Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 16:45:44 UTC
in Need help with Scripted-sequence Post #30872

Might be helpfull. Just experiment with the various settings possible. I'm sure you'll be able to find out how to fix these things now.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 15:47:16 UTC
in Mod: Good mappers needed desperately! Post #30861
We'll see about this. Good luck, Vassy! :)

Oh, just a question... will this mod have a story? Something I've missed in a lot of mods...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 14:44:54 UTC
in A far fall and (YOU DONT GET HURT!??!!) Post #30848
Why not just go with the func_water, and trigger it to go down after you hit the floor? (Little delay would be nice to prevent the player from falling on the floor when the water is already gone off-course...)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 14:43:22 UTC
in unopposing-force entities Post #30847
Open up the .fgd you use in notepad. Take a look for OpFor entities. If they aren't there, then you use a wrong .fgd. If they are there, you did something wrong in the setup of Hammer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 14:27:38 UTC
in unopposing-force entities Post #30834
You're sure you're using Opposing Force's .fgd? Since a .fgd incorporates both the point-based and brush-based entities.

When you started the map, did you choose the OpFor settings?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-06 14:25:29 UTC
in Missing Entities? Post #30833
Xen tree? Sounds more like a barnacle to me... :)

The entities are there. The model however doesn't show up for some reason. Maybe you messed with it's Render FX?

Give us the setup of this barney, e.g. it's properties. That might clear things up.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-05 16:54:12 UTC
in A far fall and (YOU DONT GET HURT!??!!) Post #30714
About the 100 gargantua's...

Ever wondered why there was a alien grunt sprite in the .pak file? It's used in the end, after you refused to the G-man's offer. The endless lines of grunts are tricked... only the first ones are models. Might be interesting to know...

Might be...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-05 05:44:29 UTC
in im serching for hobby programmers Post #30494
My advice:

Start with creating your own stuff. I've seen so many saying: "I'm gonna do a mod, but I need mappers, modelers, coders, texture artists and story writers!". In other words, so many guys that don't have the slightest idea of what modding really takes. You sound just like another one. Only when you can impress people with good models and concept art, you can attract good mappers and coders. People need to be assured your mod will make it to a release since so many mods die a silent death.

Idea's don't impress me. Yes, they may sound interesting but they don't make me join anyone. Only when I see someone is actually capable to work them out and do it good, I get interested. Everyone has idea's. Few work them out.

Sorry for sounding so negative but you won't like your mod to die like the many, won't you? Then be prepared and know what you're doing beforehand.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 16:58:39 UTC
in way too many! Post #30354
Let's err...

cry out for an edit button! :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 15:14:22 UTC
in Gman or Nihilanth? Post #30312
I've heard of someone that beated Nihilanth with only a crowbar. Really.

Not to mention the amount of quicksaves he had to do...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 11:53:45 UTC
in submitting map Post #30299
That's right... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 11:33:42 UTC
in SprWiz Post #30293
I definitely don't know too much about coding/programming. Although I do know somewhat. Enough to play a little with the HL code.

Anyway, there's not one program that can compile, there's a whole load of C/C++ compilers. I use Microsoft Visual.NET, a very handy programming environment with compiler and loads of other options.

As for free compilers, I remember Bloodshed Dev:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 10:59:43 UTC
in Another Mod Question. Post #30283
Wally can create .pak files. Very handy and versatile program indeed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 10:58:04 UTC
in SprWiz Post #30282

You can't open a dll. You're gonna have to get the sourcecode of it. It's in the HL SDK. The code can be writted and modified even in notepad but in order to compile you'll need a C/C++ compiler. I get the impression you're not really known with programming... am I right here?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 09:08:14 UTC
in Screenshots in multiple locations Post #30265
Mmh, I guess you'll have to do it the hard way.

I understand you want to create a sort of Myst-styled game bytheway?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 08:04:11 UTC
in Screenshots in multiple locations Post #30247
Pressing F5 creates a .bmp file of what's on screen at that moment, you can find these .bmp's in the Half-Life folder.

Succes! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 08:02:33 UTC
in SprWiz Post #30245
It's inside the code... not a .txt file.

