Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 09:01:30 UTC
in TWHL-HLDM-Session! Post #37429
Interested in my map 'Detention'? Here ya go:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 06:51:10 UTC
in Can't play BSPs help plz Post #37396
It can be done when you use "" around the file name, but it's just unhandy and confusing to work with. Use underscores instead.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 05:54:50 UTC
in monstermaker: body specifying Post #37386
Or just place your monster_scientist in a small room and teleport him in with a scripted_sequence. I find that method much better for monsters that need some specific options, like grunts (their weapons can't be specified when you use a monstermaker), scientists and such.

I used that method in 'The Playtest', and I think it has been done in some HL maps too.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 05:23:08 UTC
in Gaining skills Post #37383
You can learn it. It's not that hard after all. I find it rather usefull to being able to create prop models, as they offer a higher level of detail because their polygons are rendered faster. A disadvantage however is their lighting as it uses the light intensity of the ground below it for it's lighting intentsity. In this case, that wouldn't be a problem though.

But well, learning modeling takes some time so in this case, you'd either leave it the way it is now or you can find some free prop models. There must be some out there... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 04:14:56 UTC
in Gaining skills Post #36230
The smaller objects, yeah, make 'em func_walls. I wouldn't say make everything an entity, some objects do block vis and should be left world brush.

After all, it relies somewhat on common sense. Generally, I make small objects func_walls and leave the larger structures world brushes. It's just something you have to try out a bit what's best for your map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 04:01:14 UTC
in Gaining skills Post #36225
The cilinders were just an example. Cilinders would split up the ground face into more faces than a cube would do. Still, both split up the ground surface.

Just experiment with what I've said. You'll find out.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 03:55:24 UTC
in Gaining skills Post #36222
When they just touch. Same effect as if they went into each other as the compiler only generates the outer faces.

It's not link, it's just adding some extra polygons. Especially cilinders and such shapes split up surfaces really bad causing a lot of extra faces. For optimizing polycounts it's an often used technique to make such shapes entities.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 03:43:30 UTC
in Gaining skills Post #36218
A little addition to the surface splitting: brushes only split surfaces they touch when these surfaces are in the same 'group'. World brushes are all the same 'group', and each entity can be seen as an apart 'group'. Two entities (same type or not, doesn't matter) that touch each other won't split up each others surfaces as they're both another 'group'.

I say 'group' as I don't think it's called like that, but it's easy to explain it with that word.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 03:39:33 UTC
in Gaining skills Post #36216
The benches legs touch the ground and so they'll split up that surface into several faces as faces can't be concave. When you make these legs or just the whole bench an entity (func_wall is best for most cases), they won't split up the ground surface anymore, saving you some wpoly's.

Another thing is that such a complex thing like a bench will cause some extra work for vis while it's not really blocking sight in any way. This article may be very helpfull for you:
It's about Q and Q2 but the same applies to HL in this case.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 03:33:37 UTC
in Machine Compo Post #36213
My process? So far 60% of the level is planned out and 40% is sketched already. The rough outline has been established for about 30%, custom textures and models haven't been done yet. So I'll have some work to do coming days... :)

As for getting idea's... I have some sources of inspiration I'm bookmarking now and then. Always handy to stock up on idea's.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 03:28:04 UTC
in Grid settings poll Post #36210
I use about all grid sizes between 1 and 128.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 03:25:15 UTC
in Gaining skills Post #36209
Yes, I think you are improving.

Mhh, just a question, does this park seat touch the ground surface? If so, is the seat made an entity? Since I remember from your de_full_city you left the lantarns world brushes...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 03:18:40 UTC
in map vault q Post #36205
Few choose to give away the source of the map. They don't have to and I'm fine with that. You'll learn how to map by reading tutorials and articles but above all just doing it. When you really want to find out how someone made a specific thing, you can e-mail them or contact them otherwise.

After all, I don't upload my maps to learn others but to let them play it. When I decide to help others it's usually in the form of forum posts and sometimes I write tutorials that I often attach example .rmf's to.

But I get your point, as you want to learn from experienced mappers and look at how they construct their levels. But when you gain experience troughout time you'll eventually find out what's good and what's not. I also think you can learn by looking at the level in the game too.

