Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 17:40:33 UTC
in Steam caused.... Post #52182
I bought 2 copies of hl, both cd keys were already in use.
Wich, I might point out, is a fault of SIERRA. A rather frustrating one, I admit. I hope you'll get a good one soon, usually it takes quite some time...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 14:34:51 UTC
in steam lovers Post #52134
Just because you and several other people at this site experience problems, doesn't mean everyone does.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 14:31:29 UTC
in counting Post #52132
Err... what exactly do you want to achieve?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 14:28:52 UTC
in trigger osprey to make it out Post #52130

Read that, I think it containst exactly what you want to know. Especially the Flags part...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 14:26:06 UTC
in Monstermaker Post #52129
I suppose you mean monstermaker instead of squadmaker?
Another thing, you placed them on top of each other or did you spread them out nicely so the monsters have some space?

If it doesn't work at all, you could always place monster_alien_controllers in small rooms and teleport them into the area by using scripted_sequences, with Move to Position set to Instantaneous. Generally, I find this a more usefull way as you can specify monster properties much better, and it seems monsters made by monstermakers can have some AI problems.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 14:18:33 UTC
in steam lovers Post #52127
Not everyone has problems with it, Jahzel, and apart from the problems, it's a fine system... :)

But, at some points I agree with you guys. WON had better left on-line for a while, at least untill the major problems were solved. At the other hand, it's impossible to keep everyone in mind... but some more time would've been better, I think.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 09:58:06 UTC
in Monstermaker Post #52079
Tell me, how exactly have you set up this? What entities have you used and what properties do they have?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 09:45:12 UTC
in jump out of window. Post #52076
That animation appeared in 'Office complex'. It's called 'divewindow', type that for the Action Animation.

Explanation of the scripted_sequence:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 07:48:29 UTC
in Monstermaker Post #52050
Try giving the monstermakers different names, and trigger all of these with a multi_manager.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 06:30:01 UTC
in idea for a map with cliffs... Post #52030
Really? It's just a tool you can use.

It does the hardest part that would've costed you a lot of time, and you can always modify the terrain later on yourself...

Although there are several types of cliffs and rocks, so a terrain generator like the ones we have now would only be usefull in certain occasions.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 04:26:22 UTC
in Another HEV suit problem Post #52025
Hehe, nice detail you spotted there, Mephs!

Another reason would be that a player can't switch between weapons without the HEV. And to see your health in a combat environment is always handy...

But well, Vassy's map didn't really need a HEV. Maybe he left it out because of the HEV intro voice?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 04:16:39 UTC
in idea for a map with cliffs... Post #52024
This thread might share some light on the topic:,1078367391,13989&id=620781&b=653&v=flatold

There are several cliff methods, each has it's own use. Be sure to read the post made by ComCray, as it's a true statement indeed...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 02:53:44 UTC
in idea for a map with cliffs... Post #52012
Well... I'd say search for inspiration yourself. Search for some photographs of rocky terrain, or a mountain lake or something...

Or go read a book, watch a movie, anything... I can get idea's from nearly anything. Usually relaxing can help too...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 02:46:57 UTC
in Everyones best tips Post #52011
-Carving is ok only in a perfect situation, it's a part of hammer and can be a valuable tool, learn how to use it properly.
It's an obsolete tool since the Clipping tool can give the same results while keeping your map easier to mantain, and it's easier to avoid problems with the Clipping tool where they would occasionally happen during Carving.
Sure, carving can be used, but since it usually gives a lot of problems to beginners and more experienced users know how to work with Clipping and VM, wich give much better control and possibilities...

-Inspiration is an important thing. Although it isn't technically 'mapping', one should consider mapping not only the creation of architecture and the applying of textures and lights. Mapping is where it all comes together. Story, theme, athmosphere, interaction... just a few things that are very closely related to mapping. Don't limit yourself by thinking something 'doesn't belong to mapping so it shouldn't be done'. Be creative, be open to new idea's. A recreation of de_dust, no matter the quality, just isn't interesting anymore...