Ehm, ah, here it is:
In the client dll source, go to hud.h and look for #define RGB_YELLOWISH 0x00FFA000 //255,160,0

That's the color of the hud. You can create your own definition and change the references to RGB_YELLOWISH in hud.cpp, or you can just modify the hexadecimal code in definition of RGB_YELLOWISH.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 07:53:04 UTC
in Another Mod Question. Post #30243
.pak files are quite useable. Although they're easy to open...

However, people will always be able to figure out a way to use your stuff. I'd say you shouldn't be afraid of that. Guys that use work of others to impress people are fools, eventually it'll come out and they'll loose all respect.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 06:54:53 UTC
in Bird's Eye View my map Post #30229
Instead of dev_overview 1, type dev_overview 2. It does away with all those numbers.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 05:23:39 UTC
in way too many! Post #30222
Also little irritated about the forum system already, Seventh? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 05:14:33 UTC
in submitting map Post #30221
Try again. I've had that error too but the second time it worked.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 05:09:17 UTC
in ambientgeneric Post #30220
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 04:57:42 UTC
in model&sprites Post #30217
2. You can find links to both at the VERC:
3. Trigger it off after a while, might take some tweaking.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 01:40:18 UTC
in SURGERY A SUCCESS (I think) Post #30173
Good to hear everything's just fine!

Everything? That... thing.... looks like a footcrab... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 15:45:27 UTC
in Gman or Nihilanth? Post #30083
Dr. Rosenberg is an important character from Blueshift. If you haven't played it yet, play it. It's short but I found it a vey well-constructed add-on.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 13:44:26 UTC
in Black & White Post #30038
Maybe sepia instead of black'n'white would do better?

Just a suggestion... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 13:43:13 UTC
in SprWiz Post #30037
With a little experience in C++ and a habit of searching one can come pretty far... :)

So, if it ever happens you get into programming, I think it's worth checking it out.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 13:34:54 UTC
in Gman or Nihilanth? Post #30031

I've never seen this guy as a bad one, only as the mysterious one. I like his style of clothing. Nihilanth looked so... not-impressive to me... yes, childish indeed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 05:32:48 UTC
in free models? Or am I just optimistic? Post #29960
Ah, I see... :)

Well, more thorough explanation for bulldog2k, so that's no problem...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 05:31:58 UTC
in STUPID GAY THING Post #29959
Scaling textures only reduces r_speeds in some situations. All faces are split up after 240 pixels. So, when the texture on a face gets scaled, you get less upsplitting. However, on surfaces smaller than 240 units it doesn't reduce any polygons.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 05:26:54 UTC
in STUPID GAY THING Post #29957
Maybe because you don't really know how VIS works?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 05:04:06 UTC
in STUPID GAY THING Post #29955
You don't have to delete the previous .bsp. When your map compiles without problems, the old .bsp is overridden.

As for the longer compile, I sense some... unfamiliarity with the way VIS and RAD work, thus a probably not-so-optimized level... maybe?

Maybe post it in the Problems section of the Vault so we can take a look for ourselves?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 04:04:45 UTC
in free models? Or am I just optimistic? Post #29951
Try searching for models, The Doenerking has some free prop models.

I doubt there will be a X-wing model, though. You might want to ask a modeller if he wants to do it for you, or create that X-wing from world-brushes.

.pak files are sorta zip files, with an internal folder hierarchy, used to story the game's content.
.wad contain the textures you use.
.gcf files seem also a sort of zip file to me, however I'm not used to them because I don't use Steam. But I've heard some of the files are stuffed into these .gcf files and you have to extract them before being able to use them for editing purposes.
.fgd files are small documents that tell Hammer what entities you can choose from.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 02:31:55 UTC
in Hammer Custom Build Post #29939
Heh, now you mention ResHacker... a friend of mine translated Hammer into Dutch a long while ago... Heh, that was the start for the CPCP community... :)

But very interesting it is, indeed... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 02:28:38 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Post #29937
Yeah, I have the idea we're strongly represented in modding community's too... :)

The only thing I pity is that our games-industry is still quite small...