As for copying, that's not really a concern for me but indeed, I wouldn't like it when someone else uses my map as if it was his own. I mean, sometimes I work for months on a map...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 08:07:46 UTC
in Func_TrackTrain Don't Hurt Post #35965
Strange. Are you mapping for HL or some other mod?

Also, what exactly did you do with the entity, e.g. it's properties and so?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 07:09:04 UTC
in Func_TrackTrain Don't Hurt Post #35960
The player will only receive the damage you filled in for 'Damage on crush' when it's crushed between a brush and the func_tracktrain. dmg is the name of the key when you turn SmartEdit off, but with SmarEdit it's called Damage on crush. Maybe that confused you?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 05:26:16 UTC
in i cant take anymore! Post #35948
A person can vote more than once... I found out after someone has rated 'Detention' over a hundred times with 1 star... :x Something that should get changed in my opinion.

I like the Snarkpit's rating system, e.g. you can only rate when you post a comment, the rating is shown at the lower-right of the post.

As for TWHL, I see this site more as a starters place for beginning mappers. When you want more quality maps you'd better go out and search for other mapping sites. I mean, you can't force people to make quality...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 05:09:05 UTC
in Func_TrackTrain Don't Hurt Post #35943
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 04:19:58 UTC
in User names Post #35938
There's actually a very good mapper out there called KungFuSquirrel... he's gone professional not so long ago... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 02:32:53 UTC
in Machine Compo Post #35910
Warhammer 40k... I used to play Catachan but I've stopped long ago. I found level-design to be of much more interest to me.

Enough talking for me now. Let's get busy. Succes to ya all!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 02:10:35 UTC
in Machine Compo Post #35900
What I usually do when I don't have a computer at hand is sketching and thinking out a level. Preparing myself for the mapping so to say. It's a lot easier to map when you have a clear idea in mind. And sketches often help me getting a coherent style and continueing area's without endlessly mapping parts again. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 01:53:54 UTC
in ambience_generics Post #35893
Thanks! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 01:49:40 UTC
in hammer 3.4/3.5 Post #35892
You just have to learn to search around the program a bit :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 01:47:26 UTC
in bad animating texture Post #35891
Tommy14, always handy when you have errors:

Just look below the Decals paragraph, there's something about your Bad Animating texture error.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 01:36:04 UTC
in Making Worthwhile Posts Post #35888
  • Define your problem in a clear way, give the necessary information on what you did and where your problem appeared.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 17:23:18 UTC
in halflife.wad Post #35813
Steam stores it's files in some sort of pak files although they have a different extension. You'll need a browser for these files and probably you'll need to unpack these files.

However, since I don't use Steam I can't tell you what program you need and such. There are some guys around here that do know, though. Just wait for their replies.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 16:45:17 UTC
in Wally Post #35785
Looks good but it's very repetetive (mainly due to the large brown tile on top of the texture). A modified photo?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 16:13:43 UTC
in Machine Compo Post #35773
Sir yes sir! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 13:03:31 UTC
in ambience_generics Post #35704
Wally can browse the .pak file. There are other programs too. You might want to take a look at the VERC's Utilities page:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 13:02:33 UTC
in Wally Post #35703
It has nothing to do with that, zeeba-G. It's just the brightness setting of Wally.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 11:34:18 UTC
in Elevator prob Post #35694
When the player has reached the next level, place a trigger_multiple there that triggers the trigger_push. Now the player can fall back again. Untill he moves trough the trigger_multiple at the ground level off-course... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 11:21:57 UTC
in Wally Post #35689
Wally has a brightness that you can change in it's Options.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 09:33:16 UTC
in Conveyor, How to? Post #35658
/CP kicks Coldman onto the conveyor... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 09:26:39 UTC
in Conveyor, How to? Post #35656
What sort of conveyor you want? The conveyor that was seen in "We've got hostiles!"? That's just a func_conveyor with a scroll-texture on top of it...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 09:19:58 UTC
in Need help with sounds Post #35653
Thanks... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 09:08:54 UTC
in Need help with sounds Post #35645
Floating things? Just place a brush in the air... it'll stay were it is. When you want a slowly moving thing, you could go with a func_train. Well, lots of possibilities... Just search trough the available entities a bit. Anyway, only func_pushable's will fall to the floor so don't worry about the floating.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 08:55:51 UTC
in Machine Compo Post #35636
@ZombieLoffe: m"aye"be? ;)

