Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 20:28:21 UTC
in Movies Post #131888
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 16:41:40 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #131847
Heh, nice. All photoshop?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 16:40:59 UTC
in Movies Post #131846
Aye, Lost in Translation was a drag.
Jaardsi: Cube? Odd taste.
Saving private ryan was great, yes.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 16:40:02 UTC
in Gas Prices Post #131844
I doubt the main oil imports for america are from southamerica. I'm looking alittle more east, in the middle.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 04:10:22 UTC
in Movies Post #131668
User posted image
More like it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 02:34:07 UTC
in Obesity Post #131657
I'd say we've got about one million, legal or illegal immigrants, which represents about a tenth of our population.

But then again, it's hard to count who actually counts as an immigrant. People who were born here are still "coloured", but they speak perfect swedish and rarely practice their parents religion.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 02:30:45 UTC
in Gas Prices Post #131656
11-13 SEK (1.4 - 1.8 USD)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 02:28:40 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #131652
If so, that's quite nice brushwork.

Saco: ... no.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 18:26:53 UTC
in Obesity Post #131620
Tallest guy in my close circuit of people is 196cm. Tallness and blondness are falling out :( It's all them darn immigrants :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 16:29:32 UTC
in Movies Post #131602
Yeah, marvin wasn't at all how I imagined. Haven't seen the film, but plan to this saturday.
The book, however, was mmmmmm so good. I've read all 5, twice. They just never cease.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 16:27:16 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #131598
User posted image
It's not nice to copy other peoples' work, even for avatars.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 15:45:52 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #131591

I really suck at PS even though ive used it for like 2 years. Its sad.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 13:48:42 UTC
in Obesity Post #131554
oops..sorry i meant to say 38kg, i read the scales wrong..DO'H!
38kg is the average weight for like 8 year olds. I weigh 63 meself, and that's not at all much.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 13:47:28 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #131553
Nope, photoshop has a lot more alternatives and image enhancement options.
The only downside to it really, is that it costs insane amounts of money, but warez h4xx0rz don't really care.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 12:45:14 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131540
Got tired of porn.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 12:31:21 UTC
in Movies Post #131534
Well, if you like Anime, 38_98, you've clearly got no taste at all. Please get out of this thread.

Oh, and The Usual suspects ruled too.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 10:55:56 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #131514
I've got it on my server, which I can't post url to cause ill get !!superbanned!!. But search for "Database of evil" ZombieLoffe on google and you might find it.

Edit: Oh wait, you couldn't. Well, I guess you're stuck.
That's nice Unbreakable. When you've learned some you should try and not follow tutorials, just look at the first and last results and try to recreate it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 10:53:27 UTC
in How you opimize/protect your PC? Post #131512
NAV 2k3
ZApro full
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 09:53:43 UTC
in Movies Post #131492
Shawshank Redemption, all Tarantino. Best.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 09:51:56 UTC
in Your Voice Post #131490
501 kb. Couldn't convert it to mp3 for some reason.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:38:32 UTC
in Obesity Post #131085
38_98, napoleonic and imperial measurement methods should be about the same.

1.2 BMI is obviously not right, since you'd be about 3m tall and weigh 2kg. 12.6 is equally unreal.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:10:39 UTC
in Obesity Post #131065
BMI, 17.8, btw.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 14:17:07 UTC
in Obesity Post #131009
Oh yeah, seventh. Meh, same shit. Since obese basically means too fat, and overweight means above the healthy standars.

Let me remind you, this thread was not about telling everyone how thin you are. That would be the "My e-self is thinner than your e-self"-thread. Seriously, you can lie on the net too.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:34:06 UTC
in Teleportals! Post #130915
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 03:07:05 UTC
in Obesity Post #130830
And meatshakes. Meat ... shakes... Madness.

Last time I checked, sweden had about 40% male obesity and 50% female. A scary thought indeed, allthough I don't really believe in those statistics. Newspaper "Experts" kind of made them up.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 16:13:49 UTC
in IRC logs :) Post #130755
Forum posts: 5030 (7.5)

Me at forum posts > You. Except seventh-monkay.

IRC is for talking. Forum boards is for posting public messages, opinions and questions.

IRC = Written speech.
Forum = Written text.

