Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-12-17 01:04:08 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260125
What really annoys me is that the anti-gun and anti-violent game crowds are gonna be all over this. Even though this was entirely the fault of the individual committing the crime (and possibly poor parenting).
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 22:22:39 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260114
Why does everyone either think Halo is the best game ever or absolute shit? It's a mediocre game.
No idea. I enjoyed it, but it's certainly no Half-Life.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 21:43:29 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260110
i bet he'll be REALLY gutted when after all that, after murdering those who love him most, ripping appart the family, spending a "life" sentence in jail - finally playing Halo 3 and realising it's utter shit.
Or his console gets an RROD halfway through.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 16:15:02 UTC
in Please Help... LeafThread Crash Post #260070
Yeah, CSG and BSP definitely should not be running twice. Check your configuration and make sure your VIS program is assigned to hlvis and your RAD program is assigned to hlrad.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 01:33:43 UTC
in How big is too big? Post #260034
I'm working toward that. Still gotta work on a few things to make it fully navigable. Though I will say, I've seen bots play a lot better than some human players.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-15 23:19:09 UTC
in How big is too big? Post #260029
User posted image

Here is an overview shot. The buildings in the middle cannot be entered; however, there is an alleyway between them.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-15 04:31:17 UTC
in How big is too big? Post #259989
If it takes you more than 30 seconds to run from one end of the map to the farthest end of the map, it's too big.

It should take less than ten seconds to run from one bomb site to the other.
I'm thinking it falls within those. Though I think it may have too many places to hide/ too many routes. Of course, de_dust2 and de_inferno are fairly complex and are still popular.

My map involves 3 houses and interconnecting outdoor areas. The first house is small, with 1 level. The second house is larger, with 2 levels. The third house is the largest, with 3 levels - though each level doesn't have a huge amount of floor space. Sound too complex/large? I can scale back if I need to.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-15 01:19:44 UTC
in How big is too big? Post #259985
I've been working on a CS Source map on and off for a while, and I'm concerned the size of my map (area wise) has gotten too large. Are there any sort of guidelines on optimal size for a de_map?
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-14 14:07:19 UTC
in New name Post #259947
Dang. I have been gone for a while. Journals with far technology has advanced.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-14 00:58:48 UTC
in Hammer problems Post #259931
Yep I have an ATI card and that fixed it. Zomg Penguin I love you! :D
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-14 00:27:25 UTC
in Hammer problems Post #259928
Nope. Still on XP.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-14 00:16:18 UTC
in Hammer problems Post #259926
So my excitement for getting back into mapping was immediately killed when I went into Hammer 3.5 and found that 3D window was broken. It still displays fine, but I can't select anything in the 3D window. In fact, clicking in the 3D window will de-select anything I've selected in the 2D windows. Not only that, but it will not let me select faces or apply textures.

I've tried downloading a new copy (just the .exe), but that didn't do anything. So is it a configuration file or something? The Source SDK version works just fine.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-13 23:56:56 UTC
in New name Post #259924
Yeah, O's take up too much space.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-13 21:42:17 UTC
in New name Post #259915
Just to clear up any confusion, I was formerly HrnyGoat, but that was a name I made up long ago in high school and felt like something different. Especially having a job that involves me working with kids, having my online name as "HrnyGoat" doesn't exactly sit well with that :\

So I chose a name in homage of a certain cartoon that takes place in my home state. And the fact that I'm mildly obsessed with guinea pigs :P
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-13 15:21:47 UTC
in Long time, no see Post #259897
Good to see so many of the old timers still here.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 19:21:07 UTC
in Long time, no see Post #259837
This guy is before your time, Luke.
I'm pretty sure Luke was here before me. I joined early '05 if I remember correctly.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 17:14:06 UTC
in Long time, no see Post #259813
Yes, I'm back after who knows how long. I was just going through some of my old backup files and forgot how much I loved mapping. So I'm definitely gonna get back into it.

Though I think I want to change my name to something, erm...a little more mature. A lot changes since you were in high school :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-26 05:04:24 UTC
in New PC. Post #207555
Alienware? Yuck. Custom build is the only way to go. If you live in the US, is the best site to order parts from.

