Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-06 17:13:37 UTC
in Fan mail!!!!!!!!!!!! Post #1168
Thanks :)

Prefabs would be cool, but there are at least two enormous prefab sites out there already. No chance of catching up :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 18:14:12 UTC
in Links Post #1176
yes. A good idea, and I've never got round to it myself... check your e-mail :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 18:11:36 UTC
in Forums... Post #1178
lol. :) I actually started out with phpBB, but felt it was too bulky for the site. But in those days you could count the members on one hand.

I know, this forum system is out of its depth with the increasing rate of posting, so we may well switch over to a proper forum system soon.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 18:08:40 UTC
in Map Vault Post #1180
good point :) yeah, not sure why i haven't done it already... will do.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-20 15:29:27 UTC
in High Definition pack Post #603
Is there anything in your valvemodels folder. I don't have the HD pack, so I'm guessing, but it might have written the HD models into your valvemodels folder, but when you unpacked the old PAK, they were overwritten.

Or whatever. Anyway, try deleting everything in your valvemodels folder (except the 'player' folder, I suppose). If it's still not working, reinstall HL, then the HD pack.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-19 22:07:48 UTC
in Security cameras Post #608
func_pendulum for swivelling? It'd look a bit silly though :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-19 22:04:57 UTC
in Competitions Post #592
Soon. I've spent the last few days working non-stop on other stuff, so I clean forgot :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-19 21:50:53 UTC
in Avatars! Post #1208
kol said:
avataravatar, there: thave avatar the words lost all avatarmeaning?
Err.. okay :)

Nope, hehe, that's all there is. Okay, I promise: when I have some free time, I'll make a custom avatar thing!
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-12 20:20:50 UTC
in Avatars! Post #1206
i know, that's the normal way of doing it. :)

if i have time sometime i'll code something like that in, but if you really want your own avatar, i can add it to the pool if you email it to me.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-08 15:08:35 UTC
in MapVault Post #1285
Cool idea. I can do it with a page for the '10 most popular' or something. Noted. Thanks.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-07 17:32:07 UTC
in search Post #1182
Aha. Nice idea... I'll see what I can do, although I can't guarantee I'll come up with it quickly because the forum code is a bit messed :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-29 15:45:02 UTC
in decals Post #650
Do you have decals.wad in your texture list in the Config options?
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-14 12:56:20 UTC
in MapVault Post #1283
Good ideas. Yeah, definately worth implementing. Totals and little NEW icons...
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-13 16:19:31 UTC
in MapVault Post #1279
Okay, so the Map Vault is up and running, but does anyone have any suggestions about anything that should be changed / added?

There's a short todo list at the bottom of the info page (, but if anyone has any ideas to add to it, please post to this thread!

Posted 21 years ago2003-06-09 18:08:45 UTC
in how? Post #708
Yeah, and it's not perfect, but it does come in handy...
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-06 21:06:32 UTC
in Competitions suggestions Post #1193
This reply's a bit late, but anyway.

Good idea there, but if you check out the newly-launched Map Vault, you'll see it pretty much fills the gap... I'm still working on integrating the Vault with the Competitions section, but when that's done, it should be pretty much what you're suggesting.

Thanks for the input!
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:20:53 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #737
In orig. HL, an object can only be one entity.

The door following the train in HL is a trick - it's actually fixed while the train is moving.

You could use the 'render' trick: a fake door on the train that does nothing but is a func_wall_toggle.
The 'real' door, sitting on the platform, is rendered invisible (env_render) until the train arrives.
Then the real door is made visible and the fake one is turned off at the same time. Obviously this isn't a perfect solution.

The perfect solution is to get Spirit, a 'base' mod that allows, amongst other things... combined entities!
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:07:30 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #744
Bullet-time, eh? That'll be a fistful of C++ then :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-18 14:32:58 UTC
in Multisource???? Post #748
Have two lights next to each other, with two different names and different 'style' settings. One must be set to be initially off (flags). Trigger a multisource and set it so that it turns one light off and the other on.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-18 08:22:30 UTC
in Avatars! Post #1203
Hehe :)
They were just a last minute thing so I didn't plan on having millions... and I want them all the same size. Yep, I'm a 'consistent-style' freak :)

But if you can point me in the direction of some avatars / pics that are or look like they could be made 45 x 45, then you might get Cid.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-24 18:42:39 UTC
in rocks and caves Post #799
Yeah, trying to make natural-looking scenery and stuff is about as hard as it gets. There are a few popular methods but they're all usually the same thing in essence: make a grid of blocks, then manipulate them as simply as possible. The thing is, VM only works to a certain point with ONE solid. But you can do anything if you create lots of little solids that you VM separately.

