Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 02:59:20 UTC
in Key pad with a set sequence of keys? Post #26425
I remember having seen a sadistic mod somewhere, that featured puzzles in the style of: Search the right 3 buttons and press them in the right order. Do so within 2 minutes or you're dead. Notice the walls are covered with about 200 buttons.

I haven't even bothered downloading it. Maybe that was because the mappers only used white, grey, black and brown in their maps... Anyway...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 02:55:48 UTC
in 3d geometry Post #26424
Some can. Search for NURBS and what they are. They're not based on faces but on a mathematical function. Much easier to render (for the computer) and looks very smooth.

But I doubt there are much engines that use it right now. But it is possible. Several modeling programs use it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 02:48:13 UTC
in Collective Search Post #26423

You didn't notice the 'game entities' link next to the 'search' link? Almost all entities are covered on the VERC.

Also, multimanager gives only 3 results, where multi_manager gives a lot more. Since it's called multi_manager in Hammer too... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 02:42:36 UTC
in New HL2 Mod, seeking HL1 Designers!! Post #26422
The reason why I am so critical, is that a lot, a very lot of mods start out with good idea's (or bad idea's, anyway) and never make it. My primary reason to see screenshot is to assure me you're capable of making quality work. Only then I can see it's not just an idea, it's not just another n00b team that doesn't know what it takes to make a mod.

You may know what your team is up to, outsiders may not. Assure them you have what it takes. It sounds good on your website, but that doesn't say anything to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against you and your mod but it just doesn't convince me. Can you show us some early work? Since you seem to be up there for quite a while now and have a large team already... Yes, large. CS was made by one man first. I've heard managing a team can be quite a load of work already... but then again, I've never worked really full-time in a mod team (although I am connected to one).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 15:30:08 UTC
in New HL2 Mod, seeking HL1 Designers!! Post #26330
Not to be harsh, but I've seen way too many mods that didn't make it, while they had such promising idea's.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 15:28:32 UTC
in New HL2 Mod, seeking HL1 Designers!! Post #26329
Feel up to what task? I mean, what's the quality of your team's work? I haven't seen any screenshots on the site. An indicator of the work done so far is nice but I'd like to see some stuff.

I know of a HL mod that made some temporary levels first, just to show how good they were so they could attract talented people. Later they made the real levels...

A story or concept only doesn't convince me...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 15:17:58 UTC
in sounds error Post #26326
Have you succeeded yet, ministeve?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 12:47:06 UTC
in Key pad with a set sequence of keys? Post #26309
Kind of a different approach, Unbreakable...

But what if the player stands on the wrong button? Then things have to be reset... and that will require another technique.

Believe me, I've did this once. I made a small keyboard, where the player had to enter a 4-digit code. Just looked at it and it took me about 35 entities. The keyboard also featured a cancel and an OK key BTW... :) But I explained my way a few posts earlier... It does require some experience with entities though.

Missmaul, take a look here:
and search for multimanager and trigger_changetarget, the main entities you'll need for this trick.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 10:30:55 UTC
in Key pad with a set sequence of keys? Post #26291
Missmaul, I've tried to do this a while ago and it's very well possible but may require a lot of entities. What I did:

All four buttons target the resetter. Except the one that the player has to touch first. That one triggers a multimanager that sets the target of that button to the resetter and the target of the next button in the sequence to the multimanager that does the same for the following button. And so on, untill the whole sequence is done, in wich case the last multimanager that is triggered triggers a door and calls the resetter.

The resetter is a multimanager that sets all buttons targets to their original targets. This target-change is done with trigger_changetargets.

I hope this is clear to you... Oh, bytheway, please note that such puzzels are very annoying if the solution isn't hidden somewhere around...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 09:23:56 UTC
in Custom Icons Post #26279
Shortcut properties: "C:SIERRAHalf-Lifehl.exe -game mymod"

About installers, I've seen Clickteam's installer has been used by several mod teams. Here's information about it and the download:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 06:15:21 UTC
in Problem with leaves? Post #26275
Alt + P?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 01:54:16 UTC
in sounds error Post #26266
Why unpack it from the pak file? If it's not a custom sound, leave it there! I don't get the point here of why to unpack...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 01:48:04 UTC
in models.. Post #26264
monster_generic, monster_furniture or a cycler will do. Although some have certain disadvantages and advantages over others (for example, only a cycler will stay at it's exact position, the other entities will pull their model down on the floor)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 01:44:13 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26262
-When you have posters of Gordon Freeman above your bed and your room is littered with thousands and thousands of level idea's and sketches/concept art.

Hey, wait... my room IS littered with that... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 16:00:38 UTC
in Err... Post #26229
Sometimes my computer locks up when I use Hammer. Dont' know if that's because of Hammer or because of some fault with my vid drivers. Anyway, when it does, the map that was open at that time is totally wasted. Several blocks miss, and compiling has become almost impossible (error here, error there, error everywhere). So, nowadays I make a lot of backups. The map I'm currently working on already has about 30-40 rmf's...

