Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-02 22:07:19 UTC
in I have working submodels how do I insert Post #280950
Hi like you allready read I have working submodels.

For example a Blackop Zombie and Constructer Zombie etc. all inside the original zombie.mdl The animations are working fine and the textures fit where they belong.

But now how do I use those models ingame? I tried it with a Cycler with monster Generic and with monster_furniture but nothing works.

They are just standing there or freezing - they don't have any A.I.

Do I have to modify the game FGD in order to get my skins fully working. Please don't tell me that I have to do that. Because I have absolutely no experience in that sector.

Does anyone know what to do thx. :)


Nevermind it wasn't that hard to figure out. Monsters are now ingame with a modified game FGD.

There remains only 1 problem now.

I have the civ scientist with my original scientists. That means I have 2 different bodys and 4 different heads. How do I write that in the FGD? Does anyone knows?

Greetings 23-down
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-02 17:03:32 UTC
in Blue Shift mods/maps Post #280945
The only mappack I know for Blue Shift is this:

It wasn't however that good.

As side of that you still have Azure Sheep a Half-Life mod in which you will play as Security guard too.

In the mod of my teammate you will also play a Security guard.

For for the engine technics there weren't that many differences. You can easily fake things like replacing the hev with body armor etc. Op4 game code is there more interesting I guess.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-19 10:13:13 UTC
in 23-down's picture thread Ideas required Post #280621
Wow awesome ideas.... I knew I can count on you people.. I will try those ideas immediately. When I'm finished I will record a video with fraps instead of showing you pictures.. Thx
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-18 08:44:16 UTC
in 23-down's picture thread Ideas required Post #280610
cool thx I will try to recreate that chair.. But I have my doubts that I get it that good looking.

As side of that I have no added many small lights on the ceiling like in a real cinema and I replaced most textures. I also added sterio speakers for 3D sorround effects. I will soon show you my progress with new pictures.

And also nice idea about the toilets I haven't thought just about that yet. I will add them asap.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-18 06:17:40 UTC
in 23-down's picture thread Ideas required Post #280605
Hey people

today I'm opening this personal topic in which I will allways post pictures of my current mapping if I'm idealess and in need of your experience and ideas.

So lets get started shall we?
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
So what do you think what else would you add or change if you were in my position?

So far some people on moddb gave me the advice to change the chairs and make everything more realistic. But what could I make better on the chairs?
1 Chair consists of 3 brushes so far. 2 main brushes + 1 rounded up brush that they don't look that boxy.

I'm looking forward for your ideas..

Posted 14 years ago2010-03-19 15:50:07 UTC
in Colony 42 Post #279820
wrong a lot of people still use won it's faster than steam playing hl1 mods. Most mods were made for won anyway the few steam only mods are rare for hl1.

With me I know at least 5 other people who play hl1 stuff in won. Still you're right to give everyone the experience you must get it working on steam as well.

as for the the 2nd picture the blood decals look strange. Nearly like someone rage painted that within 3 minutes.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-11 19:34:39 UTC
in Delete brushs? Post #279630
Oh yes havent thought about those 2 entities... thx guys. :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-11 12:23:08 UTC
in Delete brushs? Post #279624
Hi people..

Is it actually possible to delete brushs. (For example) I have a situation where Barney wont let Gordon through an Area until he get his Hazard suit. After that I want Barney to give Gordon access. So far no problem.

My problem is that the Player can push Barney away and to avoid this I created an invisible funk_wall_toggle. But how do I delete it. Killtarget didn't worked after Gordon collected his Suit.

how are you doing such things? I tried to find tutorials here or example maps regarding this but without any success.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-11 12:16:05 UTC
in Another Trigger_changelevel thread Post #279623
with caps you mean capital main letter A,O,E,I,U or do you mean to write a word big on the beginning for example : Barney but I should better write him barney in small letters?
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-06 21:09:05 UTC
in Another Trigger_changelevel thread Post #279528
Yup thank for the info... I've learned a lot today what for special triggers they are... Glad it's finally working now. And no problems so far with the other maps I created. :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-06 16:16:56 UTC
in Another Trigger_changelevel thread Post #279524
I fixed it. I was looking in so many forums in so many maps and finally I was able to fix it. I just saved my maps under a different name Test & Test1 and it worked. Then I saved Test & Test1 as my Op4F0 & Op4F01 and it still worked. I have no idea why it didn't liked it the first time but it had something to do with the mapname that's for sure. I really hate Hammer with it's damn bugs all the time!

