Forum posts

Posted 6 years ago2018-06-04 01:22:17 UTC
in TWHL4 Discussion / Bug Reports Post #339803
I don't like how map vault entries no longer tell you the date at which a given map was uploaded, like it did with TWHL3:
User posted image
I know, a minor nitpick. But sometimes even the smallest change can be an annoyance. Any chance of bringing it back? Perhaps combine it with the current method:

Created 21st October, 2006 (11 years ago)
Updated 8th August, 2013 (4 years ago)

Or something similar.
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 13:42:42 UTC
in TWHL4 Discussion / Bug Reports Post #339769
That'd be great, Penguin, I just got shoutboxbombed by Jesse while typing that shoutbox post.
User posted image
Edit: Already love the new formatting options. :)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 13:12:38 UTC
in TWHL4 Discussion / Bug Reports Post #339765
Oh hey, you boys finally made it public. For a second I thought 'have we been hacked?' No, it's just the new site design. It's a little bit of getting used to, but that's fine. Not sure how I feel about the Shoutbox being on the right, is there a way to move it to the left side of the page? It looks like that should be possible as the Shoutbox is a separate... thing, it isn't attached or isn't part of the main layout.

Other than that, congrats on finally making the dang thing public. :)

Let's go back in time and take a look at how TWHL looked like on June 8 2003: Fire up the timemachine
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-23 13:27:44 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #339693
That blue light on the third pic doesn't look that great. It's a common problem when you're trying to fit a rectangular texture on an oddly shaped surface like that.
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-21 18:51:45 UTC
in Sentences.txt - no lip sync Post #339681
There's your problem. Half-Life only fully supports 11 or 22 kHz in 8-bit mono format.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-15 14:20:58 UTC
in Strange error Post #339579
Did you put in the { character in one or more of your entity string value names? If you did, that's problem.
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-12 16:18:25 UTC
in Illegal brushes? Post #339559
According to Tommy14's list of mapping and compiling errors, you have a damaged brush. Use the Go To Brush Number option to find the brush and replace it.
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-25 17:02:17 UTC
in How to get XYZ coordinates Post #339439
Don't know about ingame but in JACK the coordinates of a selected object are shown in the bottom right. In this case the coordinates of the selected light entity is 0 0 128:
User posted image
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-20 22:29:31 UTC
in mod_numforname error Post #339402
Looks like an entity in your map is referencing a resource (sprite, model, wav file) that doesn't exist. Or maybe it does exist, but you got the path name wrong. Check your entities path names.
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-17 14:35:25 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339347
Surface Tension +1.
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-16 12:52:27 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339338
Voting for [m]Unforeseen Consequences[/m].
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-13 12:43:59 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339305
I'm voting [m]Questionable Ethics[/m].

I always thought too the grunt said "I see it". "Nice hit" makes more sense indeed.
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-08 21:51:19 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339255
Dang, that's a tough one. I like both!

Ok, Lambda Core!
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-08 16:12:30 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339252
[m]Blast Pit[/m] because I like rockets (and rocket engines), among other things. I like On a Rail as well but back in the day I hated it as it got me so confused. Today, the On a Rail chapter is like the calm before the storm as it builds towards key events such as the engine test-fire and the rocket launch.

User posted image

Don't you know. :nuts:
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-07 19:47:32 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339239
Forget about Freeman +1
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-05 21:19:09 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339216
I'm voting Unforeseen Consequences. What people said.
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-04 14:23:59 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339183
Questionable Ethics. It's one of my favorite chapters.
Posted 6 years ago2018-04-03 14:43:55 UTC
in Best Half-Life Chapter Tournament Post #339164
Power Up, that's a no-brainer.
Posted 6 years ago2018-03-12 12:59:27 UTC
in Block entities on VHE Post #339006
He means that your entities defined in your fgd need a special keyvalue that allows model rendering in the editor. Doing this yourself for every entity is pretty time consuming so here's a fgd file with those studio keyvalues already in place: HL fgd for Hammer 3.5
Posted 6 years ago2018-03-06 16:19:38 UTC
in How to make HL's FGD display a preview m Post #338956
I'm hosting a fgd file on my website that already includes model rendering support, you can get it here: HL fgd for Hammer 3.5

Also, and you probably know this, you'll need the Hammer 3.5 executable only update/patch for Hammer 3.4 to make model rendering work in the editor. You can download this here: Hammer 3.5 exe.
Posted 6 years ago2018-03-06 01:07:52 UTC
in Half-Life Tools Backup Post #338946
I have some Half-Life utilities and tools hosted on my website, most of them I downloaded from Slackiller over ten years ago so most of it you'll probably already have, but feel free to take anything that's worth keeping a copy of. The cached.wad and gfx.wad SDK for instance is a rare download, at least it was back in the day. I also have some old fgd files for use with WorldCraft, Hammer's predecessor.
Posted 7 years ago2018-02-15 22:57:49 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #338838
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-16 01:53:34 UTC
in zombie is eating - scripted_sequence - h Post #338650
I'm a little rusty on the subject but you have assigned the zombie_eating animation to both the action AND idle animations.
You should be using the eat_to_stand action animation to make the zombie stop eating and stand up.
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-02 22:25:56 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #338547
Look at all this breathing the CPU is doing when it should be handling PHYSICS! Though admittedly GPUs can handle that as well, if you have one spare
I still have my Ageia PhysX card somewhere in my storage that I specifically bought for use with Source engine games. I don't have that card in use anymore because of the reason you mentioned above. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-15 00:16:05 UTC
in looking for a free video editor.... Post #338386
There's a Humble Software Bundle out now that includes Sony Vegas Pro 14 Edit for only $20 as well as a whole bunch of more software! Might be worth it if you can actually afford to spend $20. I know I'm going to and support charities and my favorite Twitch streamer in the process.
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-01 02:40:15 UTC
in Questions surrounding entity limit Post #338258
If you enable the -chart flag you'll get a nice list of object names and their maximum objects and memory usage. It'll look like this:
User posted image
Point light entities do count towards the entity limit, texture-lights do not, but don't quote me on that.
Posted 7 years ago2017-11-17 03:26:07 UTC
in Ungroup after tied to entity Post #338076
"tie the entity to world". What is that? I missed something.
That turns the brush entity back into a regular brush, a piece of normal level geometry, if you will, without any special properties applied. If you need to make changes to the visual appearance (size and/or shape) of a brush entity that consist of multiple brushes, you should use the 'ig' button. As Solokiller explained, this disables the grouping of those brushes, so you can modify the shape and size of a brush. When you're done modifying the brush, turn ig off and the grouping of those brushes are restored with all their entity data intact.

