Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2010-09-23 01:55:18 UTC
in Waves Post #285642
Not looking for overlays for a shoreline, not looking for basic hl water.

I am looking for some help getting creative on how to make huge rolling waves like you would find on the ocean.

Currently the only way I can think of doing this, would be making it a large animated model.

I don't need it to have any physics, doesn't have to even have water properties, as it will never be entered.

I am basically looking to recreate the type of waves from the 1st mission of Modern Warfare.

Best view starting at 7:58 in video

This is to be used for a cinematic sequence.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-22 20:42:59 UTC
in The entity limit upsets me Post #285634
make 2 versions of the map both with the same name.

1 version will be used on a dedicated server, and have all the entities in it.

The 2nd version will be in your maps folder and have all the entities removed.

Entities are only used in the map server side anyways, and a lot of them get removed for network traffic.

Its worth a shot at least. I have overcome that limit many times knowing how the network code in hl and hl2 works.

If all else failes, then set up each loop as a particle system, thus reducing your ent count to 32
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-04 20:39:25 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #284972
and what don't you want us to see strider?
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-21 18:29:06 UTC
in Hollow pillar Post #284441
use the arch tool and use a number that is a power of 4 for the number of sides. Make sure the builder cube is square from the top view.

Just make sure to hit preview to make sure its how you like it.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-11 23:58:40 UTC
in func_tracktrains not stopping. Post #284113
path_track is for a non stop train, you want a path_corner

btw the disable flag disables the controls for the train.

It was used in hl for when the train lost control and jumped off the tracks.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-08 17:47:38 UTC
in bump map doesn't look bumpy or decent Post #284019
show the picture you are making a bump from also.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-08 00:58:42 UTC
in My mod that im making. Post #284005
on this subject, is it even possible to use avi's in source 2007 anymore?
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-07 11:58:43 UTC
in My mod that im making. Post #283982
Here is an idea; Invest in a backup device.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-06 20:05:43 UTC
in What entities do you have to use in orde Post #283958
Entities required
These are the entities needed for a credit sequence. This is certainly not the only way of doing a credit sequence: the list is by no means definitive and some of these entities are optional.

env_fade - to fade the screen out
player_weaponstrip - to remove the player's suit and weapons
point_teleport/trigger_teleport - now you've faded the player's screen to black, why not put them into a nice dark room to avoid any glitches with the fade
env_soundscape - to set the soundscape to be silent
ambient_generic - to play music during the credits
env_credits - to display the actual credit roll
point_clientcommand - use the command startupmenu force to force the game to quit to the menu

Posted 13 years ago2010-08-05 23:42:02 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #283939
User posted image
I will be starting a thread for this shortly, but we are almost ready to go public.

Got the website and forums up, got a couple of artist (made the new logo), read me a couple more Lovecraft books on Cthulhu, as well as have another guy deep diving into the Cthulhu mythos, a pair of coders well into the player class and skills, and myself, way into the 1st map.

We will be releasing more info on this when the time is right, but just letting you guys know we are working on this...
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-04 19:41:38 UTC
in Speccy! Post #283917
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-01 19:53:40 UTC
in texture not compiling with model Post #283748
Have you ever compiled a model before? It really doesn't matter.
Yes, have you?

a reference model is the actually polygons, the animation smd is animation info
version 1
0 "polymsh2" -1
time 0
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.570796 -0.000000 0.000000
If you are using xsi, make sure to change the drop down menu to the correct file type when exporting your smds.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-31 22:00:01 UTC
in texture not compiling with model Post #283674
if you upload it, we can figure out the problem, and tell you how to fix it
$modelname md_gear00/md_gear00.mdl
$body body "md_gear00_ref.smd"
$cdmaterials models/md_gear00
$sequence idle "md_gear00_ref.smd" fps 1
Why are you using the reference model as your animation model?

This is what it should look like
$modelname "props\items\mos_bluebottle01.mdl"
$body mybody "bluebottle_ref.smd"
$surfaceprop Glass
$cdmaterials "models\props\items"

$sequence idle "redbottle_idle.smd" loop fps 15

$collisionmodel "redbottle_phys.smd" { $concave }
and you also need a hitbox, or phys model in source models.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-30 10:02:34 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #283625
Yes all the models in that map are proppered

That map is not part of the mod though.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-30 01:33:10 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #283619
Previous model in the mmorpg pics?

Only thing I posted for that was a concept video full of random pics off the net to get my idea/theme across.

Only stuff I've done, was made in propper though.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-29 23:43:54 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #283614
My 1st models!

Well, non-propper models that is.

Steampunk based potion bottles (Mana & HP bottles)

for upcomming mod
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-18 16:32:29 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #283152
lol yea, if that was my real concept art, i wouldn't be an amature or a noob.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-18 01:51:05 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #283142
After much discussion with the mod team (2 coders and myself), we have decided to pull back from the mmo elements of this game for now. Instead we will be focusing on a Borderlands style of gameplay.

