Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 23:38:01 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288716
Wow! Thanks man! You rock way tooo HARD! Wow!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 22:18:47 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288714
Hey, potatis_invalido is my magic code-man. He was able to make a weapon_ak47 entity, weapon_chainsaw entity, and a weapon_hammer entity. He also changed the color of the text and added a pedometer-like thing where u cant die by being shot in the feet, but you become really slow.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 22:09:04 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288712
I'm thinking a modified voltigore model might work here. The head would have to be totally redone, though
Not only the head, but the legs, the little tentacles sticking out of him, needs to be smaller, legs need LOOOOOONGER, needs long claw hands, head needs to be connected to stomach, cant have a tail or have a shell.
Does this have two legs or four?
Eight, reffered to as monster_spider.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 22:05:09 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288710
How does I make it an item_suit, besides, I want it to be organic.
I see that alot in mods.
This won't just be your average mod, I want it to be OP4-worthy kinda perfect or at least Blue Shift worthy (even though that mod sucked).
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 21:54:30 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288706
LYDA IS DIFFERENT! Nothing like the snap bugs! It wears a big metal diaper-thing and had scales and gills and claws! Also, it could be refered to as monster_spider.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 21:49:07 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288704
Heres da thing tho: LYDA IS LARGE AND FAST AND HAS ALL THESE WEIRD ANIMATIONS I GIVE HIM/HER, and trust me, more concept art may be acomin.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 21:24:47 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288702
Hey! It's my first try at concept art and it looks weird!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-05 20:00:16 UTC
in Organic Modellers Post #288699
Theoretical Disaster is currently looking for modellers who can map organic things, such as aliens or the needed labcoat model. I have been inspired by Mist of Stagnation and decided to try making some concept art.

What do you think of this?
User posted image
This is Lyda, the character the player fights at the ending chapter: "Lyda's Lair". This will be the first organic material. Below will be the needed animations.
Idle1 Just standing there, stumbling a little.
Idle2 Like Idle1, only scratches self with leg, looks odd.
Idle3 Trips a bit, stands around.
Jump Does a large jump and spreads apart legs.
Die Stumbles over and opens mouth very large, then falls to ground.
Dead Dead.
Strike1 Uses one hand to strike player.
Strike2 Uses both hands to strike player.
Shock Opens hand and strikes lightning.
Teleport Opens hand and gives the animation of an alien spawning.
Runslow runs as fast as player
Runfast Runs as fast as lightning.

The second project is the much needed labcoat model. There is no concept art for this.
All that the model needs to be is a scientist edited so that his labcoat just sits there, also the labcoat buttoned up.

Who thinks they're up for it?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-04 22:53:19 UTC
in LEAKS! WHERE!? Post #288668
I can't find any of my leaks, let me show u what happened when I ran my map.

[b]hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: hlcsg.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\"-wadinclude "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\td.wad"-cliptype Precise -texdata 8192 -chart -estimate
Entering C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ on ] [ off ]
estimate [ on ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 8388608 ] [ 4194304 ]
max lighting memory [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
clip hull type [ precise ] [ legacy ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
nullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :
[C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\td.wad]

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
(0.48 seconds)
(0.00 seconds)
(1.19 seconds)

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 0/400 0/25600 ( 0.0%)
planes 3490/32768 69800/655360 (10.7%)
vertexes 0/65535 0/786420 ( 0.0%)
nodes 0/32767 0/786408 ( 0.0%)
texinfos 1009/32767 40360/1310680 ( 3.1%)
faces 0/65535 0/1310700 ( 0.0%)
clipnodes 0/32767 0/262136 ( 0.0%)
leaves 0/8192 0/229376 ( 0.0%)
marksurfaces 0/65535 0/131070 ( 0.0%)
surfedges 0/512000 0/2048000 ( 0.0%)
edges 0/256000 0/1024000 ( 0.0%)
texdata [variable] 0/8388608 ( 0.0%)
lightdata [variable] 0/6291456 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/2097152 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 0/524288 ( 0.0%)
0 textures referenced