If you use the 'to World' button, all the entity data that is tied to the brush geometry is removed, and you end up with just normal level geometry. Basically, world geometry is referred to as solids, or solid (world) brushes.

That's a lotta text though.
Posted 7 years ago2017-11-06 13:41:30 UTC
in Transparent White Background Textures Post #337984
Not even with a trigger_relay and its Kill Target field?
Posted 7 years ago2017-11-06 03:10:55 UTC
in Transparent White Background Textures Post #337978
Those types of textures are 'stickied' on existing world geometry using the decal button in Hammer. That's all you really have to do to make the vanilla black on white { textures work correctly. They are entities still and when you open up their properties, you can give them a targetname, allowing you to toggle them visible/invisible when triggered.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 7 years ago2017-10-20 22:28:53 UTC
in Compiling crash when map gets too big Post #337811
It's BatchCompiler, not PatchCompiler, SSB.
Posted 7 years ago2017-10-20 20:58:25 UTC
in Compiling crash when map gets too big Post #337809
You should open the compile process log file and look for any error messages. Post the error message(s) here so we can help you fix those. I'm guessing there's a problem with your map that prevents a successful compile.

Using Hammer is fine, but there are other editors out there that are better, such as JACK and Sledge. If you want to stick to Hammer for now, that's totally fine.
Posted 7 years ago2017-10-06 20:15:56 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #337722
Ah, submerged.wad, a favorite of mine.

The wall look a little bland though. Maybe add support beams every x units to break it up a bit?
Posted 7 years ago2017-10-02 12:35:40 UTC
in [Goldsrc] Everytime i die i get error Post #337654
That was indeed what I was thinking.
Posted 7 years ago2017-10-01 21:41:55 UTC
in [Goldsrc] Everytime i die i get error Post #337648
Did you made any quicksaves and/or autosaves during testing?
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-24 00:18:34 UTC
in Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. Post #337505
This guy, man, I'm telling ya... User posted image

You really think Cayle punched in that date himself? It's probably a glitch where Steam was unable to retrieve the correct date.

Nothing to make such a big deal about.
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-28 18:49:02 UTC
in How do .NOD files know they are up to da Post #337144
My guess is that those nod files have some kind of unique identifier, like a string of characters that matches the bsp file. Each time you make changes to your map and recompile, a new string of characters are created for that bsp file. The game checks if those characters match those in the nod file, which of course doesn't match if you've recompiled the map so the game rebuilds those nod files so that the string characters in both the nod and bsp files match up again.

Again, this is just a guess. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-25 14:50:40 UTC
in HL2: Episode 3 Post #337035
I'm not reading that because you never know what the future has in store for us and I don't want it spoiled for me by reading it.
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-22 19:29:29 UTC
in The Great US Solar Eclipse Of 2017 Post #336995
@SSB: Wut?

So, did anyone here snapped pics?
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-21 15:32:34 UTC
in The Great US Solar Eclipse Of 2017 Post #336980
So close to an eclipse but... no.
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-20 12:05:00 UTC
in The Great US Solar Eclipse Of 2017 Post #336949
User posted image

Ya dang lucky US peoples you.

In case you Muricans don't know, on Monday, August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will be visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States:
User posted image
If you live near the path of totality, go outside and witness this unique celestial event. If you can, snap pictures and/or video of the event and post them here in this thread for everyone to gaze upon.
Remember, never look directly at the sun, not even during the eclipse or you could damage to your eyes. Use special viewing equipment such as eclipse glasses.

For more info, click here (

Enjoy the event!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-30 15:27:40 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336582
I'm not in the mood to map for the next couple of weeks (see journal for the reason) so I might drop out.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-28 16:57:25 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336519
Just finished Crysis some weeks back, thought it was still enjoyable, at some lengths that is. I should play through Crysis 2 Maximum Edition next, but haven't yet.

I'm currently playing Faxanadu Remastered, a remastered version of the NES version.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-27 21:21:45 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336493
Even though your sentences are... screwed up, that actually looks pretty damn good.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-27 20:52:32 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336489
And again, I have no inspiration...
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-27 14:03:08 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336459
I think Jessie is referring to your broken image link, which doesn't surprise me, with such a long url...

@Urbs, Thanks for clearing that up. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-27 12:17:59 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336452
Hold on. I'm confused. The plot says TWHL eggheads opened a portal to an alternate dimension. In that dimension, they opened up another portal that lead to an hostile alien world. So there are two portals right?
Send one man through the portals, sealing them behind him.
That's a quick and easy job, sealing only two portals.

So what's the idea behind having all those airlocks if there's only one portal going to the alien world? That doesn't make sense to me.

Also, can you define "The theme is pockets of reality, hopping between dimensions."? What does that really mean?