Im into Sublime and Matisyahu... im a bit more of a Reggae kind of guy..

I listen to rap not because its my favorite or anything, but because it's so hilarious. :biggrin: listen to some dre sumtine.
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-30 22:23:12 UTC
in mapping sounds help Post #187702
it would make it a little easier for us to know how to help you if you were a bit more specific
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-30 17:56:12 UTC
in favorite computer/gaming food? Post #187665
I'm not alowed to bring food into my room kuz my mom is... well... my mom... But if i could, then it would have to be Coke, and peanuts, chips, or perhaps a cold slice of pizza :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-30 17:50:13 UTC
in Weary of Installing ZHLT Post #187662
is there a tutorial on the net any1 can refer me to? or if anybody knows how to off the top of their head. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-30 00:46:20 UTC
in Wii ? Post #187539
I think that the value of a console (or anything, for that matter) is based purely on performance. I mean, sure, i wouldnt want to name HalfLife2 somthing like Barbie Princess Adventure (for obvious reasons). Name can have a big effect on the sales of a product... But then you come to the question: What defines a good name? I would personally pick "Revolution" just because i think thats a cooler name. Some would Disagree, but in the end, what matters is the performance of the console.

/2 cents
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-29 23:56:44 UTC
in Weary of Installing ZHLT Post #187533
I was compiling a map recently, and it took over an hour. There really isnt that much to the map (a big hallway, and an outside battle with a strider). I have been using the default tools for hammer, and decided to download ZHLT. The problem is that I cant find any clear instructions on how to install them, and knowing the fact that the tools are essential for compiling, I DONT want to screw them up. :|

(If I posted this in the wrong forum, i apologise)
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-29 17:54:05 UTC
in 101 Uses for the Salad Spinner Post #187502

70) with some modifications, a sub-woffer

71) Loose change holder

72) a hammer (not for mapping tho :lol: )
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-28 20:10:27 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #187384
Matisyahu - King Without a Crown
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-28 19:40:38 UTC
in Pirate jokes Post #187380
The reason were posting these "jokes" is because of their crappiness. thats what makes em funny :biggrin: .
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-27 20:33:15 UTC
in 101 Uses for the Salad Spinner Post #187197
32) A basket

33) A subject to talk about :lol:

34) A gift :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-27 13:41:09 UTC
in Pirate jokes Post #187149
2 pirates are walking on the sidewalk. One walks into a bar... the onther one ducks. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 23:07:50 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #186914
sorry for only trying to help :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 20:51:29 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186883
good ideas Xyos :P although the digital cam i have is over 4 years old and has practicaly 2 DPI :D

ill look into PaintShop Pro tho.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 20:12:16 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186877
ahh... i c, yeah, the tut confused me (its a pretty intracate tut :P) so i decided to play it safe, and make the folders in the sourceSDK folder, SDK_content, AND Hl2DM, just to be safe.

thanks a bunch for the info and the link (i coppied it to a notepad document for future reference). I definitely need to get a better program for texture creation :D here's a screenie of the target i made:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 19:18:27 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186865
Ahh.... you are right. I had "LightmappedGeneric" in the SDK_content folder's .vmt, but not the Half-life2 dm folder's .vmt, but it works beautifuly now.

Just a few quick questions so i dont screw myself up again:
A) when creating new textures, will i need to also include the vmt for each individual texture? or do i just add to that vmt?
B) for future textures, do i continue to add the .vtfs and .vmt(s) to these same directories?
C) in the .vmt, what allowed words are there to alter the surface effects. are "rock" and "metal" the only ones allowed?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 15:40:11 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186845

There are three images i took of the problematic brush, here are my .vmt specs:
{ "$basetexture" "MyBeginningLevelTexes/Shooting_Range_Target1"
"$surfaceprop" "Rock"


