Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 22:25:38 UTC
in Models from 3Ds max to hl1 Post #290064
tschumann these files are too old for my version I cant run hl.exe with these downloaded hl.dll and sw.dll
What version are you using? Is it up to date?
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-03 20:26:12 UTC
in Models from 3Ds max to hl1 Post #290007
The WON .dll files are here: (Transparency dll's for WON Half-Life)
There are Steam versions there too, but the current version of Half-Life on Steam should already support it.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-02 20:29:04 UTC
in getting user's language Post #289970
Anyone know any way to get the language Half-Life is being run with in the code?
There's a reference to sv_language in the server side code, but the cvar doesn't actually exist, and I'd prefer to have it client side.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-23 20:27:51 UTC
in goldsource mod forum game Post #289602
Gunman Chronicles
I'm not sure on the map count, but I think it's about 70.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-23 08:19:58 UTC
in Half-Life files Post #289547
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-22 03:35:52 UTC
in source fgd Post #289517
Just copy-paste the quoted text into a .txt file and change the extension to .fgd
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-10 19:46:06 UTC
in Half Life 1 mod: maps needed Post #288948
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-06 07:37:36 UTC
in Half Life 1 mod: maps needed Post #288720
I changed max weapon slots but that doesn't seem to make the weapons in that bucket work yet.
Are they falling through the floor?
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-06 04:39:40 UTC
in Half-Life files Post #288718
Are there any limitations on the use of those .wad files?
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-31 02:29:48 UTC
in Half Life 1 mod: maps needed Post #288444
Changing MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS in dlls\cdll_dll.h to 7 should do that (although I think you'll need to made or precache some sprites because I recall 6 showing up as the infectious substances symbol when I tried it).
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 21:54:14 UTC
in Half Life 1 mod: maps needed Post #288415
Do you just want to change the number of weapon categories that show on the HUD?
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-30 21:50:05 UTC
in Large BSP when compiled Post #288414
Are you doing the same thing to get from .rmf to .map?
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-26 21:11:21 UTC
in vgui memory leaks Post #288241
Does anyone know if Half-Life's VGUI code frees its memory by itself (maybe in vgui.dll/vgui.lib)?
I've been playing around with it a bit, but it looks like a lot of the classes I've been using don't have destructors or any deletes.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-26 21:11:13 UTC
in Half-Life files Post #288240
Wanted! isn't a third-party mod, Valve contracted Maverick Developments to develop it and Absolute Redemption and they were both included on several Counter-Strike CDs.
Really? I thought they were only contracted to do the Gunman Chronicles demo and the Counter-Strike training room.
Does anyone know of a good file hosting site?
I use SkyDrive, but it has a 50MB file limit.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-22 20:07:26 UTC
in Half-Life files Post #288114
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-05 09:14:36 UTC
in help with make a new mod Post #287690
You should use a version of the source code that has been updated to work with Visual Studio 2008. potatis_invalid posted a link to an updated source.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-01 23:21:29 UTC
in WON Half-Life Mod error Post #287536
If it isn't up to date I'd update it.
Also, does the error say /c_dlls/client.dll or /cl_dlls/client.dll ?
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-01 19:32:39 UTC
in WON Half-Life Mod error Post #287523
Which .dll can't it load?
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-30 07:11:23 UTC
in client side coding snag Post #287493
No problem. I remember I had plenty of problems getting the code to work with Visual Studio 2008.
Also, the for loop is doing something (it's moving the pointer to the end of the string; for some reason Visual C++ 6's compiler makes for loop variables exist for the life of the function rather than just the loop). I don't think it's the most intuitive way of doing it either.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-29 19:45:11 UTC
in client side coding snag Post #287482
I think this should work:
int CHud::DrawHudStringReverse( int xpos, int ypos, int iMinX, char *szString, int r, int g, int b )
char *szIt;
// find the end of the string
for( szIt = szString; *szIt != 0; szIt++ )
{ // we should count the length?
// iterate throug the string in reverse
for( szIt--;  szIt != (szString-1);  szIt-- )
	int next = xpos - gHUD.m_scrinfo.charWidths[ *szIt ]; // variable-width fonts look cool
	if( next < iMinX )
		return xpos;
	xpos = next;
	TextMessageDrawChar( xpos, ypos, *szIt, r, g, b );
return xpos;
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-29 01:34:45 UTC
in how to view model animation tags (golds Post #287460
There's some gonome code here: (in dlls\gonome.cpp)
I haven't used it myself though.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-28 20:39:20 UTC
in how to view model animation tags (golds Post #287454
No problem. And yeah, I've got a fair bit there, but I've still got plenty on my hard drive that I'll eventually upload.

