really? because thats the description of firefox mop and zombieloffe gave last night on IRC. actually it was more like "yeah, opera has the same features as firefox, but the ones firefox has are better"
a small purple elephant made its way into the theatre. screaming, zombieloffe ran to escape the clutches of the feline fiasco, but was caught and taken to their lair. 8 TWHL members went after him, armed in the latest potato carrot frybaby technology. these members were:
suddenly, with a bright flash, habboi appeared and spake unto atom "is that ministeve your eating cos i heard if oyu eat him you get really gay! can i have some?"
CSS is like "oh no, i've been hit by that camper with the AWP again! next round he's in the same spot. bangdead whats my score now? 443 kills and 4 deaths. this is piss easy and dull. i want a challenge for gods sake. quitsloads HL2DMhas more fun running around the levels on his own!
for those of you with the IQ of a fried turtle who can't understand the difference between 'bought' and bought, please, use firefox. we dont want your kind on our side of the fence.
hehe. anyone seen the new PSA? "a cold!? son, in my day we'd euthanize anyone with a sniffle!" i get so giggly when i hear that line. come to think of it, i need to get round to ordering the season 2 DVD...
i wasn't telling anyone to ban you, tool. i was talking about VOX2222 and ieatmonkeychows (or whatever they were called). they spammed up this thread good before the posts were deleted.
somehow, i had the same as mop. snowing in the morning, with plenty of wind and coldness. it cleared up later in the day, which sucked, because in my opinion if the weather isn't warm then its crap.