I created the image using paint (yeah... im cheap), loaded it into IrfanView, and saved it as a Targa, then followed your steps
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 15:13:55 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186843
ok, but i just discovered a BIG problem :) :
I can see my texture in the browser in Hammer, however when i apply it, the brush that it's applied to becomes transparent. When i run the level in game, its white, and when i get close to it and look directly at it (my cursor over it) it doesnt refresh the immage (like, there is a constant shadow of everything between the player and the brush) WHats goin on here?? :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 14:58:28 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186841
TYVM Xyos!!!!! it works now: i guess i misread the tut: i was putting the folder in the sourceSDK directory, not the SDK_content directory, but i fixed that, it it works now!!! TY :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 14:37:48 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #186839
Although i havent been using Hammer for a while, i have been playing HL2 DM for about a year, and of all the custom maps ive seen, the most fun are the ones that invent a new way of playing the game.

For instance, i was playing on a map called "Buggyville_1b" and the whole map is a criss-cross of hallways and the only weapons you find are the rocket launcher, combine rifle, and the combine energy balls. The player has to adapt to the new way of fighting, and it makes the level a lot of fun.

So i guess what im saying is: Try new things and go out of the ordinary, and you will probably come up with a really fun level :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 01:32:23 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #186780
oh im not laughing at it at all. its good music. im only laughting because most ppl are listening to some form of rock or another, not classical :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 01:29:00 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186779
yeah... i agree Grim :)

my brother is a hot-shot college student, going on to be a sophmore.

of course, we all know the "sophmore" means wise-fool... so what can you expect :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 00:25:30 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #186776
Aaron Copland - Rodeo (LMAO)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 20:25:05 UTC
in Moving targets Post #186761
noone really answered my question :P how do i get func tract trains to work, how do i control speed?... etc. :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 19:53:13 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186755
: i followed the quote and link, Habboi, and altered my .vmt file to include the ""$surfaceprop" "rock"", xyos, and added this .vmt to the halflife2 deathmatch folder (in the specified directory), the SDK directory (also in the specified directory) and the SDK_content folder (also ALSO in the specified directory), just to make sure i wasnt missing any folder areas ( :) ) and it still doesnt show up in the browser... i cant figure it out :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 15:56:05 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186737
lol, ill get it today then :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 15:54:34 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186736
lol, i create(d) my textures using paint XD, import them to IrfanView, save em as Targas, then drop em onto the vtex shortcut, w/ no errors.

However, when i transfer the .vtf to the hl2dm folder (half-life2 death match/hl2mp/materials/MyTexes AND the notepad document (MyTex.vtf), open hammer and look 4 the texture in the browser, it doesnt appear :
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 15:48:30 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186734
yeah, job, i set port 27015 open to "hlserver" as grim had suggested, and allowed UDP and TCP to run through it. My brother is concerned about doing this, though, because running a server through a router will suck up it's band width, and it will bog up the internet access of all the other computers in the house.

I also dont have a sepparate computer to set up as a proxy server, so i still cant join any of my own games unless i set it to LAN, which i dont want :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 15:41:18 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186731
i thought it had to b dedicated for it to go on the internet? if you use "Create server" then its only lan.... as far as i know :|

As for the T1, i guess youre right... there is no way in hell im gunna get my parents to get a T1 connection XD
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 14:43:07 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186719
Well there is still no way I'm going to get a server up anyway because my brother has just informed me of a problem i cant work around: my internet connection:

He says that because we have a cable connection, hosting a server would not work well. He says that Cable connections have high band width for download, not upload (up to 1mbps vs 120kbps), and because a server has to do both, a T1 connection or better would be required.

And even if i Had a T1 or better, i wouldnt be able to join my server because running the Dedicated Server tool devotes the entire computer to running the server.

SO..... I guess ill have to settle for the servers already up :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 00:04:06 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186645
So when it says "powers of two, i has to be 128 x 128, 256 x 256... etc.?

when you say "texture.vtf", is that the actual texture? and is that what comes out of vtex? I dont wana make a folder with that name when i dont need to :P (especially when it could mess up the program :biggrin: )

And im guessing that the mod that the texture will go to is the drop-down menu at the bottom of the SDK menu "Current Game:"?