Yeah, I'm busy with a map for this contest. You'll see... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 08:54:33 UTC
in Need help with sounds Post #35635
Are these sounds in the right format? .wav files, 8-bit, 22000 KhZ or 11000 KhZ (both work but for talking sounds you'll need 11000 KhZ, otherwise the mouth of a creature won't move) and mono, that's what they have to be.

Also, did you place the sounds in the right folder and refer to them correctly? You don't have to write a full path but a relative path, where the valve folder is the root so to say so that can be left out.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 06:57:14 UTC
in Custom Transparent Textures Post #35611
Nope, this has not to do with blurring edges for mip-maps. The reason is that you gave these transparant parts a blue color, while it's not the color that does it. Once you've put the texture in Wally, you'll need to recolor the transparant parts with the last color from the palette. When you named your texture starting with a {, this color is automatically blue...

So, it's the last color that's transparant, not neccesarily the bleu color... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 05:42:28 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #35607
Oh, and the multi-routed idea is good, but... let the player know he has to choose from different paths. Otherwise some people will think they're on the wrong way after a while and go back to explore that other route. I mean, there was another route and maybe you'll miss some important things... At least I would think so... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 05:40:35 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #35606
I agree with Peace and Love about the crowbar. It's location is strange, I mean, how would it ever get there? Maybe locate it somewhere before or after the vent.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 05:10:50 UTC
in Wally Post #35603
Wally automatically changes the bitmap you insert in an open .wad file to 8-bits. It generates a palette so that quality-loss is minimal. There will be some loss but in most cases it's only hardly noticed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 05:01:41 UTC
in clipping help Post #35602
When you press Shft+X, you switch between the 3 clipping modes. The first mode cuts away what's on one side of the clipping line, the second mode cuts away what's on the other side, while the third mode cuts along the line and leaves both sides further intact.

Off course this switching must be done before you press the enter... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 04:39:23 UTC
in Conveyors Post #35359
A clip-brush is a brush covered with the clip-texture, it blocks the players movement. It doesn't block bullets or satchel charges or monsters.

I've tested and a satchel does move on a flat or down-hill conveyor but strangely enough not on an uphill one...
A fine-tuned trigger_push might solve your problem.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 04:26:38 UTC
in Model moving in counter strike Post #35358
Entities can't move with other entities in CS. You could try to animate the model though, so that it moves the way you want. I've seen bird models in maps that were animated to fly in a circle. Looked very cool.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 16:35:26 UTC
in Water from side Post #35293
Whatever texture that looks good. After all, it all comes down to what the player sees, not to what exact entity or texture you used.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 16:33:11 UTC
in [NEEDHelp]Adding New Sprites To Monsters Post #35292
All you have to do to make random-looking slaves is having an alien_slave model with several body's, e.g. like the grunt's head, more versions of the body (in this case all you would change is the skin but you can also modify the model mesh a bit too).

Then, when you inert a monster_alien_slave, turn on SmartEdit and add the following key called "body", and give it a value that corresponds with the body value, e.g. the first one corresponds with 0, the second body version of the slave is 1, the third is value 2 and so on. There's a method behind this but it's unimportant for now unless you have several body-parts (like the grunts: head, body and weapon haver several options).
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 16:26:21 UTC
in Water from side Post #35289
A world brush covered with a water texture (those starting with a !) does the job. Personally I find this sort of water very ugly so I'd say a func_illusionary would give a better effect.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:55:25 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #35094
Also because drawing is a pretty important component of making games. And I intend to work in this branche.
We seem to have many similarities, hazardous!... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:48:17 UTC
in info_player_start Post #35091
When you enter the right name of the entity manually, it doesn't matter what fgd you have as the game code does recognizes the entity. It's only more difficult without the right fgd...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:34:43 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #35086
Start again with making sketches I mean... :)