Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 01:26:01 UTC
in Milkshape 3d. a terrain generater? Post #28835
Nope. Since Milkshape works way different than Hammer, you shouldn't load map files made in Milkshape. Hammer works with brushes, Milkshape works with faces. I'll go do some testing on this but I think it's a bad idea to exchange the two.

There are some terrain generators that create terrain suited for Hammer. Use these instead. Nem's terrain generator:

As Griffin says, be very cautious with open terrain as it easily leads to high poly counts and a very slow VIS process. Movement on such terrain is also a bit strange sometimes as the player seems to get obstructed by the small edges between triangles sometimes. Personally, I create terrain like this manually in Hammer. More work but IMO a better overview of what's happening.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 17:37:07 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28819
They're actually going pretty good. 4 done, 3 to go. And I'm at 90 % of my compo entry so there's even a change of getting in... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 14:53:24 UTC
in what?! never?! Post #28793
I do THINK Half-Life 2 will be better. But, as I stated, we'll see before we can truly say so.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 11:02:39 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28756
Just a week untill I'm done with my exams... so stay tuned! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 13:52:41 UTC
in Vault Post #28645
Yes, the timing for this compo was, well, very bad...

Still, I hope to get it finished before the deadline... there's actually a change of entering the compo AND getting my diploma... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 12:12:38 UTC
in Water rising effect Post #28632
Give the func_water a name and trigger it. It's movement behaves the same as a func_door.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 06:53:35 UTC
in transparent textures Post #28587
Set the render FX to 'Solid'.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 01:21:38 UTC
in Entity Setup for this? Post #28575
As long as the dlls the mod uses do recognize the entity name, you can use it. Whether it's in the fgd or not.

Once I coded a new weapon, called it weapon_cafar, and gave a point-based entity that name. It wasn't recognized in Hammer since I hadn't added it to the fgd yet, but it worked perfectly well in the game.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 01:17:50 UTC
in double doors... Post #28574
Yes. Either give both doors the same name, or let the button target a multimanager, and let that thing trigger both doors (click the SmartEdit button, then add a key, the key name is the name of the entity to trigger, the value is the delay in seconds before triggering that entity. You can trigger up to 16 entities in a row.).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 14:54:42 UTC
in A leak that is non existing Post #28516
First HLVIS, then HLRAD. How did it change RAD to VIS suddenly, M_gargantua?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 13:38:54 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #28505
Some good layed-out maps can do it in less... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:25:59 UTC
in Laggy map Post #28484
Just as I though when I read your post, you have a leak in your level. A hole that leads into the void outside.

I quickly found a leak (it may not be the only one, but OK). In the room with the ladder (or so it looks, it's a deadend room), you go up the small stairs. Then, on your right, look at the ceiling. You can see a small leak there.

When you fixed all of your leaks, your map will go trough the HLVIS and HLRAD process. HLVIS does some processing so HL knows what it has to render and what not, e.g. what can be seen at that moment and what not. At this moment, everything is rendered even whn you can't see it. HLRAD does the light processing. It won't look full-bright anymore then (IF you've put in lights off-course!).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:21:25 UTC
in Vault Post #28483
So, instead of only a Finished maps section, also a Recommended maps section? Sounds great!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 08:24:56 UTC
in what?! never?! Post #28481
We'll see. At this moment I think HL2 will be better. But we'll see about that when it's released.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 06:16:59 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #28471
He first needs to run with HLVIS... :)

Because he used the skybox method, the work for HLVIS became so complex it locked down his computer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 06:04:04 UTC
in The longest topic ever! Post #28466
Longest forum topic? How about a few meters to start with? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 06:02:20 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28464
Entity list? Ah, well, nothing serious. A variable amount of func_illusionaries.