What is it you're trying to do with event stuff anyway?
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-28 20:28:58 UTC
in A Valve question. Post #287453
Dario Casali designed crossfire
Randy Lundeen designed gasworks
I think rapidcore was done by a community member and was put in for as the winner of a mapping competition.

edit: According to Wikipedia Dario Casali was responsible for a lot of the deathmatch maps:
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-27 19:34:32 UTC
in how to view model animation tags (golds Post #287396
Here's an updated version of HLMV which supports event viewing and model transparency:
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-25 02:15:49 UTC
in how to view model animation tags (golds Post #287275
Yes, I'm using Jed's HLMV.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-24 22:42:37 UTC
in how to view model animation tags (golds Post #287270
I think the Events combobox in the Sequences tab shows the details of events that are handled by HandleAnimEvent.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-20 19:49:05 UTC
in help with make a new mod Post #287148
If you're using Visual C++ 2005 you need to download the Platform SDK to get windows.h
Visual Studio 2008 comes with it by default.
Posted 14 years ago2010-10-02 18:43:32 UTC
in HL1: my own flashlight Post #286019
Here's the flashlight code from the engine:
[quote]void CL_PlayerFlashlight( void )
cl_entity_t *ent;
dlight_t *dl;
ent = cl_entities + cl.playernum + 1;
if ( ent->curstate.effects & (EF_BRIGHTLIGHT|EF_DIMLIGHT) && cl.worldmodel )
	if ( cl.pLight && cl.pLight->key == 1 )
		dl = cl.pLight;
		dl = efx.CL_AllocDlight (1);
	if ( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT )
		dl->color.r = dl->color.g = dl->color.b = 250;
		dl->radius = 400;
		VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
		dl->origin[2] += 16;
		pmtrace_t trace;
		vec3_t end;
		float falloff;
		VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
		VectorAdd( dl->origin, cl.viewheight, dl->origin );
		VectorMA( dl->origin, FLASHLIGHT_DISTANCE, vpn, end );
		// Trace a line outward, use studio box to avoid expensive studio hull calcs
		pmove->usehull = 2;
		trace = PM_PlayerTrace( dl->origin, end, PM_STUDIO_BOX, -1 );
		if ( trace.ent > 0 )
			// If we hit a studio model, light it at it's origin so it lights properly (no falloff)
			if ( pmove->physents[ trace.ent].studiomodel )
				VectorCopy( pmove->physents[trace.ent ].origin, trace.endpos );
		VectorCopy( trace.endpos, dl->origin );
		falloff = trace.fraction*FLASHLIGHT_DISTANCE;
		if ( falloff < 500 )
			falloff = 1.0;
			falloff = 500.0 / (falloff);
		falloff *= falloff;
		dl->radius = 80;
		dl->color.r = dl->color.g = dl->color.b = 255 * falloff;
#if 0
		dlight_t *halo;
		halo = efx.CL_AllocDlight( 2 );
		halo->color.r = halo->color.g = halo->color.b = 60;
		halo->radius = 200;
		VectorCopy (ent->origin, halo->origin);
		halo->origin[2] += 16;
		halo->die = cl.time + 0.2;
	cl.pLight = dl;
	dl->die = cl.time + 0.2;
	CL_TouchLight( dl );
	if ( cl.pLight && cl.pLight->key == 1 )
		cl.pLight->die = cl.time;
	cl.pLight = NULL;
} [/quote]

I think the way it works is the server .dll sets EF_DIMLIGHT in the player's pev->effects, and if it's set, the engine creates a dynamic light.
If you want to draw a sprite while the flashlight is on, you'll probably do that on the client in CHudFlashlight::Draw
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-24 18:51:03 UTC
in Using Opposing Force Entities in Half-Li Post #285665
The Opposing Force source isn't available. I think there are some open source mods that implement them e.g.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-28 02:22:45 UTC
in How much health does this site have? Post #284625
I was kind of surprised it went down just like that. In any case, I'm glad there's still other Half-Life modding sites (like this one) that I can migrate to.