-Problems? That's what test maps are for. Experimenting yourself can give some unsuspected idea's too... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 02:37:55 UTC
in Another HEV suit problem Post #52007
Or, if you want the HEV so badly, type 'give item_suit' in the console.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 02:35:28 UTC
in Solids brushes vs hollow brushes Post #52006
It might be that those pro's used another editor, as in Hammer they would've made it unnecessary hard for themselves...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 02:30:40 UTC
in Smoking Tank Post #52004
In such cases, it might be good to go to DoD's forum too, as they can provide much more DoD-specific help:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 02:07:42 UTC
in Textures Post #51993
After all, photo's don't make up for good textures immediatly, it does require some work to get them right.

Creating textures isn't something you should take lightly. It requires time and patience, not to mention experience to create good ones. So don't suspect to have good textures after a few times. At the other hand, you'll find yourself improving after a while, so don't get discouraged to easily.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 02:03:44 UTC
in Everyones best tips Post #51992
-try not use the bog standard WADS its not hard to make new ones
It's hard to make good ones though. Luckily there are custom wads available on the web, and if you're lucky, maybe one of your friends happens to be a texture artist...

And yes, it's good to keep up-to-date with your tools.
It's also good to know at least a bit of 'everything', e.g. not only mapping but also a bit of modelling, texturing and so on. At least it's helpfull to me... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 01:59:31 UTC
in Smoking Tank Post #51991
Ehm, a CS 1.6 entity I suppose? Might be good to tell what mod you're mapping for next time...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-19 01:36:50 UTC
in Solids brushes vs hollow brushes Post #51988
Compile times would likely be a lot longer, and certain limits would be reached much faster, severely limiting the map.

The map's performance would be the same in the best case. It does make your map hard to maintain though, especially when the map grows larger, you're going to have a hard time editing it...

So, it's time-consuming to do, doesn't give any advantage but rather a lot of disadvantages. Not really recommended...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 16:49:36 UTC
in How to Add a Screenie? Post #51905

Needless to say, I'm working pretty hard on my entry... so I'm eager to see the others... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 16:40:24 UTC
in Textures Post #51904
It's for CS...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 16:38:20 UTC
in How to set skill level Post #51902
Made me think about 3 buttons at the level start (easy, med, hard) and using that to control monstermakers.
Reminds me very of Quake's start...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 16:31:19 UTC
in One brush shapes. Post #51901
Fun! In a certain way, it can actually be achieved in the editor without getting errors.

During the compile however, the brush is made convex. So, no, it's not possible.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 16:22:13 UTC
in How to Add a Screenie? Post #51897
You should use the form on the Glass competition page to send in your entry. Uploading can always be done at a later time...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 16:21:08 UTC
in How to Add a Screenie? Post #51896
To put up a screenshot, click that Browse button and search for the .jpg file that's your screenshot...

It's not technically necessary to add a screenshot but it's highly recommended if you want your map to be downloaded...

But, uploading your glass compo entry? You may, but I think it's better to upload it after the deadline is passed. You wouldn't want to let your opponents know what's in your map, right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 11:27:37 UTC
in Help me with making skyes Post #51837
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 10:18:01 UTC
in Circular lasers Post #51826
Then what's happening in-game? What do you see?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 09:59:37 UTC
in Circular lasers Post #51824
Check it once, check it twice... you should be able to find out when the example map does work correctly.

You've checked the flags? You've checked every option, every name matches up correctly?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 07:50:07 UTC
in Jobabob's Starwars Post #51802

Did you like the movie bytheway?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 07:37:30 UTC
in Jobabob's Starwars Post #51800
Well, that sprite is obviously missing...

