Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2012-07-02 05:58:47 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation - Modeling Contest Post #307567
Our 1st community challenge, let's see if you have what it takes to get your work in game.
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Please post your WIP here or on the forums you are from. All voting will be tallied up and displayed in all threads. If you have a question be sure to ask, failure for knowing the rules and requirements are on you!

Let your limits be your imagination. Any kind of melee; knife, machete, axe, pipe, dog leg? Whatever you think.

Keep in mind the weapons we have make sense mechanically. No useless gears or gadgets will make the cut.

Good luck!
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-30 04:50:39 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #307537
Oh man, i hated doing those types of displacments so much.

I did a shortcut and just used proper on a source displacment then converted the model for gldscr
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-28 03:13:32 UTC
in Source Film Maker Post #307474
Unreal Matinee is about the easiest thing I have ever seen. It acts just like any 3D application out there and is oh so powerful when mixed with Kismit.

Here is a perfect example:

also check out the samaritan demo, also done using matinee
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-27 19:11:22 UTC
in Source Film Maker Post #307452
That is impressive. They really want to compete with UDK.
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-26 05:19:24 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #307405
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-17 22:29:36 UTC
in Dimbark's CSS Server Post #307213
that just made my day
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-09 02:10:33 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306885
Thanks for the feedback. I have too much money invested in this project to let it die. It's almost ready anyways!
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-08 05:41:48 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306861
I don't understand your point of view Collapse, it seems like you just described frame by frame one of the death animations there.

Can you elaborate your pov?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-08 05:14:29 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306859
Our death system will use a variety of death animations based on how the player is killed. Everything from bullet to knife, even explosions have their own blow back death animation.

I guess you will see examples of that soon enough though.

A lot of cool things are about to happen over here. We have about 4-6 weeks before everything is all put together and we start looking sexy.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-08 03:21:55 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306855
Could you expand on that? I love good feedback.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-07 05:43:48 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306838
newest wip animations to our player model

These include jumping death and crouch movements.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 22:00:45 UTC
in Hours of gaming Post #306699
423 hours in l4d

114 DoD:s

60 Killing floor and then it goes down from there.

i had over 1000 hours in sdk before they took hours down from it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-29 02:36:30 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306551
and now with some movement animations

btw, this forum needs a youtube plugin badly!
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-22 22:08:32 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306413

1st player model is rigged. All weapons and player animations will be done in apx 8 weeks
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-18 02:42:46 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #306235
No one is arguing that there is a single player mode in diablo 3. We are saying there should be, and that it sucks that there isnt.

Stop taking this personally bk, its a fun, very addictive game, but the online only shit is killing me. I choose to play the game solo on the 1st run through, and when I get random disconnects, it erks me.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-15 20:29:41 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #306159
Diablo 3, or I was for 15 mins until the servers went down for the 3rd time.

Someone start working on an offline hack for this fucked game.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-11 07:04:14 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306097
Northland Pirates melee set
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Posted 12 years ago2012-05-10 06:23:35 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #306069
How so?
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-04 00:25:18 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #305937
So we last left you with an update 5 of 8... So what happened?

Unfortunately we lost a lot of progress due to a (now removed) team member not being honest about his progress on his share of the workload. That really backed things up, but not to worry we are now stronger because of it.

We have recently added on a few new members to the team that are dedicated to the cause and are pumping out quality work.

Here are some of the newest renders since the last update:

The Sharp Shooter
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The Assault Rifle
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The Pistol
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and the Boilermaker
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We are very excited about the latest works we have, and are even more excited about our concept artist signing a new contract with us to extend his stay and pump out another full set of weapons, starting with melee weapons for each team. Here is a taste of what we have so far.
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We are almost done with our 1st level too, and we look forward to showing it off! (its about damn time too, am I right?)

Look for that update in the very near future.

I am also proud to announce that we are finalizing the hiring of 2 new amazing environmental concept artists that will help keep our team on track and fully inspired.

Look for a huge update in early June, we are going to blow your socks off. Animations, in game weapons and players shots, level design shots, game play shots & more.

Tell your friends and remember to follow us, that is what drives us to finish quicker!
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-29 03:08:45 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #305810
lol I wish that was my demo

I am more interested in what games you have seen that look that good on dx9.