But as I said, I will give away my secret after my exams.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 05:55:47 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #28461
Do NOT make use of the skybox method. Instead, cover the outside region with a ceiling brush, and give that the sky texture. You'll see the sky just normal, but you'll prevent a lot of extra faces (outside parts of map) to be compiled. And indeed, HLVIS has a lot less work to do.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 01:49:30 UTC
in A leak that is non existing Post #28439
The big box method (whether it's textured with sky or not) is just a very bad way to fix leaks. Unnecessary high amounts of faces (those on the outside of the level and inside of the large box) have to be compiled then, wich is just senseless extra work. Find the leak and fix it good.

Either your box was an entity or you had an entity outside the box.

Find the leak? Have you tried the pointfile method already?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 01:46:14 UTC
in Models In Your Maps Post #28438
Just replace all player models with your hamster model. That's all. Others won't see any difference, you will... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 01:41:54 UTC
in Sand Dunes? Post #28433
Mmh, turn on wireframe view in your console. I know from experience this triangle method can cause quite a lot of face splitting, giving a lot of unnecessary polygons.

Also, movement on such terrain can be quite strange, sometimes the player is temporary blocked by a small edge. Check for good movement, it can be quite frustrating IMO.

Just some things I found while playing around with this method... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 01:39:06 UTC
in path_corner... Post #28430
Don't assign it to a path_corner. Buttons can't move along path_corners. You can't let buttons travel along with elevators. You can fake it, yes, but that can be quite complex too.

Search the VERC for articles about 'elevator'. There were some nice ones available over there.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 01:37:17 UTC
in speed control Post #28429
Nope. Speed just can't be set.

It's fakeable though, having two func_rotatings and using env_renderers to make one of them invisible at a time, but well... maybe you should just leave it unless it's absolutely necessary. At the other hand, it might be nice to try out some entity setups... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 16:49:15 UTC
in AH! Post #28401
And then an option (like Snarkpit has) to say how far the progress is, e.g. a progress bar. And the option to filter for finished/unfinished maps too... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 16:21:48 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #28396
Not that I'm that good in German but hey, it's understandable (for Germans, that is...).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 16:21:01 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #28395
Die Deutsche Sprache zu lernen, das sollte viel Spass machen ja! Und warum auch nicht? Es gibt also viele Deutsche mappers, Poke646 war ja eine Deutsche mod, und ich mochte sagen: von sehr gute Kwalitat!

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 14:00:07 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #28386
Gjinien hjir kin Friesk, no? Na, ik sels ek net sa goed mar der giet it net om.

Hehe... my local language (and yes, Frysian IS a language despite what other Dutch people might say. It existed as a language long before Dutch even was a local dialect.)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 13:54:04 UTC
in I need an Appropriate song Post #28384
Besides, they're very hard to find. Often has to do with rights of use and so, it seems barely no music can be used without purchasing the rights to do so... :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 12:54:52 UTC
in My Quantity Two mod, need ideas Post #28379
How much have you made already? You might risk yourself taking too much on at a time. Ah, well, you can always scrap things later on, so...

After the greenbelt, the office towers? Airport? Football stadium? Train station? Bungalow park? Recreation park? Bridge over a canal?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 11:51:28 UTC
in door with moving handle using spirit Post #28372
Either go for a simpler thing like a button next to the door, or do it the hard way. Currently, I don't know of an easy way for this. Not even with SoHL.

When you make the rotating door knob a func_door_rotating with the same origin as the door, it will rotate as if the door swings open when you use it, not rotate as if you'd turn it. In that fact, you'd better attach the knob brushes to the door, making one entity of them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 11:18:28 UTC
in Video tutorials Post #28369
Those beams look OK, but the texture on the side doesn't align well with that on the front. I can clearly see a difference in brightness. Maybe giving the texture on the side an angle could help.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 11:14:49 UTC
in Sky see through Post #28368
Make sure that wall is seen, e.g. don't leave the sky brushes like they are but construct it so that this wall IS compiled. You probably put a brush between it but either that brush probably wasn't in the visible region when you looked trough the sky.