But hey, why don't pay a visit to my site, especially my forum? We've gathered with about 10 Dutch mappers over there:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 02:21:01 UTC
in Grr my first real problem Post #29935
He checked for problems but no problem was found, he said.

Below the error, you see 4 coordinates. Search for the face wich vertexes correspond with these coordinates, that's probably your problem-causer. Either remake that brush, or play around with the textures setting of that face (align to world, align to face).
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 16:40:55 UTC
in Need some idea's here! Post #29852
Actually, after all these idea's, I'd like to see some actual mapping... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 16:39:05 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29851
That's not everything but well, enough for those that don't want to code. It covers adjustments of the HUD sprites pretty wel indeed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 12:45:40 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29829

The HUD is coded. The color of the HUD sprites is defined in the code, and so are the positions of the HUD sprites on the screen. The sprites that the HUD uses are in the pak file but you can replace these with your own sprites so the HUD displays well, other sprites.

That's not so hard to understand, non? Maybe you should do some research on what sprites are used and so?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 11:38:41 UTC
in Bird's Eye View my map Post #29821
Or maybe he wants a movie-like effect, wich can be achieved with a trigger_camera following a trail of path_corners, and focusing on a func_train that follows a trail of path_corners too...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 11:13:44 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29817
SpriteWizard lets you create your own sprites. Since HL uses sprites for it's HUD, it's an important thing for changing the HUD.

But indeed, for real changes beyond the sprites (colors, positions), you need to code. With a little experience you'll be able to find it out yourself.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 11:11:14 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Post #29814
Personally I think a combination between scripted and AI will me done sometimes. E.g. the characters get hints (scripted?) but their AI decides how to follow these. This should allow for much more dynamic events and better reactions to the players actions.

But yes, we'd better wait for the release instead of getting mad at each other.

// Ow, Mike... you're Dutch I see? Heh, I knew we were with so much more people... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 03:32:40 UTC
in Mods Post #29794
I think it's gonna be up to the mapper to make it exciting... :)

Something I like to do... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 02:45:41 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #29790
Recently, I tried out a Call of Duty editor. So far, I have been able to make a basic map and play it, but I found CoDradiant a confusing editor sometimes. Not really easy to work with. Probably because I'm not known to the controls, still, the camera movement in the editor is far from ideal.

I guess I'm going to stick with HL and then HL2, and get into engine coding a bit this vacation.

Oh, and my lightbeam tutorial will come soon... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 02:42:59 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Post #29789
Half-Life was delayed for 1 year. If they had released it without delaying it, I doubt anyone woul've remembered the title of the game.

So, I don't really care about these delays. Besides, it buys me some time to upgrade my computer and I'm sure that would be a handy thing for a lot of people... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 02:27:15 UTC
in how do I import a model? Post #29788
Don't type the whole pathname in such an entity. Only "models/modelname.mdl" is enough.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 15:13:28 UTC
in compo, im restless for a compo Post #29720
But some definitely have. And that some is more than 5 people, when I see the amount of maps in the Vault.

Ow, hey, leong... why don't you hop by on my Dutch mapping forum? I'm sure it can be of interest to you!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 12:50:53 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Post #29703
So what? We won't be cencored when the game is released. If Valve lied, they risk a lot... they risk too much to lie.

You may not have a lot of confidence left in Valve but that doesn't mean everything they say or do is wrong.

Let's just rest it and wait for the release.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 12:33:37 UTC
in Refill bags Post #29700
Yes, you can. As long as you send the backpack.mdl with your map, others will be able to see it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 12:30:26 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Post #29698
Mike, can you proof that statement that the E3 stuff was scripted?

As far as I know the AI was given hints, by some sort of info_nodes. So, according to my information it wasn't scripted. It was especially said this strider ducking under the bridge was NOT scripted but AI. So I don't know what your source of information is?

Besides, why would Valve state they're working on revolutionary AI, that they'll be doing away with scripted action, and show us scripted stuff? I think some stuff will be scripted but probably only the necessary parts, like when a player needs to get some information from a NPC.

Heh, we'll find out the truth when the game is released... :)