Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-11-28 10:20:50 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5898
I?m with Jobabob... I know some guys writing stuff for amateur films that are good. But we can also do it ourselves.
We need a poll :P.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-28 10:14:28 UTC
in Pre-fabs & Spirit Post #5893
... They should be in Hammer/prefabs folder... As I don?t work with Spirit I can?t tell about the fgd?s. But I guess one would be enough. Which version of Hammer are you using?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-28 01:10:07 UTC
in Tracktrains... Trying to make it two way Post #5856
I solved it... With a little of imagination and reestructuration. Just made the main path end in both sides with a circle path... The train moves along, circles, moves in the other direction, circles, moves again... And so on.
I also found a way of making it stop and was as simple as... Triggering it!!.
Now it works, looks nice and takes ages to compile :confused:.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-28 01:07:11 UTC
in How to use point file ??? Post #5855
Software mode?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-28 01:05:39 UTC
in Sky wondering... Post #5854
While my map compiles (one hour and a half just for the visleafs...) I wonder... I?m going to do some outdoor map and I learned not to do very wide areas since takes aeons to compile... To do some outdoor area we must cheat the player, make him believe he?s in a wider place than he really is... We could do the area (a garden, for example) and surround it with an outer wall. And then we?ll surround this wall with a sky brush and it will make the trick... But when we shot to the sky (something very common :P) we see sparks...
And I wonder... What if I between the sky and the world I make a ticker enough to contain the sparks func_illusionary brush, texture it with sky and run the map?. The illusionary would block the sparks vision, I?m I right???. This way it would look more realistic. Maybe I?m missing something (maybe func entities can?t be textured with sky) but as I can?t try now (map still compiling... I?m growing older) I just tell you.
See if you can make it work, it would be very cool and use little rendering resources (in fact, the sky brush could be textured as null or something like that).
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-28 00:59:10 UTC
in light switch help Post #5853
Really, really weird my friend... Let?s do something... Everyone of us was reluctant when they told us to download the ZHLT compile tools, but we all said they were great after we did.
Download them (they?re small) and use them (go to Hammer options and replace all q***.exe with zhtl***.exe). You?re using qtools, tools designed for Quake. Try these Zhlt, the ones for Half Life. If I?m right this will solve your problem...
Other thing to take into consideration is that you shouldn?t have more than 4 named lights lighting the same area, it will give you compiling problems.
Try ZHLT, I?m almost sure they will work. If not it will be time to upload your map to the problem vault and to let others look at it.
Good luck and tell us if you get through this!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 23:49:24 UTC
in light switch help Post #5851
All right custom apperance blank is right... Take a look at the light appearance, maybe you?ve got it as flicker or something like that.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 23:18:08 UTC
in Pre-fabs & Spirit Post #5849
... I think (and just think, I?m not so good at this) that the prefabs are related to Hammer and not to spirit... Did you upgraded your Hammer?. Seems like newest versions come with no prefab libraries.
Try reloading Hl.fgd and see if it works... Look also for .ol files in your Hammer/prefabs folder and finally ask Vassy and Ministeve about this. They love Spirit!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 23:11:04 UTC
in Trigger_relay. Post #5848
This is a really stupid question...
I?ve looked in the HL entity guide but since I don?t know the meaning of the word "Relay" and the definition of "trigger_relay" has "relay" as keyword to it... What is a trigger_relay?. What uses it has?. How do I set them un and why?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 23:09:33 UTC
in ambient sounds Post #5847
But how about a series of triggers with masters???... Let me see if I can come up with it... No, I can?t but would be something like a trigger that activates a master that activates another trigger and deactivates the first one (the second one would turn the thing on and off when the player passes)... The second one would also activate its master so once you pass trough it you?ve got to activate another trigger in order to reactivate the second one... Grr... Much triggers!!!!. I?m gonna create a post with a new question that came to me with this.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 20:43:33 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5844
"Like in operation Marlboro" :P XDDD!!!!... That name... Sucks!!!...
Anyway, the dragging plot is cool... I love it. That?s what I tried to do, something easy (steal something) and then it gets more and more complicated as things evolve.
The objective things is also good, but it requires skills to make it part of a plot and not just a "Do this and do that" with no sense thing.