It's a big difference.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 17:19:42 UTC
in IRC logs :) Post #130545
(22:50:28) <M3rc> I DRINK WHALE SEMEN
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 14:31:56 UTC
in IRC logs :) Post #130524
[14:55:53] <Tycell> OMG I'M GONNA CUM
[14:56:01] <jaardsi> SPLAT!
[14:56:02] <m0pXnet> omg
[14:56:06] <jaardsi> MY FACE!!!!
[14:56:09] <m0pXnet> :o
[14:56:15] <Tycell> :o
[14:56:16] <ZombieLoffe> :o
[14:56:21] <Tycell> :) oops
[14:56:23] <jaardsi> IT'S MELTIGN
[14:56:26] <ZombieLoffe> THE :o IS READY FOR DICK!
[14:56:31] <m0pXnet> were you watching something in your geyporn collection 'cell?
[14:56:32] <Tycell> Sorry, that would be my plas-cum
[14:56:36] <jaardsi> :o (===8


[09:51:42] <Helena_19> hello Zombieawayh
[09:52:02] <Helena_19> i'm a girl. are you a boy?
[09:52:38] <ZombieAwayh> No, i'm sick and twisted.
[09:52:40] <ZombieAwayh> That's what I am
[09:52:55] <Helena_19> i see. i would like to know more about you :-)
[09:53:28] <Helena_19> come and meet me in this chatroom:
[09:53:52] <ZombieAwayh> Go away or i'll kill you with the old fork-in-the-eye.


<ministeve> well i cant get ns working on steam
<jaardsi> If you have problems getting mods to work, it's likely that the problem is between the seat and the keyboard
<ministeve> true
<ministeve> wait
<ministeve> fuck you!


[23:32:24] <Hugh> RabidMonkeh gets chix.
[23:34:18] <Trapt> He gives the chicks rabies though....
[23:34:35] <Hugh> So? If the relationship goes on long enough she's gonna have white stuff in her mouth anyway.


[09:58:14] <atixive> no thanks i dont want 1.5
[09:58:28] <atixive> 1.5 = $H!+@#
[09:58:45] <Hugh> Watch your language you little shithead.
[09:59:03] <Hugh> There could be fucking children around and here you are " FUCK THIS FUCK THAT I'M BETTER THAN YOU PIECES OF SHIT"
[09:59:40] <atixive> oh dear


[23:47:38] <chicken_man> i just downloaded a good tracer i can find wear any one one of you's address
[23:47:46] <ministeve> get my adress
[23:47:48] <ministeve> its easy
[23:48:36] <chicken_man> hold on
[23:49:32] <chicken_man> installing it
[23:50:56] <ZombieLoffe> It's not really "1337 h4xx0r" to trace people
[23:52:21] * ZombieLoffe slaps chicken_man with some red thongs
[23:52:23] <chicken_man> ok ip
[23:52:48] <chicken_man> who wants to go first
[23:52:52] <ZombieLoffe> I do please
[23:52:55] <chicken_man> k
[23:53:45] <chicken_man>
[23:53:48] <chicken_man> ready
[23:53:54] <ministeve> lol
[23:54:00] <ministeve> first move made by zl
[23:54:01] <ZombieLoffe> OMG OMG HE GOT MY IP OH NO
[23:54:02] <ZombieLoffe> !!!
[23:54:27] <chicken_man> working
[23:54:28] <ministeve> chicken man makes a move to find zl's adress
[23:54:39] <ministeve> status: working
[23:54:43] * ZombieLoffe makes a move towards ministeves masculine physics
[23:54:44] <Nimbus1951> what'are ya gonna do? ask him out?!
[23:54:49] <ministeve> lol
[23:54:53] <ministeve> get awa
[23:54:56] <ministeve> im narrating
[23:55:03] <chicken_man> ok waht city and ill tell you the town
[23:55:07] <ministeve> lol!
[23:55:13] <ZombieLoffe> What city and youll tell me the town?
[23:55:13] * Nimbus1951 bites off ZL's dick - that'll teach ya!
[23:55:15] <ministeve> towns arent in cities!
[23:55:26] <chicken_man> what contry
[23:55:28] <ZombieLoffe> What are you on about, chicken man
[23:55:31] <ZombieLoffe> norway
[23:55:35] <chicken_man> ha ha
[23:55:40] <ministeve> zl has given chicken the country
[23:55:46] <ministeve> zl is in norway
[23:56:11] <chicken_man> stockholm????
[23:56:17] <ministeve> stockholm?
[23:56:20] <G_KID> Lol.
[23:56:23] <ZombieLoffe> stochkolm isnt in norway, dummy.