Keep in mind, that is not a cinematic, it is all rendered in real time, aka gameplay footage.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-29 02:57:00 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #305808
Hi my name is Don Punch, I am a game designer working with the latest build of the UE3 engine.

As for your 1st question, style is the answer to that riddle.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-29 02:13:56 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #305805
Oh there is so much more to it than the amount of memory.

Do some homework and check back later. There are actually a lot of cool tech specs I wont cloud up this thread with.

As for BF3, sure its nice and all, but its on a 2-3 year old engine.

Look at the UE3 Samaritan Demo if you want a look at the future (which btw was run on 3 580's at E3, can now be ran on a single 680)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-29 01:32:50 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #305803
Now playing... on a bad ass card
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Posted 12 years ago2012-04-26 01:38:15 UTC
in TWHL Community Project Post #305717
I highly suggest you do something that doesnt require coding. HL themed mod with this community should be easy if you can build your story around exsisting entities and code.

Walk then run.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 03:40:23 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #305173
It's called the Boilermaker. Without being too cliche, its a steam gun.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 23:56:43 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #305163
Newest weapon added to the mix
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Posted 12 years ago2012-03-25 02:19:14 UTC
in Half life 3(d) Post #304592
I like how no one commented on "Art of" at the bottom of that picture
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-07 16:48:51 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #304042
Water tower mode. Currently working on texturing.
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Posted 12 years ago2012-02-10 04:13:48 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #303246
This week we take a close look at the music of Mist of Stagnation with an interview from our lead sound designer.

As any fan of music, or games (let's face it, anyone who has working ears loves music) knows how important the sound in a game is. It plays a pivotal role in immersing you into the environment you are a part of. The most beautiful environment is nothing without the ambience of the living world pulling you in deeper.

The music is one of the most important features of any game. It can inspire you or induce fear, it can tell you everything about an area without one word being spoken, and it can create emotions that can only be felt by the touch of music.

As you can see, we are passionate about the music in our game, and with that, I give you Michael LaManna:
Hi my name is Michael La Manna and I’m the lead audio designer for Osiris Studios upcoming title, Mist of Stagnation.
My job is to create all the sound effects that you hear during game play as well as the soundtrack with fellow composer Misha Snowball.

I just wanted to take a moment to explain a little bit about the process in which I create music and sound effects.
The first thing I like to do before actually making music is look at the concept art, get a feel for the game environment and its characters.
Everyone knows if you’re creating music for a fantasy style ‘rpg’ game you’re not going to use a 303 or 808, but on the other hand if you’re
making a track for a science fiction game that could work out. I always like to lay my drums down 1st, even if I decide later not to have
percussion, it seems laying down drums just gives a foundation for my tracks. I’m a PC guy so my software of choice ‘DAW’ has always been
Cakewalk, now called Sonar X1, they were 1st on the street for computer midi and I’ve stuck with them through the years. One thing that
I’ve learned is you could never layer too much, even the smallest sound panned to the right or left can make a difference in a track.
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For Mist of Stagnation we had to create a few different genres of music, my fellow composer Misha lives in the UK so we used Skype quite a
bit transferring files back and forth. This process was actually very easy; she would come up with a rhythm and I would lay down the percussion
or vise versa. Sound effects on the other hand were all done by myself with either my huge effect library or me tweaking a sound in my
garage using my 4 way mic setup for Foley. All the sound effects were then re-worked in sound forge the defacto software for audio designers.
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That’s pretty much it I hope you guys enjoy the game when it comes out, a lot of people dedicated countless hours to developing it.


Michael La Manna is also owner of Floppy Entertainment look for their 1st mobile release “lil’ Sherman” in April 2012 for Android and IOS.
Here are some of our current tracks we have completed. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
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As an extra thanks for all the support, and back by popular demand, here is the final renders of the Grenade Launcher: (sorry Archie, right after you got your new keyboard I go and put this infront of you)
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...and as always

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back next week. If we get enough followers by week 8, we will have a very exciting gift for you!
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-09 02:07:36 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #303231
Well, its not a Source mod anymore, its a full fledged Indie game now, and we are on the Unreal Engine via UDK.

