Forum posts

Posted 7 years ago2017-12-20 17:56:43 UTC
in win10 is the most retarded os i ever see Post #338443
Stick with Win98, Win XP and Win 7. Zero problems in 17, 14 and 7 years. XD
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-14 22:26:47 UTC
in win10 is the most retarded os i ever see Post #338384
For 5$ you can buy an old Athlon 1 Ghz with win98 system and put it on a new pc case, it´s a true pleasure to play old games for such a cheap budget!.
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-09 23:10:47 UTC
in Questions surrounding entity limit Post #338353
Remember how you find the solution to remove from memory the ent from monstermakers ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-01 19:13:43 UTC
in Questions surrounding entity limit Post #338266
Wow!!, like putting INT_ASM 3 into the code!! (I think that was the line of code). :crowbar:
Posted 7 years ago2017-10-11 14:56:14 UTC
in Searching for a coder! Post #337753
Devastator = Nail gun from DeathMatch classic and the projectiles explode on touch like rockets or hornets. Problem will be the model and making the projectiles come from different attachments :) , I think I can share some code for it, though it is a bit dirt, I am no expert coder at all. XD
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-15 07:47:50 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #337411
Unreal rocks... Love that map :P
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-14 10:27:26 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #337404
Yes. That´s the one I use, and I only have had trouble with one of my models (14000 tris if I did remember well O_o), but I fixed it with the method I mentioned above ;) .
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-10 19:24:06 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #337371
Hmmm, looks a bit worst than it happened to me. With what program did you decompiled the model?, with MS3D or with Half Life Model Viewer?
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-09 12:17:17 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #337359
Wait, if you are modifying a model,as you are doing, no matter what its name is, first you must DECOMPILE it, also,you can only do it after decompiling it no matter what program you use... unless you have the source files in smd format, of course.

I did check your picture, of course, you are into the group menu in MS3D, there´s where you must select the groups and then delete whatever polys/verts are not desired. ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-08 10:32:46 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #337348
I did find somethig similar with some of my hi-poly models once I decompile them. Probably all that stuff is unnecessary polys genearted by the mdldec program. To get rid of them, as I did, select the groups in the group window, probably what you will see is the model´s groups highlighted in red with all the other stuff (the polys that look as a cloak) not highlighted, press "Control + i", delete all that crap, and I am almost sure that the model will lok as it should. ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-05 19:56:01 UTC
in Func_detail size limit? Post #337317
But they count as brushes anyway, no?, I remember trying to do a bunch of pipes (6x cylinders) and the compiler crashed (Vluzacn´s Tools). :/
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-05 10:14:09 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #337298
+1 vote for "Quadmer". Hope to see it some day. :P
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-04 16:44:13 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #337284
I know, I know, Admer. ;) I was just adding my wishlist for the future ;) "ADMATRON: the Quake 1 Mod", hahahaha!! :walter: sorry :glad:
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-04 11:46:39 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #337279
Man, you can map... O_o I repeat... do a good map pack and pack them as a mod, I am sure we all will love it. ^_^
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-27 19:43:35 UTC
in I will Begin! Post #337112
Sorry, my damn smartphone don't let me edit... I can not zoom to the edit button...

Read this...

Posted 7 years ago2017-08-27 19:32:07 UTC
in I will Begin! Post #337111
What I guess is that you don't read al the replies, haha!! XD

I don't know what are you trying to do, but if it is a HL mod, you can do it using tutorials. Of course it is VERY important to LEARN C++, but what is more important is to UNDERSTAND how a program written un C++ works. Look, I never learned C++, I swear, but I did understand very few things that, If you don't plan to make very twisted things, let me did the v1.0 of my mod. What I managed to understand at a very basic level is how functions work in C++, I used MSVC++ and the find-in files tab ALL the times, so I did searched for things like "shoot" or "walk", etc. and then make the needed modifications until I got what I wanted. It is a very slow method, trial-error, the most slow method, and very frustrating, but enough to let you see the first effects in game. Ir you persist, you will find that making things get easier, pity is that things will not be code 100% ©you, but it will be conde that works and ley you make your own game. Oh, another good thing is that almost anything you want to do is already done in the HL SDK, justo think in what you want to do and try to remember ir something similar is shown in HL, then use the magical find-in files tan, and then start goofing with the code... I bet you can do tour first mod quick. Oh, also do not forget the tutorials scattered in the WEB forma those things that did not appear in HL, like Teamplay system, Halo weapon switching, particles, etc. Don't suffer, al of that is already done ;) . Oh, the last one, if you can, make a printed copy of the SDK, at least the cpps and related h files you think you will need. ;)

Tope I helped. :D

PS: I hate smartphones auto-correction. X( Sorry for the mistakes...

