Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2010-01-12 16:10:15 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #277800
I was reffering to Caboose's image. :)

Here's mine again in widescreen:
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-12 14:55:59 UTC
in Half-Life: Ghosthunter Co-op/Single Post #277799
Since you started another thread about your mod, ill lock this now.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-11 14:44:32 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #277711
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-11 11:57:55 UTC
in Half-Life: Ghosthunter Co-op/Single Post #277708
Please do not double triple post. Use the edit button (a link actually) on your last post to edit your post.


By the way, i was reading Half-Life: Ghostbusters. :nuts:
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-11 11:51:28 UTC
in Is there any WONners here? Post #277707
I still use WON Half-Life for testing purposes (my own maps and mods) and Steam HL for online play.

As far as gameplay and graphics go between the two versions, there's no difference, except that Steam HL and its mods support detail textures.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-09 21:34:34 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277631
I've already put it on my site.

Check your pm.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-09 20:18:29 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277626
So... who's going to put it in the vault?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-09 19:53:57 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277623
We can always add your map when you finish it, its really not a problem. Just work on it and when its done, we'll add it.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-09 10:05:05 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277588
Atom, that's not you in your avatar right?
I thought you were a guy.
I am.
And if that's just your gf
I wish!
I'll just shut up before something bad happens.

Anyway, i've compiled all the maps and im now ready to playtest them. After that, i think the mod is ready for public release!
Edit: and so it begins...
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-08 16:50:38 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277537
So, if i temporary remove/rename my default lights.rad file, the maps will all compile with consistent light (color and brightness) settings?

Edit: ah, that works, no more Warning: redundant blabla messages. :D
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-07 21:20:04 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277506
please take your lights.rad out of the equation so you don't have to compile it twice, (the light values were off last time, so maybe it doesn't consistently "override" the mapname.rad?). Also, make sure you've copied all the included mapname.rad to your hammer/maps folder (if you've run through the map preview i did on fast vis, this should give you a clear idea what the light values should look like.)
So you're saying i should remove my lights.rad file? If i do that, light will fail in pretty much any map, including mine.
as for the visible objects, pleez just compile with it unchecked to avoid any further confusion.
You got it.
i never had that problem but i've only did fast vis. I guess your big quad core can't handle it? =) (which map btw, rooms.rmf?)
My quad core has nothing to do with it, its the compile tools.
And im talking about intro01 (the manu map).
I will get that thing compiled, darn it.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-07 20:08:25 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277502
Started compiling the map 6 hours ago, and it's still doing LeafThread!
That's rediculous. What did you do to it? Last time i compiled, weeks ago, long before all those fixes were made, it compiled much faster.
Edit: I cancelled it, will try again tomorrow.

And no, id like to do the final compile of everything, because i have some additional "surprises" planned for the mod (just small things, nothing spectacular really, but still neat).

As for light values, i just use the default rad settings (lights.rad). mapname.rad files and in-map info_texlights values override the light.rad file values.

Anyway, as far as i understand it, i should compile intro01 with all the visgroups visible OR with the Visible Objects HLFix flag unchecked, because that's the same.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-07 14:21:47 UTC
in weapon_tripmine Post #277479
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-07 13:48:04 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277474
Please, make sure the rmf's are error and leak free! Yesterday, i compiled intro01, but could'nt because of a leak. I opend the rmf in Hammer, and i noticed that entire sections of the map were exposed to the void (no ceiling). Some stuff were also vis grouped and made invisible. Very annoying, because you have a massive list of vis groups, which really makes it hard to figure out which one seal off the exposed sections.

Would you mind sending me a working error free version of intro01 (if the one in the latest links still have stuff invisible).

Edit: intro01.rmf in that latest link leaks on me. Fix that, and reupload.
Edit2: Nevermind, i enabled the vis group. Its compiling now.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-06 15:32:20 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #277403
Uhm, the download links of x10 Hosting and Filefront are not the same. The X10 version of rooms has less maps and it doesn't start in the menu map, it starts in the first room map. It also misses the main menu art.

Did you screw up? This is really confusing.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-05 20:40:24 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277379
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-05 16:33:26 UTC
in Making a pc game to sell Post #277368
Did not know that, i thought they were the first to come up with those... Oh well.
I knew PvsZ was a tower defense game, but the way its played is pretty original.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-05 15:16:22 UTC
in Making a pc game to sell Post #277363
You have no idea how much fun it actually is, playing these smaller games. Plants vs Zombies for example: fucking awesome, as you can tell by the review scores.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-05 14:13:59 UTC
in Making a pc game to sell Post #277357
You think PopCap stole game ideas from other small developers, like the match-3 game Bejeweled and Zuma games.