Thanks for all the comments guys. Be sure to follow us on and like us on facebook. We can use all the viral help we can get!
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-06 04:58:02 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #303192
Here how about a fresh nugget of modeling that we just got in today, moments ago.
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Posted 12 years ago2012-02-06 00:41:47 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #303189
Yea, the weapons are my favorite part of the game. Glad you like them too. We really got lucky with the talent we got for all stages of weapon development.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-05 05:01:35 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #303167
Guns, guns, and more guns. This week we look at the weapons we are working with to make this steampunk experience even better.

Over the past few weeks you have seen the players and commander system, now let's get to the fun stuff. Everyone love a little fire power, or in this case steam power in their hands, Today we put it all out in front of you to look at. For those of you who have already been following us, some of this you will already know about, but we also have some never released media today too!

One of the first members of the team Kris 'RagTag' Thaler, has single handedly created the unique weapon experience you see before you today. We gave him a basic overview of the types of weapons we were wanting, and some very basic design ideas, what we got in return blew our mind!

Here are the various concepts he created for us:
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These are all 3d model concepts which allowed the great perspective views you see here:
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This was very helpful when it came time to start modeling these out, because there is always a gap between concept and design phases. After months of modeling, everything was going great, and then we hit a wall again. Our modeler was unable to continue because of school, and I fully support him on his choice to focus on that instead of this. He is still with the team, but in a different capacity now, but in the meantime, we had some models to make with less time than ever to get them done!

Enter Patrick Walsh.

Patrick joined our team about a little over a month ago as a hired gun to knock out these models and get them over to our animators as fast as possible. What a great decision that was!

Warning!!! Cover keyboard to protect from drool.
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Our weapons system also uses a series of upgrades that the commander of the team decides on and researches. Some of these upgrades can include new ammo types, higher capacities, better accuracy, scopes, and more. Deciding which of these your team needs will be a fun part of the game, and making the right choices will determine the victor.

When our coders started to implement these weapons into the game, they found that there are a lot of tweaks to be made for a good, balanced game to happen. There were many rounds where an over powered, infinite range shotgun was used for single-shot KO's from across the map.

Once again we thank you for checking out news, and keep spreading the word. We thank you for all the encouragement we have been getting from the public. We even are working a deal with Abney Park right now to provide them with something for their upcoming music video.

...and as always

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back next week. If we get enough followers by week 8, we will have a very exciting gift for you!
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Posted 12 years ago2012-01-29 08:20:53 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #303037
Player and Faction Update - This week we explore the player models and the factions they belong to.

Creating a unique player in a steampunk environment was not the easiest thing to do, and still be original. It's almost expected to see an over abundance of gears and clockwork when you hear "Steampunk", but how practical is that?

So with that in mind, we went in a direction that fused classical Steampunk, with a more dirty and realism based Diesel Punk (more of a MadMax style of grunge).

Our vision vs. our needs:

In the early stages of character development, we had a few ideas of what we were looking for, but the art direction for character was really just an art reference sheet at this point. Our primary character concept artist Cormac 'Mac' Langen did an amazing job taking notes and critiques on what we gave him in direction and what he did with it.
His 1st step was to narrow down exactly what is was we were looking for:
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After we decided on a design to go after, he then presented us with a color scheme to pick from:
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From there things were starting to come together and the art direction for the 1st faction was well underway.

Iron Masons:
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The same idea was used on the Northland Pirates after we established they were more of rag-tag misfit outsider type group.
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Let us make man in our own image:
With all this great concept art, it was time to turn it into reality.
We had a very talented player modeler, but as the Indie world works; he just stopped communicating one day and was never heard from again. This was a huge setback for us, as we already had 2 player models modeled.

Enter Errol Stange.

Errol was a great addition to our team, as he had a natural feel for steampunk, and had plenty of experience with player modeling. I will let his work speak for itself...

1st he created a base male sculpt for us to use:
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and then blocked in the main details
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This was the point when our detail concepts cam into full use:
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Giving us our final render of the 1st Iron Mason model:
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Our other characters will not be parts of future updates (in the 8 weeks of updates), but will be displayed in our image gallery as they become ready.

Factions: So who are these guys?

I know 2 groups of people don't really need a reason to kill each other in an endless battle, but hey, we got one.