Pepper, die skybrushes naast de voorgevel moet je weghalen. Dan voeg je muren toe aan de zijkant van het gebouw (die dus dan de binnenkant verbergen a.h.w.). Daarna bouw je weer skybrushes maar zo dat die buitenkant van het gebouw (dus die zijkanten die je net hebt toegevoegd) zichtbaar is. Snapst em?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 10:13:13 UTC
in Sky see through Post #28354
Sky IS see-trough. Only because VIS makes the engine not render the complete level at once you don't see other parts of the level trough it. Unless they are in the visible leafs, e.g. the engine thinks they're visible to the player.

It doesn't specifically happen when you put a ( textured brush in front of the player. I know, Pepper, this occurred in your second lobby map. The inside of the lobby was rendered by the engine because it was in the visible region at that moment. When you remove those { textured brushes, you still have the same effect. Solution for you: make walls that extend beyond the sky, so that the lobby is actually a building with walls on the side, and put sky brushes so that you can see this wall. Your problem solved and it looks like it's actually a building instead of a flat front wall with a lobby behind it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 10:04:16 UTC
in My Quantity Two mod, need ideas Post #28352
Then how's this zombie mod going now? You probably had no progress when you were in the hospital but maybe you've drawn some concept art and brainstormed on some idea's?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 09:01:17 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28346
My little teaser actually teases... :)

I'll write a tutorial about it, only not now. Where's your patience?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 08:59:01 UTC
in Vault Post #28345
I guess we'll have to take it as a fact of life that these things happen...

It just irritated me that someone brought out maps that, in my opinion, never should have been put public as being finished.
Maybe I should recall the days when I was a n00b too...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 17:55:46 UTC
in Video tutorials Post #28274
Ah, OK. I didn't watch that video, I though I had watched enough for today... ;)

My fault!

Well, I like the final product, really good.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 17:54:01 UTC
in Viewing models in spirit Post #28273
What do you mean? Spirit doesn't have new models. And if you mean that you can see models when mapping for Spirit, it's no difference since you use the same editor.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 17:51:00 UTC
in Admitting Defeat Post #28272
Some people don't download the leak but follow the news closely. Like I do. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 17:23:29 UTC
in door with moving handle using spirit Post #28265
Sure I did. But SoHL doesn't feature 'rotate with', wich is what badong needs here.

And, you still can do a heavy lot of things with plain, basic HL. Just requires some more trickery... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 17:01:12 UTC
in door with moving handle using spirit Post #28262
It can be pretty much faked by using env_renders, trains that are teleported and such. It's the hard way but there doesn't really seem to be an easy way for this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 16:58:30 UTC
in Video tutorials Post #28261
Nice advanced pipes. I like the one in the front the most. The one further away isn't that good still. I don't know how to say it but the transition between the normal and the steep pipe shouldn't be a horizontal line. In the pipe on the front there's thought of this. I hope you get what I mean.

This screenshot (again) might clarify what I mean:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 16:55:53 UTC
in wierd leak problem? Post #28260
Type 'gl_wireframe 1' in the console. It shows all face edges, wich might be helpfull here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 16:54:21 UTC
in Glass?? Post #28258
Mods look in their mod folder AND the valve folder. So you can always use Half-Life content in a mod without having to include it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 10:09:07 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Post #28220
Green boxes? What are you talking about? Have you turned on the texture mode in the 3D-view already instead of flatshaded mode?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 08:27:18 UTC
in door with moving handle using spirit Post #28191
You want a rotating door also? Sorry, SoHL doesn't feature "rotate with". Actually not when I last downloaded it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 08:25:21 UTC
in Admitting Defeat Post #28190
Now THAT is what all players should do! Why do we make it so hard for those game developers? :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 07:57:02 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28187
I was inspired, you seem not. Well, I'll write a tutorial but only after my exams. Have patience, my friend... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 07:08:04 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28185
Only if you really want it. It was just the article that inspired me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 07:06:01 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28184
You don't HAVE to take a look at it...