The core game will still be the same, an XP based system, player class, questing, and so on, but instead of a massive online version of this, it will be a single player/co-op game.

The core network infrastructure of UDK is the same as Source as far as player limits go, and for a MMO you need a minimum of 2,000 players. We do not have the resources to create or propagate such a network.

The good news is, the team is very familiar with Source and its code/SDK, which will make development on this much faster. There is also a ton of content that can be used that is premade (textures, models, etc).

Now that all of that has been said?

I have the design documents for the mod almost completed and we are all geared up to begin production starting Monday.

We will still be needing some modelers to do some character models, but I do understand that recruiting without posting any content is next to impossible, so that will have to come later. If anyone here would like to help in that aspect, give me a shout.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-15 19:39:40 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #283073
I have been using the unreal ed for a couple of years now, I am actually more proficient with the UDK than Source.

The UDK is free to use, and free to distribute your free game with. If you decide to sell your creation made with the UDK, there is a $99 licensing fee, the 1st $5,000 you make is royalty free, and anything over that has a 25% royalty fee. (if you make $15,000 you only owe $99+25% = $2,599)

As far as I am concerned, this will be a free to download and free to play game. If public interest grows enough over the next year or so that it is being made, we might make the switch to make it a buyable game, but I won't kid myself, that won't happen (but its nice to have options).

btw there is a big difference between amature developers and noob developers.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-14 22:01:08 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #283056
So after a few days and a lot of forums, we have decided to make 1 last move befor work starts on this mod.

Although it would be a interesting challenge and achievment to make a game of this genre on the Source engine, for amature developers it is too much of an undertaking.

That being said, we are moving foward with the idea of a Cthulhu based/Steampunk RPG, and adding the MMO element of it towards the beta stages.

Another large move for this project is that we have decided to work with the Unreal Development Kit(UDK), as it was designed to allow the type of levels that will be needed to be effective.

Anyways, I am really excited to start work on this project, and will get back to you guys with some orginal concept art as soon as it is done.

I will still post a thread here about it even though its UDK as long as the mod's dont mind.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-13 16:48:24 UTC
in MMORPG for CS Post #283018
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-12 20:31:46 UTC
in MMORPG for CS Post #282966
I suggest you look into TSRP then, cause that is what it is.

It has been on its death bed for the last 2-3 years, but there are still a hand full of RP servers.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-12 11:16:42 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #282944
All of the images in here are just ripped of the net. I am using theme as a general theme to base the game off of. I do have a concept artist, coder, and modeler. All I am looking to do here is see if this theme is attractive to people, before we commit to it.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-11 23:00:38 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #282939
Well, as some of you have seen in the goldsource forums, we are making an MMORPG for source. Befor I get too far ahead of myself, I am conducting a small 'market research' on the theme.

So far, amoungst my steam friends, I have gotten a positive reaction... but you know how friends are.

I personally like the idea, but I would like some feedback from this community too.

Anyways, watch this...
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-10 11:02:00 UTC
in MMORPG for CS Post #282888
So yea, ApolloRP 1.3 is being ported to CS, but this project is moving to source, as a stand alone mod.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-08 22:19:52 UTC
in MMORPG for CS Post #282838

Thats right, the main plugin set has already been written as a test to create a real economy on a TSRP server (The Specalist Role Play), and is being ported over to CS with more MMORPG features.

These are the core ideas:
  • A main server that will act as the town/central gathering area with shops and what not.
  • 4-10 other servers to act as child servers to the main one.
  • Child servers will be locked, only accessable through the plugin set, that will send players to that server and input the password for them via config file.
  • Child servers will be the "Questing" and PvP areas.
  • Blueprints, mining, leveling, and questing
  • A custom AI system coded from scratch specifically for this plugin set

What is already done...

Link to the current plugin set: Apollo RP 1.3

Link to the thread on this on Allied Modders: AlliedModders Thread

The mapping should take about a month or so, I have 10 days off in a week from today, and I can whip out the majority of the work then.

I am looking to possibly add 1 mapper to this project, as I don't want quality to suffer from mapping 5-10 maps.

If you have followed any of my projects befor, you know there is a bandwidth killer worth of pics to come over the next couple weeks, so stay tuned and please ask questions or add suggestions.
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-29 11:15:41 UTC
in random error Post #282472
Im sure its just a sprite. Use npcscape to get the list of sprites and then try them in game. you dont need to extract them unless you want to try them manually, as you can just type the name in , from the root directory and it will work.
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-28 10:38:32 UTC
in Payed Trainee Needed! Post #282436
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-22 00:22:25 UTC
in porting model from hl2 to hl Post #282260
might I suggest an addendum to your tutorial though Rimrook.

I found it hard to follow the compiling process. You mentioned compiler tools, but had no link.

Milkshape 3d did the trick for me, but not without a lot of work.
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-21 23:15:52 UTC
in porting model from hl2 to hl Post #282255
figured it out, thanks anyways guys
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-21 21:36:37 UTC
in porting model from hl2 to hl Post #282224
Yes, but goldscr doesn't work with propper


Ok, so got that all done, now i am have a hell of a time compiling this.