Wich is also handy to see where I made what change to my map... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 15:55:09 UTC
in Compile Problem (too lazy) Post #26226
If you're not able to adapt to newer tools, it's gonna be a worse mapping career... HL2's editor will be totally off-world to you...

But if you wish to do so, that's OK by me...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 15:52:05 UTC
in Making Fire Post #26225
That tutorial Pepper talked about is probably my tutorial (right, Pepper?).

I use 3 beams (with a custom sprite) and 2 sprites. Take a look at the tutorials page on, it's the first tutorial. Throw it in a translator site and you should pretty well be able to follow it.

The final effect is a very random flickering flame. Please note that in this tutorial I only use one sprite, but I often spice it up now with an additional glow sprite. Well, just experiment with it...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 15:39:55 UTC
in You've been using IRC too much when. Post #26221
Since it's also a Dutch word meaning 'fun'... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 15:39:34 UTC
in You've been using IRC too much when. Post #26220
Me and my mates at school DO say LOL very often... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 15:37:58 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26219
-When you look at the water in your bathroom and think: How did they simulate that fluid?

-When you look at the horizon and wonder how many polygons you view, and how your eyes can handle it without dropping to an extremely low framerate...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 17:17:46 UTC
in translucent textures Post #26101
Masked textures.

Create a texture (bitmap), paste it into a wad file as a new texture (in Wally) and start the name with a '{'. This will automatically make the last color of that texture's pallette blue. Now modify the texture, give all the parts you want to be invisible that last color. It's not about the blue, it's about the place in the color pallette. So, don't make these parts already blue, that can get very confusing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 17:10:04 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26100
You've been playtesting too much when you move your hand to move the mouse when someone ticks you on the shoulder. (Wich has happened once to me... :))
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 09:58:53 UTC
in City map fans read this! Post #26043
That's promising!

Be sure to test it on a network though before releasing the final version, and test it on some lower-end machines.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 09:56:54 UTC
in Compile Problem (too lazy) Post #26042
Start using Hammer. It IS better than WorldCraft. In fact, it's just a newer version of WorldCraft but it switched name after I guess v3.3
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 08:15:28 UTC
in MODS (Help Needed Ergently) Post #26032
Ah, didn't notice the new posts while I was typing... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 08:14:48 UTC
in MODS (Help Needed Ergently) Post #26031
Buy a program to make a mod? Fairly expensive? Nonsense! twain088 wants to know how to make a Half-Life mod folder! (I guess)

That covers some things about the liblist file. The stuff about contacting Valve and so isn't important to you I guess... ;)

In fact, all that has to be done is creating a folder with your mods name in your Half-Life folder, so you have Half-Lifemymodsname Then place a liblist.gam file in that folder, modify it and then you can either play it by choosing the mod in the custom game menu, or by adding -mymodname to your Half-Life shortcut.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 07:54:19 UTC
in what is r_speeds? Post #26028
It surely isn't bad when they exceed 1000. Today's computers can handle higher amounts of polygons than 5 years ago. Some singleplayer mods nowadays go for a 1200-1500 limit. They don't aim for software mode users.
Software mode can only render 800 polygons, any more will disappear. But Direct3D and OpenGL mode don't have this limit.

Multiplayer maps should think some more about polygon use, 800 is a good limit for these.

Also note that the framerate can drastically decrease when the player can see too far (about 3000 units or so, don't know exactly). This is especially true on older computers, newer ones shouldn't have problems with it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 06:38:19 UTC
in Triggers Post #26023
Create a brush that covers the trigger area, make an entity of it called 'trigger_multiple', then create a door, give it a name and let the trigger_multiple target that name.

There are some more options for both entities but you should find them out quite easily. Otherwise, take a look at this page:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 05:32:11 UTC
in { Post #26020
Really bright means you use the 'additive' mode. Use either texture or solid mode (although solid is preferred). When you use solid mode, set Render Amount to 255, if you use texture mode, it doesn't really matter, the 'blue' parts will be invisible anyway but it determines the transparency of the visible parts.

Note that texture mode can sometimes give strange effects when you place two entities with this mode trough each other...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 13:27:38 UTC
in making the gun float w/o invis brushes Post #25940
The player doesn't have to touch the 'point', but the box around the weapon. Wich is just the size you see in Hammer. That should ease your problem somewhat...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 07:40:08 UTC
in Compile Problem (too lazy) Post #25892
So you use the old compile programs, QRAD, Qblablabla and so.

Get Zoner's Half-Life Tools (ZHLT) here:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 07:37:38 UTC
in Mdl model problem Post #25891
Recently an engine update came with steam, allowing you to have transparent models. Since you don't have this engine update, you see blue instead of transparant parts.

