Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 02:55:01 UTC
in Exotic train Post #64787
Perhaps you should just go with a func_tracktrain... as in 'subtransit'... I think that will suffice. For skateboards and the like, you could always head over to HL2... as soon as there's a DM mod out there... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 02:53:03 UTC
in Human Marines and Aliens Alliance Post #64785
Rory, you'd better ask Sven-Coop specific questions on their own forums. Thats what they are for and you're much more likely to get a good answer over there, as I doubt many of the guys here know a lot about Sven-Coop.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 14:57:36 UTC
in my first dm map (temple) Post #64682
That is, when you want it on your webspace... :)

I see you're using Freewebs... You should find out how to get access to your ftp, as that's where you can add files...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 14:53:19 UTC
in my first dm map (temple) Post #64679
As long as it's under 2 MB, you can upload it to the Map Vault directly, TWHL will then host the file for you.

And how to upload? Well, you'll have to place it on your ftp-server... just as you would place webpages on it...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 16:06:43 UTC
in Ghehe, w00t!! Post #64537
Mhh, that's right ZL, he should've clearly stated that in his initial post.

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 16:04:02 UTC
in question on a certain trigger problem Post #64534
Err, that sounded a bit confusing at first. Try to describe your problem a bit more comprehendable next time, saves us (and finally you) time...

You want to use the multi_manager. Read about it in the Entity Guide on this site:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 15:49:16 UTC
in my first dm map (temple) Post #64532
No, go ahead and upload it to the Unfinished Maps section. It's just not wise to post your very first map as a finished map, but it's a good idea to ask others for tips. Though searching for articles and tutorials yourself is also a very good method. And there's always the 'trial-and-error' method... ;)

Here, to get you some stuff to read trough:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:10:06 UTC
in Cant find filesystem dll to load! Post #64477
Solution 1: Don't automatically run the map after compiling.

Solution 2: Don't even think of automatically run the map after compiling.
That just baffles me... why shouldn't you playtest your map after a compile? Compiling from Hammer (as is my personal preference) combined with Steam gives me no single error...

And indeed, you should run Steam then... -silent -applaunch 70...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 11:37:41 UTC
in Ghehe, w00t!! Post #64460
Perhaps you should've stressed your coding stuff a bit more, Muzzle?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 04:19:52 UTC
in Exotic train Post #64338
What about trigger_changetargets? I don't know exactly how these behave when used on a path_corner, but I do know they can change the target of a func_train. It has to be stopped and then activated again before it moves to it's new location though. As far as I can remember... I can't test now since I'm on school, so... good luck!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-05 16:24:46 UTC
in func wall Post #64262
w_poly's = any geometry polygon, both from 'solid brushes' and 'brush-based entities'.

e_poly's = any model polygon

So you're being corrected... ;)

You may have noticed sprites aren't covered in the r_speed display. In fact, r_speeds gives only little information as there's much more that affects performance. Rendering polygons does take up most of the time though, so in most cases it's your main concern.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-05 15:06:30 UTC
in Throwing a gauntlet Post #64247
Do we trust people so little in a little contest? Nah...

As for the map, I completed it once now and I don't really bother completing it again and again. I think you show potential by putting thought in the gameplay, now I'd say you should pay more attention to visuals, to achieve a more consistent experience. Good luck!

(Oh, and for the cliff... perhaps a trigger_hurt with a high damage value would be handy, instead of making the cliff higher? :))
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-05 10:40:51 UTC
in Ghehe, w00t!! Post #64204
no offense either... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-05 10:39:57 UTC
in Ghehe, w00t!! Post #64203
So, tell me... how much do you know of coding?
Not enough to see it's not that easy... isn't it? ;)

You see, ammo capacity is easily changed. Displaying ammo capacities more than 254 isn't, since you need to fiddle with the SendAmmoUpdate function wich isn't very straightforward:,1096875898,4444&id=712139&b=590&v=flatold
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-04 08:18:15 UTC
in timefall Post #63992
Just out of curiosity: how much was Timefall playtested?
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-03 15:51:42 UTC
in apologies newbie! max patch error Post #63902
Just treat the level as if it were indoor. Outdoor area's really are just corridors and rooms, though their 'ceilings' and parts of their 'walls' are skybrushes, so you see sky there instead of a wall...

Everywhere you see a skybrush (in-editor), you see sky instead (in-game). The shape of these brushes doesn't matter anything, you see.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-03 15:42:41 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #63896
People should hand their parts in without bugs.
Impossible. There will always be bugs (or at least flaws). ;)
Personally, I think a betatest before the final release would be good. The expectations might not be too high, but at least give it some playtesting... it's only fair towards the player...
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-03 15:40:23 UTC
in FGD ??? Post #63894
Decompile the original weapon v_ models to see how Valve did it. That's the best way to find out how to get your weapons done right.