Total BSP file data space used: 110160 bytes

Using Wadfile: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\decals.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (222 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\halflife.wad
  • Contains 124 used textures, 90.51 percent of map (3116 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\liquids.wad
  • Contains 1 used texture, 0.73 percent of map (32 textures in wad)
Including Wadfile: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\td.wad
  • Contains 12 used textures, 8.76 percent of map (12 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\tempdecal.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (1 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\xeno.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (264 textures in wad)
added 38 additional animating textures.
Texture usage is at 1.71 mb (of 8.00 mb MAX)
1.83 seconds elapsed

--- END hlcsg ---

hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: hlbsp.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\"-texdata 8192 -chart -estimate

Current hlbsp Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ on ] [ off ]
estimate [ on ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 8388608 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
nofill [ off ] [ off ]
noopt [ off ] [ off ]
null tex. stripping [ on ] [ on ]
notjunc [ off ] [ off ]
subdivide size [ 240 ] [ 240 ] (Min 64) (Max 512)
max node size [ 1024 ] [ 1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 8192)

SolidBSP [hull 0] 500...1000...1295 (0.14 seconds)
Warning: === LEAK in hull 0 ===
Entity monster_sitting_scientist @ ( 376,-489, -15)
A LEAK is a hole in the map, where the inside of it is exposed to the
(unwanted) outside region. The entity listed in the error is just a helpful
indication of where the beginning of the leak pointfile starts, so the
beginning of the line can be quickly found and traced to until reaching the
outside. Unless this entity is accidentally on the outside of the map, it
probably should not be deleted. Some complex rotating objects entities need
their origins outside the map. To deal with these, just enclose the origin
brush with a solid world brush

Leak pointfile generated

SolidBSP [hull 1] 500...926 (0.09 seconds)
Warning: === LEAK in hull 1 ===
Entity info_player_start @ ( 216, 116, -16)
SolidBSP [hull 2] 500...768 (0.08 seconds)
SolidBSP [hull 3] 500...1000...1016 (0.13 seconds)
Warning: === LEAK in hull 3 ===
Entity info_player_start @ ( 216, 116, -16)

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 35/400 2240/25600 ( 8.8%)
planes 1252/32768 25040/655360 ( 3.8%)
vertexes 4944/65535 59328/786420 ( 7.5%)
nodes 1507/32767 36168/786408 ( 4.6%)
texinfos 1009/32767 40360/1310680 ( 3.1%)
faces 3277/65535 65540/1310700 ( 5.0%)
clipnodes 3173/32767 25384/262136 ( 9.7%)
leaves 922/8192 25816/229376 (11.3%)
marksurfaces 4224/65535 8448/131070 ( 6.4%)
surfedges 16311/512000 65244/2048000 ( 3.2%)
edges 8207/256000 32828/1024000 ( 3.2%)
texdata [variable] 159768/8388608 ( 1.9%)
lightdata [variable] 0/6291456 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/2097152 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 13539/524288 ( 2.6%)
175 textures referenced

Total BSP file data space used: 559703 bytes

1.47 seconds elapsed

--- END hlbsp ---

hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlvis ---
Command line: hlvis.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\"-texdata 8192 -chart -estimate
There was a problem compiling the map.
Check the file C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\t1d0.log for the cause.
--- END hlvis ---

hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlrad ---
Command line: hlrad.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\"-texdata 8192 -chart -estimate
There was a problem compiling the map.
Check the file C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\t1d0.log for the cause.
--- END hlrad ---

Copied C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Desktop\maps\t1d0.bsp to:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\dimbark\half-life\td\maps\
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-03 00:06:43 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288600
Get real and grow up!
I'm still youth! Lemme stay unreal... if I work with the Unreal engine.... can I make money?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-02 20:47:17 UTC
in Audio Converter Post #288597
i have audcity, how do I convert it so it can make scripted sentences.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-02 18:32:14 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288594
not much, I've had to stay home with my grandma and grandpa, this computer doesnt have hammer. I should be able to get back on my regular PC soon.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-02 18:27:48 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288592
Congratualtions, you have won the flame war.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-02 18:21:03 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288590
All this from "I can't map for source, for some reason the hammer freezes before I can do anything."