Well should someone ever encounter the same thing and you're sure your changelevel triggers are correct then do it like I did. After changing the mapnames you must ajust the triggers to the new mapnames to test it if it works. Then you can easily save back to your original mapnames but don't forget to ajust the triggers again back to the original names as well.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-06 12:44:42 UTC
in Another Trigger_changelevel thread Post #279521
So far I just tested the first 2 maps but I can answer everything with yes..
I added 2 screenshots showing how it looks in Hammer.
The info_landmark is here in the middle of the trigger.
The info_landmark is here in the tram. The Trigger is some units behind that since you're not supposed to get back I don't need it inside the train.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-06 10:56:23 UTC
in Another Trigger_changelevel thread Post #279519
Hi people I know this has been talked to death but I have also problems with Trigger_changelevel.

I know there are other threads here about this topic but I didn't wanted to bring those old threads from 2007 back to surface so I'm making a new topic.

I have 3 maps. My problem is that when I activate the trigger the game constantly crashes.

This are my settings:

[b]1st Map Op4F0

name: Changelevel1
newmap: Op4F01
Landmark: S1

info_Landmark: S1
2nd Map Op4F01

name: Changelevel2
newmap: Op4F0
Landmark: S1
Flags: Use only

info_Landmark: S1[/b]

Then in the same map I have another trigger_changelevel with this specifications:

2nd Map Op4F01

name: Changelevel3
newmap: Op4F1
Landmark: S2

info_Landmark: S2

I don't see any error do you see any one?
I can't post any log errors since I'm on Vista and it just crashes with the message Hl.exe has stopped responding.

I haven't started the maps via Hammer instead I started via Opfor.exe (my mod is based on Opposing Force)

If it's help I can also send someone the maps and other required files via private message.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-04 20:48:41 UTC
in Looking for a specific texture Post #279470
Hm ok... Well it did it as you suggested... I exported the exact texture of my wall and copied a text onto it.. After a bit playing in hammer it fits now... I still think it's not so nice to look at.. Well yes it's hl1 and pre cascade anyway so it isn't that important. :)

Posted 14 years ago2010-03-04 19:07:40 UTC
in Looking for a specific texture Post #279466
Hey people maybe someone from you can help me with this.

I'm looking for a specific wall sign texture. The layout doesn't matter.
I look for a Sector D texture sign which I can use as main Texture for Sector D within Blackmesa.

I searched but haven't found anything useful maybe one of you know or own a texture you could borrow me. I tried to create 1 by myself but the background sux and doesn't fit to the rest as you can see in the picture below. Normally I use original textures from hl and just change the written words. but since this will a larger texture I can't do that. People will see that the original words were just moved away with a clone copy pincel which also looks ugly.

Do you know any textures which use Sector D stuff or can 1 of you maybe create a texture for me saying more or less the same thing then in my picture? I would very appreciate it.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-01 23:26:07 UTC
in changing textures for a poster Post #279392
Thank you people! Once again with your hints I was able to reconstruct such a poster.. Tommorow I will upload an example map since we don't have such a map yet in the example section.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-01 18:30:25 UTC
in changing textures for a poster Post #279379
Hey people so far your help here was really fantastic! I hope I can count on you again.

I want to know how to create a poster with changing textures like in hl1?
You know in Hl1 the Blackmesa propaganda posters changed from time to time and showed then another Blackmesa poster. I want to do the same but I have no idea how to do so. I've checked the tutorial and map section here without any luck. Google search was also unsuccessfull.

I have also checked the original Hl map that had included it but I still don't get it.

Any ideas how to do that? Maybe someone can even create a prefab tutorial map showing how to do that.

Greetings 23-down
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-01 18:22:08 UTC
in Loop animiation (specific problen in tha Post #279378
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-25 15:17:16 UTC
in Loop animiation (specific problen in tha Post #279269
Hi people

Like I said I have a specific problem with looping an animation.