Oh, and testing a lot is also very helpfull...
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 16:42:43 UTC
in Delaying Changlevels Post #63687
Use a trigger_transition in conjunction with your trigger_changelevel:
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 03:46:54 UTC
in Intentional fullbright? Post #63536
You may want to use the '-bounce x' parameter too then. Set it to a high value, so light rays bounce around more than just once, resulting in a brighter and more equally lit map. More bounces don't really take a lot of extra compile time (but the more bounces you have, the less effect the later ones will have).
I think '-bounce 4' or '-bounce 5' would be a good value here.

And you should look to the Fade option of light entities. Setting this to a lower amount than 1 causes the light to cover a larger area, e.g. the light reaches further. It may take some experimenting to get this right though, but could really be helpfull in your case.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-01 17:37:14 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #63483
Good idea with ending it in 10 days. Now it will finnaly be completed.
Well, completed... I wouldn't say so. I've played trough a small part of it now and I've seen several things that could use some fixing or tweaking.
I personally think the final result should be betatested to spot the most obvious bugs/gameplay issues and the like. These should be fixed on the go, untill the team is satisfied with the result. After wich the mappack finally can be considered being 'finished'.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-01 17:08:03 UTC
in Tunnel with sky?! Post #63482
Or, you could RAISE the maximum viewable distance, but that would increase r_speeds.
Incorrect. Polygons beyond the maximum viewable distance are being rendered. They're just not visible.
Although there is a certain compile parameter for Zoners tools that implements distance into the visibility determination... I've never experimented with it though.

As for your map, ZeG, you should fix the leak instead of creating a skybox. I assume you know the disadvantages of the skybox method?
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-01 16:58:45 UTC
in FGD's Post #63479
Those sprites are probably meant to replace the colored block you usually see when you look at a point-based entity in the editor (in the 3D view).
You don't need to use these sprites, though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-01 09:57:14 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #63382
I'd say, focussing on the current project and getting that done is much more important than starting the next one already... Why finish this one in a hurry all of a sudden to start another one?
Also, you could evaluate this project and determine what could be done better for the next project, and use that information to plan future projects... I'd say you should learn from this project first instead of just rushing into another one...

But that's just me. Discard if you wish. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 04:56:49 UTC
in Looking for the name of a Level. Post #62861
No, a reference to self-hate I suppose...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 04:55:33 UTC
in REAL horror (redone) Post #62859
WCDude, you'd better create a very good map now... hyping something often leads to disappointment...

Good luck anyway.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 04:52:36 UTC
in Intentional fullbright? Post #62858
100 wpoly's doesn't sound very appealing to me. Unless you have extremely nice textures, and are using prop models to great extend...

No, 100 wpoly's offers a lot of room for details...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 04:50:54 UTC
in Intentional fullbright? Post #62855
Exactly, you add parameters in Expert mode, just like you would add start parameters to programs in their shortcuts. Only in Hammer'
s expert compile box, there's a special parameter box for every program/line.

As for RAD... you can easily not run it as it has nothing to do with the VIS process... When you haven't run VIS, RAD will automatically not be able to run, but it's not the other way around... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 15:14:22 UTC
in This is amazing! Post #62762
A few letters typed wrong now and then, what's the point? Happens to all of us (and it's the main reason I'd like an edit option for my own posts...). Completely uncomprehendable blabbering is a different thing...

As for the invisible suit, sounds buggy, but perhaps he can achieve a good camouflage effect. Looking similar to your background is always better than to be fully visible, though I doubt he will achieve a total 'invisibility'.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 15:10:13 UTC
in LIGHT PROBLEM Post #62758
You do know this is quite uncomprehenable, right? Next time, don't use that CapsLock button...

You probably have a leak in your map, or you aren't running RAD during the compile process. Read up on what a leak is in our tutorials page and fix it, everything should then be fine (if you have set up your compile process correct, that is).
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 18:02:55 UTC
in anyone here map with other stuff Post #62495
I've mapped for some RTS's and a few others:
Starcraft, RA, CnC:TS, CnC:Generals, Tomb Raider, CoD...

And good old Jazz Jackrabbit... :)

I've seen the UnrealEd once, but it was very unstable on my machines. I don't like the UT games nowadays so I'm not in a hurry to try one of them again.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 17:57:21 UTC
in Intentional fullbright? Post #62493
Play a bit with this RAD parameter:
-colourgamma R G B
R, G and B can range from 0 to 1, where 0 is darkest and 1 is brightest. This parameter controls the overall brightness of your map.

Another trick you may want to try out is to let all your used textures emit some light, e.g. adding them all to the .rad file.

