Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 12:03:01 UTC
in button targets 3 different ents Post #38273
works perfectly :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 12:02:11 UTC
in rendering decals? Post #38272
thanks :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 08:19:51 UTC
in rendering decals? Post #38235
thats easy. will it eventually dissapear on its own, or do i trigger it again to make it dissapear?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 08:01:28 UTC
in button targets 3 different ents Post #38231
thanks :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 08:00:53 UTC
in rendering decals? Post #38230
is it possible to have an env_render display info_decals?

i tried to use the render to target blast decals after an explosion, but it didn't work. the decal textures had a "{" in front of them and were not blue. i used the tut at this site for setting the decals up and they show up in hammer, not in the game. (the texture i used was "{scorch2")

if using the render with decals is not possible, or there's an easier way to do it, how can i make blast marks appear after a triggered explosion?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 07:49:59 UTC
in button targets 3 different ents Post #38223
how can i set up a system where the same button appears to trigger 3 different entities? you push it the first time, "A" happens. push it the second time, "B" happens. push it a third time, "C" happens. i want this A, B, C, cycle to repeat indefinately.

thanks in advance...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 11:30:20 UTC
in rotating gun Post #37988
thanks, i'll give it a try
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 08:08:13 UTC
in rotating gun Post #37950
i know it's possible to make a stationary cannon or machine gun that can be used and aimed by the player, but can you make one that can be rotated a complete 360 degrees?

thanks in advance...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 08:57:14 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #37163
thx :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-27 20:55:23 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #37022
hey pepper, why do you prefer cinema 4d? what prog do you prefer for an apsolute beginner witgh moddling?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 18:34:07 UTC
in env_shooter Post #34897
never used a button_target, but i know you can get the effect you want with a func_button and an env_shooter. set up the shooter with the model or sprite you want to use and get the the other settings the way you want them. cover the "tree area" with the func_button and make it invisible (render mode solid, fx amount 0). target the shooter with it, give it a very small delay before reset (maybe .1 or less), give it .1 health, and click the "dont move"flag.

if the tree is large, you may want to separate it into different areas covered by different func_buttons which trigger separate shooters.

gl :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 09:10:35 UTC
in start up parameters Post #34828
if you're talking about compiling then...

there are a number of tweaks to RAD you can do to affect the lighting, like extra, bounce, etc. the best and easyest way to use them and find out all the options you have (including the options for CSG, BSP, and VIS) is by using this batch compiler: .

this batch compiler gives you a list of ALL the options you have when compiling along with a description of what each does. then, instead of typing in the commands, you just need to click on the ones you want. its simple.

another benefit to using the batch compiler is that you can close hammer when you compile. that frees up extra memory for compiling so it doesnt take so long.

after you download the batch compiler, follow the tutorial at that site for setting it up. once you use it you'll never go back to the old way... i guarantee it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 18:08:31 UTC
in model questions Post #33672
thanks again :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 17:26:59 UTC
in model questions Post #33667
theres no answer then? :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 00:29:30 UTC
in model questions Post #33475
1. along with the other entitys i listed, there is also no scripted_sequence entity in tfc. :

2. i dont want to make a model, just use an existing model that i can kill, or give the appearance of killing. ;)

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:51:21 UTC
in model questions Post #33471
huh? :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:10:57 UTC
in model questions Post #33455
hi, got a couple model questions for tfc...

1. how do i pick which sequense will be displayed in the game. if i use a cycler, shooting the model changes the sequence, but how do i manually choose in hammer which action the model will display?

2. what do i need to do to put a model in my map that can be destroyed?

note: tfc doesn't have any monster_generic, monster_furniture, monstermaker, cycler_weapon, or cycler wreckage entitys. thanks
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 22:02:00 UTC
in Carving problem Post #32562
so i guess my original post kind of covered it eh
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 17:09:59 UTC
in problem map Post #32475
can someone look at my map in the vault and give a suggestion on how to solve my issue? thanks

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 17:07:02 UTC
in Carving problem Post #32474
all i've heard says carving is a bad way to get what you want... using the clip tool has less bad effects.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-04 11:10:39 UTC
in VIS Blocking Post #519
How exactly can you make sure you make a wall that will properly vis block an entity model?

A func_wall will not work right? (for like 1 way glass)

Also, I put a flag behind a solid brush (not a func_wall or tied to any entity) and when i look at wall where flag is, my epoly count goes up. How do i prevent this?