What I wanted to do was select, say, twenty panes, and tie them all to individual entities - so they don't all smash when you break one, which is what normally happens. I don't want to have to do what I did for the competition all the time (select them all individually)
Carving with a func_entity like a func_breakable or clipping will cause some of the adjacent brushes to group to the original. The only way to ungroup them is to turn the entity back into a world brush and then ungroup them... But this might not be your problem.. Yep, I am rambling again, sorry
to ungroup the glass once its together if they are made up of separate brushes, just have them all selected then right click on it and select ungroup, then deselct the object then now you should be able to select all the brushes individualy.
Or if the brush is not made up of more than one piece then use the clipping tool to cut the brush in half and so forth, just press the clip tool then place the cursor over the section you want to start the cut and then place it where you want it to end then press the clip button a few times till you get the whole brush highlighted then press enter.
Pressing the clip tool more than once cycles through the different clipping modes, you can either cut the brush and delete the left half of, or press again to delete the right half or press a third time to just cut without deleting anything.
I need ideas Guy's and Girls... Pepper has sent in a tutorial on scripted sequences, but I am faced with a bit of a problem. I have searched the web and most sites do something with scripted sequences, and show you a few tricks but really leave the rest to your imagination. Most of the forum questions here at TWHL are asking for specific types of scripting, like retinal scanners, door opening and that kind of thing... What do you want? Problem is, to cover all possibilities is beyond the scope of any tutorial that can be written (or so I believe) So what I need is ideas. I would like to use peppers work as the base for a tutorial, but do you think it would work as a tutorial that covered different scenarios?? Adding bits as people asked for them. Or do you just want the basics?
hehe i found the problem. it was one of my home made textures. i dont now why the texture gives the problem but i have a problem wiht it. if you are a textuer expert mail me and i will sned you the wad so you can take a look at it. it is made with wally.
All you need to do is get a LIGHTS.RAD and put it in the same folder as your compile tools. I had real problems trying to find out how to use texlighting too. I can also give you my FGD (I followed those very same instructions)
I'll write a little tutorial on it next week if I remember.
We did make a start on the TFC / CS entities but eventually decided it wasn't worth the effort, partly because collective.valve-erc.com had got started on its own entity guide system, which had the potential to be much better maintained (okay, so it hasn't got very far yet...).
If you go to cariad.co.za/twhl/entitycats.php?game=2, you'll see the CS entities with no info. Cool, eh?
Ok I'm a poor 56kb modem user and the tutorials currently forces me to make the tutorials available off-line or as plain text. This is painful in some cases where pictures help a lot. What if the tutorials could be downloaded in a html document, complete with pictures and all. And packed as a zip file, for file size. It would help me a lot since I can't be on the net everyday.
Get the edit post function too. I just wrote a post, submitted it and found out I had forgot something important. Had to make a new post because of that.
Problem with turrets is that they were never meant to take out friendlies. Have you thought of targeting a little func_train and having that cover an area where the humans are going to be?
Just incase the Shoutbox rolls past Seventh's answer... CT Spawn points are defined by info_player_starts. T Spawn points are defined by info_player_dethmatch. And Buyzones are func_buyzones and as a brush entity they are as big as you make them. You can have more than one, actually it is a good idea to have one at each Spawn point that covers all the spawn points in that area. Most people use armoury entities as top up areas, as the buyzone is disabled by it's timer after game start, but that depends on the settings.
I've noticed that monster_turret, monster_miniturret and monster_sentry only shoot barneys, scientists, and aliens. And you. Yet for some reason they don't shoot assassins or grunts. How do I create turrets which do this (Could be func_tank, maybe?), I'd like to create a level where a place is being invaded by humans, and you need to activate autoguns to filter them out. How do I do this? I don't want to just stand by a controllable turret throughout the level (Perfect Dark players, does this sound familiar?)!
Hi, me again. If you have a monstermaker, will the new monsters immediately follow info_nodes, or just stand there like idiots until they see you? Does the same apply with stationary guards (Assassins, grunts)?
High definition pack? No, you don't understand, all of the monsters from the original HL are there, plus the new OpFor ones. And they behave in the same way.
Monsters that follow path_corners will only do so until interupted, and then they will revert to the models original AI, if you have path_corners and info_nodes, they will follow the PC's until they see you or are interupted and then they will use the info_nodes to track you down.
Mmm, I didn't think of that. But yeah, if your VM work is of line, you will get these types of errors. Remember: If you get an Error... Always check Tommy14 at Slackillers site for the error. They have the largest list of errors on the planet. Glad you fixed it M, hope to catch you on IRC again.