I will be the judge!

Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-02 15:56:24 UTC
in Audio Converter Post #288568
Does anybody know a good audio converter so I can edit my mod's placeholders? So far, ive just been using the one on HLDJ and it sucks.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-02 00:34:16 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288554
Well, I find joy in mapping for Goldsource. All the props in the game are the ones I design, not from a list of props from "City 17" or "Labs".
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 22:00:31 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288548
Can I plox stick to goldsource?

And one question: If I found a way to compile GCF files and put all HL content + my content and make it into a real game?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 19:19:58 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288534
Exactly: I can't map for source.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 18:32:07 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288526
I can't map for HL2, source SDK has too many bugs. I literally can't, my hammer freezes every 5 seconds.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 17:42:19 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288523
TFC :)
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 17:16:42 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288520
I can name one easily: Sven Coop
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 16:45:43 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288515
I have 3 years before highschool
don worry.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 15:47:56 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288512
Well, the mod is singleplayer and multiplayer. All great mods are, just look at OP4.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-01 15:10:44 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288509
People of TWHL:
This weekend and part of next week, I will be working on the deathmatch areas of Theoretical Disaster. I've started working on a few maps, and now I'm looking for artists. Click below for one of the deathmatch models, I'm looking for an artist who can give them a good pic when in the menu.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-31 19:44:06 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288477
Theoretical Disaster's moddb has now been created!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-31 19:14:17 UTC
in Let us delete our own, editable posts Post #288474
Yeah, well the thing is that you can edit it and say "Are you sure? Read it again" and they'll go "Oh!"
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-31 17:45:53 UTC
in Let us delete our own, editable posts Post #288467
Come on! Let us delete it!

See, since I can't delete either of these two posts, it's considered doubleposting!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-31 16:28:15 UTC
in Let us delete our own, editable posts Post #288463
The best way is to do this.

I love kittens. Can somebody buy me one?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 18:13:37 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288406
I downloaded the photoshop.

How the heck do I use it?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 17:24:18 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288391
urbys lame, archie steals phones.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 14:39:06 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288364
Just go to Google Translate guys, and click "Detect Language : English"

You guys keep repeating crap.
I think this guy on Hole in the Wall is retarted.
I like my signs the way they are.
Get off my back! I havent gotten to the details, I'm, just doing the main areas!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 14:30:32 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288361
One large sentence \/

If im a little 11-year-old boy who made some sign textures on paint and it doesnt look so bad and I edited a model of each of the characters to give them a goatee and make them look old AND gather a team to make a modination of the game half-life AND say "This kid on Hole in the Wall is retarted!" because he was my age and said " They call me the nerd because I get good grades in school and I invented technology!! Hurp a Derp, heheh!" AND make my own Greatest Hits CD featuring me playing Marry Had a Little Lamb AND can easily beat FFX AND make a map that gives that old c1a0 feeling, you should be able to explain things easier to me.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 14:24:43 UTC
in Happy New Year! Post #288360
Actually, 2012's "The End of the World" will happen in december, so it'll be closer to the 2013 Happy New Year.

Besides, 2012 cant come then. The bible said it would come like a thief in the night, and we're all expecting this.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 14:22:57 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288358
No. I'm running it on a computer. I run it in fullscreen. I left it to it's default size. I think it's fine. Do ya like waffles?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 13:54:03 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288356
I usually export textures from hl.wad so that when I edit it, I alread have a legit size and a good texture to work from.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 00:41:48 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288337
I just got GIMP 2, its awesome!
I'm editing a picture of monkey juggling.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 00:23:53 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288335
....which would be more embarrasing?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-29 23:37:13 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288332
Photoshop costs money.
The signs are way too thick. The desk could also use some work to make it look more like a desk and less like a block.
The map is sorta beta, I haven't added any details yet.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-29 22:22:34 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288329
They were done in paint.....
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-29 21:52:46 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288326
Even newer screenies! I decided to compare the training map beginning and a part in the chapter 1 map. You get hired when the materials handling facility is first built.