After the great wars of the early 20th century had laid waste to the world, all structured governments and militaries fell apart as chaos and anarchy ruled. Two main groups were formed as the struggle for control of the few remaining resources on the planet were scavenged.

The Iron Masons
The Iron Masons, one of the oldest of the surviving factions, is also one of the strongest. This stems from their militaristic nature, and heavy industrial background. They believe that the way to bring humanity back from the brink of extinction is by returning the world to what it once was. They are willing to stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and have the manpower and technologies to do it. Originating from a closed society known as the Freemasons, the Iron Masons have very clear cut ideals about leadership and patriotism. Traitors are very rare, and if it occurs, the perpetrators are punished to a degree that would give most nightmares.
The Northland Pirates
A relatively recent addition to the power on earth, the Northern Pirates are a group of scavengers and survivalists, looking to make their way in the wastelands of earth. Lacking advanced technologies, they make up for it with ingenuity and knowledge of their surroundings. Living in harmony with their environment has taken its toll on their social structure. As a collective whole they act more like a pack of wolves then human beings. Prone to internal conflict, they are feared on the front lines of battle
The Iron Masons are typically more technology based and are found in the remnants of the old world, rebuilding it in their image, while the Northland Pirates are outcasts and with their nomadic nature, they are usually found on a coast or mountain range in very makeshift villages.

Once again we thank you for checking out news, and keep spreading the word. We thank you for all the encouragement we have been getting from the public. We even are working a deal with Abney Park right now to provide them with something for their upcoming music video.
...and as always

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back next week. If we get enough followers by week 8, we will have a very exciting gift for you!
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Posted 12 years ago2012-01-26 03:25:01 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #302974
Mid-week show and tell:
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-26 03:24:06 UTC
in How did you start mapping? Post #302973
My borther and I started making custom Doom maps in 1994, then gave it up for about 5 years until HL was out and kicking.

Played around with a couple SP maps, but it didnt take.

Years later (2006) I offered to make a map for an RP server I played on, because the guy who was going to make the map was taking forever. I ended up making a full city map in about 2 weeks. RP_Burbank. It was fun, but it only got funner from there. That was for a HL mod The Specialist.

Moved to Source and Gmod mapping -> started Source mod -> moved to UDK -> Profit.

Advice?... don't be afriad to show other people your work, and be prepared for people to tell you what is bad about it, that is the only way you get better. Unless you just make maps for yourself, you NEED others to tell you what they like/dislike.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-22 20:11:41 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #302889
What do you mean? If you click the community link, it takes you to the forums, or here is the direct link.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-21 23:50:29 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation: 8 Weeks of Updates - Post #302876
The Commander Update - The primary RTS element in the game and leader of the team gets examined in this weeks update.

com•mand•er Noun:
1.A person in authority, esp. over a body of troops or a military operation: "the commander of a paratroop regiment".
2.A naval officer of high rank, in particular (in the US Navy or Coast Guard) an officer ranking above lieutenant commander and below captain.
3.The most feared monstrosity of metal and man to ever step foot on the battlefield.

Today we look at 'The Commander', the primary RTS element in the game. The Commander is in charge of each teams resources and how they are used. They will decide the very outcome of the game with the help of their team. Team work is vital to a successful Commander, as he cannot stand alone in battle for very long. A good Commander will inspire his team to work together by giving them objectives to reach, and by listening to their needs as upgrades become available. This ideal is the very foundation of Mist of Stagnation.


The Commander was an idea that got changed around many times in the early concept stages, and even 1 last time well into development of the game. We played off of some of the 'player/commander' game play models other's have already used, and spun off of it what we liked/disliked about them. Most notably was NS and Empires a Half-Life 2 mod. The result was a mixture of a commander who has RTS capabilities & an in-the-field presence, while still maintaining the steampunk environment. We started off with plans that the Commander would just be a unique player model that would be almost like a field promotion, but would still stand out to the other team.
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This was changed as we thought of games like TF2 and how important the silhouette of a player is in a fast paced FPS like this. With the inspiration of our very talented concept artist, we came up with 2 unique mech's that would serve as the vessel for the Commanders.
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As you can see, each mech has features that represent each faction. This idea also gave us a better opportunity to give the player a true RTS environment and HuD. We will be going into more detail about the factions in a later article, but you can read up about them in a previous update.