Any one be able to help me out?

Everytime i run it through jhlmv 1.36m it just opens a window and closes it befor i can see anything, and no model apears.

Here is what I have done so far.

-Create model in hl2 with propper
-Decompiled using CF's tool
-put it all in a folder 3 smd's and a qc
-edited the .qc file as per the tutorial on these forums
-exported the bmp file from the vtx and converted it to 8bit bmp
-asked everyone i know how to do this and ...

So I keep hearing that every hl model has to have a hitbox, I have no idea
what he reference 'bone' is, so when i opened up the hl2 version of the
model and looked under the bones section, it just called it static_prop.

anyways, here are the files if anyone wants to try to compile it

Or if anyone can talk me through it here, thanks...
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-20 22:06:30 UTC
in porting model from hl2 to hl Post #282178
I am fixing up an old map i made for a community, and I am wanting to make the terrain a model to save on resources. I can make models fine in propper, but that requires hl2.

Anyone can point me in the right direction?
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-19 18:38:10 UTC
in Half-Life 2: GoldSrc Post #282063
Goto and take your pick of the 1000's of ideas on their forums, and go with that.

Agree'd, this is pointless.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-15 22:36:16 UTC
in E3 2010 Post #281865
Anyone going to E3?
Considering no one here is in the game industry, I'd say no. Its not open to the public.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-26 21:09:58 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #281446
So I forgot to turn up my graphics settings, big whoop, wanna fight about it?

Ignore the large solid buildings, they are place holders.

Haven't posted in a while on this, so here is a bulk update.

Been working a lot on the city side, it is broken into 2 parts seperated by the tracks.

1st side (small) is the old city, the pre war side. It is run down and for the most part forgotten.
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Mall update:
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Inside the abandone factory:
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New building I am working on, on the 'Rebuilt side':
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Posted 14 years ago2010-05-12 01:21:23 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #281180
Inside the mall
User posted image
Might rework the vol. lighting model to be toned down a bit, but for now it works
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-10 23:12:02 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #281145
Started on some of the interiors today. Working on an old run down mall in the city.

The city will be broken into 2 unequal sides. 1 side, is the 'New City' that takes up about 4/5 of the area, the other is the remains of the 'Old City'

The 'Old City' is where the train comes into, right on the border of the 'New City'.

Anyways, this is a model I made for the inside of the mall.
User posted image
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Posted 14 years ago2010-05-05 01:50:26 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #280981
Havn't posted much media lately, so here is a little bit of what I have been doing.
User posted image
Counter-weighted elevator ^
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User posted image
This is the last part of the 'make-shift' parts of town. The reast of the city will be futuristic (dammit)
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-05 01:48:02 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #280980
yes, lighting needs a tweakin.

May I suggest:

Combine lamp
Brightness 147 226 240 3000
Ambience N/A

Tungsten bulb
Brightness 254 216 146
Ambience N/A

Fluorescent bulb
Brightness 159 237 215
Ambience N/A
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-04 02:50:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #280973
heh, yea that pic was just to show scale.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-03 04:04:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #280959
Secondary project I am working on for a Naval Battle mode.

Progression so far
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Posted 14 years ago2010-05-03 03:16:24 UTC
in SDK gone wild Post #280958
Fix - old SDK binaries

Here you go, be sure to read the README file - and turn off auto updates.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-23 00:30:02 UTC
in Some Modelling WIPs Post #280380
Dont know how to answer that.

It seems like a pretty basic shape, so it wouldnt need a ton im sure.

As I said in an earlier post, i would need to send you the model or dimensions of the track I build as a reference for scale.


Any news or response to this?
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-20 11:00:21 UTC
in Exploitables anyone? Post #280653
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-20 00:59:07 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #280645
Here is a rough draft of the city area of this map

Gonna be pushing some limits if I fill this all in, along with the rest of the map.
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Posted 14 years ago2010-04-16 18:15:07 UTC
in A thought that struck me suddenly Post #280564
not to burst anyones hopes, but BMS isnt all that good.

They do however, have a great marketing department.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-15 18:51:16 UTC
in New Map: Left 4 Beer Post #280526
try using cordon in your map and see if its a sky problem or if its something else
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-15 01:33:12 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #280510
Redid the water fall, this time using the particle system.

The way I did it previous, and the way I still have for the lower falls, is using a basic scrolling texture.

Little different in source, but its only 1 line in the vtf.

This new waterfall is actually about 10 particle systems and 6 env_steam's working together.
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-14 21:17:52 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #280506
more pics

Added Large waterfall to main area and combined wastelands and village areas
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Posted 14 years ago2010-04-14 02:43:19 UTC
in New Map: Left 4 Beer Post #280487
yea just tools/toolskybox

make sure you have a light_env and that should do it, check for erros, etc...

If you still arnt getting proper skybox, then turn up the verbose and watch for errors