User posted image
User posted image
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-29 19:53:11 UTC
in Hammer Freezing Post #288323
Reinstallation didnt work, WHAT ELSE WILL!?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-29 18:08:21 UTC
in Hammer Freezing Post #288319
Every time I try to load hammer, I can map for like 10 seconds and then it freezes. This is on source sdk, and I'm not sure what's wrong.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-29 01:50:13 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation Post #288300
I wish to propose some ideas:

1: A bomb map
It could be a map where the two teams have to construct some type of bombs by getting correct materials from a scrapyard. It would be awesome if a player could get some type of tools to be able to construct from materials, and if you could dismantle parts from the enemy team's bomb and construct it to yours. Also, you could make some corrupt materials that you cant tell the difference from, causing the bomb to not work. Once the bombs work, the team could find a way to launch it, destroying the enemy bases in a fiery explosion that would be a better site to see than the bomb maps in Team Fortress 2.

2: An escape map
By an escape map, I do not mean the type where you would go through places like in HL1 or in HL2. I mean where you try to escape on a rocket and be able to leave the dreaded planet of war. It could start out with a briefing as to where: "Your rocket is prepared... Wait, an unexpected error has happened! You must head to the abandonded safehouse in the depths of the battlefield to salvage enough fuel to complete our mission." Much like the bad materials in the bomb map, it could have tainted or something wrong with the fuel, and it would also take many tanks of fuel. The first team to fill it with fuel will get to see the inside of the rocket and run around, and look out the window as they blast off watching their enemies below them.

3: An all-out war map

A map with bombs, lazers, and weapons that you construct. It could be a mixture of everything, and it would be interesting if the teams could create robots (NPCs) to destroy the enemy team.

Watcha think?
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-29 01:14:30 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation Post #288298
Looks really cool, i could be a mapper.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-28 22:22:40 UTC
in VTF ? Post #288294
Well, you could try to carve out some of them and then set them to seperate heights on a scale to 1-3 so that it looks jagged.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-28 21:20:12 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288286
Well, you guys wanted them, so I made them. SCREENIES! I'll do what I have so far of my beginning map, I tried to give it that old C1A0 feeling.

So I've come through the tram ride and I'm being greeted by the security guard, I better get to work!
User posted image
Where do I work again? Let me check the directory....
User posted image
Oh yes, that reminds me! I better get to the lounge! Perhaps I shall get a soda first....
User posted image
Here I am, I should get to my locker now. (Which is openable, but I didn't screenshot it.)
User posted image
Well, I've made it to work, and I see the readings we recieved of the specimen... Should I send it to Dr. Green and Dr. Cross?
User posted image
I take it I shouldn't have....
User posted image
This sucks....
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-28 20:32:27 UTC
in VTF ? Post #288284
manipulate source materials
This is where I stopped. You can't mind control source materials, they're just a bunch of 0s and 1s that make pixels, and the pixels make colors, and the colors make a fake texture on a computer. It's really advanced stuff to manipulate those, so I'm just gonna step back.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-28 16:14:30 UTC
in Half Life: Potential Study Post #288277
ok, but lets do it on new forum post, I'll get some screenshots.

I just got bored cuz right now im on a comp. at my granparents and they dont have any games.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-28 16:10:07 UTC
in Half Life: Potential Study Post #288274
yes, it is
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-24 23:14:07 UTC
in Artists Post #288193
Hey, I'm looking for people who can make billboards much like this?
User posted image
Who can help me? 1 is fine, 2 is cool, might have room for 3, and 4..... hall of TD fame.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard