Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 12:28:08 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #200941
Please get rid of these custom dlls, it makes normal playing impossible :.

Edit: also, hunter, less gay music in future videos, please.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 10:29:09 UTC
in Jack Thomspon May Be Sent To Jail Post #200924
A complete fag of a lawyer who comes from Florida. His son was allegedly pwned by a guy with a bat, but eneryone knows that this is just how Jack trolls IRL. He claims that his son's pwner was someone so retarded that they needed to play GTA 3 in order to learn how to kill someone with a baseball bat, even though everyone learned how to do this in gym class in grade school. Jack didn't notice because he was too busy passing notes to Janet Reno. Rambles on about how GTA is bad for kids but has never touched a computer in his life, and is incapable of operating anything more technologically advanced than a manual eggbeater. Loves to start shit about videogames and then complain when people tell him he's a fucktard and then threatens to sue using his magical e-lawyer powers. When at home, he enjoys dressing up in his mom's old clothes and getting raped by old men.
Quoted from a wiki. Quite a good read, I might add.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 18:01:48 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #200832
Heh, it's awesome to get on and entmod the shit out of everything. I built a 1000-unit high wall and we played Tau Jumping competitions on it :). Good fun. The Hunter should have fraps video.

Also, Muzzle, what's this new weapon stuff? The weapons fire at like 40000 bullets/second and with seemingly limitless ammo... custom DLLs?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 16:38:47 UTC
in Video Compression Post #200825
IIRC Pinnacle can do DivX encoding. Go go!
.AVI isn't a real video format, btw, it's just a "placeholder" extension for lots of formats (including DivX and shiz).

1024x768 is huge for a video btw, drag it down to 400x300 or less. 640x480 at most.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 16:35:43 UTC
in Jack Thomspon May Be Sent To Jail Post #200824
He IS an attentionwhore. Why else would he do all his stupid events? For the good of it? He's a stupid twat who wants people to see him, is all.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 14:00:05 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #200799
Too bright, hot damn, I thought it was fullbright. The white helicopter is neat - pretty much everything else in the screenshot is fairly ugly. Mountains need work, everything looks boring and bland. The icicles from the rooftops is a good addition, though.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 12:44:11 UTC
in in-game advertising, is it right? Post #200796
Well, DVD's have ad's in them, we buy them. But still, I really dont want to see more of this in the future. EA has never been the greatest game developer out there. I hope valve never decides to do this.
"Oops, my opinion just turned around"
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-25 09:37:20 UTC
in in-game advertising, is it right? Post #200783
and yes, it ruins the experience of the game a bit. I kinda disapprove of it, but it IS a good way to get some extra funding for the project to make the game better... is it not? frown - :|
It's about what benefits the consumer. We're paying quite a lot of money for the game, and having to look at ads after you've bought it just isn't right. I don't care how small they are or if they don't interfere with gameplay, I don't want ads in a game I've fucken paid for. I hate EA with fervor.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 18:03:20 UTC
in Invisibility? Post #200736
Arcan you're seriously the worst wigger I have ever seen.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 16:54:55 UTC
in 2000th topic Post #200724
Cats that look like pwns stuff on my cat.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 16:50:48 UTC
in Oldest Competitive Gamer Croaks Post #200722
you suck and your gay
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 13:27:23 UTC
in 2000th topic Post #200692
Wutever, it said 1999 when I created it so I win.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 13:25:52 UTC
in in-game advertising, is it right? Post #200690
I'm passing it up because everyone says it's exactly like BF2. Whatever.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 10:58:12 UTC
in 2000th topic Post #200665
User posted image
Kitler sees when you're sleeping
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 05:39:22 UTC
in My map for The Specialists... =D Post #200649
Looks nice, a bit bland though. TS is the best mod for Half-Life, ever.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-23 15:06:47 UTC
in 2000th topic Post #200561
Two-thousandth thread in General Discussion...
User posted image
Have some victory ginger bread. 2000 ftw!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-23 15:03:05 UTC
in in-game advertising, is it right? Post #200560
wow $100 goddamn its only $50 in America grin - :D
There's more than one type of dollar you stupid piece of..
Seriously, ignorance unmatched.

I will certainly not be buying BF2142 or any future DICE/EA products. I've just lost respect in them. I should go egg their headquarters, it's like 10 min by bike from here.

What about advertisements in WoW, with it's 7 million players? That's more than most countries. This is an almost unexploited market for advertisers, one they will tap into more and more in due time, and I don't like it at all. I'm already sick of seeing ads everywhere, now they're gonna invade gaming too?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-23 10:03:39 UTC
in HEADCRABS! (Sorry: Might be old) Post #200529
I knew I recognized the song from somewhere :P .

Excellent stuff, weebl-toons is just so random.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-23 10:01:41 UTC
in you X-fire? Post #200528
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-23 06:24:53 UTC
in Emo night Post #200492
Umm wow? Grow up Zombie.
so much ANGST!!!~~!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 20:46:03 UTC
in in-game advertising, is it right? Post #200457
I wonder if the income from these advertisements will benefit the gamer in form of lower game prices or the distributers?

Oh wait, no I don't.

It's fucking bullshit.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 19:24:28 UTC
in in-game advertising, is it right? Post #200443
The BattleField 2142 advertising system tracks which ads you look at and give you more of the same accordingly. It's apalling. I won't even be warezing bf2142.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 14:33:13 UTC
in half life deathmatch wepons.... Post #200409
Could probably be done using server addons such as AMX-mod with suitable plugins. I remember shooting missiles and shit in standard CS servers.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 14:31:25 UTC
in Lava Post #200408
Jesus does.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 07:35:21 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #200379
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 06:05:39 UTC
in Emo night Post #200374
my chemical romance totly gets me in ther lyircs its so depresng
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-21 09:25:27 UTC
in TWHL makes the press! Post #200290
Rough translation...
"Screenshots can easily be forged by anyone with an image processing program - program logs are even easier. So now the only thing required to convict people for filesharing is testimony from IFPI (record publishers association), at the same time as the law follows the entertainment industry? Where will this end?"

It's about 2 people getting convicted for filesharing here in sweden, paying big fines. In one of the cases, a guy was fined 80,000 SEK (roughly 8000 Euro) for sharing 4 songs on DC++ - the only proof provided was testimony from Ifpi "agents", logs and screenshots, and as we all know, record publishers cannot be trusted under any circumstances, and screenshots and logs are easy as hell to fake.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-21 09:02:11 UTC
in TWHL makes the press! Post #200282
Well, not exactly, it's not like it's an article, but I got a letter published in Metro Stockholm today.
User posted image
Yes, I know I typo'd "loggar". Annoying.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-21 06:24:47 UTC
in Emo night Post #200268
Omg that it just so EMOTIONAL, count me in :heart: I'll bring my boy make up!!

BTW, Pts meant to say emo night in #TWHL, the IRC channel. Go to the IRC help page if you're too stupid to join.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-20 17:10:20 UTC
in Invisibility? Post #200248
Yeah, saw that one, it sucked. And for hiding buildings, you'd need something a bit cheaper than huge screens.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-20 10:15:30 UTC
in Desktops of early October Post #200227
DC is really the best tool ever if you've got a reasonably fast connection and live in a good area (read: sweden). I can get 1000+ KB/s from lots of people on pretty much anything I want. If you're an idiot, it'll suck.

high fives fourthgen
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-20 05:50:14 UTC
in Desktops of early October Post #200211
Limewire is crap. Hell, the whole Gnutella network sucks. Soulseek might be a VERY little bit better. If you know what to do.

Direct Connect is the best p2p platform ever, fin. BitTorrent is pretty pwning too.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-20 04:28:17 UTC
in Service Provider. Post #200208
You've got a new IP with the new ISP, Y'know, you need to set the redirect to that IP instead... not sure what else to tell you, neither of the links works.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 16:20:43 UTC
in Friggin' Finally!!! Post #200147
British telecom :(. I weep for you.

On a brighter note gg for getting broadband.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 16:19:58 UTC
in Invisibility? Post #200145
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 13:36:38 UTC
in source engine update, Polish support??? Post #200020
The CATEGORY is steam engine, the ITEM is "added Polish support for Source games", it does not say "available in poland".

Also, how could you miss the "!!1"? It is a renowned internet symbol indicating sarcasm, something you ought to have learned by now. And I'm only being an ass towards people I don't like, which is pretty obvious and, um, logical.

What bugs me is the fact that you probably didn't even know Polish was a language.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 12:50:44 UTC
in source engine update, Polish support??? Post #200009
Can you not take everything on the internet seriously for once?
User posted image
go cry
I already hate the US, I don't need more reasons.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 11:57:21 UTC
in source engine update, Polish support??? Post #199994
Maybe if you're an ignorant american with no knowledge of the world outside his own borders!!1
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 11:52:51 UTC
in source engine update, Polish support??? Post #199992
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 11:21:46 UTC
in source engine update, Polish support??? Post #199988
I actually think it's the language Polish. Notice how the P is capitalized?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 08:28:28 UTC
in Best Engrish ever Post #199973
alexb911 is pretty stupid, he probably doesn't know what engrish is.

Also, I must say I like the very aryan children on the top-left of the page, probably there to attract westerners.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-17 11:00:29 UTC
in Wii's first bad move? Post #199910
Let's not deny the need for graphics - good looking graphics makes the experience more enjoyable for the player, and, most importantly, adds to the immersion of the game. The whole purpose of realistic special effects in games is to add immersion.
But yes, developers emphasize far too much on graphics today. But I'm doing my part, I NEVER buy games with bad gameplay :) .

I'd also like to point out that Valve are doing (in my opinion) an amazing job on this area - with games like DoD:S, TF2 and (most importantly) Portal, they're proving that graphics doesn't make a game. The source engine is well over 2 years old, but the games feel new and fresh all the same.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-17 03:58:29 UTC
in Wii's first bad move? Post #199892
I'd never rate graphics higher than gameplay. I mean, I still play lots of old games regularly, StarCraft being the main one. They still entertain me, something new games quite often fail to do for any length of time : .
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-16 18:12:54 UTC
in TWHL3 Post #199876
Probably thread notifications through RSS feeds.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-16 12:39:08 UTC
in Total Noob In Help Post #199828
User posted image
Should explain it.

I really can't understand why they don't make this a hammer default setting... Oh well, valve works in mysterious ways.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-16 12:31:11 UTC
in Wii's first bad move? Post #199827
OMG O WOW That's the most useless features ever. Why can't developers focus on fun gameplay?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-15 14:43:03 UTC
in Wii's first bad move? Post #199772
Lost images:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image

Looks hot to me!!!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-15 05:14:44 UTC
in Custom DLLs Section Post #199740
Half-life Dlls aren't bigger than maps, in general.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-15 05:12:53 UTC
in Wii's first bad move? Post #199739
Most TVs today can't handle resolutions above 640x480, is what he means. Which sucks lots dicks. And the PS3 will suck even. God, PS3 fanboys are the worst kind, why don't you all just go and die?

Edit, and more on topic: loli is kinda hot...
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-14 17:17:20 UTC
in Wii's first bad move? Post #199679
I actually agree with Xyos there (SHOCK HORROR!!!) - the Wiimote might be fun at first, but seriously, flinging your arms around like a tard for an hour will be tiring and annoying. According to the many teaser videos, you need to have your arm fully straightened out and the Wiimote pointing toward the TV for it to work - which will just become annoying.