Coding began on this idea immediately, and the results instantly inspired the team. While in early development we used a stock vehicle to represent the Commander model the player would be in later.

(note: test level - models and layout do not represent final design)

After a quick mock up HuD, we knew how vital the Commander's HuD would be, so design started on it. For early development, we decided to use the same HuD for each Commander, but this will be changed as we move further down the road. This is the final result we decided on for the Commander's HuD
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The player playing as the Commander will has a 1st person view from inside of the mech, with arms visible as they move levers and hit switches relevant to the players actions. The Commander will not be a fighting vessel as its primary function, but does have some powerful defensive actions. As you can see, each commander will have an arm designated to a very powerful melee attack. In addition to this very high powered / low rate of fire attack, the Commander will also have the option to use its other "Hand" to punch and/or swipe away enemies that are close to it. We look forward to seeing some truly epic Commander fights in the future.

As the player enters the RTS mode and primary function, they will be presented with a holographic screen or 'Aural-Ocular Generator' (AOG) which will give the player an overview of the battlefield, upgrade options, and resource monitor. The AOG will take up most of the screen, so when in the RTS mode, the Commander will be vulnerable.

WIP Iron Mason Commander Mech
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WIP Northland Pirate Commander Mech

The Future of the Commander:

While the immediate future calls for a streamlined process of development without the addition of any new features, we do have our bucket list for it. We have thrown around ideas about buildings and how that would change the landscape of the game (no pun intended). We have plans to give each commander its own unique HuD and interior model. Anyone who is familiar with the UE3 engine knows it supports destruction on its vehicles; well as you can see, our mechs are a perfect match for that system. Visible damaged parts that can be blasted off and repaired back on. Which leads right into a repair system for them as well. The most important feature is still out there... we need you to tell us what you like and want to see as you all start playing Mist of Stagnation.

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back next week. If we get enough followers by week 8, we will have a very exciting gift for you!
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Posted 13 years ago2011-06-12 18:51:19 UTC
in Gearbox Community Day and Duke Nukem For Post #295510
So yesterday was a lot of fun, Gearbox hosted their 1st ever community day, and it was open to all.

They showed us some never before seen live game play of 2 of their upcomming titles. Aliens: Colonial Marienes and Brothers in Arms: Furious 4.

Since these were never before seen gameplay footages, I couldn't record anything for it, but I will give you my take on it.

Aliens: Colonial Marienes - Custom built engine with a high priority for rendering multiple (and they stressed MANY) dynamic lights. Currently it is exclusive for this game, and no comments on use for future games, but it looked dam sexy. It will use dx11 and all its sexy features.

The gameplay itself was nothing like any of the other Aliens games I've seen before. The story is based on the events that happened after the end of the 3rd Aliens movie. It is 4 player coop, confirmed to have split-screen, LAN and online capibilities. A dynamic AI system allowing the aliens to move on just about all surfaces, walls and ceilings included, and their leaps are based on their physics engine. From what they showed us, it will be right on par for the next gen gaming we all expect out of the new hardware some of us have. Co-op play will also have the ability to let people join and leave the host's campaign at any time.

The weapon choices (I saw) looked like the same old stuff we have seen in the past, but they hinted at the use of auto-sentry guns aswell.

Overall I would say this looks like it could be a very good game visually, and for those of you who like a story driven game (even if you dont like the movie Aliens), would enjoy. They also said this is the largest budget they have had on a game thus far, so I am expecting something that would give you more than the standard 4-8 hours of gameplay.

Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 - Now, for anyone who is a fan of the BIA series, you WILL want to read this. For anyone who was disguested with what they saw from E3 concerning this, you WILL want to read this.

The cinematic director for BIA came out and made it a point to let us all know that he is 'as or more passionate about this game' than anyone out there. He also made it a point to let everyone know that things at E3 were miscommunicated reguarding what this game is.

BIA: Furious 4 is not a replacement to the main BIA story line, in fact it has nothing to do with the BIA seriers other than it is a WW2 based game. The way the president of Gearbox put it, is BIA is now a brand, just like Tom Clancy games are. Splinter Cell and Rainbox Six are 2 completely different games, not to mention H.A.W.X. They are branching the BIA name out. Now I can say the 1st time I saw this, I told the developers what I thought about it... I am a BIA fan to the max.

The main BIA storyline WILL continue, the next chapter is gonna be the most important chapter, and based on their feedback, and the feedback from the community, it will be amazing. It is already underway, and has been for some time now (from what I took from the panel). This part was very cryptic in their comments.

Now, if you can get past that fact, then you are in for a really fun game.

Built on the Unreal 3 engine, it is an illegitamate baby from Borderlands and Left 4 Dead. It has a cell shaded style to it, with what we have all come to expect from an UE3 title in terms of a visually complete title.

Game play for this is a LOT of fun. It is another Co-op title for Gearbox, with nothing offical on a multiplayer side, yet there were hints of it from the developers panel. 4 players, all with unquie characters and skill trees. If you liked Borderlands you are gonna love this. I thought it already looked fun as hell, and they he busted out a chainsaw...

This will NOT get an E rating people. For a cell shaded game, the violence is very realistic. Bear traps, flame throwers, an '8 shot rapid fire rocket launcher', and some boss with a gatling gun sticking out of what looked like an oversized Zelda sheild.

Overall, I think Gearbox has a lot of work ahead of them to win over the BIA fanboys, but the game itself should be a hit. The gaming community is a lot bigger than the BIA community, so politics (and by that I mean money) will win.

The event itself was a lot of fun, they had a huge room full of all of Nvidias latest toys, complete with 3 screen 3D demos set up for Duke Nukem Forever, and Borderlands. Then there was a huge after party (Offical Duke Nukem Launch party), and it was bangin. There were so many naughty women there...

No cameras allowed in the After Party, but I'm sure some will sneak out. Heres what I got off my cell phone for you guys:

Custom Built rig liquid cooled :
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Real life Mutant Midget Psycho
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After Party signs:
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Posted 13 years ago2011-06-10 01:57:12 UTC
in Yes, another virus. Post #295452
Step 1: Safe mode
Step 2: Run virus removal software
Step 3: Profit

A virus will only load if it has a registry entry, removing the entry(s) is not that hard.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-07 03:16:49 UTC
in E3 2011 Post #295347
Sony will show off a bunch of statistics and numbers to show why they have been the most successful game company this year.
Nope - Pretty light on stats all around this year. Good for you, Sony.
Thats not completly correct, somewhere in the middle of his keynote, he gave a shout out to retailers, bragging how last week they were at a 27% comp to last year.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 15:37:38 UTC
in E3 2011 Post #295263
Well I just got back from a 3 day event with Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. You got a lot of stuff correct there!

The coolest thing I saw, and to spring board off your blog, is how the Kinect will work with FPS.

They are making it where you use a combonation of both the controller while using Kinect. Say for example, you needed to hide around a corner, you would just move like that. The coolest thing though, is being able to grab a nade from your side and throw it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 02:45:33 UTC
in Yes, another virus. Post #295249
Worst advice ever.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-22 01:01:22 UTC
in New mapping engines to consider. Post #294874
Amount of memory isnt the issue these days, its the bandwidth of the memory, which is why Nvidia cost so much more, but is well worth it. I say that ofcourse as an avid ATI owner/operator.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-20 14:58:51 UTC
in New mapping engines to consider. Post #294847
Move to UDK, it is the way to go.

It will force you to learn other skill sets too, such as modeling and texture work.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-27 02:14:27 UTC
in Fog Post #293952
what game is it for?

if it is for multiplayer, you can always use amxmodx and find the weathermod plugin
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-19 06:30:04 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293687
So as for the engine, it is modified, but not a new engine. There is NOT dynamic light, but some very, very cleaver use of projected textures.

All in all, id say its worth a play. Just try to rewind your mind before this whole potatoe/ARG fiasco, reduce the hype, and play the game you fell in love with years ago.

It is visually stunning, as for gameplay... I'll let you decide. It doesn't seem as difficult as Portal, but then again, I am only to chapter 5.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-08 07:30:39 UTC
in Mist of Stagnation - An unreal update Post #293220
Well the old thread is dead, and the revive feature doesnt want to work, so here we go ...