A solution would be to copy another sprite and rename it to engineflare.spr (and place it in the sprites/starwars/ folder). You're not going to see the original sprite but at least you can view the moviemap... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 05:28:29 UTC
in OpenGL vs. Software Post #51779

The power of software rendering... :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:58:05 UTC
in pendulum problem Post #51775
Then you've done something wrong with the origin brush, or you've set it's distance to far. Small amounts of 5 or 10 degrees would do fine in this case.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:56:01 UTC
in Textures Post #51774
Oh, bitmaps can be modified by a wide range of programs. You don't need Wally to make them, you only need it to put them into .wad files... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:46:44 UTC
in func_bombtarget?? Post #51771
Can you actually place the bomb when you're standing?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:45:04 UTC
in Textures Post #51770
i cant follow directions
Then what I'm going to say wouldn't help you either, don't you think? Hey, a bit of trial and error isn't going to kill you... I mean, that's the way I learnt most of mapping...
also is there a way to put multiple textures into a wad
Yes, Wally... Start up Wally, open a new .wad file, drag the bitmaps you want as textures into the .wad file window and save your .wad file, that's it. (The bitmaps get converted to 8-bits automatically so you don't have to convert them manually. Also, Wally chooses colors as close to the originals as possible so quality loss is minimal.)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:40:40 UTC
in pendulum problem Post #51769
Did you modify anything in that map before compiling?

Hmm... check if the 'Start On' flag is set... maybe that's your problem.

Anyway, what's happening then? You say it doesn't work but what actually happens?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:36:41 UTC
in how to code Post #51767
Google is your friend:

Second hit seems interesting...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:34:37 UTC
in Textures Post #51765
What exactly went wrong while following that tutorial?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 03:11:20 UTC
in how to code Post #51745
Source Development Kit.

It's pretty large because it doesn't only include the source files for the game code but also a nice amount of models and their source files, as well as various tools and articles.

Oh, and source files can be pretty much in filesize already... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 03:00:55 UTC
in how to code Post #51742
Well, some basical C or C++ knowledge would definitely be necessary, unless you want to stick to the 'changing ammo amounts' things...

To change Half-Lifes game-code, you need to download the SDK first:

And you'll need a C++ compiler in order to build the dll's. Tutorials and helpfull information can be found at the Wavelenght:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 02:38:03 UTC
in Everyones best tips Post #51737
What's the problem with carving? I'll tell you:

1. Sometimes it'll end you up with brushes that have their vertexes (corners) not exactly on the grid (and then I mean the minimum grid size). During the compile process, all such vertexes are set to the nearest grid point. This can cause really small leaks to happen.
2. Sometimes it doesn't cause leaks because some other brush behind it sealed the level off anyway. In such cases, carving just ends you up with more w_poly's and a longer compile process.
3. Also, carving allows you little control over the way brushes are clipped. The Clipping tool gives you much more control and lets you avoid the above problems easier.


Oh, and I just like to stress it once more: preventing is easier as fixing! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 01:55:53 UTC
in Circular lasers Post #51731
Have you tried compiling his example .rmf? If that map works, then the problem is somewhere in your map. Perhaps you forgot a little thing?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 01:52:51 UTC
in Mod for $ Post #51729
Aha, so now we're interested, right? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 01:50:59 UTC
in whats your fav map ever made Post #51728
A map I recently played and that totally stunned me is 'Persian Letters' by Campaignjunkie... really sweet map...

As for my favorite self-created map? 'The Playtest', although I've only released two maps so there isn't really much to choose from for me... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 01:46:41 UTC
in OpenGL vs. Software Post #51727
A survey from may this year shows OpenGL is by far most popular (46.12 %). Softare mode (1.80 %) isn't really an option anymore... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 16:33:29 UTC
in Steam caused.... Post #51659
Then who says you can't get viruses from downloading maps from, say, this site? Might happen just as well...

Well, in both cases virusses aren't fun...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 15:31:16 UTC
in Steam caused.... Post #51646
And so Jahzel fought himself to death...

Wouldn't that be a rather sad end?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 15:28:53 UTC
in Problem with sky Post #51641
How do you run your maps now? With Steam or the old way?