-On the last day of a cruise, we threw a party and i drank way to mutch and was throwing up all over the place. My brother punched a picture on the wall (glass) and his hand got all shredded up and he had to pay 100 dollars for it.
-they came up with some gay new counterstirke and they actualy took out the l337 and the terror, but they actualy left the guerilla warfare
-my computer stoped being able to handle counterstrike for a LONGGGG time.(gettin it back from being upgraded finaly tomorrow)
-I was skate bording(drunk
) standing with my feet side to side facing forward, and I went out of my garage and fell straight back onto my head... and sadly dropped my plate of chips and guacomole all over me..I think.
-the ususal like I broke my arm twice, almost drowned a few times, Got the wind knowked out of me alot, oh yeah it also knocked the wind out of me when I fell on my skate board that time..weird