I don't like the idea of Xbox Live. PC online gaming is free for the most part and most Playstation2 online games are free but all Xbox online play must be payed for.
There are two game making games out right now. RPG Maker and RPG maker 2. One is for Playstation and the other is for PS2. RPG Maker 2 was extremely powerful, so i've heard. But this isnt a good idea. MMO maker? There weill either be so many that nobody will keep up or there won't be enough and the game will die out.
Please just lower the volume of the original, there's bound to be some people who are going to want to go through all the new content your mod uses and will end up breaking their ears when they get to that sound.
Software doesn't blends the pixels of the textures, and therfore looks hirrible. Also it doesn't render sprites or things such as fence textures correctly, also it messes with your frame rate, making the game look choppy.
You might have been saving it in a different folder. I know I do this a lot by accident, check your folder where you think you saved it and also check your HL2dm and HL2 folders.
Do a google search on your maps everyone. I've found a surprising number of results where my maps have been uploaded to other sites by other people(unchanged and correct credits given).
I don't see how I could make it any less boxy. I have cyclyndrical pillars, curved corners, hallways are boxy in real life. Its not like your hall is a giant cylinder. Maybe if you say something else besides "its boxy" I can improve on it. Tell me where exactly it looks boxy.
Is everyone understanding this correctly? Sounds like some of you misunderstand whats going to happen, you'll get it when you see it trust me. Your browser type will have nothing to do with viewing the website.
Well I had a class in VB last year and have a second level class in it this year so i figured I might as well do something with it. And since templates are looked down upon... eh eh eh?
Strange downloadsof exes. Yeah it'll probably reduce my hits quite a bit but I'll put tons of messages telling people its a safe download. Even if people still don't trust me I like this new method of approach. I'm getting tired of using the web builder.
Ok check this. Since I don't know how to write html and I wouldn't be willing to learn it any other way than a class at school I've decided to convert my website to a Visual BASIC program. You will download it from the front page of the web-website. Updates to the website will be done in the program, all you' need to do to see the update is click the updated link to the update website program. All web-related links such as downloads will work from the program. How cool is that?