If you dont know what to get, just let us know how much youre willing to spend and we'll help you get the best PC for your money.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-25 02:32:19 UTC
in Lighting Air vents "TIPS?" Post #207460
Just use point-based lighting with a low brightness value, like 64:64:64:100. You can set the values even lower if you want. Then space each light entity as desired - like if you want it evenly lit, space them about 64 units apart, or if you want it just bright enough so that the player can see where hes going, place them about every 256 units.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 15:46:18 UTC
in Avatars Post #207412
Mine is like the Counterstrike logo. Except its me. With a real gun :o

I used to have a goat but they get boring after a while.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-21 00:00:37 UTC
in Sound Effects in an Enviornment Post #207091
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-18 20:58:03 UTC
in Hint usage Post #206851
Ok thanks, Im pretty experienced with them in the HL1 engine, but wasnt sure if Source handled them differently.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-18 20:03:36 UTC
in Hint usage Post #206846
Is it ok for a hint brush to intersect another brush or a model? For example, in an irregularly shapped doorway, would it be better to use a single hint brush and just have it overlap, or would it be better to construct individual hint brushes to fill the doorway?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-17 20:48:11 UTC
in TWHL speculations Post #206720
Guinea pigs and hamsters are really the same thing.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-15 00:17:18 UTC
in Norad's Watching... Santa?!?!? Post #206176
I can see NORAD from my window :P

I dont know about you guys but its always all over the news here on Christmas eve.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-14 22:14:37 UTC
in Which Lappy HDD Would YOU Choose? Post #206164
I had a 4200 RPM drive with 2MB cache and it was painfully slow. Upgraded it to a 7200 RPM drive with 8MB cache and it made a huge difference. Never going back. Unless you really need the storage space, go with the 7200 RPM.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-14 21:55:12 UTC
in Im back Post #206158
1.Jimmi It was a while back, dunno how long you've been gone exactly , but it was fairly recent though.
Was that when he made all those accounts and impersonated 7th? Or has he struck again?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-14 21:21:47 UTC
in Im back Post #206152
Jimmi still been haunting the forum? :
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-14 21:11:09 UTC
in Im back Post #206149

I kinda lost intrest in mapping for a while but now Im back. So what have I been missing?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 01:19:00 UTC
in Keep your jesus off my penis Post #181597
Im not even gonna click the link but I have a pretty good idea what it is about.

Perhaps I should whip up some Mohammed cartoons while we're at it?

I also know plenty of racist jokes. Guaranteed to offend! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 02:20:55 UTC
in Now smelling Post #181069
I smell my emo brother and his heavy overuse of cologne.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 00:36:25 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #181062
User posted image
User posted image

One thumbnail leads to the nasty page infested with ads while the other links right to the image. Good luck finding out which one. Muahahahaha!

Dont look at the bottom of the screen. Thats cheating!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 20:40:49 UTC
in Cant get sounds to play Post #180858
In my CS:S map, Ive tried using a logic_auto to get the sounds to play every round, but its as if its not even there. The sounds will play the first round but wont play on any of the next.
User posted image
Why did Valve have to make this so complicated? CS 1.6 didnt have any of these issues. The ambient sounds didnt stop playing once the first round was over.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-13 04:08:11 UTC
in PS3, Leader of immitation. Post #179711
360 will be the next dreamcast, released too early, sony will come out and dominate, the price will drop in early 07 and everyone will buy one. I dont much care if they copied Nintendo, at least it will be a controller not a remote...and 100 dollars less is because the PS3's hardware is more advanced and yes they do come with harddrive, the $600 one is 60gb and the $500 one is 20gb. I think your forgetting that without the Playstation Xbox probably wouldnt have come out (or at least not as fast) and technology would still be way behind. Make sure you know what your talking about fully before you go talking about a company like that.
I highly doubt the PS3 will dominate. $600 is too much for a console with lesser graphical capability than the 360. Yes thats right, lesser graphical capability. Lets take a look at the system specs shall we?

Xbox 360

CPU codename: Xenon
-Triple core PowerPC processor
-1MB L2 Cache
-512MB unified memory

GPU codname: Xenos
-512MB unified memory
-48 unified shader processors


CPU codename: CELL
-Single core PowerPC processor
-7 SPEs
-512MB L2 cache
-256MB local memory

GPU codename: RSX
-256MB local memory
-24 pixel shaders/8 vertex shaders

First off, note that the 360 GPU has 48 unified shaders, while the PS3 GPU has 24 pixel and 8 vertex shaders. Let me explain a little more about unified shaders:
-More efficient than separate vertex/pixel shaders
-Can be programed to be either pixel or vertex shaders

That means that the 360 can run 48 vertex shaders or 48 pixel shaders - or any mix of the two, say 36 pixel shaders and 12 vertex. Much more advanced than the PS3s hardware.