I'll tell you what: Popcap was the first to come up with Bejweled and Zuma. Many different small developers "stole" the gameplay of those titles and put it in their own games.

As far as i know, Popcap never actually "stole" gameplay idea's from other developers, all of their games are original.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-05 13:31:47 UTC
in Making a pc game to sell Post #277353
Fuck Popcap games, all of their games are old-games ideas with eye-candy graphics.
You're a twat.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-04 16:34:22 UTC
in Someone with much free time, plz? Post #277307
They don't, Stu, but you can force shadows by setting the zhlt lightflags property. This increases compile time though.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-01 15:20:29 UTC
in Someone with much free time, plz? Post #277160
Exactly what i expected: a clusterfuck.
Count me out, im not doing it.

One thing though: i want you to know that im not calling you a bad mapper, it's just your unusual architectural brushwork and choice of textures, it's just weird.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-01 13:38:11 UTC
in Someone with much free time, plz? Post #277156

No offence, but seriously, i know your type of maps: a clusterfuck of randomly placed platforms with random ugly textures scattered all over and complex world geometry made with just plain solids. That's probably why VIS can't run.

Pretty much like this:
User posted image
Seriously. What. A. Mess.

Can you post a screenshot or two of the maps, so we know what we're talking about?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-25 20:11:04 UTC
in Help monkey make word bring hurt big sma Post #276917
"Help monkey make words bring hurt smarty thing"

You call that a Windows 7 question? It's not even a normal sentence, just a random set of words!
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-23 12:16:14 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276879
I haven't tried it out yet, so I'm pretty sure I'm asking a dumb question here. but why not just make the computer itself emit light? why do you have to go through all the func_illusionary and stuff?
Because a light emitting texture will always be fullbright ingame, including the parts that don't have any computer gizmo's. It'll look weird.

Check it out:

Without a light emitting texture:
User posted image
Front texture itself emits light:
User posted image
Func_illusionary with special glow texture that emits light:
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-22 18:40:20 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276870
Potatis: yeah, they appear on the solid brush behind it. You can use a func_wall instead.

Stu: if you look at it sideways, yeah.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-22 18:18:50 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276866
I used the glowing effect in this map:
User posted image
All you do is place a 1 unit thick brush in front of whatever you want to add the effect to, texture all the sides except the front with BEVEL, apply the glowing texture on the front, turn the brush into func_illusionary, rendermode additive and fxamount 255.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-22 18:05:52 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276864
You should use the glowing texture versions for the computers and stuff.

Here are the rad values:
mod_light1a			240 240 210 10000
mod_light2a			190 30 30 5000
mod_light3a			45 45 245 5000
mod_light3b			135 135 245 5500
mod_light4			252 200 105 5000
mod_lights1a			255 230 205 5000
mod_lights2a			240 120 120 16000
mod_lights3a			150 120 240 8000
mod_lights4a			120 230 160 6500
mod_thinlighta			135 135 245 2500
mod_thinlightb			240 220 170 3000
mod_labsideligh			140 140 200 10000
mod_spot1			220 240 255 500
mod_screena			50 140 240 1500
mod_screenb			50 140 240 1500
mod_screenc			50 140 240 1500
mod_screend			50 140 240 1500
mod_screene			50 140 240 1500
mod_screenf			50 140 240 1500
mod_screeng			50 140 240 1500
mod_screenh			50 140 240 1500
mod_screeni			50 140 240 1500
mod_screenj			50 140 240 1500
mod_screensa			50 200 240 600
mod_screensb			50 200 240 600
mod_electro2a			50 140 200 800
mod_electro2b			50 140 200 800
mod_electro2c			50 140 200 800
mod_electro2d			50 170 200 800
mod_elec1a			50 240 200 1000
mod_contpan1a			50 190 200 800
mod_labcab2a			50 120 220 500
mod_labcab2b			50 120 220 500
mod_labcab2c			50 120 220 500
mod_labcab2d			50 120 220 500
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-21 15:18:37 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #276833
CT: send me the latest version of the mod (make sure it has all the latest builds of the maps!) and ill have a look at that game_player_equip issue.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-21 12:30:42 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276785
Sounds great, but right now Daubster is looking at my code in an attempt to fix the cleansuit scientist and also trying to fix the deagle.
I think i can do the pitdrone and gonome myself (i did it before, i have the code somewhere else), so you don't have to do those.


Gonome and Pitdrone working:
User posted image
Can you do the voltigore and/or the shocktrooper?

As for the deagle, it kinda depends on Daubster. If he can't fix it, it's all yours.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-20 18:34:09 UTC
in PAKexplorer: Error while copying Post #276799
If you want to use a new weapon (a replacement for the mp5 in your case), all you need to do is put the model(s) in valve/models directory. If you have custom sounds and sprites for the mp5 replacement weapon, put them in valve/sound and valve/sprites.

Note that the filesnames should be the same as the original, or else HL won't recognise your new weapon as a replacement.

There is absolutly NO NEED to add the files into the existing pak0.pak file. You should leave the original game files alone anyway.
Half-Life will look for resources in its file structure first, and then in the pak file so that your new mp5 weapon will used instead of the default mp5.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-19 17:56:46 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276760
Yesterday i was trying to add the deagle into my projects. It works, but the gun doesn't play animations when i fire, reload. It also doesn't play any sounds. Ammo and hud works fine.

Here's my complete cleansuit sci code:
[blue]class[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist : [blue]public[/blue] CScientist
     [blue]void[/blue] Spawn([blue]void[/blue]);
     [blue]void[/blue] Precache([blue]void[/blue]);
     BOOL CanHeal([blue]void[/blue]);

LINK_ENTITY_TO_[blue]class[/blue]( monster_cleansuit_scientist , CCleanSuitScientist);

BOOL CCleanSuitScientist::CanHeal([blue]void[/blue])
		return FALSE;

[green]// Spawn[/green]
[blue]void[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist::Spawn([blue]void[/blue])
     Precache( );

     SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/cleansuit_scientist.mdl");

     pev->solid               = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
     pev->movetype          = MOVETYPE_STEP;
     m_bloodColor          = BLOOD_COLOR_RED;
     pev->health               = gSkillData.scientistHealth;

     [green]// position of the eyes relative to monster's origin.[/green]
     pev->view_ofs          = Vector ( 0, 0, 50 );

     [green]// NOTE: we need a wide field of view so scientists will notice player and say hello[/green]
     m_flFieldOfView          = VIEW_FIELD_WIDE;
     m_MonsterState          = MONSTERSTATE_NONE;

[green]//     m_flDistTooFar          = 256.0;[/green]

     m_afCapability          = bits_CAP_HEAR | bits_CAP_TURN_HEAD | bits_CAP_OPEN_DOORS | bits_CAP_AUTO_DOORS | bits_CAP_USE;

     [green]// White hands[/green]
     pev->skin = 0;

     [blue]if[/blue] ( pev->body == -1 )
     { [green]// -1 chooses a random head[/green]
          [green]// pick a head, any head[/green]
          pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0, NUM_SCIENTIST_HEADS-1);

     [green]// Luther is black, make his hands black[/green]
     [blue]if[/blue] ( pev->body == HEAD_LUTHER )
          pev->skin = 1;

     SetUse( FollowerUse );

[green]// Precache - precaches all resources this monster needs[/green]
[blue]void[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist::Precache([blue]void[/blue])

     [green]// every new scientist must call this, otherwise[/green]
     [green]// when a level is loaded, nobody will talk (time is reset to 0)[/green]

@ DiscoStu: Mr. Friendly is an unused monster (no AI) but it can still be used in maps my just placing a monster_generic.
User posted image
@hlife_hotdog: what can you offer me?

User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-18 18:59:24 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276746
@JeffMOD: Yes it does. All you need to do is place one info_displacer_xen_target and one info_displacer_earth_target and you can teleport between those points.

No i did not. I found the source code on some russian forum and tried to add it to my sdk. It works, but i could'nt code it all by myself.

I just tried adding the cleansuit_scientist again. The son of a bitch still heals me, even though i have:
[blue]class[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist : [blue]public[/blue] CScientist
     [blue]void[/blue] Spawn([blue]void[/blue]);
     [blue]void[/blue] Precache([blue]void[/blue]);
     BOOL CanHeal([blue]void[/blue]);

BOOL CCleanSuitScientist::CanHeal([blue]void[/blue])
     [blue]return[/blue] FALSE;
I don't get it. I don't get C++ anyway, so.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-18 15:54:03 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276683
That's ok, JeffMOD. Peace man! :)

@ barneyinblue: Sounds great! At this point, the optional list is at the lowest priority level so ignore that part for now. This goes for everyone.