We need a poll.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 20:31:54 UTC
in Valve's Maps Post #5839
Winbsp makes loads of mistakes when decompiling... It?s fun XD!... Anyway, I also decompiled them to learn about how things were done, good way to learn.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 18:59:03 UTC
in Congrats on a geat site and community Post #5826
I don?t know why but we all have said it... Must be true.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 12:25:45 UTC
in my fy_ map Post #5797
Well, I?m exacly 1 hour over the official site time. I?m 16:27 and the site is 17:24. We could do something if we get some time.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 10:01:33 UTC
in my fy_ map Post #5782
Looks good. I?m downloading it now and when I install CS I?ll take a look at it... And at your mod too :). By the way, is there a way we can play this map among ourselves???. I mean, we could date to play one Saturday night or something like that, wouldn?t it be neat?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-27 05:53:37 UTC
in Quick but important questions Post #5758
What I do to make rooms is to make individual brushes for walls, ceiling and floor... It may seem harder but ends up being easier and you have more control about what you?re doing.
If you are connecting two rooms with the same floor and ceiling style you can do 2 things:
-Make a big room and creating walls to separate them (the differences in rendering speed should be minimal).
-Make the floors, walls and ceiling separated and add a little floor, ceiling and walls for the doorway (a little harder, but you can get better looking results).
You can have floating brushes in your map, of course... They will cast shadows (unless they are brush entities) and behave as real brushes and so on. They may look strange (I mean, unrealistic) but there?s nothing bad about it, just be imaginative.
One thing you can?t do is to have point entities like items, weapons and monsters floating in the air. They must be over brushes or func_brushes (monsters behave strange with elevators and trains)... If you need to do some floating thing you could make a floating func_wall entity, texture it in blue and make it invisible (I don?t know if a Func_illusionary would do the trick).
And make as much questions as you want, it?s the way we all learn.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-26 19:16:06 UTC
in My mini mod in its first steps!!!. Post #5725
I?m sure that it?s due to an excess of entities in the area. I had that problem when each and one of the banisters were breakable... individually.
Maybe you?re running in software mode or facing too much too enemies at time?. I learned from that bug, anyway ;). The bsps are on the way, please, be patient, by the time I released that beta I was working on them but I wanted to show you a little of it :).
Thanks a lot Ministeve. Any problem with dark areas?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-26 19:13:39 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5724
I?m doing this text thing... And works, isn?t it true Zombie??.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-26 04:26:15 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #5665
He has talked.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-26 04:24:26 UTC
in Dizzy Devil's New baby Post #5664
Good!!. If it?s a boy chances are he will be like us :). Contratulations!!!!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-25 20:04:06 UTC
in My mini mod in its first steps!!!. Post #5648
Now I?m asking for your help...
Everbody who plays the map tells me the lightning sucks and that flashlight is needed continously... Well, I play nice in my computer so I may have a little brightness boost in my Half Life or my screen.
I?d like this to look good in most computers so I?ll ask a little favour from you.
If you play or played my map and see or saw that light problem, would you please tell me which rooms looked odd???. You can do this via mail (look in my profile :)) or post it here.
Much thanks in advance and thanks for playing and commenting.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-25 19:59:52 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #5647
I can... And I?m in 800x600 but I can let this die :(.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-25 09:56:12 UTC
in Tracktrains... Trying to make it two way Post #5589
As nobody seemed to be able to reply :P I tried something myself... Now I can make a 2 way train but it turns when it has to do the comeback way (I wonder if that "Reverse branch" flag in the path_track has any use...) and turns again when has to do the "Go" way...
For everyone who wants to know how to do it there it is:
-Make the func_tracktrain.
-Make the path with path_tracks.
-Make the reverse path with path_tracks and link them together (link first and last of each one).
-This way the train will do an infinite movement among the two destinations... To make it stop simply trigger the train in the path_track you want the train to stop. It will stop itself. This assumes you have a way of triggering it back to work, of course.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-25 05:25:29 UTC
in How do I get OpenGL? Post #5572
... The OpenGl thing came with my Half life so I think that it must be also in your Half Life... My console doesn?t also recognize some gl commands like gl_showtris or this one to give the void a color... Do the OpenGl appears in the video options?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 22:28:05 UTC
in Tracktrains... Trying to make it two way Post #5565
Recently I came to a new problem in my mod... I did an area that the player needs to cross on a moving cab... But it has to work both ways, that is, to go and to come back.