Now in theory, the CELL processor is more powerful than the 360s CPU, with one drawback. The CELL was designed as a server processor, not as a gaming processer. It is simply not optimized for gaming. It is also important to note that the power of the GPU is much more important than the power of the CPU when it comes to gaming.

I think Sony will loose a lot of ground to Nintendo and Microsoft in the comming years.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 18:20:40 UTC
in Brit Hacker hacks NASA! Post #179366
I doubt he actually found stuff on UFOs. Im betting the government is just pissed that someone actually managed to hack through their "impenetratable" Windows XP Firewall.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 00:18:39 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178794
Q.E.D., pigfuckers.
I really don't give a shit whether you eat, fornicate with, or are allergic to pigs.

I'm glad you clarified the point about change sometimes being good. Quite profound.

Also, "mudslinging" is a stupid term. There's a proper logical term. You should know it, of all people.
Ad hominem - Latin for against the man. It is an attack on the person(s) rather than the argument or issue at hand. Also known as character assasination, it is a logical fallacy that renders one's argument invalid. One will often to resort to this if they feel their argument is too weak to persuade people by itself.

So, in a sense, calling our fellow debaters "pigfuckers" is an example of ad hominem. All I have to say is shame on you, Seventh. You of all people should know better.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 15:20:59 UTC
in PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to? Post #172085
I dont dislike consoles, its just that PCs are better. More power (in my case) and theyre much more versitle. Although, Ill agree you cant beat consoles when it comes to gaming with a groupd of friends. Games like Super Smash Bros. and Halo make great social games.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 06:29:43 UTC
in PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to? Post #172000
I will never buy any POS console from Sony. They can take all their mindless, brainwashed fanboys and horrific DRM-infected propietary formats and shove it up their ass.

And for those of you who say the PS3 is "proven" to be more powerful than the 360 dont know jack. The GPU in the PS3 has 24 pixel shader processors, while the GPU in the 360 has 48 shader processors. Sony can brag all they want about how powerful the CELL processor is, but in the end it all comes down to who has the more powerful graphics processing, and that would go to the 360.

I dont own either console, nor do I intend to. My X1900XT beats both the 360 and the PS3. My PC beats the PS3 and it isnt even released yet. PCs are way better than consoles. Though I do have some interest in the Revolution, that actually shows some promise.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-30 14:44:23 UTC
in Sound problem Post #171624
Tried that but it still wont work.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-30 02:45:22 UTC
in Sound problem Post #171553
Can you elaborate on that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-28 23:03:49 UTC
in Sound problem Post #171397
Sounds will play fine in my map but when I restart the round, theres no sound. Gunfire, footsteps, etc will still play, but anything played through an ambient_generic wont work. Some setting I missed or is it an engine error?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 02:30:46 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #169438
The MPAA and other companies dont want you to think of HDCP (High Definition Content Protection) as anything bad. But it is bad. It essentially removes any rights you have as a consumer. The only right you have left is to not buy the product. Hollywood is making more money than ever before. And guess what? They still want more money.

HDCP is a product of corporate greed. I hope no one is actually going to buy into this technology, if you can even it call it that. I urge you all not to buy any products requiring HDCP. Consumer activism is a powerful tool, and if enough people boycott HDCP products, the movie industry will have to do something about it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-13 05:55:02 UTC
in Bumpmaps are blocky Post #168015
I seem to have resolved it by tweaking with the cubemap size. Ill have to experiment and see what size works best.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-12 07:15:49 UTC
in Bumpmaps are blocky Post #167882
Is there any way to view the normal map after its compiled?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 02:25:32 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167616
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 01:13:48 UTC
in Bumpmaps are blocky Post #167613
I did that but they still look blocky. I noticed in the vtex compiler it says "Implicitly disabling nice filtering". Could that have anything to do with it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 16:49:52 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167521
My whole point in this thread is that i dislike FAKE people or people who are acting a certain way because its fashionable!
Exactly. I dress how I want to dress, I dont dress to fit in with any particular group. Most emo people are fake. I dont have any problem with them liking that kind of music, but when they have to dress a certain way, not bathe and "act" depressed, theyre not being true to themselves. They change who they are just to fit in. I have never really followed any fashion trend, I buy the clothes that I like, not what others want to me wear.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 05:55:13 UTC
in Bumpmaps are blocky Post #167129
Its not the textures, its the bumpmaps. Just that blocky pattern is undesirable.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 05:01:18 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167116
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 04:48:31 UTC
in Bumpmaps are blocky Post #167114
User posted image

Im guessing its picking up those compression artifacts you get in JPEGs, since they were my source files. Any way to smooth it out?