I saw a map on GameBanana which took 15 days to compile. Guess because of who? HlVis!
To be honest, I would be fine with letting my laptop compile a map as long as that, lol.
Interestingly, I have a Half-Life map, FILLED with these triangles (inside a 2048^3 area) and HlVis runs it all in under 4 minutes.
Well, I admit, it doesn't have very high-poly terrain. They're in the parts of the map. One part is very detailed, the other part isn't so detailed. I.e. one is higer-poly, and one is lesser-poly.
And this is where problems start...
Some triangles (even if they're covered with a non-null texture) still appear invisible.
But, other than that, I haven't had any major problems with triangular terrain.
Mmm, yeah. There's 1 additional problem. This long compile time is in fact very needy and greedy.
I compiled ts_untergrund with fast HlVis.
triggers everyoneSo, when I'm standing on one specific place, all the entities go invisible.
I only experienced these problems:
- Long compile time (although, I am patient and willing to wait :3)
Well, I have an almost-10-year-old laptop! Of course it takes forever. I wonder, though, how quick would the Core i3-6100 do the job. ;D
- Some missing faces (not a HlVis bug)
I don't know. Locate the brush and cover it entirely with non-null textures? I can always try.
- Invisible entities, if standing on a specific spot (fast HlVis)
This one could also be that the player exits the 4096^3 area, but I doubt that.
- Max clipnodes exceeded if I turn my terrain into a func_detail
So, the clipnodes one was fixed this way:
I selected it and turned on "passable". Then I copied the whole terrain on the same spot and covered the copied one in CLIP (only the top faces, the rest was in Bevel).
Yeah, much effort for a not-so-great improvement.
______________________But still, us mappers can find a way out, most of the time. :3