PPS: If you get stuck, as I did years ago, take a rest, ask here, and probably you will find the way again. Alzó re-think what you need and find the right example in the SDK...
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-27 11:59:30 UTC
in I will Begin! Post #337098
I don't know much of C++, I am not able to write the "hello world" program, I can only read english, I did a mod with help from TWHL experts and good tutorials... Don't be a coward and give yourself a chance. ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-21 10:25:22 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336975
Hey!, you are making me feel old...
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-20 21:47:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336968
Yes, but I think a good map pack it is a mod too. ;) Coding will not be a problem if you do not intend to make a very twisted monster or weapon, models are not a problem (I can model pretty fast), so, I think that a Quake mod made by you could be cool if some day you decide to do so. ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-20 19:31:39 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336964
Admer, please, do a quake mod... one like soa or doe.
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-14 09:05:56 UTC
in HYPE TRAIN! Post #336879
I want to see SCORN finally released... even if I will not be able to run it with my PC. :)
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-27 11:53:40 UTC
in Coding Ironsights Post #336449
Thanks!, as I could see, I have to make the "from hip to face" animation, call it with "send weapon animation" in the "secondary" attack function, and let the rest work as normal, I mean the primary attack, of course, right?. :)

As the Mod will have the halo weapons-switching method for weapon carrying so you can have only 2 at a time (1 primary, 1 secondary) and I have planned to add only a very few of them, probably 2 melee (will be present always), 2 types of pistols, 1 type of SMG, 1 type of SG and 1 type of grenade, the coding part for this will be very quick as all of them are based on pre existing code. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-26 11:42:44 UTC
in Coding Ironsights Post #336403
Mmmm, could it be done with the crossbow as a basecode?, what I don´t know since it been almost two years that I don´t play HL, is that if the zoom (right mouse/alternate fire) is a toggle key or not. :/
you'd be surprised how mow code from HL2 can be ported and shoved into GoldSource.
Oh, I must pay more attention, maybe I can exract some useful info from that tutorial (and others) :crowbar:
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-26 05:21:13 UTC
in Coding Ironsights Post #336386
Hi. I am working again on a new mod, it is far simpler than ZWC, and this time it´s full original. ;) It will be done with GoldSource, no Xash between, probably EHL from Solokiller :). It will have very few new code, mostly for enemies and, of course the weapons, the rest of the development will be Mapping. Don´t have a name yet, but the first scratch book has the name "ROWEN" on its pages...

After seeing some tutorials using scripts for this feature, I want to know if someone of you can point me to a good tutorial about how to code ironsights for HL (Goldsource) Weapons. The modelling part will not be a problem as I can learn how it is done through decompiling an existing "ironsighted" model. I found a tutorial form Jorg40 (coder for a Natural Selection Bot) at ValveDeveloper but it is for HL2 (Crazy stuff there) so I am sure it won´t work for standard GoldSource.

Thanks in anticipation.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-23 16:51:30 UTC
in 3D graphics in C++ Post #336257
Try what rufee said. Ages ago there was a book that teach you how to build a Doom engine based on the idtech1 engine, all almost from scratch. Why re-invent the wheel?
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-23 11:27:39 UTC
in Lights lulz!!! Post #336248
Or make the ceilings and walls func_walls, put a light environment with white color, it should work and gives you neat shadows if you put the right command options in HLRAD. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-19 19:02:25 UTC
in New and Simple Post #336159
Yes, but, why is it present in the SDK?, also, you can compile it and insert it in the fgd. :( Do you mean the even if I do that it will not work?, what a pity!! :(
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-19 05:37:48 UTC
in New and Simple Post #336149
I have had the same problem, finally I have made a barney clone and used it to make "actors" that walk, patrol, etc. The monster_generic just teleports from A to B. Also, but not tested, I found the playermonster entity in the sdk, is is suposed to be used as an "actor" model in scripted sequences, but, I repeat, even If I know it is present in the SDK 2.3, I did never tested and prefer to create a copy of barney, that I know will work 100%. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 18:21:56 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336092
You are right, I can model hings pretty fast, uv mapping is way boring.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 15:54:20 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336089
you can't do mapping without modelling, can't you? xd
Oh, yes, but I discover that making things with models looked better un certain situations. Actually, I think I will not be able to do a very detailed map without model props... :(
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-16 11:49:40 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336087
Use plain green texture in the front of the left...motor?. The lenght of the barrel is too much, maybe a bit shorter , but I like it so much!. Also the screen is a touch of good taste, I love the way it is built between the fire handles. Those could be, btw, less like the ones of the Browning MG of the 2nd. World War. :)
Abaddon is that Zion (the docks)?
Yes, and that´s an A.P.U!!, you can pilot it and hunt sentinels until the Mjolnir breaks the gate 3 and shhot the E.M.P to win the battle :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 11:18:40 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336063
Haha, then you noticed how GOOD is Quake1 in comparison. Maybe it has not OpenGL render natively applied, but the atmosphere and the monsters are scarier and challenging than Quake2´s. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 11:16:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336062
Admer, man, you can map...
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 10:32:02 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336059
Thanks :glad: , It looks much better in "movement" with all the APUs firing, the Gargoyle turrets firing the hole, the infantry shooting their lightning guns, the trolley guys running to give you ammo... :cool:

The day I finish it I will give a link for it for the TWHL members who will like to play it :crowbar:
Don't forget my 1-decade-old GPU.
What model it is?, old AMD or nVidia GPUs still rocks!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 09:37:56 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #336054
Oh, no, not at all, the sprites folder and the code is untouched since it worked 100% in 2015. The only thing that has changed was the Xash dlls...
Also, additive sprites now show the black parts instead of being transparent when usted as sprites for effects in explosions of NPCs like the turrets, the Hornets, and the overheat effect of the weapons of my mod, but they worked fine if used as env_smoke. :|
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 09:27:33 UTC
in MDL QC Compile command list Post #336053
Transparent (alpha) textures behind another transparent textures are not rendered, even solid meshes disappear and are not rendered if they are behind an alpha texture. :/
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 09:21:21 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336052
Admer, Quake 1 and its oficial expansions are to the gaming history like the Quixote is for the literature history. I always play Quake 1 at least 1 time each year... :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 09:13:33 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336051
As I told you before my PIV throws (with this final version) 16 fps during gameplay, your core2 is way powerful ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-14 22:06:20 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336045
User posted image
User posted image
Don´t suffer :crowbar: :walter:
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-14 20:57:02 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #336044
Yes, the shockwave effect of the houndeye shows a plain blue-ish color instead of the shockwave sprite :/
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-14 13:08:58 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336035
Man, that´s insane!!, a pity you can not make those props with models, modelling with milkshape is easy. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-14 09:24:45 UTC
in How to make a shield? Post #336025
Is there the sourcecode for that? :|
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-14 09:23:08 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336024
Quake 2 Ground zero... if you want to desperate, try it, it is the worst planned game I have ever played (even compared with "Codename:Outbreak"!!)in terms of npc placement; the creators mistaken difficulty (needs coding) with absurd npc locations, and absurd amount of npcs in a tiny level. Their concept of gameplay design it´s like a continuous "surprise!!, don´t know why and how it have reached this place but, hey!!, here´s a grunt!!".
In the first two levels it piss you off and gives you some challenge, but after one hour of playing you know where those "brilliant" level designers have think and decided to put the enemy and the game becomes reeeeeeally boring.

Also I am re-playing Firefight, a ship´s game made in isometric perspective. Quite fun... if you´ve got a W98 PC because it does not work on systems over that OS. :/
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-14 09:10:12 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #336023
programming would be more useful than mapping
Coders are god. :ciggie:
I'll be a failure in life.
Man, with only 15 years of age, doing the maps you do... I doubt it seriously. ;) :crowbar:
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-12 20:30:20 UTC
in How to make a shield? Post #335999
Will try, thanks!! :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-11 19:46:33 UTC
in How to make a shield? Post #335994
Yes, I think of that, I made a big HitBox in the qc file, but what I have obtained is the thirdperson camera worked bad. :(
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-11 18:55:10 UTC
in How to make a shield? Post #335992
Hi people.

My question is simple, but let me explain myself. I want to add a secondary fire for the "crowbar" weapon on which if you press the right button you can protect yourself from damage.

How can this be done?, I have tried to make that the player turns into a hologram but it does not work, in fact, game crashed. Other intent was to make the damage when the secondary fire is pressed reurn a zero value, but it does not work either. Any ideas? :/
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.