As you probably guessed, we made the big move! Well 2 big moves really, 1 from Mod to a full fledged Indie, and thanks to INtense! for some help in moving our profile (and watcher!) over to, we are here to stay. The second HUGE move was from the Source Engine to the UDK (Unreal Development Kit). This was a rather large decision made by the team, but ultimately the right one.

Moving over to the UDK will allow anyone and everyone to play the game, as it will be a standalone. Another huge reason for the move is the abundance of documentation on the unreal engine, and the next-gen features that it offers. As of now we are using the March 11' build of the UDK which does mean we will be using DX11, and all the features it has to offer, but will still have scaling available to those who are not running DX11 graphics cards.

I'm sure some of you are wondering if this means we are going to sell the game now. Well my friends, we can honestly say that we have no plans on selling this game. We as a team are all united that this is portfolio work for us, and an amazing way to build a company from the ground up. Which brings me to my next point; we have decided to get official and use a company name, for this & future productions, Osiris Studios.

Now for the fun stuff:

As per tradition, have a listen to the newest track from Secretcaptivation while looking over the rest of our media release:

With the help of DestroOmega, we have gotten the back storyline and faction stories nailed down with something that is fitting to the environment we are creating.

The 1st faction is the Iron Masons
The Iron Masons, one of the oldest of the surviving factions, is also one of the strongest. This stems from their militaristic nature, and heavy industrial background. They believe that the way to bring humanity back from the brink of extinction is by returning the world to what it once was. They are willing to stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and have the manpower and technologies to do it.Originating from a closed society known as the Freemasons, the Iron Masons have very clear cut ideals about leadership and patriotism. Traitors are very rare, and if it occurs, the perpetrators are punished to a degree that would give most nightmares.
And then there is the Northland Pirates
A relatively recent addition to the power on earth, the Northern Pirates are a group of scavengers and survivalists, looking to make their way in the wastelands of earth. Lacking advanced technologies, they make up for it with ingenuity and knowledge of their surroundings. Living in harmony with their environment has taken its toll on their social structure. As a collective whole they act more like a pack of wolves then human beings. Prone to internal conflict, they are feared on the front lines of battle.
Art:We have a lot of new art to show off this month, some of which has already been created, and some are keeping our modelers cranking away.

Environmental Art:
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Concepts by CheeseMcBoots
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Concepts by Spiffy -

Character concepts for the Northland Pirates:
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Concepts by Cormac ‘Mac' Langan -

Equipment concept art:
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Be sure to give us your feed back and let us know which ones you want to see in game!

Concepts by Cormac ‘Mac' Langan -

We have been real busy with some of these modes, keeping up with a high level of detail is no easy tasks, but the guys on our team are determined to amazing me.

Livewire has moved from mapper to modeler with our shift to UDK, and he is here to impress. He has taken it upon himself to remake our weapon models to a higher level of detail.
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He has also been working on various map models and modular designs for us to use in game. These can be viewed in the media gallery on

Hairyburger has also been working like a steam engine and bringing our characters to life.

Soldier model:
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Commander Model WIP
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We also upped the poly count on the airship to smooth it out some
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Model by DavidUnlocked

Level Design:

In the meantime, I have been taking on various roles of development, mostly in the management arena. I finally finished up our 30+ page design documents (actually it's not even really finished yet, but it's almost there!). I took the time to learn some basic animation techniques so that I can speed up some of the development with simple things such as animated map props, and I have also remade the title map and ported some of the models over to the UDK.This is still a work in progress:
User posted image
I would also like to note that to speed up the development process, we will be using a handful of models and texture from, but those models will never be showcased on The artists who created any of the models we use from there, will receive proper credits when the game is released. I think I have found everything that is useable to the standard we want to keep, and at this point it stands at about 4 models (rocks mostly).

We do have our timeline for release somewhat finalized, but we don't want to jump the gun and say anything about that just yet, but I will say we are looking at an '11 release.Until next time, thanks for stopping in to see us and be sure to keep your goggles on tight.

*Be sure to help support our artists by clicking their links!

IndieDB -
Offical website -
Offical forums -
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-01 06:00:16 UTC
in 8.9 Earthquake Hits Northern Japan Post #292778
thread full of self-proclaimed genius's

I don't think any of you know what your talking about.

Radiation = bad
Banana = good
Bananarama = very bad
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-19 21:39:37 UTC
in Story time Post #291968