Alot of babbling about sweden and norway and so on.
([23:56:53] <ZombieLoffe> I live in lillahmmar!111)

[23:58:51] <chicken_man> hold on
[23:59:33] <chicken_man> running again
[23:59:36] <ministeve> lol
[23:59:40] <ministeve> 3rd attempt
[23:59:46] <G_KID> Priceless lol.
[23:59:47] <ministeve> you havent even hit the right country yet
[23:59:52] <G_KID> Hehe.
[00:00:06] <ministeve> itll be even harder to find me
[00:00:10] <ministeve> im not in a city
[00:00:19] <chicken_man> frankfurt am main
[00:00:23] <ZombieLoffe> chicken, you running on me?
[00:00:24] <Nimbus1951> lol
[00:00:27] <ministeve> frankfurt?
[00:00:31] <ministeve> int that in germany?
[00:00:34] <Nimbus1951> ZL did you move lately?
[00:00:54] <Nimbus1951> frankfurt = germany yes
[00:01:02] <ministeve> haha!
[00:01:07] <ministeve> still not even close!
[00:01:22] <ZombieLoffe> Yeah
[00:01:24] <G_KID> Lol, you will have to guess harder chicken_man.
[00:01:25] <ZombieLoffe> yesterday you know
[00:01:27] <chicken_man> let me try some 1 else he mite be useing an ip router
[00:01:31] <ZombieLoffe> I was like "SCREW NORWAY" and went to germany
[00:01:33] <ministeve> ok
[00:01:34] <ministeve> get me
[00:01:40] <chicken_man> k
[00:02:47] <chicken_man> in the uk????
[00:02:49] <Nimbus1951> I'm gonna trace my ass all the way to the toilet now...
[00:03:06] <chicken_man> k
[00:03:08] <ministeve> it is probably
[00:03:18] * Nimbus1951 has left the building...
[00:03:21] <chicken_man> sheffield
[00:03:25] <ministeve> what!?
[00:03:29] <ministeve> i live in scotland!
[00:03:40] <chicken_man> well its near
[00:03:40] <ZombieLoffe> hahahahaaa
[00:03:43] <ZombieLoffe> Chicken you're my hero
[00:03:43] <ministeve> no it isnt!
[00:03:48] <G_KID> Lol.
[00:03:48] <ministeve> your not even in the right country!
[00:03:49] <ZombieLoffe> I want to have sweaty buttsex with you
[00:03:49] <G_KID> Hagahaha
[00:03:50] <ZombieLoffe> please
[00:04:03] <chicken_man> that is wear your isp is


[22:10:48] <ZombieLoffe> noobie!
[22:11:00] <dajuppi> ZombieLoffe, yeah but ive got girlfriend
[22:11:10] <ZombieLoffe> <- pwned

[08:51:26] * PTS (~you@ has joined #twhl
[08:51:26] <ZombieLoffe> Welcome, comrade PTS!
[08:51:56] <PTS> reminder: kill my internet provider and rape his family
[08:52:04] <ZombieLoffe> lol
[08:52:08] * CompileTrapt eyes Andy
[08:52:12] <Hugh> How do you know it's a he? :o
[08:52:14] * CompileTrapt eyes PTS
[08:52:16] * PTS (~you@ Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[08:52:19] <CompileTrapt> Hehe.
[08:52:29] <ZombieLoffe> hahahahaha


[23:42:26] <Hugh> Someday when I'm rich, I'm gonna take all you freaks to a nightclub... it'll be wild.
[23:42:41] * ZombieLoffe shrugs
[23:42:51] <ZombieLoffe> Nightclub + hugh + alcohol = Ass ache next day
[23:42:57] <Hugh> ;o
[23:43:12] <Hugh> Nightclub = females: females + alcohol + hugh = ass ache next day.