The cab is a func_tracktrain since I need it to rotate in the path twists. The "Go to" path is working right but I don?t know how to reverse the train since it has to be non player-controllable.
Is there a way to make the path reverse or will I have to make 2 separate paths?. If I have to do 2 paths, how do I make the train stop at the end of one track and then keep going to the other when activated???.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 21:13:50 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5564
Personally Hate Xen but it?s a good idea :).
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 19:15:29 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5561
Hmmm... I like that High Voltage Idea :)... If we are able to set up what?s exacly to happen and how we?d just have to team up and set the weapon, monster and difficult thing. Grouping in teams or cells we could connect one map to the other just by making the end of the map first and submitting it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 14:10:13 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5533
Won?t be that hard... Make a great room and place a func_conveyor in the floor so it seems that we?re moving... Then you can make the jeeps and trailers follow path corners or leave them as they are so you can make other things with them like doors and glass and so on. When the player is spawned, if you place enough func_conveyors (in walls too) it will give the moving feeling. Place some ambient_generics and we?re done.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 11:42:23 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5509
We could do two things:
1- Set some major projects and vote for them, for example, candidates could be Vassy?s idea, Steinin?s one, High_voltage one, mine?s one :P... And then vote for them.
2-Do an exposition of all ideas and then taking the best from any of them. An example could be that my thing took place in a tropical island but instead of getting away by jeep the player does it by boat where the alien thing is taking place. The boat leads the player to Scandinavia where he must get to some north-european city where some other things take place.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 09:35:45 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5503
Yeah, that was the thing, a dark environment with dusk and night and that old part of the city done the European style, like those cities you can see in Germany... An old manor with some floors (as my mini mod you should download and try :P), several maps for the city parts...
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 09:31:32 UTC
in why!!!! Post #5502
Try to look for overlaped brushes or undo the other last thing you did. Post also a complete compiling log :).
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-23 22:54:55 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #5490
Heheeee. I bought a Five string bass a few months ago, a precious cherry red Cort... But I mainly play guitars. I have an acoustic guitar, several spanish and classical guitars, my first elecric guitar and then a Jackson Performer Ps4 (lovely, really rude guitar!!) and an 1 year old Ibanez Rg 560 EX in blue that is really good!!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-23 22:49:18 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #5489
Maybe, but, where are those friendly servers??. I quit played it because everyone was flaming newbies once and again (they don?t seem to care about WHO makes the maps they play... We mappers do them!!!), talking as zombie says or even asking you to leave... Really, it?s a shame. I love playing CS with my friends in LAN when we get the cybercofee store for us the whole night but one thing is playing with friends and other is to play with perfect strangers flaming all the time. That?s such a LACK of education, insulting someone you know nothing about just because he plays bad tells some things about the education a person has.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-23 22:30:23 UTC
in Mod Storyline Post #5488
I had this idea for doing something myself... It was something like this:

The player (Gordon, for me) is sent for a sample of some biological stuff to a little lab outside the city, surrounded by forests and a river that goes into the city... As he is reaching for it, armed forces take out the lab and looking for the sample themselves, taking it somewhere in large trucks (in their way they have killed much scientists, of course). The player has to get out the lab avoiding contact with armed forces (as he ain?t armed at first) until he finally comes out to see the trucks heading to the city.
Armed and dangerous :P, the player gets a jeep (maybe with some Barney) and chases the trucks (little scripting). While the vehicles are racing, a struggle takes place (func_conveyor) where the player is able to assault the truck and steal the sample (as soon as the player leaves the jeep it?s destroyed)... The whole convoy is destroyed by accident and a hurt player must get through the forest and river to the city while the armed forces look for him. Once he gets to the city he must take the sample to a scientist in an appointed building but the city is being attacked by... Aliens!!!. Of course, armed forces are also fighting there...
Well, the player takes the sample as he can and the he gets instructions to take it to a manor in the oldest part of the city, where a secret lab is, in order to stop the alien thing. The player crosses the city, gets to the manor and well... It keeps on going but basically he stops the invasion and has to scape the place...
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-22 09:38:38 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #5327
Pat Metheny, he?s a damn good jazz guitar player.... I wish I knew some more jazz theory!... By the way, I haven?t asked if anyone here plays an instrument ;).
For all jazz likers... Ximo Tebar. This guy mixes jazz with flamenco and latin stuff. He gets awesome results!!!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-22 01:13:10 UTC
in The extra compile option Post #5297
I don?t understand you very well but try -include... Anyway, I think that doesn?t work with decals.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-22 00:23:56 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #5296
Andy is moving... And as I?ve said before and SlayerA has shown, this thing has... Evolved a little from a bunch of maps to a wannabe mod. I wonder how will Andy?s face look when he gets online again and sees what we?ve done!!!!.
But the mod idea looks exciting!!!!!!!.
One more suggestion if we get it to work... Weekly uploading of all maps for people to play and look at.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-22 00:19:54 UTC
in What mods do you like and why? Post #5294
The CS world community sucks... Not a game for begginers and experts see themselves as kings of the servers... Pathetic.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-21 18:32:01 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #5271
I vote for Andy... For what I know of him he seems to be a reasonable and diplomatic person, capable of taking the whole thing... If he wants to. Let?s not assign roles still (I mean, I?m not telling what to do, I?m suggesting :D) and let?s drop ideas and more ideas without thinking about if it will be in spirit or sporot.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-21 10:33:01 UTC
in sunbeams Post #5238
Err... Right... I thought it bad... "Do nada" ;).
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 21:38:37 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #5220
Hmmm... I will post an idea of something to discuss... And about spirits... No one cares doesn?t seem to be a polite way to express something but let?s leave it that way, if it works, it works :roll: .
Something to discuss:
-Are we going to make a bunch of unconnected maps or are we going to work as a team on a concept?.
-In case affirmative, will this concept be related to the HL plot or will it require of intense retexturing, remodelling and voice acting?.
-And about voice acting, if we need it, why don?t start searching on our own site?. Once the moment comes we could all send a lo-fi wav file with some of our acting, for all to choose the ones who fit better.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 20:07:01 UTC
in sunbeams Post #5217
Yeah... You do the brush and texture it with Fadex until it looks good. Then you make it Func_illusionary and turn its render mode to "Solid" (I think) with a value of 255.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 14:59:21 UTC
in Completely OFF TOPIC!!! (Music). Post #5182
Because no one else dares to talk :P. Anyone here likes Jazz??.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 14:58:34 UTC
in My mini mod in its first steps!!!. Post #5181
Don?t be silly man!!!. I?m the newbiest of the newbies ;). Anyway, I?m glad you like it. Gonna change controls now to play yours :).
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 13:38:59 UTC
in My mini mod in its first steps!!!. Post #5171
There were some problems in the zip... Solved now.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 13:38:21 UTC
in Mod=game Post #5170
If you wanna make something simple get Game Maker... Not 3d, but ain?t a crime :P.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 12:16:15 UTC
in My mini mod in its first steps!!!. Post #5161
I uploaded the Addon and the main Zip to the Unfinished Vault... Please, take a look at it, I would be very glad of you do.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-20 11:33:32 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #5158
I?m beginning to understand... Still I love original HL :D... Anyway, let?s wait for this to get a little bit of organisation and then we?ll see :). I?m going to map.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-19 16:31:26 UTC
in barneys Post #5123
Actually you can replace the grunt model with the barney one.. It will work odd as they don?t have the same animation sequences... Probably will lock up, but you can do that... And Barney won?t have an mp5. Coding of weapons is hard... But if you know C you can access the grunt code, copy it and paste into a new enemy called evil Barney... You could get the barney model and give him an mp5 (again, coding... And Milkshape3d too!!!). He would talk like a grunt and so on, but... Anyway, that?s way too complicated!!!.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-19 16:23:12 UTC
in Where do i get the program to make mods? Post #5121
To make mods???!!!. My friend, first go to the Valve?s Half Life site and get the SDK... Then get some C++ compiler like Visual C++ and read a lot about the thing... And get a team, seems to be easier this way.
Unfortunately there is not a program that helps you to make weapons, enemies and complex AI stuff, you have to code it all yourself and it?s pretty hard.
There are some nice programs you will need anyway:

-Hammer: To map.
-Milkshape 3d: To create models.
-Some audio program: To create and process sounds.
-Wally: To texture stuff and put it together.

That?s for a mod like the specialists... Well, sure there are loads of things to add but I don?t really know... A good thing is to retexture weapons and enemies, configure your splash screens and messages and have a good bunch of good maps... Here is your mod ;),