The Situation is as following: I've spawned construction.mdl (the Blackmesa worker) via monster_generic now I wanted him to loop the animation inspect_floor. The problem is he isn't looping it not even when it is in the idle field.

Do you know of any other ways for looping that animation? I guess the Animation itself doesn't support the looping feature could that be possible?
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-23 22:31:55 UTC
in Barney scripting hl1 Post #279215
Ah see I didn't knew that with the chair maybe that's the reason why I never got it working.

Thx I will check this thread out. :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-23 21:32:03 UTC
in Barney scripting hl1 Post #279213
Hey people I hope that someone of you advanced mappers. Mapping for many years can help me.

I'm currently working on a mod:

Most maps are finished by the layout and now I'm getting to the hard stuff (at least it's the hart part for me.)

I allready have created several scripts all running fine for example: some sitting scientists working on their computers or a soldier standing up from his chair and giving you new orders etc.

But I don't get a working script with a Barney NPC. I don't even get him to sit in his chair. I've allready checked the tutorials here and many example maps but they don't cover the Barney (my personal wish for a future example map.)

Now to my question are there any things different to handle on barney?
When I tried to make him sit with: sit1 he is getting teleported to the chair but is standing and I see the yellow glow-worms.

Can maybe someone provide me with a special tutorial specially for the barney or construct me a little example map. I would be really grateful and would include you also in the credits of the so far advanced under production mod.

I hope that someone can help me with this minor issue.

Greetings 23-down
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-04 09:46:10 UTC
in Headcrabbed ? Post #274027

Does anyone knows how to make the famous Head crab scene of Half-Life1?
You know the scene in the first levels c1a1f in which a scientist fights against a headcrab and then getting killed by another one jumping of behind on his head.

I tried to recreate it but without much success. My headcrab wont jump onto the scientists head.

Maybe someone can construct a example map for this website here.
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-13 12:31:44 UTC
in Func_wall_toggle texture changes ? Post #271941
Oh wow can't believe that it's so easy thank you very much! You've helped me a lot..

I thought I had to use dozens of triggers etc to get that thing working. But in real it's so easy unbelievable.
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-13 10:00:53 UTC
in Func_wall_toggle texture changes ? Post #271939
Thanks for the link it's very useful.

It still doesn't explain me excacly what to do.. I will search in the forums again maybe I find something that explains my problem. So far my search results were unsuccessful.
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-13 09:02:41 UTC
in Func_wall_toggle texture changes ? Post #271936
Hi people...

I created a door with a console. After I inserted my keycard I want to make a texture change for the console as long as the door is open.

Example: When the door is closed I have a 'please insert keycard texture'. When it's open I want to have a 'keycard accepted' texture and after the door is closing I want it going back to 'please insert keycard texture'.

But now I'm not really sure how to do that. I never used func_wall_toggle before it's new land for me I'm also not really sure if it's acutally the right func I'm looking for. Can anyone give me a explanation how do to that please?

I tried to find tutorials for my specific task but didn't find any out there.

Looking forward for your answers.

Greetings 23-down
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-13 08:51:30 UTC
in Hammer isn't detecting my modfolder Post #271935
Ah you're right I checked again.. Both games aren't free. They were just free for those who owns Half-Life Premier Pack, the Half-Life 2 Silver package, or the Half-Life 2 Gold package.

The only thing what was free for all is the High definition pack which features high def models for all 3 games.

which you can get here from Steam:


Well in this case you're right then. I still don't think that even if I would now release it as a stand alone mod for hl1 that I would getting into any trouble. Valve's modding support was allways great. Best example is the mod Svencoop. If it would be illegal in any way then mods like this one would have been stopped a long time ago.

As for gearbox they lost all rights for Opposing Force & Blue Shift valve is now the owner.
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-13 06:24:38 UTC
in Hammer isn't detecting my modfolder Post #271928
Hm I don't see a big problem here.