[20:57:33] <krang2k> cry why dont this shit work!!
[20:57:57] <Hugh> Because you touch yourself at night.
[20:58:26] <Mephs> shush
[20:58:30] <krang2k> ok


[20:36:07] <petty> ZOMBIELOFFE
[20:36:11] <ZombieLoffe> YES PETTY
[20:36:12] <petty> YOUR FUCK
[20:36:14] <ZombieLoffe> FUCK ME NOW! IM READY!
[20:36:25] <petty> DEAD I WOULD RUN AND HIDE
[20:36:33] * Slasher_101 wants to light sum candles an cry because of ZL's comment
[20:36:38] <ZombieLoffe> omg, kinky sex games 3>
[20:36:47] * ZombieLoffe runs and hides


<+OtZman> Mephs, I have broadband now :P
<+Mephs> damn you
  • +Mephs is the last one....
<+OtZman> HAHA
<+OtZman> let the fact that I feel sorry for you comfort you ^^
  • +OtZman pets Mephs
  • +Mephs shrugs off OtZman and walks off (pocketing some bandwidth in the process)
<+Mephs> :D
<+OtZman> ^_^
<+Thriller> im on 64k
<+Thriller> !!!
  • +Mephs lunges for Thrillers throat
<+Thriller> ? --
  • ZombieLoffe throws random metal objects at people
  • jaardsi throws random sharp metal objects at ZombieLoffe
<ZombieLoffe> Meh, fu, I have iron skin
  • jaardsi turns on his giant magnet
  • ZombieLoffe has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[22:34:05] <GoldenShadow> I'm gonna clean up my map a bit and put a proper up and down buttons, and figure out how to make it stop at certain floors
[22:34:33] <GoldenShadow> you guys are gonna be impressed
[22:34:42] <ZombieLoffe> Only if there's pr0n.
[22:34:53] <GoldenShadow> everyone except ZombieLoffe
[22:35:07] <ZombieLoffe> Pr000n!


[19:19:23] <jaardsi> JESUS this coffee is CRAP!
[19:24:19] <jaardsi> but that didn't stop me :)
[19:28:35] <Nimbus1951> hope that doesn't apply as well for "JESUS she is ugly!"


[21:32:50] <XargoL> People tend to forget that moderators are humans too, with their own opinions
[21:32:58] <jaardsi> "He insulted me :("
[21:33:27] <jaardsi> And Andy here is one motherfucking angry piece of administrative manmeat :(
[21:33:55] <jaardsi> :( || :| || :)
[21:34:05] <Nimbus1951> make me a mod and I'll ban ya'll in no time
[21:34:40] <Nimbus1951> I'd make Hitler look like a shy schoolgirl on the first day of school
[21:34:50] <doodle|holidays> haha


[03:46:03] <ZombieLoffe> Nirvana = ass
[03:46:03] <m0p> :O:O
[03:46:10] <ZombieLoffe> they really do suck
[03:46:21] <m0p> agreed.
[03:46:29] <m0p> suck factor 10
[03:46:33] <m0p> of 10!
[03:46:43] <m0p> ;O
[03:46:50] <@Ant> ...
[03:46:50] <m0p> thats the highest suck factor ever
[03:46:52] <@Ant> Thanks m0p.
[03:47:18] <m0p> :)
[03:47:22] <m0p> No problem.


[17:53:17] <Cryo> Blaah
[17:53:28] <Cryo> Right after I spend 90s on a staff, I get a drop which is better. =(
[17:53:37] <ZombieLoffe> rofkl
[17:53:41] <ZombieLoffe> that's life, bitch ;)
[17:53:53] <Cryo> "Staff of Horrors"
[17:54:03] <Cryo> I suppose Michael Jackson wants it back.
[17:54:06] <ZombieLoffe> rofllllll
[17:54:16] <ZombieLoffe> I laughed out loud at that


[01:56:01] <Unbreakable> Warcraft sucks.
[01:56:43] <Unbreakable> I never liked the whole quest games.
[01:57:26] <ZombieLoffe> Warcraft is a damn rts
[01:57:44] <Unbreakable> meh.
[01:57:53] <Unbreakable> same diff.
[01:59:10] <ZombieLoffe> What?
[02:01:17] <Unbreakable> I never really liked them, don`t know why, I`d play Tiberian Sun, but thats as close as I`ll get to a game like Warcraft.
[02:01:55] <ZombieLoffe> k
[02:01:59] <ZombieLoffe> you're gay
[02:02:11] <Mephs> lmao
[02:02:18] <Mephs> subtle insult, thar mr loffe
[02:11:12] <ZombieLoffe> <Mephs> subtle insult, thar mr loffe <- I'm a master of descretion