Or just don't add lights, you'll get full-brightness instant! But that's indeed a mappers horror... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 15:09:20 UTC
in FGD ??? Post #62448
Do you know how to code? Without extra coding, you don't need another .fgd. You'd better keep it simple unless you want to go for some intensive programming...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 08:32:37 UTC
in REAL horror (redone) Post #62373
A screenshot could convince me more than words...

Knowing myself as I often don't finish maps...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 06:01:20 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #62331
Yes, something similar, but I'd rather keep that away from the public for now.

Indeed, should I map something then I want to do something good. Not just a hallway or a room. No, as Hazardous! already said, it has to go 'deeper'. And I just can't pull that off now, with school and my job.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 04:22:29 UTC
in Need a horror map competition Post #62315

I see, yeah...

: ?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 16:59:59 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #62216
I guessed that, yeah...

Sorry, when I want to do something I want to do it good and I need time for that. Time I just don't have now.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 16:49:45 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #62212
Then I'll probably not be able to do my part as 3 weeks is too short for me, given the time I have available now for mapping (school and jobs are time consuming).
I have been on a list somewhere... ;)

Anyway, I've put the stuff done so far into a mod folder and mailed it to the TWHLmix account. It might be handy to use this mod folder, as all necessary files are now included.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 12:55:45 UTC
in Can I replace model weapons... Post #61942
1. Weapons appearance is client-side. This has nothing to do with the map. A player decides whether he uses the normal models or replacement models, it's not possible to change this on a maps basis.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 02:30:18 UTC
in what will u map when hl2 comes out? Post #61806
And so was HL. What is there to worry about?

Do I sense a lack of... patience?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 06:45:22 UTC
in Errors Post #61608
Google, first hit...

No need for a link here, I'd say.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 02:05:14 UTC
in Dose any mod need a mapper Post #61584
Tryin to make it all complicated..
You'll soon see it is quite complicated...

Let me tell you, when you made some friends across the communities and especially when you've established yourself a good name, it's much easier to form a team. I have seen too many mods die in early stages because their members heavily underestimated the work. Obviously, I'm not all too interested in modding with peope who's skills I do not know. It's just a given fact, live with it... just make some maps now to get the experience you'll need when modding...

Good luck.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-23 05:44:45 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61344
I bought an FeGorce FX5600 for 85 euro... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-23 04:41:21 UTC
in wizard-wars golem tut? Post #61337
Perhaps it's better to search on their site or forums for tutorials on this one? This isn't a place where you'll encounter a lot of WW-mappers...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-23 04:39:57 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61336
And software runs faster and that's that.
Am I allowed to laugh? When you don't have a 3D-card, or a very old one, it's probably faster. But nowadays we have raw power in our GPU's so to state 'software runs faster' is nonsense. Software mode is significantly slower compared to OpenGL when you have a decent video card. So it's not OpenGL that's slow, it's your card that's slow...

Get a decent 3D-card when you want to continue level-design, or at least do some research before stating things like that...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 09:17:51 UTC
in Out-of-Grid vertecs and their causes Post #61129
The problem is, during the compile process they are 'made' integer value's, e.g. put on the nearest grid point. This can cause leaks, extra surfaces and the like. That's the real problem with it.

And personally, I consider off-the-grid vertices as a result of a sloppy mapping method. But that may well be just me...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 17:09:23 UTC
in Getting SDK to work? Post #61014
Some good tutorials on how to build the HL SDK:

The dll's are placed just like in any mod. Look at where they're placed in, for example, Half-Life itself, in the valve folder. For mod folders essentially the same counts.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:47:13 UTC
in Wow tutorials are hard Post #60956
Oh, I use clipping a lot. It's a simple, fast tool. Easier to learn than VM. Some tools may not be more multifunctional but serve their purpose well. Besides, some tools are faster than others in specific occasions.
I'd say, know your tools, know what to use and when. Know their advantages and their disadvantages.

I like the popup idea. Footnote or inserted block of text may be enough distinctive too.

One thing I would like to advise is the use of tables. You can set text to fixed width's to avoid text stretching on large resolutions. It's often also easier to read a text divided into several easy-to-discern blocks.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:39:45 UTC
in a different camera question Post #60954
Oh, I see. Well, then it can't be done, unless you want to code or create some nifty extra animations for the models involved...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 10:18:58 UTC
in a different camera question Post #60947
As I said, you can fake it by actually rotating the room the player is in. So after the rotation the player walks on the ceiling. And the rest of the level is made flipped so it will look like the gravity changed for the whole level.

While really just a small part was rotated... :)

You see, it's a way to fake it. Ever seen Gunman: Chronicles intro? Apart from that it looked horrible, the effect with the elevator and the seemingly different gravities was done the same way.