I've heard this engine update is available outside steam, however, I don't know where to get it. Too bad.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 07:34:23 UTC
in 3d geometry Post #25890
Take a close look at 2D graphics. They're not bent lines. They're pixels. The higher the resolution, the smoother it will look. The more polygons you use, the smoother the shape will look.

Besides, it's possible to base a 3D shape on a curve. I believe it's called NURBS. Do a search on Google to find out what they are. You may find it quite interesting...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 04:07:31 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #25860
One of my classmates learns Russian in his free time... as if Latin and Greek weren't enough for him... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 04:02:18 UTC
in de_karnak ??? button ??? Post #25859
Asking the creator of the map by e-mailing him could help...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 10:23:47 UTC
in HL2's WC Post #25763

Bytheway, you still use WorldCraft? Get Hammer then.

HL2 is planned for this summer. Noone knows exactly when however.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 10:08:51 UTC
in Sector Gamma - 2 new screenshots Post #25762
Haven't really got time to do some real texturing, exams coming soon for me... (only 2 weeks to learn now)

As for websamba, it worked pretty good for me so far... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 07:16:34 UTC
in Sector Gamma - 2 new screenshots Post #25747
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 07:15:03 UTC
in Sector Gamma - 2 new screenshots Post #25746
I've been working on the inside somewhat, even while my exams are really near now. Check it out:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 05:37:57 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #25734
He's Irish...

Then I wonder, how do you comprehend Dutch, Amacachi? You have some family in the Netherlands?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-06 05:34:22 UTC
in vertex issues Post #25733
A shape with 3 vertexes? A face you mean...

To add vertexes, select 2 yellow dots (that represent the middle of an edge), and hit Ctrl + F. A new edge is created between those dots, who are now vertexes.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 17:18:53 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #25696
And Dutch people have always been known for their large language knowledge...

The languages I know are Dutch, Frisian, English and some German. I kindof dislike French, I can't even speak a good sentence after 5 years French at school...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 16:44:41 UTC
in HL2 engine Post #25685
Too afraid? Nope. I just don't want to.

Besides, why not have some patience? There's nothing wrong with that...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 12:25:06 UTC
in HL2 engine Post #25631
Yes, I've read Fragmasters goodbye, and no, I don't agree with him.

Although it is indeed strange Valve said only 7 days before the deadline it would be delayed.

But then again, Valve owes us nothing, and didn't HAVE to make HL2... Be a little more thankfull to the people that made your modding possible...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 12:21:05 UTC
in HL2 engine Post #25630
To quote FM in his goodbye post,
Valve doesnt respect the fans and mod community anymore.
They delayed HL a year... and it became the game we all loved. Delaying HL2 doesn't mean they don't respect us, but that they want HL2 to be as good as possible. If they hadn't delayed HL, it would've been a silly game. I think they do respect us by putting more work into it, even if that means it has to be delayed. Better a cool game later than a crap game now...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 11:38:09 UTC
in HL2 engine Post #25628
Can some admin lock this topic? This is illegal stuff...

Yes, I'm really eager to see HL2, but that doesn't mean I can put my hands on the stolen source.

[qoute]It was simply a very big luckstrike on Valves part, because now instead of saying "We cant release the game yet; its not ready", they get to say "Our source was stolen. It will push back the release date".[/quote]

I remember having read somewhere that Valve said they wouldn't have made the september release anyway. Surely it wasn't a luckstrike. They had to rewrite large parts of the source-code. And believe me, that's no fun...
And hey, if it becomes a better game by a delay, then what's the problem? A little patience is not so bad...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 11:18:36 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #25617
You probably already know, Dutch.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 10:23:53 UTC
in umm crashing question again? Post #25596
Or just save your .rmf as a new .rmf...

Like I do: map_01, map_02, map_03... After each major change I save it as another map_xx. More for the sake of backups in case the current .rmf is screwed up by a computer crash... :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 06:47:18 UTC
in Size of map in Hammer Post #25554
You can't increase the map size, but...

I've heard that in DoD some maps make use of doors, that automatically start in their open position (so they're moved at the beginning of the level). That doors are actually large parts of scenery, that are extended past the maps border at the start of the level. And that seems to be possible.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 06:15:27 UTC
in umm crashing question again? Post #25551
Again a skybox around the whole level, 96a2107?

Don't do that... only place sky-brushes where you want the sky to be visible, so, that these brushes conceal the room (thus not creating leaks).

If you have leaks, type 'poinfile' in the console, and search for a line made up of black'n'white sprites. In most cases, this line can guide you to the leak. If you have more leaks, repeat the process untill there are no leaks left.

You should prevent leaks from happening, and if you have one, totally focus on solving it before continueing with the rest of your map. Don't 'easily' solve it with a skybox. You've found out that it causes only worse problems later...