Yeah there was a thread here in the last few months about to make various entities reset between Counter-Strike rounds though I think it was more to do with doors.
Anyone know where they get stored in Steam/? I can see steamapps/workshop/content which has some stuff but I installed the files in https:/ today and can't see them there, or anywhere obvious in steamapps/common/left 4 dead 2/
Is there a way to show an entity's bounding box client side? I mean the bounding box from setting UTIL_SetSize too as I've tried using the TriAPI on an entity's mins and maxs but that doesn't seem to work (it renders but I'm not seeing a bounding box that looks like it matches what was passed to UTIL_SetSize).
I think the client.dll code has a bunch of code related to those screens though they're not hooked up and ready to use. The different weapons per class would be handled in the server .dll - I think the Deathmatch gamerules class you can see where you get the crowbar and pistol - you've just switch on pev->playerclass (I think).
Many thanks - it worked. There was one change that was required and that was to check that the value of scale was greater than 0 as it seems weapon and player models have a scale of 0 by default.
Anyone know if there's a VGUI combo-box? I had a look through the code base but couldn't see anything obvious, and a git grep -i of combobox just returned a .lib (no plain source files).
Thanks all - I want to be able to scale in-game so a QC $scale or bone controller aren't an option. @GeckonCZ so I guess at the end of CStudioModelRenderer::StudioSetupBones I should do something like this: (*m_pbonetransform)[i][0][1] *= scale; (*m_pbonetransform)[i][1][1] *= scale; (*m_pbonetransform)[i][2][1] *= scale; where scale is available somewhere in CStudioModelRenderer? I'm okay with just a bigger looking model but it's simple enough to scale the bounding box on the server I think (not sure about hitboxes).
As Snehk said you'll have to modify HPB Bot to add support for the new weapons. The reason it requires Visual C++ 5.0 is because it was developed in 2000 or 2001 I think and that was still a reasonably new version back then.
If you're looking for a bot framework to use then I recommend the one that I've been working on: It's not perfect but it's based on HPB Bot, has been updated to work with Visual Studio 2017, has Linux support, currently broken MetaMod support (MetaMod is just enraging) and various bug-fixes.
Is it possible in GoldSource to dynamically scale a model? I tried playing with pev->scale but it looks like it's only for sprites. There's a tutorial from the old VERC about fatboy mode which does some hacking in the client-side model rendering code to scale models but if there's a simpler solution that would be better.
Read up on SteamCMD - it should you be a case of putting your mod's directory in the half-life/ directory (wherever it sits with regards to SteamCMD) and starting the dedicated server tool with the right parameters or config file.
I think it would be easy enough - when it gets picked up set a flag on the player that picked it up to increase the maximum health. You'd possibly need to add save/restore support but there's plenty of examples to copy+paste.
Works for me now - many thanks. I agree it's a browser issue (if it looks like a URL as opposed to something to pass to a search engine and it prepends a protocol and www. - I could always type the www. but I think typing just is easier).
It is possible to update the server config to listen on as well as A few times I've just typed into the Chrome address bar and have been redirected to which doesn't resolve.
I've got a valve.rad and a lights.rad that came packaged with Hammer or the Half-Life SDK - neither of the files appear to contain +0~FIFTS_LGHT5 but valve.rad has this: +0~FIFTS_LGHT01 160 170 220 4000 +0~FIFTIES_LGT2 160 170 220 5000 +0~FIFTS_LGHT4 160 170 220 4000
It looks like it's just the client and server code being ported - not the engine, so I imagine it's just plain old C# and the .Net standard library mostly.
Windows XP was now two computers ago for me. Must be be six or seven years ago at least that I stopped using it. Oddly I had a user of one my mods complain about Windows XP support - when I tried to fix it and asked for their help in verifying the fix they never came back.
Thanks - looked like deleting it worked for the person reporting the issue. Probably time to read up on Linux's .so resolution rules (I naively assumed that it would only look at the path that ldd outputs but it looks closer to Windows' .dll resolution).
Ah right. I think one of the people having the problem is using HLDS, and sure enough it does ship with its own whose latest CXXABI is CXXABI_1.3.7 So I guess steamcmd overrides LD_LIBRARY_PATH with its own linux32/ which means the apt-get installed versions don't get loaded?