How experienced are you? You must understand that i would prefer someone who knows what he's doing and he should have some experience.

Edit: I know SoHL could give me all those features, but the problem is that my current code already has numerous stuff added to it, including dynamic lights. How would i merge my sdk with the SoHL sdk without breaking it? I tried it before and all i got were tons of errors.

Code sucks.

Dear coders, please help me out.

Weapon_displacer completed!
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-16 18:58:29 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276679
JeffMOD, i tried those tuts plenty of times, and the cleansuit scientist still freakin heals me. Otis is still holding his deasert eagle, but it behaves and fires just like the glock. And when you kill Otis, he dropd his gun which turnd into the actual glock model. I don't know how to fix this issues and thats why im relying on an experiences coder to code these things the proper and efficient way.

Don't feel offended, those tutorials are certainly usefull for learning coders (not me), it's just your first line (your original post before editted) that is nothing more than plain nonsense.

At barneyinblue: what can you do?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-16 18:35:59 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276675
What? What kind of a pointless reply is that, JeffMOD. You're not adding anything usefull to this thread with that post.
You should'nt have replied in the first place, but it has come to my attention, you feel the need to reply to ANYTHING.

Edit: so you've editted your post. but your first lines are still pointless.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-16 14:48:17 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276668
I know, but i don't want to use Spirit, i want to add it to my existing source code which is used for Uplink Extended and my future projects.

Also, i tried it before, but failed miserably.

Spirit is a no-go.

Are you up for the task of programming one maybe two "small" things? I think if everyone does a little part, it should be finished much faster, and i can finally map the ending of Uplink Extended (in which i'd like to use the weapon_displacer...)
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-16 11:51:32 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276665
Maybe you can try something that should be pretty "easy" to do. The cleansuit scientist for example, or Otis, Black Ops, you know. Those can all be based off existing monsters (I know that much, but i can't do it :()
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-16 10:51:19 UTC
in Hiring a coder Post #276662
Im in need of a coder for my future projects, including Uplink Extended. Believe it or not, i still have some cool idea's i want to add to the mod, but that requires some custom new code.

I tried coding it myself, but i just can't do it, C++ is simply not my thing, it just makes no sense to me. So that's why im officially hiring.

I asked Highlander, but he left TWHL and i've never heard from him since. Major drag.
I asked ChickenFist, but he's currently too busy.

I have compiled a list of stuff i'd like to have:

Code List Version 1.0

It may be too much for one person to code all that, so i was thinking maybe we could have two persons (or perhaps more) code it.

I know we have just a handful of experienced coders here, and i know they're probably busy with their own projects, but im still hoping you guys find this a great learning experience.

Thank you. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-15 19:58:31 UTC
in Screen Capturing Issues Post #276637
Make sure you video acceleration is at maximum.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-15 13:00:37 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276634
In that case, ill stick to Max then...
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-15 12:59:52 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #276633
I still have the glock when i enter the first room.
As for rims map, yes i did align, and fixt the transparency.
No you did'nt. It still looks the same as here:

Are you sure you played the updated bsp(s)?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-15 12:45:56 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276631
So... does Maya allow import and export of smd's?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-14 21:19:51 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #276620
There are some things you haven't fixed:

-Rim tree textures and align brush
-add player_weaponstrip as you play the game

I can fix those myself, just give a sign when you think we're ready for the final compile.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-14 20:58:24 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #276618
You seriously suck at hosting files. The X10 link 404's on me, FileFront is slow as always.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-14 18:28:41 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #276616
Hmmm, now that you mention it, TJB, maybe i could use a regular env_beam or env_laser to deal 0 damage to the grunt after he teleported and hopefully, re-enable his AI.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-14 18:24:55 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276615
Very neat. It's like 3DMax. Too bad the quality is pretty bad, could'nt read any text.

What annoys me is that there are a ridiculous amount of buttons, menu's and what not. How the heck are you supposed to know where to find something?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-14 17:29:47 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #276611
I don't think that's gonna work... It'll look weird to the player.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-14 16:10:21 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #276525
Then who would be using it? Automated func_tanks don't shoot grunts.

I need a coder. Im hiring right now.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-14 11:21:14 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276602
Maybe you should record some footage to show how "easy" it really is. :P