I suggest you simply break up the place you want to put the cave into several cubes (use carve to slice a big block up into a grid - make your carve selection, then click the button again and again until its all white - that way you cut the thing up but don't lose any bits).

Then delete the cube that you want to be the actual hole, and manipulate the blocks around the gap. Here's a drawing:

|            --------            |
|            |_|__|_|            |
|            | |**| |            |
|            |?|??|?|            |
|            --------            |
Delete the cube with the asterisks in it, and then grab the corners of the cubes around that one, and pull them around to round off the hole. It'll look more natural if you use different sizes of cube.

Rocks... again, use more than one block, and manipulate them as simply as possible.

A tut... yeah, it would make a good one :) Sometime...
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-20 17:10:37 UTC
in blood Post #816
err, the second screenshot worries me a bit :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-20 17:08:21 UTC
in blood Post #815
Try applying those white textures as decals. Select one of them, then press Shift+D and click in the 3D view. That should work for simple (but dried-up) blood spatters.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-11 13:24:55 UTC
in .bsp not working in HL or HLDM Post #836
The map will only appear in the maps list if it has an info_player_deathmatch entity in it, which defines it as multiplayer... unless they changed something while I wasn't looking.
The manual method is to go into the console (~) after starting HL with hl.exe -dev -console and then type map mapname.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-01 18:00:01 UTC
in Polygon count etc Post #853
Thought you were nuts when I saw your drawings. Only realised what was going on when I replied and saw them as a quote :)

As Andy said, non-visible surfaces are ignored, so I don't think the top one would be any more efficient (maybe quicker to compile). BTW, the top one is concave and therefore invalid as one brush anyway.

More lights definately slow down compile, but I don't think they matter in-game. Models... well, they are lit 'more dynamically' than the rest of the map, but whether lighting them is significantly more work for the computer is doubtful. Their lighting will be simplified.

For the hole:
1) Make the hole in a block that it just the right size, then build the rest of the wall around that.
2) Vertex manip. is best
3) You could divide the block into smaller blocks, and then VM the verticies in the middle. Pull them outwards.

So here's a drawing from the front. You'll need to click reply to this message, then click the quote button to see it correctly.
| -------- |

| |__/ __| |

| |_| |_| |

| |____/__| |
The VM tuts here at TWHL might help.

Getting more points can be done by splitting faces. In VM mode, select two vertices or two edges and press Ctrl+F. I think its mensioned in the first VM tut. BUT, doing this is perhaps the easiest way to get invalid solids. Rather just use more blocks.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-24 19:40:38 UTC
in Files? Post #1213
Hmmm... I suppose we could have a downloads section, or at least links to the 'essentials'... I'll see about compiling a list. Nice idea, thanks.

Funny you should mension a place to put BSPs - we have secret plans for a new section for something like that :)

Stay tuned.
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-18 18:24:58 UTC
in Monsters... Post #882
For the full effect you'll need to use a bunch of entities - env_sprite for the main explosion thing, and some env_lasers and info_targets for the sparky bits. And then a ambient_generic for the sound. I think that's about it. Tie all these together with a multi_manager.
Posted 22 years ago2003-02-05 19:21:55 UTC
in map not running HELP Please!?!?! Post #942
That usually means there's been a problem with compiling the map (or moving it), and that's usually because of the configuration. I can't remember how I set up expert mode, but I noticed now that it's possible the setup can get 'stuck' when you change configurations.

So.... presuming the problem is with the config...

in Expert mode, the first FOUR commands might look like paths (e.g. 'c:program filesworldcraftzhlthlbsp.exe'). Click each one in turn, then click the Cmds button to the right, and select one of the 'program' commands based on the filename in the path. For example, 'hlbsp.exe' (or 'qbsp.exe') is the 'BSP Program'. The only one that isn't obvious is 'hlrad.exe' (or 'qrad.exe'), which is the 'LIGHT Program'.

Replace the LAST command with 'Game program' from the Cmds list.

That might work. If not, post a copy of your compile log.