1. Opposing Force + Blue Shift are now free for all to get via Steam.

2. The mods Nuclear Winter & Under the Black Moon did the same.

And you still need Hl1 in both cases to play it after all it's not like I take the goldsource engine and use it to build my own game and then say I'm the creator of everything it's also impossible. :P
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-12 14:03:15 UTC
in Hammer isn't detecting my modfolder Post #271882
Thank you very much guys... With your help my mod is now a working mappack.. It seems that I used the wrong settings all the time when I tried it earlier.. The custom sounds are working..

Still as soon as my mod is finished I will release a stand alone version which requires only Hl1 and a Op4 mappack maybe not everyone has Opposing Force. I know at leat 2 people that don't own it. So everyone with Hl should be able to play it. :)

As for Steam I'm avoiding it. I remember me on a drama that accourt once. After a SDK update on steam many mods were screwed up. Don't want to risk something like that.

Ps: When I'm finished with the mod I will make it Steam compatible.

Thanks again.
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-12 07:13:17 UTC
in Hammer isn't detecting my modfolder Post #271871
Thank you for those detailed explanations..

But when you say it's for Op4 only and that was my target in the first place (without having to copy the pak0 files into my mod)

How do I link my sentences.txt to my mod without copying all the files?

I tried to run my mod first with the game parameter -game firestorm but then half-life gave me model errors. Because the Gearbox folder was now ignored logically.

That was the reason why I copied the entire pak contents after that into my mod.

It works now but my mod is too large. The only negativ thing about it so far.
But I would prefer my mod as a mappack for the gearbox folder directly.
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-08 22:55:21 UTC
in Hammer isn't detecting my modfolder Post #271749
Thanks for your answer this compilator looks interesting I give it a try.

As for my folder everything was fine with them. After several weeks I fixed the problem that cost me so much brain damage. :D

Like I said i copied the entire pak0 file into my mod.. Then I just changed the Start parameter instead of -game gearbox I replaced it with -game Firestorm my modname.

My sounds are working now. It really was the case that Hammer ignored my modfolder. It's still strange normally Hammer should detect it automatically. Now I had to improvise to get it working and have every single monster in the mod which is taking a lot of space. Well at least it's working now but to a very high prize.

The mod is now 325mb huge. Any recommendations how I can still fix it on the normal way. I don't intent to have a mod with a bunch of crap that I don't need for it. As soon as I want to delete things I don't need like models for example I'm getting model errors. :(

The problem with the sounds was that they needed a custom sentences.txt but Hammer never looked into my sentences.txt it only looked into the pak0 sentences.txt in gearbox folder.
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-08 16:05:48 UTC
in Hammer isn't detecting my modfolder Post #271737
Hi people.

I've got a huge problem.. And when I say huge I mean it. This is the 4th Hl site where I'm posting this problem. So far no one was able to help me or give me any recommendations. I hope you people here might be able to help me.

Please read the entire post. I will try to explain the problem as detailed as possible. :)

The problem is that I can't hear my own custom voices I recorded in Half-Life1 after I compiled my maps for testing.

I allready became help by a very experienced mapper called Neclipse author of Half-Life The Infected.

He checked all my things over crossloop (a program with that you can take access to another computer.)

He checked my sentences.txt within my modfolder - he checked my mapping preferences. He said everything is allright and those sounds should work. He also tested them on his own computer and they worked fine for him after compiling a test map.

I however found out that Hammer Editor is ignoring my modfolder in which is my custom sentences.txt and my custom wav files. Hammer or the compiled maps are allways looking for the sentences.txt in Pak0. Gearbox folder.
Do you have any idea how I can get Hammers attention for my modfolder only?

I extracted all files from pak0 gearbox folder into my modfolder and deleted the original pak0 file within the Gearbox folder. But it's still not working. Hammer or the map still try to gather access to pak0 in gearbox.

Is here any Geneius who might have some ideas for a possible solution?
The strange thing is that I linked Hammer to look into my modfolder. But it wont look in there or it's just ignoring my files I don't know. The file structure however is in the right format (It's the original pak0 just in open source format within the modfolder.

Please help me guys spell any ideas out you might get. I will try anything to get this working. Without custom sounds my mod will become very boring and I have to change the entire story I planed for it.

You can find my mod here:

Greetings 23-down