(00:56:05) <@RabidMonkey> it was awesome
(00:56:06) <@RabidMonkey> i was like
(00:56:07) <@RabidMonkey> OMG
(00:56:09) <@RabidMonkey> THIS IS LEET
(00:56:11) <@RabidMonkey> WOOOOOOT KEKEKE
(00:58:21) * @RabidMonkey ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)


(18:00:59) <MetalPig> I'm tired of censorship ;/
(18:01:10) <MetalPig> I want proper mainstream movies to incorperate skullfucking of pre-teens.

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 08:24:53 UTC
in Obesity Post #129906
It's the american way.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 06:40:12 UTC
in W0oT! Post #129885
Hello ZombieLoffe! This is your 4637th login.

But you don't see me making threads! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 06:38:37 UTC
in Accidental Wonder Post #129883
Tis a llama..!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 18:16:57 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #129790
In Flames - Dark Signs

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 18:15:59 UTC
in The real thing Post #129788
You're all spammers that'd do better to shut the fuck up. Anyhow, weapons (fully automatic especially) are way overpriced. I see absolutely no point in owning one, except committing crimes using them, which I doubt you will do. And don't say "Self defense", then I'll slap you in the face.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:10:01 UTC
in The real thing Post #129750
Hmm.. Games where you actually get to shoot opponents are alot more fun - paintball, phazer/lazerball and such. But I guess you american gun-nuts like "the real thong" better.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 16:20:34 UTC
in Im back Post #129727
BrattyLord, which I assume is the christian, isn't here, for some reason. I've decided to enter the compo too, amazingly enough.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 13:59:16 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #129704
I wank at your pic like every night Seventh.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 12:34:30 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #129438
Gogo, make an embarrasing rimrook parody!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-23 11:49:54 UTC
in Dance Dance Warcraft Post #129270
Nothing I haven't seen already :)

First part was boring, and the dance part wasn't very well timed. But.. entertaining all the same.
Oh, and as far sexiness goes, Undead owns.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 17:03:52 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #129118
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 11:39:14 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #129052
Kind of not uploading that, anyhow. What pic, saribous?

And... 3rd page! 100 replies.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 10:08:47 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #129029
Oh jeez, do I have to add all that to the gallery?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 10:06:45 UTC
in making slippery floors Post #129028
Func_friction. Dunno if it actually exists. If it does, cover the floor with it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 09:45:35 UTC
in Alyx Post #129022
Kek, my replies in this thread are quite funny.
Interesting scan from HL2 RtB there... Father Grigory, irl, looks like a mob-boss.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 15:53:04 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #128896
you could at least give me credit for making them. harumph
I don't give credit, ever. I didn't even make most of the pics in the gallery.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 13:09:51 UTC
in World best PC cooling system Post #128846
Unlike you, m0p, we use the computers for useful/fun things. Gaming, mapping, working all beat the hell out of measuring your e-penis with your benchmark buddies. I can actually not see the point of having a computer that's too good for the present software.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 21:58:29 UTC
in Error when press f9 Post #128724
I think this might be from messing up in your configurations... make sure all the paths in Build Programs are correct.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 19:17:44 UTC
in Next update Post #128716
Please, please change the colour theme of the news post headings. That shit looks repulsive.
User posted image
.. looks better. Imo.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 17:10:13 UTC
in World best PC cooling system Post #128698
Wouldn't it rust though? I'm not very into chemistry.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 17:09:10 UTC
in Your Voice Post #128697
Gman, either that was fake as a cow, or you practiced like 40 times before you said it :>
I shall make a wav, when I feel like it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 17:07:47 UTC
in Picture Hosting Post #128696
Mcdonalds are for burgers, not sandwiches, you tosser :>

10SEK for a cheeseburger is a very good price. Now, I'm not saying that tasty, relatively cheap food makes McDonalds a good corporation. It's one of the worst in the world, competing with cocacola and Nestle. It's food is all but nutritious and filled with sugar and various chemicals to preserve freshness(stupid english language...). And, you stay full for, say, 30 mins, tops. It's bad food, delivered by a worse corporation - but oh so tasty.
There is an edit button!
Not for me, there isn't. Perhaps for other people aswell?